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Dark Circles

Does anyone know of anything to help get rid of dark circles under their eyes? I get 8-10 hours of sleep a night and don't feel tired. I am only 30 but can't seem to get rid of them. I use a Mary Kay concealer and it is just doing nothing. Any help?

Tue. Feb 5, 6:22pm

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My aunt had dark circles under her eyes her whole life. She always knew she had low iron, but she didn't know why or how to fix it (it runs in my family). A few years ago, she was diagnosed with Celiac's Disease (allergy to wheat gluten). Ever since her diet change, she has had a rosy pink glow and no dark circles. She looks 10 years younger.

Worth looking into. Your intestines may not be absorbing the iron/other nutrients you need, which can be giving you those circles, and also causing you to want to eat all the time (because you're never getting all the vitamins you need).

I would love to hear what you think!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 9:52 PM

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My aunt had dark circles under her eyes her whole life. She always knew she had low iron, but she didn't know why or how to fix it (it runs in my family). A few years ago, she was diagnosed with Celiac's Disease (allergy to wheat gluten). Ever since her diet change, she has had a rosy pink glow and no dark circles. She looks 10 years younger.

Worth looking into. Your intestines may not be absorbing the iron/other nutrients you need, which can be giving you those circles, and also causing you to want to eat all the time (because you're never getting all the vitamins you need).

I would love to hear what you think!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 9:52 PM

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My aunt had dark circles under her eyes her whole life. She always knew she had low iron, but she didn't know why or how to fix it (it runs in my family). A few years ago, she was diagnosed with Celiac's Disease (allergy to wheat gluten). Ever since her diet change, she has had a rosy pink glow and no dark circles. She looks 10 years younger.

Worth looking into. Your intestines may not be absorbing the iron/other nutrients you need, which can be giving you those circles, and also causing you to want to eat all the time (because you're never getting all the vitamins you need).

I would love to hear what you think!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 9:52 PM

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The darkness you see is usually blood under the thin skin around your eye. Venous drainage of blood away from the eye region is generally not very good, and becomes more difficult with any kind of swelling in the face. So if you sleep face-down, for instance, there might be a little swelling for the first hour after you get up, and your dark circles will look worse in the morning.

Allergies are another common cause of swelling in the face --even mild ones. Sometimes these are hard to track down. It might be a food allergy, but is more likely a dust or mold allergy, or even a mild allergy to a household cleaner you use.

As the pp says, anemia is another cause, but less common.

Personally, for me it turned out to be getting rid of the Formula 409 cleaner I was using in my house! I'm using Citra-Solv instead, and have a lot fewer "black eye" days.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 9:29 AM

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The darkness you see is usually blood under the thin skin around your eye. Venous drainage of blood away from the eye region is generally not very good, and becomes more difficult with any kind of swelling in the face. So if you sleep face-down, for instance, there might be a little swelling for the first hour after you get up, and your dark circles will look worse in the morning.

Allergies are another common cause of swelling in the face --even mild ones. Sometimes these are hard to track down. It might be a food allergy, but is more likely a dust or mold allergy, or even a mild allergy to a household cleaner you use.

As the pp says, anemia is another cause, but less common.

Personally, for me it turned out to be getting rid of the Formula 409 cleaner I was using in my house! I'm using Citra-Solv instead, and have a lot fewer "black eye" days.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 9:29 AM

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The darkness you see is usually blood under the thin skin around your eye. Venous drainage of blood away from the eye region is generally not very good, and becomes more difficult with any kind of swelling in the face. So if you sleep face-down, for instance, there might be a little swelling for the first hour after you get up, and your dark circles will look worse in the morning.

Allergies are another common cause of swelling in the face --even mild ones. Sometimes these are hard to track down. It might be a food allergy, but is more likely a dust or mold allergy, or even a mild allergy to a household cleaner you use.

As the pp says, anemia is another cause, but less common.

Personally, for me it turned out to be getting rid of the Formula 409 cleaner I was using in my house! I'm using Citra-Solv instead, and have a lot fewer "black eye" days.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 9:29 AM

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OP here, thank you for your suggestions. this a simple test that your dr. can perform? I am not hungry all the time but the dark circles look horrible.

9:29...I use natural cleaning products but it could be allergies.

Does anyone have a good concealer they wear for under eyes?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 1:56 PM

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OP here, thank you for your suggestions. this a simple test that your dr. can perform? I am not hungry all the time but the dark circles look horrible.

9:29...I use natural cleaning products but it could be allergies.

Does anyone have a good concealer they wear for under eyes?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 1:56 PM

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OP here, thank you for your suggestions. this a simple test that your dr. can perform? I am not hungry all the time but the dark circles look horrible.

9:29...I use natural cleaning products but it could be allergies.

Does anyone have a good concealer they wear for under eyes?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 1:56 PM

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Thursday, February 7, 2008, 9:23 AM

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Another possible cause/solution that I read about was an accumulation in your nasal passages. You can use a netti pot (sp?) and a warm saline solution to clear out your passages. Maybe Google 'dark circles' and you'll get more info.

As far as concealer - I had a professional make up artist help me out and she used a stick concealer, which seemed to be lighter than my skin, and then followed up with a liquid concealer (in the tubes with the wand) that was more closely matched to my skin tone.

Good luck!

Thursday, February 7, 2008, 9:44 AM

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Another possible cause/solution that I read about was an accumulation in your nasal passages. You can use a netti pot (sp?) and a warm saline solution to clear out your passages. Maybe Google 'dark circles' and you'll get more info.

As far as concealer - I had a professional make up artist help me out and she used a stick concealer, which seemed to be lighter than my skin, and then followed up with a liquid concealer (in the tubes with the wand) that was more closely matched to my skin tone.

Good luck!

Thursday, February 7, 2008, 9:44 AM

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Another possible cause/solution that I read about was an accumulation in your nasal passages. You can use a netti pot (sp?) and a warm saline solution to clear out your passages. Maybe Google 'dark circles' and you'll get more info.

As far as concealer - I had a professional make up artist help me out and she used a stick concealer, which seemed to be lighter than my skin, and then followed up with a liquid concealer (in the tubes with the wand) that was more closely matched to my skin tone.

Good luck!

Thursday, February 7, 2008, 9:44 AM

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