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Health Challenge of the Week...2/5 to 2/11

Yep it's time again to post the Health Challenge of the week.

We are as good as our support systems. This week is about giving tribute to those people who stand up and support us as we make changes in our lives. The special folks who listen and help in really constructive ways. The people who inspire us to carry through. Share your stories.

Here's a challenge...if those special folks seem to be lacking, what can you do to become someone who inspires or lends a hand to someone else?

Tue. Feb 5, 12:40pm

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Where to start?

I have to start with my PT folks. My print save my life and inspire me more than you can ever know. To the athletes...Goplay,runner, gladiator, biker, mountain climber and all around athlete; Buck and Cobbroad, exemplary bikers and good guys; Cindy, Whitney climber and lifter: Theresa, marathoner and distance biker, Exp, soldier and runner; Leyla, skater and free spirit; Amy, new runner, and Babs Pilates exemplar...and all the others I am just getting to know. Reading your workout logs makes a tremendous difference for me. You truly inspire me to grab my shoes, or hop on my bike. I am middleaged and have only recently considered the possibility that I could call myself an athlete too. Thank you for reading, commenting, and answering my truly inspire me.

To all the thoughtful folks who show up here many...who want to figure this all out. Who read and think and engage in truly thoughtful dialog. Thank you! You wouldn't belive how many spin out conversations in my flesh and blood life started here at PT.

To the keyboard friends I have made here over the last half year. Your kind words and good questions have been so well timed and have gotten me through some tough situations. Thank You!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 1:45 PM

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Yesterday, feeling bold, I wore a close-fitting ribbed turtleneck without a jacket or anything. My husband of 20 years complimented me several times, knowing that I was stepping outside my comfort zone for clothing. Among his compliments were that I looked great...that I looked "hot"...and that I had curves in the right places. :^ ) I felt much less pudgy in that turtleneck after that!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 1:54 PM

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