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My Story

It all started in the June during the Summer of 2010. I was playing basketball with my son in the driveway and afterwards my knees were killing me and I felt terrible. Getting close to the end of July, my knees still bothering me and another football season (Coach) coming up I knew I had to do something. I was turning 40 in September!!!! I stepped on the new scale on July 31 and looked down and was horrified. I weighed in at 280 lbs. I am 6 ft. and was a two sport college athlete.I made the choice right there. One of my favorite movie quotes is from Shawshank Redemption. It goes, "You can get busy living or get busy dying."

I have struggled with weight for many years now and many things were not working. My plan was to watch the caloric intake during the week, enjoy the foods I have always enjoyed on the weekends and exercise 3-4 times a week. A good breakfast, snack throughout the day and eat a good dinner. Maybe a tiny snack before bed. I also increased my water intake. Looking into the future, I still want to enjoy things in terms of foods I like. The discipline is moderation. I also know there had to be some lifestyle changes. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Since the start of trying to change my life. I have since lost 34 lbs. The first month was the biggest loss. My body adjusted a little and December was the only month I gained some weight (2lbs). I have lost no more than 5 lbs. a month ( A few of the months was just 2 lbs). I feel that I am doing the right things. I am not shocking my body. I look forward to the weekends as a reward and exercise has become somewhat addicting. I also have some peers that are aware of my changes and help keep me motivated and accountable.

I also weigh myself every morning and chart my progress every Friday and the 1st and 15th of every month. I not only can feel the difference in clothing and feeling, I see it on my chart. It's very motivating.

I also know that I can't take things for granted. I wonder if this what an alcoholic or those with addictions go through. It's a daily battle not to over indulge and so far I have done well. I like the direction I am heading
Looking down at the scale this morning and seeing 246 was a big boost.

Fri. May 6, 12:07pm

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