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Chinks in the armor
My willpower is almost perfect - except for a few chinks in the armor:
1. Social events (potlucks, "game nights", having friends over) - parties kill me, there is never any healthy food, the desserts are delicious and you are expected to eat like everyone else especially when someone else has cooked it...
2. My wife's genius cooking - she cooks pretty healthy, but sometimes the portions are too big or there is some fancy dessert - no way to say no w/ out major trouble
3. Weekends at home without the routine of the workday I sometimes lose my willpower b/c I am relaxing after a hard week and am out of my good weekday habits.
Any suggestions and tips??
Mon. Mar 17, 4:06pm
You're only human!
These are the hardest times. Different things will work for different people. Here's some tips:
Make a plan a stick to it. Keep repeating the plan in your head. If you need to, step away from the party/table and remember your plan. Call someone for accountability.
Chew gum.
Eat really, really slowly. Have a (low-calorie) drink in hand all the time.
Don't park yourself by the food at a party. Find someone to engage in conversation with. If you are at a game night, you are there to play, not to eat. Who "expects" you to eat like them? Does anyone really say "How come you haven't overeaten all the food here?" I've found that no one really notices. You can always lie and say "Yeah, I tried it, it was great, but I'm stuffed now."
If you stray, don't throw it all away. So you had two servings of lasagna. You can't erase it, but you can accept yourself as human and move on. And that doesn't mean moving on to two servings of dessert.
Talk to your wife about your desire for healthy habits. If she really understands, you can try a bite or two of something and then be done.
Have your weekday foods on hand at home on the weekends. Make sure you don't let yourself get too hungry or feeling deprived - that will lead to wanting to eat more.
Monday, March 17, 2008, 4:22 PM
PP those are great!! - I love Peerttrainer. Thanks!
Monday, March 17, 2008, 4:50 PM
A lot of that I don't know how to help. I don't go to parties so other than just trying to stay to the lowest calorie things and have one and nibble. Then it isn't so obvious. But personally I hate eating in front of people so I wouldn't have anything but a seltzer water or something.
Where your wife is concerned, I would think that she would want you to be as healthy as possible. In my house I have asked that nothing be brought into the house that is not on my plan. If you want to have something then go get it and eat it while you are out. I don't want to be tempted.
Well over the months I have relaxed a bit, I am not as tempted as I was in the beginning. Though there are times that are worse than others.
If that isn't something you can do with your wife then I think the suggestion of just having a bite or two is a good idea IF you can do that.
I wouldn't be able to.
I also give myself days where I can have what I want. Or I am craving.
If not I will feel deprived and then I am in trouble.
Be patient with yourself.
I think it was Dr OZ who talked about U or YOU turns. When you do mess up and have something you regret, stop, take a deep breath and consiously turn.
Right then. Not well I messed up today so I will start again tomorrow.
I say you also have to
Forgive yourself.
Hope you find what will work best for you.
Monday, March 17, 2008, 10:39 PM
Do a lot of talking during dinner! (Tell her how fabulous you think her cooking is...and tell you you will do the dishes) You'll either eat less b/c you're talking so much, or she'll want to rip your clothes off right there, thus cutting your dinner short (you know that doing domestic chores is a big turn on for women, right?)
Love Dr. Oz's U-turn analogy - every decision, starting with the one to go for that next cookie - can be a do-over :)
Savor every bite - you'll find you need a lot fewer of them to fully enjoy whatever you eat.
Bring what you want to eat at pot-lucks. Know that food-pushers will soon forget any decline to indulge - ultimately, it's not a big deal.
Pick up a Men's Health magazine (or whatever reminds you of your goals!) on the weekend when the desire to eat something you wouldn't on the weekend hits. Of course, even the Abs Diet guy says enjoy a 'cheat' meal once a week - your reward for a 'perfect' week. Just don't make up for the whole week in one day - ha.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008, 12:04 AM
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