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Can fat migrate from weight training?

Before I started weight training, I had a pretty even distribution of fat all over. Now I have this weird donut of fat around my middle. It isn't an apron... it's like someone tied a couple of draft guards around my waist. Yuck!

Fri. Jan 27, 12:58pm

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Subtraction, not migration

I suspect it's more likely that instead of the fat migrating, you're losing it from some places faster than others - so what's left sticks out. I've got the same problem. I lost the weight from my rib cage first, and now it looks like two sea cucumbers are draped on my hips. they will go away eventually and so will your draft guards.

Keep up the good work, and stay focused on your accomplishments. Are there parts of your body that look better now than they used to (calves, arms, ribs)? How much more can you lift now than when you started? How does that extra strength affect your everyday life?


Friday, January 27, 2006, 1:13 PM

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Subtraction, not migration

I suspect it's more likely that instead of the fat migrating, you're losing it from some places faster than others - so what's left sticks out. I've got the same problem. I lost the weight from my rib cage first, and now it looks like two sea cucumbers are draped on my hips. they will go away eventually and so will your draft guards.

Keep up the good work, and stay focused on your accomplishments. Are there parts of your body that look better now than they used to (calves, arms, ribs)? How much more can you lift now than when you started? How does that extra strength affect your everyday life?


Friday, January 27, 2006, 1:13 PM

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Subtraction, not migration

I suspect it's more likely that instead of the fat migrating, you're losing it from some places faster than others - so what's left sticks out. I've got the same problem. I lost the weight from my rib cage first, and now it looks like two sea cucumbers are draped on my hips. they will go away eventually and so will your draft guards.

Keep up the good work, and stay focused on your accomplishments. Are there parts of your body that look better now than they used to (calves, arms, ribs)? How much more can you lift now than when you started? How does that extra strength affect your everyday life?


Friday, January 27, 2006, 1:13 PM

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I second exjock's comment

I usually find that my hips and waist "take turns" shrinking, and when my waist shrinks, it makes me look like I'm wearing a 19th century bustle. The donut will disappear next...just keep at it!


Friday, January 27, 2006, 1:59 PM

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I second exjock's comment

I usually find that my hips and waist "take turns" shrinking, and when my waist shrinks, it makes me look like I'm wearing a 19th century bustle. The donut will disappear next...just keep at it!


Friday, January 27, 2006, 1:59 PM

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I second exjock's comment

I usually find that my hips and waist "take turns" shrinking, and when my waist shrinks, it makes me look like I'm wearing a 19th century bustle. The donut will disappear next...just keep at it!


Friday, January 27, 2006, 1:59 PM

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good to know. I'm still at the buddha belly stage... LOL Can't wait to lose the that stupid blob that sticks out over my panties!

Friday, January 27, 2006, 3:09 PM

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good to know. I'm still at the buddha belly stage... LOL Can't wait to lose the that stupid blob that sticks out over my panties!

Friday, January 27, 2006, 3:09 PM

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good to know. I'm still at the buddha belly stage... LOL Can't wait to lose the that stupid blob that sticks out over my panties!

Friday, January 27, 2006, 3:09 PM

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