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What should I do?

I had knee surgery in 2004 because I dislocated my kneecap which ripped a 1/2 inch piece of bone off the end of my femur. I felt a sharp pain in my knee while I was exercising last night. I iced it after I was done and wrapped it in an ace bandage for today and I rode the bike instead of doing anything impact then iced it again...and it still hurts. I don't want to stop exercising even for 1 day because I don't want to lose my momentum. I wonder if I should go back to my doctor and at least find out if I should be wearing a brace when I exercise. But I'm worried that wearing a brace will just make the muscles and tendons supporting my knee weaker. I'm so frustrated, I've only lost 10 lbs and I have 50 more to go!. HELP!

Wed. Jan 25, 9:00pm

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See your doctor

I understand your frustration and your desire to keep your momentum, but my experience as an athlete has been that not taking time off when you're injured usually leads to a bigger injury with a more extensive recovery time. You only get one pair knees per lifetime, so they've got to last. Make an appointment with your doctor, and then take tommorrow off. completely off. Use the extra time to read the latest research on braces - so you'll know what questions to ask your doctor.

hang in there!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006, 9:37 PM

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See your doctor

I understand your frustration and your desire to keep your momentum, but my experience as an athlete has been that not taking time off when you're injured usually leads to a bigger injury with a more extensive recovery time. You only get one pair knees per lifetime, so they've got to last. Make an appointment with your doctor, and then take tommorrow off. completely off. Use the extra time to read the latest research on braces - so you'll know what questions to ask your doctor.

hang in there!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006, 9:37 PM

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See your doctor

I understand your frustration and your desire to keep your momentum, but my experience as an athlete has been that not taking time off when you're injured usually leads to a bigger injury with a more extensive recovery time. You only get one pair knees per lifetime, so they've got to last. Make an appointment with your doctor, and then take tommorrow off. completely off. Use the extra time to read the latest research on braces - so you'll know what questions to ask your doctor.

hang in there!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006, 9:37 PM

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I second that motion - to the doctor asap! I know you are anxious to make changes and exercise but you don't want to harm yourself in the process.

Thursday, January 26, 2006, 4:18 AM

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I second that motion - to the doctor asap! I know you are anxious to make changes and exercise but you don't want to harm yourself in the process.

Thursday, January 26, 2006, 4:18 AM

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I second that motion - to the doctor asap! I know you are anxious to make changes and exercise but you don't want to harm yourself in the process.

Thursday, January 26, 2006, 4:18 AM

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Also, you could be hurting yourself in more ways than just your knee by working out every single day. It's recommended that even the most intense athletes take at least one day off of exercise every week. You may have somewhat caused this re-injury by not taking any days off, and you may cause more by stressing your body. Please, take a day off, see your doctor, and re-group from there.

Thursday, January 26, 2006, 10:21 AM

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Also, you could be hurting yourself in more ways than just your knee by working out every single day. It's recommended that even the most intense athletes take at least one day off of exercise every week. You may have somewhat caused this re-injury by not taking any days off, and you may cause more by stressing your body. Please, take a day off, see your doctor, and re-group from there.

Thursday, January 26, 2006, 10:21 AM

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Also, you could be hurting yourself in more ways than just your knee by working out every single day. It's recommended that even the most intense athletes take at least one day off of exercise every week. You may have somewhat caused this re-injury by not taking any days off, and you may cause more by stressing your body. Please, take a day off, see your doctor, and re-group from there.

Thursday, January 26, 2006, 10:21 AM

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work other parts

I am an RN, and personally familiar with sports injury. You did well with ice, however I agree you definitely need to see your doctor (particularly iin light of your previous injury) In the meantime REALLY baby that knee (no exercise other than normal walking). Concentrate on upper body stretching and weights, you'll still be working out, but not risking worse injury and more time off. Other than "normal" soreness, aches and stiffness, LISTEN to your body, especially a previously infured joint. Good luck, let us know what happens!

Sunday, January 29, 2006, 12:16 AM

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work other parts

I am an RN, and personally familiar with sports injury. You did well with ice, however I agree you definitely need to see your doctor (particularly iin light of your previous injury) In the meantime REALLY baby that knee (no exercise other than normal walking). Concentrate on upper body stretching and weights, you'll still be working out, but not risking worse injury and more time off. Other than "normal" soreness, aches and stiffness, LISTEN to your body, especially a previously infured joint. Good luck, let us know what happens!

Sunday, January 29, 2006, 12:16 AM

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work other parts

I am an RN, and personally familiar with sports injury. You did well with ice, however I agree you definitely need to see your doctor (particularly iin light of your previous injury) In the meantime REALLY baby that knee (no exercise other than normal walking). Concentrate on upper body stretching and weights, you'll still be working out, but not risking worse injury and more time off. Other than "normal" soreness, aches and stiffness, LISTEN to your body, especially a previously infured joint. Good luck, let us know what happens!

Sunday, January 29, 2006, 12:16 AM

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it's all about diet

Hi!- Just want to add that yes, exercise is important... though it is all about diet. Focus on keeping your calorie count in check, eating healthy and you will lose even without exercise. I have had fellow friends here who were stuck on bedrest, kept their calorie counts in check and still lost weight and kept to their diets. It is possible.
Try doing hand weights in your chair... strengthen your arms... and if you use crutches, that will also give your arms a workout.
Good luck!

Sunday, January 29, 2006, 12:43 PM

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it's all about diet

Hi!- Just want to add that yes, exercise is important... though it is all about diet. Focus on keeping your calorie count in check, eating healthy and you will lose even without exercise. I have had fellow friends here who were stuck on bedrest, kept their calorie counts in check and still lost weight and kept to their diets. It is possible.
Try doing hand weights in your chair... strengthen your arms... and if you use crutches, that will also give your arms a workout.
Good luck!

Sunday, January 29, 2006, 12:43 PM

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it's all about diet

Hi!- Just want to add that yes, exercise is important... though it is all about diet. Focus on keeping your calorie count in check, eating healthy and you will lose even without exercise. I have had fellow friends here who were stuck on bedrest, kept their calorie counts in check and still lost weight and kept to their diets. It is possible.
Try doing hand weights in your chair... strengthen your arms... and if you use crutches, that will also give your arms a workout.
Good luck!

Sunday, January 29, 2006, 12:43 PM

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can you swim? even doing a front crawl sans kicking is exercise- and can be really good exercise.

Sunday, January 29, 2006, 6:56 PM

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can you swim? even doing a front crawl sans kicking is exercise- and can be really good exercise.

Sunday, January 29, 2006, 6:56 PM

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can you swim? even doing a front crawl sans kicking is exercise- and can be really good exercise.

Sunday, January 29, 2006, 6:56 PM

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I agree-- even walking in the pool can be helpfull-- it supports the body better than just regular walking, plus you get the resistance of the water as well...

Definitely, check with your doc and see what's going on. If you continue to re-injure your knee, you could risk a lot more pain in the future!

Sunday, January 29, 2006, 11:51 PM

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I agree-- even walking in the pool can be helpfull-- it supports the body better than just regular walking, plus you get the resistance of the water as well...

Definitely, check with your doc and see what's going on. If you continue to re-injure your knee, you could risk a lot more pain in the future!

Sunday, January 29, 2006, 11:51 PM

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I agree-- even walking in the pool can be helpfull-- it supports the body better than just regular walking, plus you get the resistance of the water as well...

Definitely, check with your doc and see what's going on. If you continue to re-injure your knee, you could risk a lot more pain in the future!

Sunday, January 29, 2006, 11:51 PM

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