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Pull-out method

This isn't about me, but I have a friend who is using the pull-out method with her boyfriend as their form of birth control. She's 24 and definitely not ready for a child, financially (college debt- well dorming debt, makes less than $50/week, etc) and emotionally, although her boyfriend has a good job (but even then). When I found this out back last summer, I argued with her about why this is such a bad idea and the pregnancy risks (at least no STD risks, as they were both virgins). She implied how since I'm a virgin, I wouldn't know about sex and this method. She hasn't even bothered asking for birth control either.

Over the course of our almost decade friendship, she has regularly made mean comments to me, although they have decreased the last few years after I told her they were hurtful to me. However, she has made a few recently that have bothered me. A couple of them have to do with sex. I've said that I will not be one of those girls who have pregnancy mistakes (because of course when I decide the time is right for me to have sex, I will be on birth control. Right now, I am practicing abstinence)...and she has made snooty remarks a couple times how I may very well be one of those girls who accidently get pregnant. The other comment, another friend of ours brought up a line made in the movie "It's Complicated" where a woman jokes how if you don't have sex, your vagina will close up, and my friend to me says "Is that you?!" It's ironic because before she started having sex, she was feeling bad about how some friends/roommates would make comments to her about being a virgin and such.

My "friend" has caused me a lot of emotional distress. Like last night, despite a good eating day and work out, I emotionally ate because I was fed up with her. I have 15 pounds left to loose to reach my goal weight, so I do not want emtionally eating to get in my way (as it has for sooo many years now). Plus, I'd like to "get back" at my friend, since she has made me feel bad about myself. Plus, she has gained weight (since it seems being with her bf) and has a sedentary, okay not the main reason for losing weight, doing it for me.

Thanks for any advice or comments. Just needed to let this out instead of feeding myself.

Wed. Mar 3, 1:04pm

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