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Yaz Birth Control

I'm currently on Femcon Fe, the chewable pill, but i'm considering switching over to Yaz because it supposedly helps a lot with acne. Although, I was reading up on it and people have been complaining on headaches, depression and pain behind their eyes. I already get headaches easily but I really want to clear up this acne! Is anyone on Yaz? Is it dangerous?

Sat. Feb 23, 9:47am

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Bad migraines for about 2 days every months... everything else is great, and it helps with weight loss.

Saturday, February 23, 2008, 7:46 PM

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Bad migraines for about 2 days every months... everything else is great, and it helps with weight loss.

Saturday, February 23, 2008, 7:46 PM

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Bad migraines for about 2 days every months... everything else is great, and it helps with weight loss.

Saturday, February 23, 2008, 7:46 PM

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I don't know what the PPs experience was with Yaz where it helped with weight loss. That pill really screwed me up. On top of having random and completely unpredictable spotting (even after being on the pill for almost a year), I gained about ten pounds and became a severe emotional wreck.

If you're looking for a pill to pop to stop the acne, try taking zinc supplements. Start with a low dosage, and work your way up. Another option would be to really take a look at what you're eating; bleached grains (found in white bread, pasta, baked goods, etc) and dairy are acne causing and irritating.

Saturday, February 23, 2008, 8:33 PM

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I don't know what the PPs experience was with Yaz where it helped with weight loss. That pill really screwed me up. On top of having random and completely unpredictable spotting (even after being on the pill for almost a year), I gained about ten pounds and became a severe emotional wreck.

If you're looking for a pill to pop to stop the acne, try taking zinc supplements. Start with a low dosage, and work your way up. Another option would be to really take a look at what you're eating; bleached grains (found in white bread, pasta, baked goods, etc) and dairy are acne causing and irritating.

Saturday, February 23, 2008, 8:33 PM

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I don't know what the PPs experience was with Yaz where it helped with weight loss. That pill really screwed me up. On top of having random and completely unpredictable spotting (even after being on the pill for almost a year), I gained about ten pounds and became a severe emotional wreck.

If you're looking for a pill to pop to stop the acne, try taking zinc supplements. Start with a low dosage, and work your way up. Another option would be to really take a look at what you're eating; bleached grains (found in white bread, pasta, baked goods, etc) and dairy are acne causing and irritating.

Saturday, February 23, 2008, 8:33 PM

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