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An Experiment with Trust

Hi all. I just felt like sharing with others what I've learned from my past week.

I've hit up every diet in the book for several years now in order to lose the last 10 pounds when it finally dawned on me: Diet's won't work for me! And I mean, NONE of the diets often discussed on this forum could work for me - from the fad grapefruit diet, to the healthy and moderate weight watchers. Dieting for years now, has literally ruled my life in some omniscient manner that is actually very difficult to articulate. Despite this, I've just always ended up at the same weight. Now, my weight is not all that "bad", but I certainly could stand to lose those 10 pounds. I'm sure many of you could relate to the feeling of realizing youre simply in an ongoing cycle. Down five pounds one month, up the next. Five years later, down one? Can you imagine? Dieting for five years and losing ONE pound? HA.

This last week I decided I'd had it with all of these plans, and all of my obsessive daily weigh ins. The only way I can do this is to throw control out the window and trust that my body wants to be at its fittest point. For one week - this past week - I actually LISTENED to my body. I didn't count calories. I didn't eat fruit because I HAD to. I ate exactly as I wanted, nothing more, nothing less. One day, this even included an entire box of chocolate covered cookie dough at the movies. However, later than night I truly didn't WANT or NEED nearly as much at dinner. One day when I had eaten less for lunch, and hadn't gotten around to having a snack, I ate a burger for dinner, and was full half way through. Let me tell you - my entire LIFE was better this past week, because I wasn't dieting. I ate foods that have been on my "prohibited" list for years. Oh, and I went out to dinner on FOUR nights. Basically, I took the leap of faith. And guess what?

I lost two pounds.

Of course, this "non plan" did require I pay some special attention to how I felt while I was eating, hungry, craving, etc. I had to keep in mind that if I ate more one day, odds are I would feel less hungry the next day. With this in mind, when I felt "extra hungry" one day, instead of repressing it - I simply ate more. The next day I really DID feel less hungry. Think about how all of your "skinny" friends eat. NO, I don't mean the ones who are blessed with amazing metabolisms and eat straight junk. But the ones who seem unconcerned with what they put in their mouths. I know that my skinny friends, at least, will have chocolate covered raisins after lunch and then forget about dinner until they feel the hunger lateron.

I truly think that as I retrain myself to eat only what my BODY wants, I will return to NORMAL finally. I will never have to brood over what my next meal will be, or when I can have a snack. And the "icing on the cake", so to speak? I'll lose the weight it doesn't want there, too.

Sat. Mar 13, 5:22pm

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