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He wants to see my "O" face...

I've been with this amazing guy for nealry four months. We have a very happy relationship. Only one problem though...he is obsessed with making me orgasm. I've explained to him over and over that I can only achieve an orgasm from manual stimulation. Even then, it's never been anything earth shattering yet, since I am young and still exploring what feels good to me. Until he and I as a couple discover what sends me over the edge--is there anything I can say or do to assure him that I am very satisified with him? I tell him as often as I can how amazing he is and etc. I've changed my diet and work out more, thinking that my less than par lifestyle was to blame. I have a very high sex drive, so it's not like I am uninterested. I love being with him in that way; it's just always been difficult to reach that peak. Any suggestions?

Wed. Feb 20, 3:42pm

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Um, if you can achieve an orgasm, why not do it with him? So what if you have to do it yourself the first few times and then teach him. You have to practice to be able to do it with more regularity. Do what works for you, and then you'll be showing your O face, won't you? Many women never orgasm through sex, so it's maybe impossible for you.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008, 5:20 PM

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Um, if you can achieve an orgasm, why not do it with him? So what if you have to do it yourself the first few times and then teach him. You have to practice to be able to do it with more regularity. Do what works for you, and then you'll be showing your O face, won't you? Many women never orgasm through sex, so it's maybe impossible for you.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008, 5:20 PM

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Um, if you can achieve an orgasm, why not do it with him? So what if you have to do it yourself the first few times and then teach him. You have to practice to be able to do it with more regularity. Do what works for you, and then you'll be showing your O face, won't you? Many women never orgasm through sex, so it's maybe impossible for you.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008, 5:20 PM

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I'm the same way. I have to have clitoral stimulation for anything. And they usually means doing it myself, no biggie. Also my bf me and oral all get along very well.

Thursday, February 21, 2008, 1:07 AM

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I'm the same way. I have to have clitoral stimulation for anything. And they usually means doing it myself, no biggie. Also my bf me and oral all get along very well.

Thursday, February 21, 2008, 1:07 AM

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I'm the same way. I have to have clitoral stimulation for anything. And they usually means doing it myself, no biggie. Also my bf me and oral all get along very well.

Thursday, February 21, 2008, 1:07 AM

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