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Embarassing, but hey, this is anon anyways

As part of my quest to lose nearly 100 pounds, and the fact that weight loss is so slow-going, I decided to do the picture thing: Take a picture every two weeks or month, and this way I can see what has changed and gotten smaller....nekkid picture :P

I always knew where I carried most of my excess weight, but these pictures really drove it home. I think I must have approximately 40 pounds of my excess weight in the stomach area. Unlike men, who' belly just gets bigger like a pregnant woman, women carry it in hanging "aprons" of fat.
Its gross. Some woman of course are genetically predisposed to gain weight there, so some aren't like that. I happen to.

Now I know that I basically just need to lose weight.
But is there any way to well, lose the excess fat quicker from that area?

Currently I'm on WW. I'm 245 pounds. I'm going to the gym 4-5 times per week, focusing on cardio (treadmill), but incorporating the nautilus weight machines. inclusive of that is the ab crunch and ab obliques machine.

Fri. Jan 27, 9:51am

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Good job on your goal! I think it's just going to take time. I know for me personally, the first place I lose weight is in my bust and naturally that's the LAST place I want to lose it. And the first place I WANT to lose is my hips and belly and that seems to take the longest. It took a while to get it on, it's going to take a while to get it off. And unfortunately, our bodies won't necessarily cooperate with where we want it off first. But exericising is key; so good job fordoing that! It'll happen, be patient! You'll do this!

Friday, January 27, 2006, 9:59 AM

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the dreaded appleshape ...

Yes, I know exactly what you mean and how you feel! Al we can do is work on those muscles beneath the tubes/rolls (pain in the ribs! is what i call them) and then one day, when all the fat is gone, we'll be able to see abs. My personal trainer also says it doesn't matter how many ab crunches you do, if you ahve a layer of fat covering them, you won't be able to see them!. Sigh... I have found anything that works on spot reducing my stomach, I just keep with my diet, and slowly the centimeters are going away. I rather measure than weight myself, it feels more satisfying to loose a couple of centimeners that 500g a week!

Friday, January 27, 2006, 9:59 AM

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Just a suggestion... Take pictures from the front, of course, but also take pictures from the side. I don't look much thinner from the front than before I started all of this, but, from the side, I'm like half the width I was before!! The more angles you get, the more change you'll see! Good luck! If I had a way to take naked pics of myself, I totally would do it!

Friday, January 27, 2006, 10:07 AM

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I did take one from the front, and one from the side. by that point, even tho it was my fiance taking the pictures, i was too humiliated to do one from the backside :P

Friday, January 27, 2006, 10:19 AM

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I heard that you tend to lose weight from the top down, and gain it from the bottom up. It seems to be fairly accurate, as my face, and then breasts, are where I notice my weight loss first.

Friday, January 27, 2006, 10:43 AM

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Sounds like you are on a good track in exercise... But of course, as others have pointed out, it will take a while to lose the belly fat (I have that problems myself!)

My legs are pretty rock-solid and my arms are decent, but that stupid little blob of fat on my belly just hangs there mocking me... LOL

Anyways, in the meantime, work on the abs-- eventually, after you lose enough fat, you'll see those nice toned muscles!!

By the way, I took a pro-section class where we dissected cadavers in college, and though this may not sound encouraging... Heavy people tend to have very well defined leg muscles due to the extra weight they have to carry around.... The good thing is that as you work out, those muscles will start to show themselves as the fat melts away...

Keep at it and you'll have "abs of steel" in no time at all!

Friday, January 27, 2006, 12:13 PM

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Unfortunately where ever you store the most of your fat that is where you will lose it slowest. I've lost 70 pounds, still have 25 to go but I carried almost all of it in the middle. It just takes a lot of hard work but you will notice a difference. I plan on having a tummy tuck when I have maintained my goal weight for 6 months and have done all I can to try to tone and tighten that area but I have a feeling I will have some loose skin that will not go away and will not make me flat.

Saturday, January 28, 2006, 12:20 AM

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