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Where can I get my RMR tested?!

I live in Philadelphia and I cannot find a single gym or health center that offers this. I've recently gained alot of weight in a short amount of time, but my thyroid is ok and my blood tests arent showing anything unusual. I want to find out if I've damaged my metabolism from years of yoyo dieting. I'm doing interval training etc to try to bring it back to life, but I'd realllly like some concrete numbers on how much I burn at rest, so that I know what I am working with.
I know there is underwater testing and breathing mechanisms to test bmr and rmr, but where oh where do they do this?
any suggestions would be great!

Tue. Mar 4, 12:25am

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Do you count the calories that you're eating. Often people find that they can't lose any more weight and then when they start counting their calories, they realize that they are in fact eating more calories than they thought and the weight starts coming off again.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 12:36 AM

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Do you count the calories that you're eating. Often people find that they can't lose any more weight and then when they start counting their calories, they realize that they are in fact eating more calories than they thought and the weight starts coming off again.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 12:36 AM

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Do you count the calories that you're eating. Often people find that they can't lose any more weight and then when they start counting their calories, they realize that they are in fact eating more calories than they thought and the weight starts coming off again.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 12:36 AM

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Check out the manufacturer's site for the BodyGem and MedGem (the RMR breathing devices), linked below - in case I messed up the link. There's a zipcode search for providers.

In the past, you could find this test pretty easily at a Bally's gym. Some Registered Dieticians also offer it. can go to a 24-Hour Fitness gym and rent a BodyBugg. It's easy to figure out your RMR from that and I find it more accurate because knowing your RMR is only one piece of the puzzle. The rest is guesswork based on your occupation (you're given a factor, e.g. 1.2 for sedentary office work), then adding on your workouts. I'm not sure about the accuracy of calorie-counting heartrate monitors, maybe the combination of an RMR test and an HR monitor would be a cheaper option with an acceptable level of accuracy for you.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 11:43 AM

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Check out the manufacturer's site for the BodyGem and MedGem (the RMR breathing devices), linked below - in case I messed up the link. There's a zipcode search for providers.

In the past, you could find this test pretty easily at a Bally's gym. Some Registered Dieticians also offer it. can go to a 24-Hour Fitness gym and rent a BodyBugg. It's easy to figure out your RMR from that and I find it more accurate because knowing your RMR is only one piece of the puzzle. The rest is guesswork based on your occupation (you're given a factor, e.g. 1.2 for sedentary office work), then adding on your workouts. I'm not sure about the accuracy of calorie-counting heartrate monitors, maybe the combination of an RMR test and an HR monitor would be a cheaper option with an acceptable level of accuracy for you.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 11:43 AM

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Check out the manufacturer's site for the BodyGem and MedGem (the RMR breathing devices), linked below - in case I messed up the link. There's a zipcode search for providers.

In the past, you could find this test pretty easily at a Bally's gym. Some Registered Dieticians also offer it. can go to a 24-Hour Fitness gym and rent a BodyBugg. It's easy to figure out your RMR from that and I find it more accurate because knowing your RMR is only one piece of the puzzle. The rest is guesswork based on your occupation (you're given a factor, e.g. 1.2 for sedentary office work), then adding on your workouts. I'm not sure about the accuracy of calorie-counting heartrate monitors, maybe the combination of an RMR test and an HR monitor would be a cheaper option with an acceptable level of accuracy for you.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008, 11:43 AM

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