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Psychological barriers

Hello...don't mean to sound negative, but I'm not sure why I keep coming on this web site. I lost weight and now I gained it back and am back to most of my old habits. I think I have some kind of psychological barrier. I do well for a few weeks and feel like I've really changed and am going to really do it this time. And then I have a couple of weekends in a row of being out of town and giving myself the excuse to eat what I want and then I slowly lose all my good new habits. Maybe I should accept myself for who I am rather than struggle so much with this? I'm average. I'm not in perfect health, but average health. Maybe in our culture there is too much working against us.

Mon. Jan 30, 9:07am

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why are you wanting to lose/get in shape?

ask yourself this question. I started losing weight to fit into a bridesmaid dress that was 2 sizes too small. After I accomplished that, I felt so good, that I just wanted to continue. That was 30lbs ago.
I think the web-site is a great aide, but everything truly lies in you. If you have a goal in mind and know how to properly get there, then only you can make it happen.

Good luck, and don't give up, just keep working at it.

Monday, January 30, 2006, 9:30 AM

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Focus more on what you can do with your body, than what it looks like

I do believe that in the modern world, the focus is too much on what we look like on the outside, and not what kind of person we are. But it is our job to maintain the balance in our own lives, of how we look and feel about ourselves, and to try and not be influenced by what other people want.
You have to believe in yourself and love yourself. Some days i can hardly look in the mirror at my own body, some days are better. Therefor I try fo focus on what my body can do, rather than what it looks like. My ideal is to cycle further, train harder each day and be able to complete a race at the end of this year, rather than being able to wear a bikini this summer. Hopefully if I keep my eyes on the fitness goal, my body will change accordingly and when I do sneek a peek in the mirror, I will be pleasantly surprised!
RE: the food, I focus on what I need to eat to give my body enough energy to exercise. I ask myself a simple question - is what I am putting into my body right now helping me towards my goal, or not? To be able to sustain a long term weightloss/exercise goal you need consistency. If you enjoy one weekend out, be good the rest of the week, get right back on track and try to stay positive. Don't beat yourself up about it.

And don't leave this site - there are more people here willing to help and motivate!!!!

Monday, January 30, 2006, 9:35 AM

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It sounds like you do what a lot of us do. Maybe its time to explore yourself, try to figure out why you do this, how are you feeling? Why work so hard and then go back to the same old habits? Is it a safety issue? It could very well be psychological. I would start writing everything down, food, how you feel when eating and how you feel after you've eaten. This might be helpful.

Monday, January 30, 2006, 12:26 PM

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Do you actively log and commit to your group?

Monday, January 30, 2006, 12:49 PM

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"Maybe in our culture there is too much working against us."? Tsk tsk. Ok, so those living in the western world have easier access to processed foods but we also have all sorts of "fun" ways to lose weight and keep in shape. Seriously, what's more fun than a pick-up game of frisbee with friends in the summer or road hockey in the winter? And if you don't like the weather...well, "our culture" has made it perfectly acceptable to go to an indoor facilities known as gyms. And, if you plan your days, finding time for a workout isn't impossible (even if you have to combine it with another going on a bike ride with your kids).

It's very easy to say that society makes us predisposed to being unhealthy but really, until "society" grabs me in a choke hold, throws me to the ground and starts stuffing pure lard down my throat, I'm just going to say that it's a bad excuse. We are individuals and are responsible for our own decisions. You just need to find the reason that motivates you. You sound content with your "average" health, is there anything else that would motivate you for example running in a fun run or marathon?

(And to those people who say "well this poster obviously has too much free time and is able to do all those things like eat healthy and exercise" I say "Pfffftttt!!!!" I worked a job where I literally had TWO hours left in my day after commuting, working, eating dinner, walking/feeding/grooming my monster dogs, and bathing. I STILL managed to eat healthy every day and fit in enough exercise to maintain a healthy weight. I actually GAINED weight when my scheduled opened up and I had more time. )

Monday, January 30, 2006, 12:58 PM

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I think you need to have a talk with yourself and decide what it is that you really want. Why do you think you really blow out on those weekends? Are you feeling deprived? Does having fun still mean pigging out to you? That's true for a lot of people, and even for me too. Can you have just as much fun if you eat in moderation? Are you using food to sooth yourself, to fill a void in your life, to reward yourself? Best wishes.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006, 6:40 AM

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