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Valerie Bertinelli

I just finished her book, very light reading but enjoyable if you like that sort of thing (like an article in US Magazine or something). She of course lost her weight with Jenny Craig - I think I've learned a bit from her journey as she documented it. Interested in what anyone else thinks?
P.S. I did do a search on Valerie Bertinelli before starting this thread and didn't come up with anything, for all of you "Thread Police" lol

Fri. Mar 21, 10:37am

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ha! those thread police are everywhere aren't they.

I haven't read the book, but saw her on a talk show recently (oprah maybe) and she said some of the things she put in her book were not quite accurate. bummer. i like her.

i tried jenny craig once, too expensive, nearly $250 a week!

Friday, March 21, 2008, 11:25 AM

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I saw her on Oprah and thought she was genuine and adorable. She used food to deal with her emotions - how many of us can relate to that!?

What did she say that you thought was inaccurate?

Friday, March 21, 2008, 1:26 PM

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...saw her in my wife's women's magazine.
Honestly, I think she looks tired and wasted with too much makeup and another 20 lbs to go. I know that is insenstive, but there is the honest guy perspective ( I wouldn't ordinarily say anything like that but I was suprised at her not looking good) and I am sure she looks better than she did and all, but when somebody get in front of the world and says, "look at my appearance!..."
Look at Sally Field, she still looks great and happy and fresh like Gidget (and 15 years older than VB too)
V.B. looks like her life has been really hard and it has gotten to her - you can see it in her eyes - looks like the light has gone out of her.

Friday, March 21, 2008, 1:59 PM

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I think she looks awesome. And she looks her age.

Friday, March 21, 2008, 2:12 PM

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And Sally Field is gorgeous, but definitely does not look like Gidget!!

Friday, March 21, 2008, 2:46 PM

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I read the book too and enjoyed it. I saw her on Oprah - she seems like a down to earth person, doesn't always have all the right answers or say things just the right way (hmmm that sounds familiar lol). I had no idea Eddie Van Halen was that wasted all the time, it looks like their son has some issues with food too - but maybe now that he is (i think) 17 he will get himself sorted out and stay away from his Dad's mess!

Friday, March 21, 2008, 10:19 PM

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10:19 Eddie Van Halen is a musician, its a given that they are usually wasted, sad but true. There are a few who don't take that path but it is a few especially in that genre of music. As for VB, I saw her on The View I believe, I think she looked great, far better then she did in the mag. I also think that woman has hardly aged since her early years. A lot like Sally Fields in that respect, she always looks the same.

Sunday, March 23, 2008, 8:46 AM

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