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Looking for a trainer in Austin?

Every year millions of people decide to get in shape, lose weight, and be healthier as their New Year's Resolution.

After a couple of weeks most become frustrated with minimal results, lose their motivation, or convince themselves that "they are just too busy to devote the time needed."

The anatomy of the human body is a very sophisticated and complex science that includes several variables, aligning these variables requires more than just eating healthy and working out.

What I offer:

1) A personalized weight-loss program customized to your specific body type, schedule and goals.
2)One-on-one training where I complete the entire workout with you giving a visual of the proper form, motivating you to keep going, explaining how each exercise is helping you, and educating you to be able to independently workout when you feel ready.
3) A in-depth nutrition guide based on what you like, what you have access to getting, and the times to eat.
4) Supplement advice and recommendations to accelerate results
5) A flexible schedule with training slots from 5:30 A.M. - 9:30 P.M

6) And finally the preparation to gain enough confidence, insight, and success to continue on without my help.
Because my goal is not to get as many "sessions" I can out of you, nor is it to keep you company at the gym. I want to train you how to train yourself, get the ball rolling and help change your life.

I have 4 years of experience ranging from ages 17-57 both male and female.
I have studied physical fitness for nearly 8 years, and have trained clients in as basic an atmosphere as their home/backyard to my most recent location at one of the most elite Gym/Spas in Austin.

What I require:
1) A sincere commitment to achieve your goals
2) Honesty regarding diet, supplement intake, and independent workouts
3) Good communication between us regarding schedules, locations, and ANY physical disabilities or injuries.
4) Patience and discipline (the only way to lose weight overnight is through starvation, which will immediately come back and destroy your metabolism)

* I will train no more than three individuals full-time so I can offer my full focus.
* I provide a range of commitment levels from personal evaluation, single sessions, and both short and long package sessions.
* I can provide basic but attenuate portable exercise equipment and have an active membership at Texas State.
* I will treat your training with full professionalism and attention. This means placing a 6 A.M. Sunday session above "Saturday nights big party" (so please do the same)
* I hold the right to select my clients just as they select their trainer, and unlike gym-employed trainers I am after a small number of quality clients rather than convincing anyone I can to sign a multiple session contract.

Personally I lost 65 pounds of total weight and gained lean muscle through the course of two years and changed from feeling ashamed, depressed and reclusive to upbeat, confident and just an overall happier person. I've had success duplicating my methods independently which is rewarding to know I helped enrich their lives. I stopped training after working for corporate managers who only cared about sales numbers and fellow trainers who couldn’t care less about who they trained as long as they got paid and would intentionally pace clients who had a genuine drive so they wouldn’t lose business.

If after reading this you feel you are finally ready to transform your body, and you are willing and able to meet my requirements I would love to hear from you. I'll answer any questions you might have and find out a bit more about you, from there we'll sit down together for a free consultation and assessment to see how I can help you.

Thank you,
Personal Trainer

Since you made it this far, I'm happy to see that you're serious enough to read this novel of a post here. You'd be surprise the number of people that want to have a perfect body, yet refuse to give 5 minutes of their time to find out how to get one.

Please email me at: [email protected] or leave a PM

Thu. Jan 21, 6:40pm

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