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Acne and Irritated Skin

So...recently my skin has been extremely irritated and whenever I wash it, it feels better for a few hours but then gets itchy! i'm switching to a different birth control to try to clear it up, but what should I do now to help the irritation? Should I skip washing it for a few days and just rinse? I just started using a pure and natural soap bar instaed of my acne scrub to try to give it a "break"

Fri. Feb 29, 5:35pm

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that you're using a scrub regularly could very well be your problem.

Just rinse? Would you just rinse a dish that had oil in it an call it clean???

You should ever scrub your face more than 3 times a week, EVER. 1-2 times a week is plenty.

Get a good skin program- I suggest anything by Nutri-Metics.

Friday, February 29, 2008, 7:27 PM

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that you're using a scrub regularly could very well be your problem.

Just rinse? Would you just rinse a dish that had oil in it an call it clean???

You should ever scrub your face more than 3 times a week, EVER. 1-2 times a week is plenty.

Get a good skin program- I suggest anything by Nutri-Metics.

Friday, February 29, 2008, 7:27 PM

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that you're using a scrub regularly could very well be your problem.

Just rinse? Would you just rinse a dish that had oil in it an call it clean???

You should ever scrub your face more than 3 times a week, EVER. 1-2 times a week is plenty.

Get a good skin program- I suggest anything by Nutri-Metics.

Friday, February 29, 2008, 7:27 PM

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My skin cleared up after I stopped washing it with soap. I just rinse it in the shower with warm water and put moisturizer on it when I'm done.

I, personally, believe in not washing my body with chemicals. It kills too much of the good bacteria along with the bad. BTW, I used to wash everywhere with soap, and I ended up with bacterial infections and yeast infections. In the five months I have only used warm water, I have not had either of these! I used to have one or the other almost constantly. I DO, however, use soap on my hands as to not spread germs to myself and others.

PS-Your face is not a dish. It can have oils on it because you are a human and humans are known to have lots of this stuff on their skin and hair. Don't listen to those who think you have to scrub your self "clean". Our bodies know how to take care of themselves, and using foreign products just muck up the natural system.

Friday, February 29, 2008, 9:03 PM

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My skin cleared up after I stopped washing it with soap. I just rinse it in the shower with warm water and put moisturizer on it when I'm done.

I, personally, believe in not washing my body with chemicals. It kills too much of the good bacteria along with the bad. BTW, I used to wash everywhere with soap, and I ended up with bacterial infections and yeast infections. In the five months I have only used warm water, I have not had either of these! I used to have one or the other almost constantly. I DO, however, use soap on my hands as to not spread germs to myself and others.

PS-Your face is not a dish. It can have oils on it because you are a human and humans are known to have lots of this stuff on their skin and hair. Don't listen to those who think you have to scrub your self "clean". Our bodies know how to take care of themselves, and using foreign products just muck up the natural system.

Friday, February 29, 2008, 9:03 PM

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My skin cleared up after I stopped washing it with soap. I just rinse it in the shower with warm water and put moisturizer on it when I'm done.

I, personally, believe in not washing my body with chemicals. It kills too much of the good bacteria along with the bad. BTW, I used to wash everywhere with soap, and I ended up with bacterial infections and yeast infections. In the five months I have only used warm water, I have not had either of these! I used to have one or the other almost constantly. I DO, however, use soap on my hands as to not spread germs to myself and others.

PS-Your face is not a dish. It can have oils on it because you are a human and humans are known to have lots of this stuff on their skin and hair. Don't listen to those who think you have to scrub your self "clean". Our bodies know how to take care of themselves, and using foreign products just muck up the natural system.

Friday, February 29, 2008, 9:03 PM

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PPS-I have read that acne is a sign of imbalance in the body. Could it be the foods you are eating? Make sure they are natural and include as many fruit and veggies as possible.

Friday, February 29, 2008, 9:05 PM

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PPS-I have read that acne is a sign of imbalance in the body. Could it be the foods you are eating? Make sure they are natural and include as many fruit and veggies as possible.

Friday, February 29, 2008, 9:05 PM

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PPS-I have read that acne is a sign of imbalance in the body. Could it be the foods you are eating? Make sure they are natural and include as many fruit and veggies as possible.

Friday, February 29, 2008, 9:05 PM

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