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Mirror, Mirror
I'm 5'9 and 130 lbs and people are telling me I look bony...well my mom and stepdad. when i look at myself, i really don't see 'bony' at all, espessially in the stomach area. girls are just skinnier now-a-days and I don't think my parents realize that. But anytime I ask someone about my weight, they say I don't need to loose anymore, while i still think i could loose 5 pounds!!!!! Am i missing something here?
Fri. Mar 21, 4:04pm
You have got to look bony at that height and weight. Please seek advise from a dietician.
Friday, March 21, 2008, 4:12 PM
I swear I really don't look anorexic!!!!
Friday, March 21, 2008, 4:17 PM
I don't know about bony but it doesn't sound like you need to lose weight. I'm 5' 7.75" I currently weight 145, my weight fluctuates between 140-145. I've gotten as low at 138 and can't get lower than that. At 138 I'm a size 2. With your extra inch of height and 10 less pounds you would be much smaller than me. If you carry a lot of weight in one area like your hips or waist, you may want to consider lipo to shape your body to a better proportion so that your look better portrays your weight, but at 5'9 130 there is no way you need to lose more weight.
Friday, March 21, 2008, 4:26 PM
Sure Lara Flynn Boyle is cute, but most guys do not want someone that is 5'9" and 125 lbs. I think you are fine. A little curve is good. Just ask your doctor.
-a guy
Friday, March 21, 2008, 5:46 PM
Not that you are, but anorexics don't think they look anorexic either.
Friday, March 21, 2008, 6:48 PM
If you check any weight/height chart, most would say you are nearing underweight. Losing weight can become such a habit that you may think that if you look good at your current weight, you'll look even better with "5 lbs. more". You don't want to get to a weight that is impossible to maintain, then you invariably gain a portion back, and you feel like crap that you gained. Stay where you are. For God's sake, I'm 5'4" and I can't maintain anything lower than 133!
Friday, March 21, 2008, 7:12 PM
The OP is clearly a teenager, and the worst part about all this is that in a few years, she'll be looking fabulous at 150 lbs and hating herself because she can't get back to her adolescent weight.
Friday, March 21, 2008, 7:19 PM
Not the OP, but, oh, stop it! At 5'9 and 130lbs she's not underweight (well, only compared to the now 'average' 170-200-pounders). I bet she's far from being double zero. If you prefer to settle down for your size 8 or 6, it doesn't mean others have to. There is always a middle way at size 2 or 4. It's about how a person feels.
And you, OP, stop listening to other people! Get to the weight you feel most comfortable at, and then mainain it in a healthy way.
And to you, PP: I can't imagine looking at myself in the mirror and thinking 'oh, i'd look fabuous at 150lb'. Bull.
Saturday, March 22, 2008, 10:14 PM
People! The number is not important. It drives me so crazy - everyone wants to lose 5 more pounds, or 10 more pounds. What is important is first, being healthy, and second, looking like what you want to look like.
Ask any guy what he thinks you weigh. Even if you can find one that is completely honest (doesn't low-ball it to avoid offending you), he'll still be way off.
To the OP: go find a friend you trust to really tell you the truth -not one who is always nice or who wants to tell you what you want to hear- and ask her what she thinks. Or, if you don't have any friends who will be that kind of honest with you, have a photographer friend take a bunch of pictures of you in your favorite three outfits and look at them - really look. Do you like what you see? Then don't lose any more weight.
If you don't like what you see, is it because you're not toned enough? Then add some weight lifting or pilates to tighten up your muscles. Is it because your clothes don't fit well? Then work on that, not on losing another 5 pounds - the number is completely irrelevant.
Remember that you're not striving for perfection...only people whose photos have been photoshopped are perfect. You should be striving for what makes you happy. And it shouldn't be a number on the scale!
Sunday, March 23, 2008, 11:20 AM
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