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Traveling overseas and dieting/eating well -- Please help

So here is my dilemma. In two days, I am going on a 6-week-long trip to a middle eastern country where I am originally from. I am terribly afraid that I will fall off the wagon while overseas.

Background info: I have been on PT since late May, and lost 16 lbs since I started my new eating and exercising habits about 4 months ago. When I have time to plan I make pretty good food choices. I eat mostly (but not exclusively) vegetarian and try to exercise daily. I struggle most with eating out.

All that said, here are some reasons why I think this this trip might ruin things for me::

1) I don't know how much access I'll have to internet and hence to PT. I have no idea what I am capable of eating/doing if I don't log my food and have my PTs to support me.

2) I am not familiar with the calorie content of the foods I will be eating. In my original country, unlike in the US, nutritional info is not listed on the food you buy. So there will be more guessing/estimating.

3) I will be staying at other people's homes and will have only limited control over what I am served. Also, I will not be able to cook my own food and see what goes in what I eat.

4) I will come in to contact with foods of my childhood and I miss them so much and when I get the chance I will want to eat everything.

5) I have no idea how I can travel around and exercise (but this is the least of my worries, because I figure I can always go for walks)

6) I will meet and be hosted by many old friends and relatives. Socializing ALWAYS happens around food - a lot of it, and we are not talking veggie platters

(On a positive note: My homeland has beautiful fruits and every meal is served with plenty of vegetables and most food is cooked with olive oil.)

I am so scared. Do you have any ideas? Any other expats out there who can sympathize? How can I problem solve so I am not back to square one by the time I am back mid to late August?
I am so worried that I've been dealing with the idea of this trip thru denial. I've just been refusing to think about what it will mean to go on this trip for my diet. But today I decided that I need to plan, because as a friend said recently, not taking action to succeed is taking action to fail (or something equally inspiring like that).

Please help!

Mon. Jul 13, 4:02pm

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