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Boyfriend left me & the lease - does he just need space?
I am a full time college student and I work 40 plus hours every week. I am only 22. My boyfriend works part time 15 hours and he is younger than me by half a year. I ask him to clean and do little things around the house, since for the most part he sleeps all day then watch tv and play games. I do clean when I have a chance, but by asking him to do things, now for some reason drove him away. (still confused?) When we go out or go somewhere I foot the bill, and buy him things without him asking constantly. He thinks we fight all the time about the little things and claims he left because he had a feeling that we were going to fight. Everytime we fight he threatens to leave as well, and he finally... I guess...left.
We have been together for a full year, we moved in together been living together for 10 months. I come home from work and he sends me a text saying that he cannot do this anymore and is staying at his parents. Left before I even got home! Couldnt do it to my face.
The next day we talk, he claims that maybe we will get together maybe we wont. He says he still loves me, and he did miss me. But it was like he already made up his mind and did not want to come home! I told him that I loved him and lets give it another try. He basically walked away after hours of me begging. (hate that I did) He also flipped flopped the whole coversation like I may be coming back tomorrow night, no im not coming back, etc. but we have a lease his name is on it as well till 2011. Will he really abandon me, or should I just give him the space and he'll come back? Who pays for a place that they do not live at? (he's still been giving money for bills so far) He also pull the whole I cannot afford this, and maybe we moved to fast but he wanted to do this all from the start. He also said he was stressed out at work (15 hours?) Im sure he could be stressed but I feel he was being selfish. Does he realize all I do? His parents pay for him to have everything, and I have to pull myself through everything. I had always have to pull my weight (cant afford to miss a day of anything). He went to stay at his parents house. He only took a few things like electronics, and a few clothes.
If I ignore him and give him his space will he reflect back on me?
I trust him completely and he is a very sincere but a fragile person. Sometimes I feel like I am the man and he is the woman. He promised there is no other girl and that he will not see other people. It has been four days since our last discussion. Should I wait for a text from him? I dont want to push him away, but I am starting to try and think of the fact of him not coming back. We have made important steps and decisions together, but maybe that does not matter to him.
Last year around this time we were not living together and only around four months into our relationship when he pulled the I need space thing. Said he was stressed, but didn't say the whole I have a feeling we may not get back together. Killed me then as well!
Sat. Apr 17, 8:37pm
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