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Shamless Product Promo- Steaz
OMG, these are so yummy. I went cold turkey on all liquids except water to reduce hundreds of empty calories a day and I missed the occassional soda or refreshment other than water.
During the summer, I discivered Steaz, half green tea and half natural flavoring of cane juice (NO CORN SYRUP!) and it really hits the spot and helps me get those gtea antioxidants since i hate the taste of green tea normally.
The best are root beer, cola, and lemon- avoid the others!
It has low C02 hence the tastes a littlle like a flat soda....
It's only 90 calories for a 12 oz bottle and you can get them at 7/11 in the Northeast and Star Market.
Thu. Jan 26, 2:41pm
Not to steal the thunder, I've never had Steaz, and it sounds good, but, if you diluted any regular soda with tea, it'd be down to 90 calories in 12oz, b/c it starts at 180 cals/12oz, and tea doesn't have any calories.
Otherwise, maybe one could get used to drinking soda diluted with seltzer...??
Just a few suggestions. They don't sound all that appetizing to me either!
Thursday, January 26, 2006, 2:45 PM
Not to steal the thunder, I've never had Steaz, and it sounds good, but, if you diluted any regular soda with tea, it'd be down to 90 calories in 12oz, b/c it starts at 180 cals/12oz, and tea doesn't have any calories.
Otherwise, maybe one could get used to drinking soda diluted with seltzer...??
Just a few suggestions. They don't sound all that appetizing to me either!
Thursday, January 26, 2006, 2:45 PM
Not to steal the thunder, I've never had Steaz, and it sounds good, but, if you diluted any regular soda with tea, it'd be down to 90 calories in 12oz, b/c it starts at 180 cals/12oz, and tea doesn't have any calories.
Otherwise, maybe one could get used to drinking soda diluted with seltzer...??
Just a few suggestions. They don't sound all that appetizing to me either!
Thursday, January 26, 2006, 2:45 PM
orrrrrrrr you can just have diet pop? and avoid 90 calories
I'd rather eat my calories then drink them
Thursday, January 26, 2006, 4:57 PM
orrrrrrrr you can just have diet pop? and avoid 90 calories
I'd rather eat my calories then drink them
Thursday, January 26, 2006, 4:57 PM
orrrrrrrr you can just have diet pop? and avoid 90 calories
I'd rather eat my calories then drink them
Thursday, January 26, 2006, 4:57 PM
Or you can try Rooibus tea. It comes flavored, tastes so much better than green tea, has no caffeine (which green tea does), and also has scant calories. In addition, you'll miss out on all the sugars and artifical sweeteners in soda.
Thursday, January 26, 2006, 6:37 PM
Or you can try Rooibus tea. It comes flavored, tastes so much better than green tea, has no caffeine (which green tea does), and also has scant calories. In addition, you'll miss out on all the sugars and artifical sweeteners in soda.
Thursday, January 26, 2006, 6:37 PM
Or you can try Rooibus tea. It comes flavored, tastes so much better than green tea, has no caffeine (which green tea does), and also has scant calories. In addition, you'll miss out on all the sugars and artifical sweeteners in soda.
Thursday, January 26, 2006, 6:37 PM
Oh yeah, and Rooibus has all the same anti-oxidants as green tea.
Thursday, January 26, 2006, 6:38 PM
Oh yeah, and Rooibus has all the same anti-oxidants as green tea.
Thursday, January 26, 2006, 6:38 PM
Oh yeah, and Rooibus has all the same anti-oxidants as green tea.
Thursday, January 26, 2006, 6:38 PM
Diet Pop is toxic
I would rather drink a little real sugar then cancer causing fake sweetener.
Friday, January 27, 2006, 11:00 AM
Diet Pop is toxic
I would rather drink a little real sugar then cancer causing fake sweetener.
Friday, January 27, 2006, 11:00 AM
Diet Pop is toxic
I would rather drink a little real sugar then cancer causing fake sweetener.
Friday, January 27, 2006, 11:00 AM
I agree with the guy/gal above me. I'll pick sugars and calories over toxic chemicals in my system any day. I eat like I sleep- au naturel.
It's sooo sad to hear people worry more about calories than the nutritional value of what they eat.
Friday, January 27, 2006, 1:12 PM
I agree with the guy/gal above me. I'll pick sugars and calories over toxic chemicals in my system any day. I eat like I sleep- au naturel.
It's sooo sad to hear people worry more about calories than the nutritional value of what they eat.
Friday, January 27, 2006, 1:12 PM
I agree with the guy/gal above me. I'll pick sugars and calories over toxic chemicals in my system any day. I eat like I sleep- au naturel.
It's sooo sad to hear people worry more about calories than the nutritional value of what they eat.
Friday, January 27, 2006, 1:12 PM
*** hand raised ***
Sugar over "fake sweeteners" any day!
Beside the fact that the fake stuff tastes "chemical" to me, aspartame also gives me migraines. (My hubby's family found out that they have a sensitivity to Aspartame, and it is because they have a condition called "PKU". "PKU" is a sensitivity to proteins that can lead to severe brain damage in infants children. It is controlled by a specific diet that eliminates certain proteins. Adults who are pre-disposed to PKU have trouble with Aspartame as well.
I'd rather limit my intake of something sugary than to go overboard on drinking the fake stuff.
Friday, January 27, 2006, 3:23 PM
*** hand raised ***
Sugar over "fake sweeteners" any day!
Beside the fact that the fake stuff tastes "chemical" to me, aspartame also gives me migraines. (My hubby's family found out that they have a sensitivity to Aspartame, and it is because they have a condition called "PKU". "PKU" is a sensitivity to proteins that can lead to severe brain damage in infants children. It is controlled by a specific diet that eliminates certain proteins. Adults who are pre-disposed to PKU have trouble with Aspartame as well.
I'd rather limit my intake of something sugary than to go overboard on drinking the fake stuff.
Friday, January 27, 2006, 3:23 PM
*** hand raised ***
Sugar over "fake sweeteners" any day!
Beside the fact that the fake stuff tastes "chemical" to me, aspartame also gives me migraines. (My hubby's family found out that they have a sensitivity to Aspartame, and it is because they have a condition called "PKU". "PKU" is a sensitivity to proteins that can lead to severe brain damage in infants children. It is controlled by a specific diet that eliminates certain proteins. Adults who are pre-disposed to PKU have trouble with Aspartame as well.
I'd rather limit my intake of something sugary than to go overboard on drinking the fake stuff.
Friday, January 27, 2006, 3:23 PM
Diet soda is toxic, yes, but, so is regular soda! Did you know that you can get rust off of objects by soaking them in Coke?! It also dissolves corrosion on battery terminals. To remove hard water stains, you can soak objects in ammonia for a few days, or Coca-Cola for a few minutes!
If you're trying to cut calories, diet is better than regular. If you're trying to eliminate chemicals, then you should know better than to drink soda at all!
Friday, January 27, 2006, 3:38 PM
Diet soda is toxic, yes, but, so is regular soda! Did you know that you can get rust off of objects by soaking them in Coke?! It also dissolves corrosion on battery terminals. To remove hard water stains, you can soak objects in ammonia for a few days, or Coca-Cola for a few minutes!
If you're trying to cut calories, diet is better than regular. If you're trying to eliminate chemicals, then you should know better than to drink soda at all!
Friday, January 27, 2006, 3:38 PM
Diet soda is toxic, yes, but, so is regular soda! Did you know that you can get rust off of objects by soaking them in Coke?! It also dissolves corrosion on battery terminals. To remove hard water stains, you can soak objects in ammonia for a few days, or Coca-Cola for a few minutes!
If you're trying to cut calories, diet is better than regular. If you're trying to eliminate chemicals, then you should know better than to drink soda at all!
Friday, January 27, 2006, 3:38 PM
Do you watch the show Mythbusters?
They tried some of those "Coke facts" and found them to be false. Yeah, there are acidic ingredients in Coke but not enough to effectively do any kind of household chores unless you liberally mix in some elbow grease. They hypthesized that other common "edible" items would work more effective (ie. lemon juice).
Did you hear the one about the old lady who tried to dry her wet poodle in the microwave???
Saturday, January 28, 2006, 2:53 PM
Do you watch the show Mythbusters?
They tried some of those "Coke facts" and found them to be false. Yeah, there are acidic ingredients in Coke but not enough to effectively do any kind of household chores unless you liberally mix in some elbow grease. They hypthesized that other common "edible" items would work more effective (ie. lemon juice).
Did you hear the one about the old lady who tried to dry her wet poodle in the microwave???
Saturday, January 28, 2006, 2:53 PM
Do you watch the show Mythbusters?
They tried some of those "Coke facts" and found them to be false. Yeah, there are acidic ingredients in Coke but not enough to effectively do any kind of household chores unless you liberally mix in some elbow grease. They hypthesized that other common "edible" items would work more effective (ie. lemon juice).
Did you hear the one about the old lady who tried to dry her wet poodle in the microwave???
Saturday, January 28, 2006, 2:53 PM
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