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Rental Movie Reviews


This was actually a pretty good. Hayden Christensen isn't my favorite actor nor is Jessica Alba my favorite actress, but both made a semi believable couple and this dim (not really dark) story had its interesting twists. Not very family friendly for littles because of suggestive scenes and operation scenes.


This movie left me baffled. I guess it could be categorized as a "thinking-man action movie". It is full of unnessecary violence, a stange mintue or two of cartoon clips and lots of gun play but in this movie the main "bad guy" is not human but the human ego. Trust me I gave nothing away by telling you this. If you still decide this Jason Stathum flick is worth watching, it will actually HELP you to know this in advance. NOT family friendly at all.


Suprisingly this was a fun no-brainer. It starts out a a typical fairytale then leads into the adult, romantic comedy style movie. Very family friendly, but if you won't let your littles watch sleeping beauty or the likes, it may be a bit too dark.

I am Legend

I actually watched this in the theater and bought it, so it isn't really a "rental" but I felt it was worth mentioning. The unseen ending was great and the movie was worth a second look. This is a dark tale of the depths of human loneliness, so if you go in looking just for a man movie full of action you may actually be disappointed. I highly recommend it, but it is not littles worthy, but the older kids in the family would enjoy it.

Mon. Mar 24, 1:46pm

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I've never made a negative comment on the PT boards before, but why would you post movie reviews on a health and fitness web site?! Go to IMDB!

Monday, March 24, 2008, 4:55 PM

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Well said, 4:55 - you made the point in a much nicer way than I was tempted to.

Monday, March 24, 2008, 5:09 PM

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OP posted probably for the same reasons that people post about relationships, sex, phones, politics, and other things going on in our world. Its called a community forum for a reason. Why even bother in taking the time to respond if its a topic that doesn't interest you??????

Monday, March 24, 2008, 6:37 PM

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Just because we can. Duh.

Monday, March 24, 2008, 6:38 PM

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I laughed out loud at Enchanted. It was a fun movie :)

Monday, March 24, 2008, 6:38 PM

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