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Michelenas lean frozen dinners
I was so excited. I eat some of those frozen dinner types for lunches due to the ease and the convenience when I work (yeah and I am not waiting for you people who dont like these types of meals to attack this thread either and tell me I shouldnt be eating them either).
I was excited because I found a pizza roll looking one. I picked it up because it was relatively low in calories and fat compared to the lean cuisines and weight watchers dinners. It was something different too. I got it home and went to cook it and those tricky people made that little box into two portions. So... if I were to eat the entire thing it had like 16 grams of fat. Sneaky little buggers! Be on the lookout for that. There was NO way that was going to fill me up because half of that box was like a few bites.
Just wanted to share so everyone else would be on the lookout for their sneaky tactic to make you think you are eating your little lunch that is good for you! :)
Fri. Mar 21, 1:42pm
I did the same thing with those pizza rolls, they are very good and if you compare them to the real pizza rolls they are much lower in calories. But still like OP stated it was a sneeky move.
Friday, March 21, 2008, 7:21 PM
Ya the lasanga is good. I tried it a few times but soon found that if I made my own I could have double the portion size for the same or really close calorie amount and not even close fat wise.
So I don't buy them anymore. I do stitll use lean cuisine now and again but man watch out for the calories and fat grams.
Friday, March 21, 2008, 11:13 PM
It isn't all the meals that are two servings though. I looked when I went to the grocery store after reading your initial post, and it was like that on the pizza roles, a snack item, but not on the meals themselves.
Something I have noticed in the past also is that not all of the regular meals are necessarily higher calories than their "lean" meals.
Saturday, March 22, 2008, 12:38 AM
WW does the same thing with their quesadillas. All you see is the big "4 pts" on the box and get all excited, then realize you only get to eat one of them. It's like the size of my fist, so for 4 pts it's not really worth it!!
Saturday, March 22, 2008, 1:48 PM
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