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Diet Programs vs ???

Okay, here's my thoughts on traditional diet programs. I've been on them - they never work, and it took me quite a while to figure out why.

First of all, going cold turkey, from a very unhealthy diet to a restrictive diet is hard psychologically. It's hard on your body too. But mostly, it feels like punishment, so eventually you give up because you can't take the punishment. Combine that with an exercise routine that taxes an unhealthy body and you've got a formula for failure for all but the most motivated.

What I realized was, that diet programs focus too much on the wrong things. It's always low-carb, low-fat, low-calorie ect. What about low-malnutrition? I have yet to see a food program that focuses on how much nutrition you take in, rather than the calories and fats. What I found, was that getting into the habit of focusing on nutrition first, sodium second, fats third, and calories last, and then learning to balance the good with the bad was far more successful than any diet regime I've tried before.

By getting into the habit of eating healthy, and committing to informing myself on the facts of nutrition, and casual research of the benefits and uses of various vitamins and minerals, I was able to understand what foods I needed, and why. By eating to an optimal nutritional health regardless of caloric and fat intake, I stopped worrying about how much fat was in my body, and instead worried about whether I had enough of each vitamin for optimal performance in my workouts and day-to-day life. I began to understand that a size 0 pant size was incompatible with my goal to be as healthy as possible, and that my goal would be size 7 at the smallest - size 8 perhaps being ideal. This released a lot of pressure to be just like the models on tv - and in fact I began to see many models and actresses as unnaturally thin and very unhealthy.

Another factor was in my vast reduction in eating out, and eliminating store and restaurant made desserts. Instead, I cooked a great deal, and all desserts I consumed were home made. This allowed me to know, and CONTROL what went into my food. So many processed foods contain chemicals we can't spell, and genetically modified corn and soybeans. A lot of the so called "diet, sugar free, low fat and fat free" foods compensate somehow with an overlooked ingredient that is just as unhealthy - many compensate with high levels of sodium.

I've repeated to myself, and you should too - the only 100% fat free, 100% 0-calorie, no sugar food is water. Everything else has some calories, has some level of sugar and fat. Whatever foods and drinks that promise otherwise are complete bullshit and grossly misdirect attention away from adequate nutrition and unhealthy additives. When you cook your own food, you realize just how gross a lot of food out there really is. I can no longer enter most fast-food restaurants, the smell is extremely nauseating. Canned soup is too salty. Store cookies are too sweet. And much of the frozen food and much restaurant fare is never seasoned right.

Some of you may still be worried about calorie and fat intake. Well here's the logic of a nutrition-focus plan: Most nutritionally dense foods are low in fat and calories anyway. That's the term to focus on: Nutritionally Dense.

So, forget that low-calorie plan! Forget the low-fat diet! Focus on optimal nutritional health - it'll make your workout more effective, it'll make you more appreciative of the food you eat, and live a healthier more fulfilling life.

Go to to look up the nutritional aspects of various foods - there's more than just vitamin A, B, and C out there!

Use wikipedia to learn about the dangers of malnutrition, healthy fat levels, and to learn the use and benefits of the various vitamins and minerals found in the food you eat.

Understand and appreciate your body - each ethnicity and race has a different level of thinness. Asian women are capable of becoming quite thin without compromising nutritional health. African and Hispanic women on the other hand, are naturally thicker and have more in the breasts and posterior. This does not make one or the other less beautiful - trying to force your body to look a particular way that isn't natural to your genetics and is a waste of your life. Be confident in the body you have, and just be healthy!

Tue. Feb 9, 7:53am

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