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Have you ever tried AA?

I'm thinking about it but I'm scared about going. Can anyone here tell me anything about what to expect?

Tue. Mar 4, 9:25pm

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I have looked into it and know a lot of people over the years who have found it helpful. I am a recovering addict, clean now for 16 years and about to start a drug and alcohol program to become a counselor/interventionist. I did not do AA or NA when I quit, I relied on myself, my own inner strength and my want and disgust with myself at what I had become and the things I was doing to quit. I believed in myself and that is what worked for me, that and removing myself from everything and everyone I knew. I looked into the 12 step program and found it to be a very religious thing, which they explicitly say they are not. It seems to me that they are taking one drug and replacing it with another, in the way of God and faith. There is a lot of things built on God's strength and having faith in God that comes with the 12 steps. I personally believe that it has nothing to do with God or faith in God, but in you and your strength and the faith you have in yourself. I know tons of people that have failed with it. And the success rate is very low, like 13% actually stay clean and sober, and all of them seem to become very religious. There is another group called LifeRing that is also a lesser known recovery support group. It is not based on faith or God but more on you and your faith in yourself. I think if you are thinking of doing it you shouldn't be scared, try the 12 steps see what you think, you never know until you try. If you find its not for you try something else. You have already taken the first step, knowing that you need help and wanting to quit is where you have to start. Believe in yourself and have faith in your strength and the want to quit. Don't put yourself in situations where you will be tempted and don't hang out with the same people who you would associate with in those situations. You will have to give up the enablers for you to quit but if you want it you can and will make it happen. I wish you lots of luck and really don't be scared to try something that might work for you.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 3:15 AM

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I have looked into it and know a lot of people over the years who have found it helpful. I am a recovering addict, clean now for 16 years and about to start a drug and alcohol program to become a counselor/interventionist. I did not do AA or NA when I quit, I relied on myself, my own inner strength and my want and disgust with myself at what I had become and the things I was doing to quit. I believed in myself and that is what worked for me, that and removing myself from everything and everyone I knew. I looked into the 12 step program and found it to be a very religious thing, which they explicitly say they are not. It seems to me that they are taking one drug and replacing it with another, in the way of God and faith. There is a lot of things built on God's strength and having faith in God that comes with the 12 steps. I personally believe that it has nothing to do with God or faith in God, but in you and your strength and the faith you have in yourself. I know tons of people that have failed with it. And the success rate is very low, like 13% actually stay clean and sober, and all of them seem to become very religious. There is another group called LifeRing that is also a lesser known recovery support group. It is not based on faith or God but more on you and your faith in yourself. I think if you are thinking of doing it you shouldn't be scared, try the 12 steps see what you think, you never know until you try. If you find its not for you try something else. You have already taken the first step, knowing that you need help and wanting to quit is where you have to start. Believe in yourself and have faith in your strength and the want to quit. Don't put yourself in situations where you will be tempted and don't hang out with the same people who you would associate with in those situations. You will have to give up the enablers for you to quit but if you want it you can and will make it happen. I wish you lots of luck and really don't be scared to try something that might work for you.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 3:15 AM

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I have looked into it and know a lot of people over the years who have found it helpful. I am a recovering addict, clean now for 16 years and about to start a drug and alcohol program to become a counselor/interventionist. I did not do AA or NA when I quit, I relied on myself, my own inner strength and my want and disgust with myself at what I had become and the things I was doing to quit. I believed in myself and that is what worked for me, that and removing myself from everything and everyone I knew. I looked into the 12 step program and found it to be a very religious thing, which they explicitly say they are not. It seems to me that they are taking one drug and replacing it with another, in the way of God and faith. There is a lot of things built on God's strength and having faith in God that comes with the 12 steps. I personally believe that it has nothing to do with God or faith in God, but in you and your strength and the faith you have in yourself. I know tons of people that have failed with it. And the success rate is very low, like 13% actually stay clean and sober, and all of them seem to become very religious. There is another group called LifeRing that is also a lesser known recovery support group. It is not based on faith or God but more on you and your faith in yourself. I think if you are thinking of doing it you shouldn't be scared, try the 12 steps see what you think, you never know until you try. If you find its not for you try something else. You have already taken the first step, knowing that you need help and wanting to quit is where you have to start. Believe in yourself and have faith in your strength and the want to quit. Don't put yourself in situations where you will be tempted and don't hang out with the same people who you would associate with in those situations. You will have to give up the enablers for you to quit but if you want it you can and will make it happen. I wish you lots of luck and really don't be scared to try something that might work for you.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 3:15 AM

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god god god. is there anyway to do this without the creepy religious stuff?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 9:00 PM

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god god god. is there anyway to do this without the creepy religious stuff?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 9:00 PM

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god god god. is there anyway to do this without the creepy religious stuff?

Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 9:00 PM

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