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Interested in counting calories on your PC and phone?

For those interested in the proven method of counting calories read on.

If you work in front of a computer all day AND if you have a smart phone such as a Blackberry counting calories is a lot easier than it used to be.

I keep an Excel spreadsheet on my phone which is with me at all times. When I come to work in the morning I plug in my phone to the USB port on my computer and I can access the file using my desktop computer.

I enter what I read on the label or I looking it up using the USDA nutrient database. I have a digital kitchen scales to weigh things I'm unsure of. Otherwise you can look up the calories of say a "Large Apple" or "20 grapes", etc, to find out the approximate calories.

I've been doing this now over a month and it gets easy after a while. You start to just get a good sense for how many calories are in a meal. I did this years ago but having a more advanced phone makes it infinitely better.

It means that when I'm out at a restaurant or away from a computer for the day I can still access my spreadsheet and enter the calories that way. It also means that when I get home in the evening I can plug my phone into my home computer and use Excel on that computer.

For anyone interested in joining the group I will happily provide the spreadsheet I use. It helps if you know a bit of Excel. I also have another one for my gym activities which calculates how many calories I burned at the gym and another one that I use to enter my weight in 2 times a week and it produces a bar/line graph of my progress.

Group Member Goals should be similar:
- Lose 20-50lbs
- Eating a healthy balanced diet and always learning more about nutrition
- Knowing your daily caloric limit - counting calories so you know you are eating less than your caloric limit. this means guaranteed weight loss!


Thu. Dec 17, 11:01am

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