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Being A Supportive Neighbour Can Add Pounds
Next door neighbour just dropped off the girl scout cookies that I had ordered. I only ordered them to support the girl scouts and help the neighbour's daughter.
Now they are in the kitchen calling to me. I am tempted to just throw them into the garbage.
Thu. Feb 21, 7:35pm
I would say give them as a gift, but then again you don't want the receiver to have bad habits either. It's a tough call, but I know what you mean. I usually have four or five kids from the same school coming with their fundraising candy. I couldn't resist for so long, but then I kept my dogs at the forefront of my mind. I have 7 and they're like my babies, so i want to be strong and healthy for them. Pick up a focus and it will help you through these rough patches.
~ Awesome possum ~
Thursday, February 21, 2008, 7:56 PM
I would say give them as a gift, but then again you don't want the receiver to have bad habits either. It's a tough call, but I know what you mean. I usually have four or five kids from the same school coming with their fundraising candy. I couldn't resist for so long, but then I kept my dogs at the forefront of my mind. I have 7 and they're like my babies, so i want to be strong and healthy for them. Pick up a focus and it will help you through these rough patches.
~ Awesome possum ~
Thursday, February 21, 2008, 7:56 PM
I would say give them as a gift, but then again you don't want the receiver to have bad habits either. It's a tough call, but I know what you mean. I usually have four or five kids from the same school coming with their fundraising candy. I couldn't resist for so long, but then I kept my dogs at the forefront of my mind. I have 7 and they're like my babies, so i want to be strong and healthy for them. Pick up a focus and it will help you through these rough patches.
~ Awesome possum ~
Thursday, February 21, 2008, 7:56 PM
I say trash 'em. Better to go to waste than to your waist.
Friday, February 22, 2008, 12:38 AM
I say trash 'em. Better to go to waste than to your waist.
Friday, February 22, 2008, 12:38 AM
I say trash 'em. Better to go to waste than to your waist.
Friday, February 22, 2008, 12:38 AM
Donate them... there are always donation bins at grocery stores or churches.
Friday, February 22, 2008, 1:29 AM
Donate them... there are always donation bins at grocery stores or churches.
Friday, February 22, 2008, 1:29 AM
Donate them... there are always donation bins at grocery stores or churches.
Friday, February 22, 2008, 1:29 AM
I think there should be a total ban on girl scout cookies. They sell by making you feel bad turning down a little girl's request. It's really sneaky.
Friday, February 22, 2008, 8:39 AM
I think there should be a total ban on girl scout cookies. They sell by making you feel bad turning down a little girl's request. It's really sneaky.
Friday, February 22, 2008, 8:39 AM
I think there should be a total ban on girl scout cookies. They sell by making you feel bad turning down a little girl's request. It's really sneaky.
Friday, February 22, 2008, 8:39 AM
Hehehe - I put them in my husband's lunch bag this morning, that way he can share them around the office. Have to tell you though, I came damn close to wolfing them down at 11:00pm last night with a glass of milk. mmmmmm
Friday, February 22, 2008, 8:48 AM
Hehehe - I put them in my husband's lunch bag this morning, that way he can share them around the office. Have to tell you though, I came damn close to wolfing them down at 11:00pm last night with a glass of milk. mmmmmm
Friday, February 22, 2008, 8:48 AM
Hehehe - I put them in my husband's lunch bag this morning, that way he can share them around the office. Have to tell you though, I came damn close to wolfing them down at 11:00pm last night with a glass of milk. mmmmmm
Friday, February 22, 2008, 8:48 AM
I am a receptionist at a small medical office. My boss gave up chocolate for lent and im dieting. He and I are the only ones here today and someone just dropped off a box of Smoas (my favorite!!). t will be a battle to see who has to take them home. I should add that on valentines day a patient dropped off two HUGE carmel chocolate bars and I had to sneak them in his breifcase to take them home. They were sitting on my desk for two days before I said enough is enough!
Friday, February 22, 2008, 1:20 PM
I am a receptionist at a small medical office. My boss gave up chocolate for lent and im dieting. He and I are the only ones here today and someone just dropped off a box of Smoas (my favorite!!). t will be a battle to see who has to take them home. I should add that on valentines day a patient dropped off two HUGE carmel chocolate bars and I had to sneak them in his breifcase to take them home. They were sitting on my desk for two days before I said enough is enough!
Friday, February 22, 2008, 1:20 PM
I am a receptionist at a small medical office. My boss gave up chocolate for lent and im dieting. He and I are the only ones here today and someone just dropped off a box of Smoas (my favorite!!). t will be a battle to see who has to take them home. I should add that on valentines day a patient dropped off two HUGE carmel chocolate bars and I had to sneak them in his breifcase to take them home. They were sitting on my desk for two days before I said enough is enough!
Friday, February 22, 2008, 1:20 PM
Take them around your office building if you work. That's what I did with mine. If each person eats one or two, that's not bad for anyone. And then they'll be gone. But if you eat the whole box yourself (my usual m.o. -- I tend to eat *half* of a box in one sitting), then they really are evil!
Friday, February 22, 2008, 8:34 PM
Take them around your office building if you work. That's what I did with mine. If each person eats one or two, that's not bad for anyone. And then they'll be gone. But if you eat the whole box yourself (my usual m.o. -- I tend to eat *half* of a box in one sitting), then they really are evil!
Friday, February 22, 2008, 8:34 PM
Take them around your office building if you work. That's what I did with mine. If each person eats one or two, that's not bad for anyone. And then they'll be gone. But if you eat the whole box yourself (my usual m.o. -- I tend to eat *half* of a box in one sitting), then they really are evil!
Friday, February 22, 2008, 8:34 PM
Food banks people!! When you get that kind of packaged goodies (as opposed to home baked) that you don't want, take it to the food bank.
Home baked goodies can often be taken to homeless shelters.
In both cases, you're not likely enabling anyone's bad habits, and are probably makeing someone else's day instead.
Friday, February 22, 2008, 10:28 PM
Food banks people!! When you get that kind of packaged goodies (as opposed to home baked) that you don't want, take it to the food bank.
Home baked goodies can often be taken to homeless shelters.
In both cases, you're not likely enabling anyone's bad habits, and are probably makeing someone else's day instead.
Friday, February 22, 2008, 10:28 PM
Food banks people!! When you get that kind of packaged goodies (as opposed to home baked) that you don't want, take it to the food bank.
Home baked goodies can often be taken to homeless shelters.
In both cases, you're not likely enabling anyone's bad habits, and are probably makeing someone else's day instead.
Friday, February 22, 2008, 10:28 PM
I just donate the money without taking the cookies...
That way I don't have to worry about feeling the need to eat them or donate to somebody else that doesn't really need them either.
Sunday, February 24, 2008, 5:41 PM
I just donate the money without taking the cookies...
That way I don't have to worry about feeling the need to eat them or donate to somebody else that doesn't really need them either.
Sunday, February 24, 2008, 5:41 PM
I just donate the money without taking the cookies...
That way I don't have to worry about feeling the need to eat them or donate to somebody else that doesn't really need them either.
Sunday, February 24, 2008, 5:41 PM
Here's another option. The guy's and gal's holding the signs on the corners. You know the ones, we all have them in every city. Just find one that really does look down and out, you one who seems dirty and really homeless, not the ones who have clean clothes, new shoes and looked pretty together. They really do appreciate any sort of food. I never give money to any of those people but every now and then I'll see a real homeless guy begging for actual food not money and I will go pick up a meal for them, usually a burger, fries and drink, sometimes a sandwich. It feels good too.
Sunday, February 24, 2008, 6:58 PM
Here's another option. The guy's and gal's holding the signs on the corners. You know the ones, we all have them in every city. Just find one that really does look down and out, you one who seems dirty and really homeless, not the ones who have clean clothes, new shoes and looked pretty together. They really do appreciate any sort of food. I never give money to any of those people but every now and then I'll see a real homeless guy begging for actual food not money and I will go pick up a meal for them, usually a burger, fries and drink, sometimes a sandwich. It feels good too.
Sunday, February 24, 2008, 6:58 PM
Here's another option. The guy's and gal's holding the signs on the corners. You know the ones, we all have them in every city. Just find one that really does look down and out, you one who seems dirty and really homeless, not the ones who have clean clothes, new shoes and looked pretty together. They really do appreciate any sort of food. I never give money to any of those people but every now and then I'll see a real homeless guy begging for actual food not money and I will go pick up a meal for them, usually a burger, fries and drink, sometimes a sandwich. It feels good too.
Sunday, February 24, 2008, 6:58 PM
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