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What do you know about the Lemonade Detox that is going around. A Ten day fast of red cayenne pepper and lemons and maple syrup. Is it as good as they say or do you gain it all back has anyone done it.

It says it cleans the Body

It helps you lose 10 to 15 pounds in that period of time.

Tue. Mar 4, 6:31am

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I did this a year or so ago. When I started I intended to do it for the 10 days. Then after I started it, I decided 7-8 days would fit well into my social life, and by day 5, I was ready to be DONE!!! I didn't have a lot of weight to lose--I mostly tried it for the cleanse and to break away from a sugar habit. It did seem to work for that purpose, but to be honest, I felt really drained a good portion of those 5 days. It's almost like I was so focused on the fact that I couldn't eat, that I was distracted all the time. And as far as the cleansing part of it, there wasn't anything obvious or out of the ordinary to me that I saw removed from my body. Overall, I wouldn't really suggest it. I have no desire to ever try it again. I didn't see enough benefits to outweight the experience. But everyone is different. I would suggest doing a little research on it (if you haven't already). I know there are some sites out there where people post their diaries while going through this cleanse. It was enlightening to me when I was doing it. There are only so many people who can understand and relate to "butt pee" but that is certainly the best description! Good luck!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 12:17 PM

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I did this a year or so ago. When I started I intended to do it for the 10 days. Then after I started it, I decided 7-8 days would fit well into my social life, and by day 5, I was ready to be DONE!!! I didn't have a lot of weight to lose--I mostly tried it for the cleanse and to break away from a sugar habit. It did seem to work for that purpose, but to be honest, I felt really drained a good portion of those 5 days. It's almost like I was so focused on the fact that I couldn't eat, that I was distracted all the time. And as far as the cleansing part of it, there wasn't anything obvious or out of the ordinary to me that I saw removed from my body. Overall, I wouldn't really suggest it. I have no desire to ever try it again. I didn't see enough benefits to outweight the experience. But everyone is different. I would suggest doing a little research on it (if you haven't already). I know there are some sites out there where people post their diaries while going through this cleanse. It was enlightening to me when I was doing it. There are only so many people who can understand and relate to "butt pee" but that is certainly the best description! Good luck!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 12:17 PM

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I did this a year or so ago. When I started I intended to do it for the 10 days. Then after I started it, I decided 7-8 days would fit well into my social life, and by day 5, I was ready to be DONE!!! I didn't have a lot of weight to lose--I mostly tried it for the cleanse and to break away from a sugar habit. It did seem to work for that purpose, but to be honest, I felt really drained a good portion of those 5 days. It's almost like I was so focused on the fact that I couldn't eat, that I was distracted all the time. And as far as the cleansing part of it, there wasn't anything obvious or out of the ordinary to me that I saw removed from my body. Overall, I wouldn't really suggest it. I have no desire to ever try it again. I didn't see enough benefits to outweight the experience. But everyone is different. I would suggest doing a little research on it (if you haven't already). I know there are some sites out there where people post their diaries while going through this cleanse. It was enlightening to me when I was doing it. There are only so many people who can understand and relate to "butt pee" but that is certainly the best description! Good luck!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 12:17 PM

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I beleive that this is the detox Beyonce used to get into shape for dream girls and it worked for her. Me I don't think I would do it there are plenty of detox items you can buy at GNC were you are still allowed to eat. How would you get any nutrients you did this sort of detox? I would do some more research.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 1:47 PM

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I beleive that this is the detox Beyonce used to get into shape for dream girls and it worked for her. Me I don't think I would do it there are plenty of detox items you can buy at GNC were you are still allowed to eat. How would you get any nutrients you did this sort of detox? I would do some more research.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 1:47 PM

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I beleive that this is the detox Beyonce used to get into shape for dream girls and it worked for her. Me I don't think I would do it there are plenty of detox items you can buy at GNC were you are still allowed to eat. How would you get any nutrients you did this sort of detox? I would do some more research.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 1:47 PM

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I tried it last year after doing quite a bit of research on it. It worked very well for me as a cleanser and detoxifier, for which it is intended. If you’re thinking about doing it for weight loss, you will lose up to 10 lbs (or more) during he course of it, but depending on the way you eat afterwards, the weight can come back. I needed to change my eating habits and decided that I should cleanse first. The important thing to remember is that you have to follow the instructions to the letter, and that includes the instructions for adding back in food at the end of your cleanse period. And you MUST drink the recommended amount of water daily. The sea salt flushes are brutal, but I started feeling much better health-wise and energy-wise around the 5th day. I did it for 7 days, but have been considering doing it again this year for 10 full days. I have included a website address that has a lot of information about the Master Cleanse. Good luck.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 2:30 PM

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I tried it last year after doing quite a bit of research on it. It worked very well for me as a cleanser and detoxifier, for which it is intended. If you’re thinking about doing it for weight loss, you will lose up to 10 lbs (or more) during he course of it, but depending on the way you eat afterwards, the weight can come back. I needed to change my eating habits and decided that I should cleanse first. The important thing to remember is that you have to follow the instructions to the letter, and that includes the instructions for adding back in food at the end of your cleanse period. And you MUST drink the recommended amount of water daily. The sea salt flushes are brutal, but I started feeling much better health-wise and energy-wise around the 5th day. I did it for 7 days, but have been considering doing it again this year for 10 full days. I have included a website address that has a lot of information about the Master Cleanse. Good luck.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 2:30 PM

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I tried it last year after doing quite a bit of research on it. It worked very well for me as a cleanser and detoxifier, for which it is intended. If you’re thinking about doing it for weight loss, you will lose up to 10 lbs (or more) during he course of it, but depending on the way you eat afterwards, the weight can come back. I needed to change my eating habits and decided that I should cleanse first. The important thing to remember is that you have to follow the instructions to the letter, and that includes the instructions for adding back in food at the end of your cleanse period. And you MUST drink the recommended amount of water daily. The sea salt flushes are brutal, but I started feeling much better health-wise and energy-wise around the 5th day. I did it for 7 days, but have been considering doing it again this year for 10 full days. I have included a website address that has a lot of information about the Master Cleanse. Good luck.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 2:30 PM

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