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Skinny Bitch review

A member in one of my groups just started on the Skinny Bitch diet. I've read a bit about it...basically a vegan diet. My approach is different, but I did think this recent review of the book is pretty interesting.


Tue. Feb 12, 12:21pm

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This is a great link. Thanks for posting. It's true - the word and concepts of veganism is all about the hippy dippy hacky sacky era and they were so right to position it as cool and marketable. Finally, it was about time because it's very cool to be healthy. I hope my children grow up thinking this way.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 12:38 PM

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This is a great link. Thanks for posting. It's true - the word and concepts of veganism is all about the hippy dippy hacky sacky era and they were so right to position it as cool and marketable. Finally, it was about time because it's very cool to be healthy. I hope my children grow up thinking this way.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 12:38 PM

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This is a great link. Thanks for posting. It's true - the word and concepts of veganism is all about the hippy dippy hacky sacky era and they were so right to position it as cool and marketable. Finally, it was about time because it's very cool to be healthy. I hope my children grow up thinking this way.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 12:38 PM

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It's not so cool for your kids (or anyone) to go around thinking that if they eat a single scoop of ice cream they are a complete POS, though. I found the tone of the book completely abhorrent, which the Salon reviewer also brings up.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 12:42 PM

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It's not so cool for your kids (or anyone) to go around thinking that if they eat a single scoop of ice cream they are a complete POS, though. I found the tone of the book completely abhorrent, which the Salon reviewer also brings up.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 12:42 PM

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It's not so cool for your kids (or anyone) to go around thinking that if they eat a single scoop of ice cream they are a complete POS, though. I found the tone of the book completely abhorrent, which the Salon reviewer also brings up.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 12:42 PM

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I thought the comment about the anorexic voice interesting too.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 1:14 PM

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I thought the comment about the anorexic voice interesting too.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 1:14 PM

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I thought the comment about the anorexic voice interesting too.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 1:14 PM

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I was thinking of posting that article too...I feel very sorry for anyone who takes that book seriously. Shel Silverstein did a "children's book" called "Uncle Shelby's ABZ Book". It's a total joke and not meant for children at all and I absolutely love it...reminds me of this Skinny Bitch thing.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 1:38 PM

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I was thinking of posting that article too...I feel very sorry for anyone who takes that book seriously. Shel Silverstein did a "children's book" called "Uncle Shelby's ABZ Book". It's a total joke and not meant for children at all and I absolutely love it...reminds me of this Skinny Bitch thing.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 1:38 PM

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I was thinking of posting that article too...I feel very sorry for anyone who takes that book seriously. Shel Silverstein did a "children's book" called "Uncle Shelby's ABZ Book". It's a total joke and not meant for children at all and I absolutely love it...reminds me of this Skinny Bitch thing.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 1:38 PM

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I liked the book and have read it several times. I have also done other research regarding a vegan lifestyle. I think it's a totally healthy way to live. I read the article posted up top, and I think some of the messages were misunderstood. They don't advocate anorexia, they say "eat as much as you want, stop when you are full", and "don't count calories or fat grams, just read the label of the food you are eating and make sure it's good for you." They are totally right about all the bad stuff that is put into our food and considered "ok" by the government.

What's the percentage? 60% of adult Americans are considered overweight or obese? Does that seem "normal" to anyone?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 3:22 PM

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I liked the book and have read it several times. I have also done other research regarding a vegan lifestyle. I think it's a totally healthy way to live. I read the article posted up top, and I think some of the messages were misunderstood. They don't advocate anorexia, they say "eat as much as you want, stop when you are full", and "don't count calories or fat grams, just read the label of the food you are eating and make sure it's good for you." They are totally right about all the bad stuff that is put into our food and considered "ok" by the government.

What's the percentage? 60% of adult Americans are considered overweight or obese? Does that seem "normal" to anyone?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 3:22 PM

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I liked the book and have read it several times. I have also done other research regarding a vegan lifestyle. I think it's a totally healthy way to live. I read the article posted up top, and I think some of the messages were misunderstood. They don't advocate anorexia, they say "eat as much as you want, stop when you are full", and "don't count calories or fat grams, just read the label of the food you are eating and make sure it's good for you." They are totally right about all the bad stuff that is put into our food and considered "ok" by the government.

What's the percentage? 60% of adult Americans are considered overweight or obese? Does that seem "normal" to anyone?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 3:22 PM

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60% of the population being obese has nothing to do with the discussion. There are lots of healthy, thin omnivores.

The standard american diet has several problems, the least of which is that it permits consumption of animal products.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 6:38 PM

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60% of the population being obese has nothing to do with the discussion. There are lots of healthy, thin omnivores.

The standard american diet has several problems, the least of which is that it permits consumption of animal products.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 6:38 PM

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60% of the population being obese has nothing to do with the discussion. There are lots of healthy, thin omnivores.

The standard american diet has several problems, the least of which is that it permits consumption of animal products.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008, 6:38 PM

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I'm sorry, I didn't get to my point about the 60% of Americans being over weight or obese. I had to run. What I was trying to say is if the majority of Adult Americans are unhealthy...and that's the norm, than who's to say we shouldn't try a different approach to eating such as a vegan diet (it was referred to as an "extreme" diet in the article).
If animals that are used for meat did not have all of the chemicals and antibiotics in them, I would say "keep eating meat if you like it!" All of those unnatural things put into the meat is killing us (and helping to keep us fat).

The rest of the book is common knowledge:
-eat whole wheat instead of white
-eat fruits
-eat vegetables
-eat nuts and legumes

Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 8:52 AM

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I'm sorry, I didn't get to my point about the 60% of Americans being over weight or obese. I had to run. What I was trying to say is if the majority of Adult Americans are unhealthy...and that's the norm, than who's to say we shouldn't try a different approach to eating such as a vegan diet (it was referred to as an "extreme" diet in the article).
If animals that are used for meat did not have all of the chemicals and antibiotics in them, I would say "keep eating meat if you like it!" All of those unnatural things put into the meat is killing us (and helping to keep us fat).

The rest of the book is common knowledge:
-eat whole wheat instead of white
-eat fruits
-eat vegetables
-eat nuts and legumes

Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 8:52 AM

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I'm sorry, I didn't get to my point about the 60% of Americans being over weight or obese. I had to run. What I was trying to say is if the majority of Adult Americans are unhealthy...and that's the norm, than who's to say we shouldn't try a different approach to eating such as a vegan diet (it was referred to as an "extreme" diet in the article).
If animals that are used for meat did not have all of the chemicals and antibiotics in them, I would say "keep eating meat if you like it!" All of those unnatural things put into the meat is killing us (and helping to keep us fat).

The rest of the book is common knowledge:
-eat whole wheat instead of white
-eat fruits
-eat vegetables
-eat nuts and legumes

Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 8:52 AM

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Books like this have made my sixteen year think that eatting meat is what is making her fat. Which she is not fat at all. Her friend at school told her about this and now she is not eatting anything that we make. I really don't think that is safe for her but she wont listen to me or her step father. So I really hate books like this and I dont see how meat is making me fat it is the ice cream and snack foods like that that made me fat not meat.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 11:06 AM

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Books like this have made my sixteen year think that eatting meat is what is making her fat. Which she is not fat at all. Her friend at school told her about this and now she is not eatting anything that we make. I really don't think that is safe for her but she wont listen to me or her step father. So I really hate books like this and I dont see how meat is making me fat it is the ice cream and snack foods like that that made me fat not meat.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 11:06 AM

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Books like this have made my sixteen year think that eatting meat is what is making her fat. Which she is not fat at all. Her friend at school told her about this and now she is not eatting anything that we make. I really don't think that is safe for her but she wont listen to me or her step father. So I really hate books like this and I dont see how meat is making me fat it is the ice cream and snack foods like that that made me fat not meat.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 11:06 AM

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I think the biggest problem with the book is the way the message is delivered. If the authors are attempting to be funny, they obviously have zero regard for the mental well-being of their readers. This book is completely inappropriate, distasteful, and ignorant.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 12:38 PM

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I think the biggest problem with the book is the way the message is delivered. If the authors are attempting to be funny, they obviously have zero regard for the mental well-being of their readers. This book is completely inappropriate, distasteful, and ignorant.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 12:38 PM

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I think the biggest problem with the book is the way the message is delivered. If the authors are attempting to be funny, they obviously have zero regard for the mental well-being of their readers. This book is completely inappropriate, distasteful, and ignorant.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 12:38 PM

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