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good workouts for legs

Anybody know of some good low-impact workouts for legs? is there anything i can do for my inner thighs? i walk a lot but i was just wondering if there was something else i could be doing.

Sun. Feb 17, 6:26pm

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One of my favorites for inner thighs:

1) stand with feet a little more than hip width apart, toes pointed out
2) lower into a squat until thighs are about parallel with the ground
3) rise onto the balls of the feet
4) lower and return to start and repeat.

For more of a challenge I do these holding a medicine ball and I hold the squat when I'm on the balls of my feet for a second or two. Yowza.

Sunday, February 17, 2008, 6:49 PM

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One of my favorites for inner thighs:

1) stand with feet a little more than hip width apart, toes pointed out
2) lower into a squat until thighs are about parallel with the ground
3) rise onto the balls of the feet
4) lower and return to start and repeat.

For more of a challenge I do these holding a medicine ball and I hold the squat when I'm on the balls of my feet for a second or two. Yowza.

Sunday, February 17, 2008, 6:49 PM

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One of my favorites for inner thighs:

1) stand with feet a little more than hip width apart, toes pointed out
2) lower into a squat until thighs are about parallel with the ground
3) rise onto the balls of the feet
4) lower and return to start and repeat.

For more of a challenge I do these holding a medicine ball and I hold the squat when I'm on the balls of my feet for a second or two. Yowza.

Sunday, February 17, 2008, 6:49 PM

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Treadmill: Walk on incline without holding onto the frame. Works abs and inner thighs way more than you think.

Check out Pilates classes/DVDs/online techniques - the inner thighs are considered part of your core, so you should find quite a few creative and challenging moves.

Walking lunges, making sure you go deep enough that the knee of your rear leg comes within a few inches of the floor. You'll be a bit wobbly at first if your inner thighs are weak. As they become stronger, you'll notice less wobble.

Sunday, February 17, 2008, 6:59 PM

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Treadmill: Walk on incline without holding onto the frame. Works abs and inner thighs way more than you think.

Check out Pilates classes/DVDs/online techniques - the inner thighs are considered part of your core, so you should find quite a few creative and challenging moves.

Walking lunges, making sure you go deep enough that the knee of your rear leg comes within a few inches of the floor. You'll be a bit wobbly at first if your inner thighs are weak. As they become stronger, you'll notice less wobble.

Sunday, February 17, 2008, 6:59 PM

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Treadmill: Walk on incline without holding onto the frame. Works abs and inner thighs way more than you think.

Check out Pilates classes/DVDs/online techniques - the inner thighs are considered part of your core, so you should find quite a few creative and challenging moves.

Walking lunges, making sure you go deep enough that the knee of your rear leg comes within a few inches of the floor. You'll be a bit wobbly at first if your inner thighs are weak. As they become stronger, you'll notice less wobble.

Sunday, February 17, 2008, 6:59 PM

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Pilates, YES!!

It's absolutely great for you whole body. Also squats on a Bosu ball.

Sunday, February 17, 2008, 7:58 PM

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Pilates, YES!!

It's absolutely great for you whole body. Also squats on a Bosu ball.

Sunday, February 17, 2008, 7:58 PM

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Pilates, YES!!

It's absolutely great for you whole body. Also squats on a Bosu ball.

Sunday, February 17, 2008, 7:58 PM

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