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burned cals

I know everybody is please dont attack me for asking...but, just wondering if there is a rule of thumb or a generally accepted 'rule' regarding what percentage of calories consumed one should aim to burn?

As in...if i am consuming 1600 calories, should my goal be to burn about 50% of those during a workout??

Just wondering, any (positive) thoughts would appreciated!

Fri. Feb 8, 1:00pm

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If you are only eating 1600 then burning 800 in workout alone seems really high - unless you are particually small framed. I would say if you are burning 800 cal/day in your workout alone you need to eat closer to 2000 cal. Netting your calories under 1000 can shut down essential processes (like brain function, heart function, etc.).

Friday, February 8, 2008, 4:20 PM

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If you are only eating 1600 then burning 800 in workout alone seems really high - unless you are particually small framed. I would say if you are burning 800 cal/day in your workout alone you need to eat closer to 2000 cal. Netting your calories under 1000 can shut down essential processes (like brain function, heart function, etc.).

Friday, February 8, 2008, 4:20 PM

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If you are only eating 1600 then burning 800 in workout alone seems really high - unless you are particually small framed. I would say if you are burning 800 cal/day in your workout alone you need to eat closer to 2000 cal. Netting your calories under 1000 can shut down essential processes (like brain function, heart function, etc.).

Friday, February 8, 2008, 4:20 PM

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800 cals? That would be a hell of a workout!

Rule of thumb: 3500 cals are an lb of fat. So you burn 500 calories each day that you don't consume, you'll loose about a pound.

Friday, February 8, 2008, 5:27 PM

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800 cals? That would be a hell of a workout!

Rule of thumb: 3500 cals are an lb of fat. So you burn 500 calories each day that you don't consume, you'll loose about a pound.

Friday, February 8, 2008, 5:27 PM

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800 cals? That would be a hell of a workout!

Rule of thumb: 3500 cals are an lb of fat. So you burn 500 calories each day that you don't consume, you'll loose about a pound.

Friday, February 8, 2008, 5:27 PM

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Interesting question - I've never heard of rules of thumb for the number of calories burned in a workout. I've only read about rules of thumb regarding working out - keeping it challenging, so many days per week, etc. I'll be interested to hear if anyone can reference research or info on this question!

Friday, February 8, 2008, 8:15 PM

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Interesting question - I've never heard of rules of thumb for the number of calories burned in a workout. I've only read about rules of thumb regarding working out - keeping it challenging, so many days per week, etc. I'll be interested to hear if anyone can reference research or info on this question!

Friday, February 8, 2008, 8:15 PM

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Interesting question - I've never heard of rules of thumb for the number of calories burned in a workout. I've only read about rules of thumb regarding working out - keeping it challenging, so many days per week, etc. I'll be interested to hear if anyone can reference research or info on this question!

Friday, February 8, 2008, 8:15 PM

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There's no rule of thumb based on that criteria.
However, the National Weight Control Registry notes that one of the top habits of those who have maintained a weight loss of at least 30 lbs (the average is 70 lbs) for more than a year is daily cardio to the tune of 500 calories.

I'm only guessing at why, but if you need 1600 calories to sustain your normal activity and earn 500 more, well, it's a whole lot easier to maintain at 2100 calories than it is at 1600.

Friday, February 8, 2008, 11:29 PM

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There's no rule of thumb based on that criteria.
However, the National Weight Control Registry notes that one of the top habits of those who have maintained a weight loss of at least 30 lbs (the average is 70 lbs) for more than a year is daily cardio to the tune of 500 calories.

I'm only guessing at why, but if you need 1600 calories to sustain your normal activity and earn 500 more, well, it's a whole lot easier to maintain at 2100 calories than it is at 1600.

Friday, February 8, 2008, 11:29 PM

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There's no rule of thumb based on that criteria.
However, the National Weight Control Registry notes that one of the top habits of those who have maintained a weight loss of at least 30 lbs (the average is 70 lbs) for more than a year is daily cardio to the tune of 500 calories.

I'm only guessing at why, but if you need 1600 calories to sustain your normal activity and earn 500 more, well, it's a whole lot easier to maintain at 2100 calories than it is at 1600.

Friday, February 8, 2008, 11:29 PM

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