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Mon. Jan 1, 12:00am

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Yes, gravy!! Every now and then...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 12:05 AM

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No gravy!

Soooo unhealthy and fatty.

Ok, maybe special twice a year....

Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 12:08 AM

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(and it's vegan too) I made it for my friends this past thanksgiving and it was a hit with vegetarians & meat-eaters alike! This recipe is from


* 8 Tbs vegetable oil
* 3 cloves garlic -- squashed and minced
* 2 slices yellow onion -- chopped
* 8 Tbs all-purpose white flour
* 4 tsp nutritional yeast
* 4 Tbs tamari (soy sauce)
* 2 cups water
* 1/2 tsp sage
* 1/4 tsp ground black pepper
* 1/2 tsp salt
* 5 white mushrooms -- sliced (optional)
* extra flour or cornstarch (optional)


Pour vegetable oil into saucepan. Cook the garlic and onion in oil for about two minutes on medium or medium-low heat, until the onion is tender and translucent.

Add the flour, yeast, and tamari to make a paste.

Add the water gradually, stirring constantly.

Bring the gravy to a boil on medium to medium-high heat, stirring constantly -- the gravy has to boil for it to thicken.

Add pepper. Stir in the sliced mushrooms, if desired. Add salt, if desired.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 3:53 AM

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It sounds like a great recipe, thanks.
As far as the original question, the answer, as usual, is 'it depends'.
What is the gravy made from?
How much are you adding to your plate?
What else are you eating in that meal? during that day?

I love gravy and eat it. If I make it, before serving it I defat it. So far, I've lost 40 lbs.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 7:22 AM

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I have gravy when I make my egg fu young but it is fat free gravy.

If you are one who really likes gravy and can find a way to fit it into you calorie alottment for the day then by all means but I would do everything I can to make it lite.
So Ya gravy

Wednesday, March 19, 2008, 4:23 PM

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Hell no! No gravy! Don't kid yourself. No pain no gain.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008, 4:32 PM

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I hate the look and taste of gravy....IMO, If you need to add gravy, your cooking sucks!

Thursday, March 20, 2008, 1:30 AM

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Gravy. Yes.

Thursday, March 20, 2008, 9:48 AM

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