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PE no longer in schools?
PT's MD blog has an interesting post on one school reintroducing PE. I had no idea that this was a problem. Do schools really no longer have it?
"Frick Principal Calvin Criddle believes the strict fitness program has done more than improve the schools fitness scores. He believes the discipline learned in PE has influenced the students' overall behavior and may have contributed to their improved academic performance as well."
Thu. Jan 26, 3:31pm
I read the article...I was more under the impression that it was the type of PE that the school offered. A little more hardcore than the dodgeball and sex ed of my days.
How did others read the article?
Thursday, January 26, 2006, 3:37 PM
my kids' experience
When districts try to raise test scores, the first thing they cut back on is recess and PE. My kids' last school had one PE teacher they shared with
five other schools, and this PE teacher was more into teaching feel good and self esteem songs than getting the kids moving. Needless to say, boys suffer the most since they need physical activity to be able to concentrate once they get in the classroom. PE should be teaching skills for life and needs to be respected just as much as other subjects. Just like music and art, providing quality PE positively impacts students' performance across the board. And parents need to get involved and let our schools know we want these activities for our kids.
Thursday, January 26, 2006, 5:06 PM
2nd poster here...I'm absolutely shocked!!! I guess I'm really lucky to be living in an area where PE hasn't been cut yet. The programs are necessary fantastic but they still exist.
Crazy...and more than a bit scary. No wonder obesity is the "biggest epidemic facing North America"...
Thursday, January 26, 2006, 8:53 PM
This is really variable from one state to another (states have minimum curriculum standards) and from one district to another when the state standards give discretion.
I think there are actually more good programs now in terms of the life skills than say 30-40 years ago, but on average the amount of time allocated in the curriculum has dropped a lot.
Given the many things we want to accomplish, a longer school day is in order - and not all of it sitting at desks - but the cost wouldn't be trivial. People would have to want it more than they seem to now.
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