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Bad Reaction?

I've recently been having a bad acne started(i think) because i used an acne wash, an anti-acne moisturizer, and then an acne spot treatment. Is it possible i could be having a reaction? because now i'm starting to feel tiny bumps on my lips and i'm really scared. i'm going to the derm monday but i'm scared to wait that long...

Sat. Mar 8, 10:17am

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the root cause of most skin issues is food based. Your body can't handle what it is trying to process and the skin reacts. Every day the body eliminates all sorts of toxins, and skin issues are often an indication that the system is overloaded. Drink a lot more water, eat more real food.

Saturday, March 8, 2008, 10:21 AM

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the root cause of most skin issues is food based. Your body can't handle what it is trying to process and the skin reacts. Every day the body eliminates all sorts of toxins, and skin issues are often an indication that the system is overloaded. Drink a lot more water, eat more real food.

Saturday, March 8, 2008, 10:21 AM

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the root cause of most skin issues is food based. Your body can't handle what it is trying to process and the skin reacts. Every day the body eliminates all sorts of toxins, and skin issues are often an indication that the system is overloaded. Drink a lot more water, eat more real food.

Saturday, March 8, 2008, 10:21 AM

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You may have over-treated your skin, and this kind of response is pretty common if that's the case. Try leaving it alone, rinsing with just water twice a day.

You may also be sensitive to some foods. Lobster and shrimp are common culprits, as they are high in compounds that your body "reads" as androgens.

Very rarely someone comes in contact with really bad chemicals that cause acne. I'm not sure, it's been a long time since I read about this, but I think high concentrations of PCB's?

Try to relax until Monday. It's just acne. It's really true that others don't notice it even half as much as you do.

Saturday, March 8, 2008, 10:28 AM

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You may have over-treated your skin, and this kind of response is pretty common if that's the case. Try leaving it alone, rinsing with just water twice a day.

You may also be sensitive to some foods. Lobster and shrimp are common culprits, as they are high in compounds that your body "reads" as androgens.

Very rarely someone comes in contact with really bad chemicals that cause acne. I'm not sure, it's been a long time since I read about this, but I think high concentrations of PCB's?

Try to relax until Monday. It's just acne. It's really true that others don't notice it even half as much as you do.

Saturday, March 8, 2008, 10:28 AM

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You may have over-treated your skin, and this kind of response is pretty common if that's the case. Try leaving it alone, rinsing with just water twice a day.

You may also be sensitive to some foods. Lobster and shrimp are common culprits, as they are high in compounds that your body "reads" as androgens.

Very rarely someone comes in contact with really bad chemicals that cause acne. I'm not sure, it's been a long time since I read about this, but I think high concentrations of PCB's?

Try to relax until Monday. It's just acne. It's really true that others don't notice it even half as much as you do.

Saturday, March 8, 2008, 10:28 AM

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I had major acne problems...then I tried cleared everything right up..

I was at the point of going on Acutane (sp?? ) - my sister bought me ProActive and it worked really well .... talk to your derm...they're the professional.

Saturday, March 8, 2008, 11:18 PM

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I had major acne problems...then I tried cleared everything right up..

I was at the point of going on Acutane (sp?? ) - my sister bought me ProActive and it worked really well .... talk to your derm...they're the professional.

Saturday, March 8, 2008, 11:18 PM

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I had major acne problems...then I tried cleared everything right up..

I was at the point of going on Acutane (sp?? ) - my sister bought me ProActive and it worked really well .... talk to your derm...they're the professional.

Saturday, March 8, 2008, 11:18 PM

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