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Yoga Reviews :)
Hello, I love to do yoga. I would love to know what videos have worked for others. My personal favorite is Yoga Shakti by Shiva Rea. I have been told that David Swensons is excellent as well. Thanks so much, take care.
Redmaiden :)
Wed. Jan 25, 1:19pm
Yoga 4 Teens by Christy Brock at
My daughters have approved it :)
It has :
Sun Salutations
Hip openers
Standing poses
Sitting poses
Enioy !
Friday, January 27, 2006, 9:25 PM
Step by Step Yoga set is great for learning alignment and modifications. I have all three. Yoga Journal mad them so just go to The instructors name is Natasha Rizopoulos.
Saturday, January 28, 2006, 11:26 AM
oops, made not mad ....
Saturday, January 28, 2006, 11:26 AM
Rodney Yee :Power Yoga :Strength DVD : 24 minutes long. Excellent and challenging. Builds up body strength.
Sunday, January 29, 2006, 9:11 PM
I want to start doing yoga. I have heard so many good things about it. Does anyone know what would be a good and effective beginners yoga dvd?
Monday, January 30, 2006, 5:04 PM
i also wanted to start yoga, i don't know if i should join a class or do it at home, i will probably do it at home to feel more comfortable. But i was just wondering if it really does relax you. Does this help you through the day?
Monday, January 30, 2006, 7:03 PM
Recommendation for beginners yoga tape
Baron Baptiste's Journey Into Power, Level 1 (Vinyasa/Power Yoga) is very basic and very easy to follow, and the postures are very well described. There's an option on the DVD menu to learn each individual pose. The workout is 30 minutes long, and even though I'm a little bit more experienced now, I like using it to stretch and relax my muscles at the end of the day. It's also really cheap on, like $6 or $7.
Monday, January 30, 2006, 8:18 PM
I recommend that you find a yoga studio where they teach different levels of yoga, not just power yoga. There are so many things such a hand placement and alignment issues that you don't get out of power yoga. The step by step set above (third post) is great for learning the foundation... and Shiva Rea's Yoga Shakti (vinyasa) is Excellent ! Hope this is of help :)
Monday, January 30, 2006, 8:47 PM
Yes! Yoga is so relaxing... It is like an internal massage for your muscles.
Monday, January 30, 2006, 8:51 PM
take at least 2 classes
It's pretty important to start yoga with a teacher. Learn the poses by video, but don't push yourself far at all until you've taken at least a couple of classes with a teacher who can see YOUR body alignment. Everyone is so different that it's important to feel the adjustments the teacher makes to your body. Before the class, make sure you tell the teacher why you're there so she pays adequate attention.
I've been doing yoga for 7 years, and I just learned that my lower back is almost too flexible and because of that I've been doing a couple of poses wrong for a long time.
So no matter how long you've been practicing on your own it's good to make sure you see a good, knowledgable teacher once in a while if not more often -- there's always more to learn.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006, 12:05 PM
HOT YOGA! Baron Baptiste is awesome. They make yoga very accesible, which I like. But I also like the traditional floaty sounding directed meditation and the like of Kundalini and Asthanga yoga, Baron is power vinyasa in heat.
Maked you sweat sooo much. You feel like you have been wrung out, cleaned out, and detoxed. I leave feeling like a new woman.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006, 3:14 PM
Shiva Rea's :Yoga Dance Trance CD is great !
Wednesday, March 8, 2006, 6:36 PM
Yoga tape for men?
My husband has never been interested in any type for exercise video, but he has recently admitted that he wouldn't object to trying yoga. Any suggestions on a good yoga tape that is good for beginners...and appealing to a "macho man"?
Thursday, March 9, 2006, 9:54 AM
David Swenson: Short Forms... I am not sure if there is a more of a beginner version before those.
Thursday, March 9, 2006, 9:58 AM
THREAD OF YOGA new DVD on eBay documentary by Eric Wils
Thread of Yoga
Directed by Eric Wils
Assistant: Dolma Lhakpa
A baba is doing austerities. He has been sitting in the same circle of fire for a month, the scorching himalayan sun beating on him day after day. Yogis ponder the meaning of life as dead bodies rot in The Ganges. Ether sticks to their mortal remains….The temperature is a boiling 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
It is just another day. The people of the land perform asanas (physical postures) and kriyas (acts of internal purification of organs). Children play in the water. Gurus give satsang (lectures), while the elephants give their blessings knowing the world was made too small for them.
And then, as the sacred India dives deeper and deeper into the recesses of the mind, it forces all to realize that there is nothing: this is the end!?!…The world of manifestations is just an illusion.
This 2-disc set is informative: yoga as practised in a documentary, it will appeal to a large audience....yogis depicted in the film are full-blown yogis ...their skills in hatha yoga are impressive but you soon understand that for them yoga is much more than mere physical out for the ending...some people will find it hard to watch but it is so true!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007, 5:28 PM
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