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Accentuate the Positive!

Please everyone, let me appeal to you to use this forum to be supportive, kind and positive instead of angry and judgemental. Let's adopt a "whatever works for you" strategy, and refrain from criticizing others. We all have our challenges and our struggles. Best wishes and good luck to all of you!

Sat. Jan 28, 7:01pm

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oh puh-lease!!! If someone comes on with a "I'm only eating 800 calories a day" are we supposed to say "whatever works for you!" When one person rants about the superiority of their approach, others have the right to disagree.

We have the right to judge people's approaches. We have a right to judge different diets. We have the responsibility to be familiar enough, and confident enough with our approach to let others disagree without whining about it.

Accentuating the positive doesn't mean we can't discuss the negative.

Saturday, January 28, 2006, 9:34 PM

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Let us Agree to Disagree

I believe that in every forum there must be some differing opinions, either for or against, supportive or otherwise. Without a doubt a clear personal attacks will not be tolerated. But voicing one's opinions brings new and varied perspective. I learn so much from this forum. People are informative, funny and helpful. This is what brings colour to the forum.

- barbara_j

Saturday, January 28, 2006, 11:53 PM

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To the second poster. Your nastiness is not appreciated.

Sunday, January 29, 2006, 4:12 AM

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Pretty harsh isn't it. I don't find the 2nd poster to be nasty at all. This is a forum that nobody knows each other and that is the beauty of it. We can speak our minds and be done with it. Yes we need to be a bit sensitive towards others but honestly if they are asking for advice they should be able to take the negative as well as the positive. I am sick of pussy footing around people in my everyday life I don't think we need to do it here. People should be more upfront and honest about how they feel and think without worrying that they might have hurt someone else's feelings. Why are so many ultra sensitive? If they want help they need to hear the bad as well as the good. After all if you don't like something someone says you can either choose to ignore it or laugh at it and not care about what that person thinks. You don't have to respond.

Sunday, January 29, 2006, 11:59 AM

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I don't think that the OP meant that we shouldnt lend our advice or opinions, that is after all what this site is sort of about. We're all dieting, we're all struggling a little on different days, so sometimes we're all a little cranky and thats acceptable. However I think the OP is saying : if someone comes in here and says " I'm only eating 800 calories and I'm finally losing weight! " instead of attacking and abusing we should take a more sensitive approach like " Its great that you've developed such great self discipline, but its important to realize that so few calories may hurt your health and be hard to maintain over a long period of time". Basically we all share a common goal, you may not be in the shoes of the poster on a particular day, but try to imagine that you are before you give your 2 cents.

Sunday, January 29, 2006, 12:44 PM

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All I can say is remember the golden rule - do unto others as you would have them do unto you. No one is advocating that we support someone starving themselves or doing harm to themselves.

Monday, January 30, 2006, 5:53 AM

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if you can't say it nicely...

I think you can speak about positive and negative things w/out being RUDE. Many people who struggle with their weight, including myself, are sensitive about it and other aspects in their life. I believe the point of this website is so we can feel comfortable discussing parts of our lives that we can't talk about publicly. That's the reason its annonymous. I still value opinions, even if I don't know who it belongs to.
Just be respectful of people's feelings, and if you can't say it nicely, then don't say it all.

Monday, January 30, 2006, 9:23 AM

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