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Is coffee good for you in any way? Sometimes it really curbs my sweet cravings when I sweete it with splenda and put some light whipped cream on top! Any nutritional value whatsoever? I know it's low-cal.

Fri. Mar 14, 7:38pm

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Well, I go to an acupuncturist who specializes in nutrition and natural health, she says one cup a day is ok.

You may want to use organic sugar instead of an artificial sweetener. There will only be a few calories and the health risks are lower. Just a suggestion though. I am sure everything in moderation is fine too.

Friday, March 14, 2008, 8:22 PM

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I need to go to your acupuncturist! My acupuncturist equates coffee with any other addictive substance and says it is terrible (in Chinese Medicine) for youir digestive system. Even so, I have 1-2 cups a day and I agree with the previous poster..everything in moderation.

Friday, March 14, 2008, 8:46 PM

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Search "coffee" or "caffeine" in this forum for more opinions, experiences, and the occasional factual tidbit.

Friday, March 14, 2008, 9:00 PM

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Just a little something I've learned

I was watching a special the other night about health & increasing your lifespan (I'm kind of a nerd!) by the doctor/author of all the "You" books (Like "You: Body Manual" or "You: On a Diet.") and he said that coffee is actually very nutritional for the body. He even mentioned that it is best to consume 5-7 cups of coffee per day. That is ONLY if you do not get heart palpitations from coffee, have high blood pressure or anxiety.

There is no possible way I could ever get away with drinking that much coffee... I get shaky after just one cup because of the caffeine and I'd have to pee every 5 minutes! But, basically I don't think anyone should worry about one or two cups per day. Good antioxidants.

Saturday, March 15, 2008, 1:39 PM

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My grandmother drank a pot of coffe every day and lived to be 101!
She had a good mind and was very healthy up until the end so I drink coffee every morning and have a cup for her.

Sunday, March 16, 2008, 12:02 PM

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I drink tons of coffee and it fuels my workouts when there are no carbs for my system to use and I am feeling like I am running on energy empty while my body uses fat reserves for power. I take a few days off every once in a while though.


Monday, March 17, 2008, 5:29 PM

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