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I've gotten so conservative ever since I've become a mom

Anyone else? What is wrong with me? I'm even finding pictures of scantily clad girls, if they look under 18, upsetting. I look at these teen stars and wish they'd set a better example. Why have I become so uptight?

Sat. Feb 2, 10:44am

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Oh yes, I'm with you and I've never been 'that way.' Part of it, for me, is because I remember who I 'loved' growing up and it was Laura Ingalls Wilder. I remember watching Miss America with awe. Now I go to sporting events and watch the dancers grind into each other and I see young dance groups with girls as young as 8 and 9 doing the same thing - EEK! The day I saw the young girls simulating girl on girl action at a half-time show was the day I knew I was an 'uptight parent.' Not only would I not want my young daughter watching that, there was no way in hell I'd let her take dance lessons to learn that!

My parents had an easier job, I think, although I'm sure they could identify pop culture issues working against their parenting at the time, too. If nothing else, it all provides unending opportunities to talk to our kids about sexuality!

Saturday, February 2, 2008, 11:33 AM

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I'm not a mom, but I am a psychologist and your feelings are most likely due to the fact that the media, etc. are portraying young girls in a very negative light. Role models are not what they used to be, or at least what the ideal of a role model should be, IMO.

I think that is why it's especially important that parents today instill morals/values and emphasize what is right/wrong from a very early age within the home environment; parents have to make sure to set really good examples as research shows that even newborns are receptive to behavior and tone of their parents. Children will model their parents behavior. Yes, it's a shame that these risque, inappropriate (in many forms) young stars are glamorized and plastered everywhere in plain view, making it difficult to steer clear from even at the grocery store as magazine covers feature their almost-naked bodies...

Now that you are a mom, it is only natural that you want the best for your child and I don't know if it's exactly a bad thing or that you would be considered, "uptight," but rather, concerned and cautious. Too few parents are...
If only more parents discerned what and what their children did not watch on television, play in the realm of video games, etc...the world would be comprised of a lot more healthy individuals (that is if the parents' discretion was actually mindful).

I think you are doing just fine!

Saturday, February 2, 2008, 2:05 PM

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I have always felt that way...I am a new mom but i always wished that certain girls would value themselves better. I think so many of these young girls do not have good role models and often good father figures, In our society it sets them up to almost be encourage to dress and talk in a very low self esteem manner.
OP I am glad you addressed it. even if everyone of us made an effort to tell a young girl in this situation something positive about themselves w/out the disciption of a body type in the process they would hear about there value in life and that people care about what they do and who they are. I also often feel that in our society lately many parents are friends w/ their children. I feel as though that does not give them the opportunity to parent and say what needs to be said , instaed of always wondering if they are going to her their child's feelings.
They are too important not b/c they are our future but b/c these girls are our present!

Saturday, February 2, 2008, 3:42 PM

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I'm the opposite! I was very conserative when I was younger and I feel like I get a little more libral every year. I was just joking with my husband that by the time I'm 40 I'll probably be living at a nudist colony, growing all my own food, "smoking" a lot, and composting my own waste. LOL.

Though I have to say my opinion on girls dressing, acting, and being treated appropriately hasn't changed much. Still conservative on that issue.

Sunday, February 3, 2008, 4:13 PM

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I'm a senior in high school who often works as up at the middle school at the fun after school program (babysitting). I am usually a very liberal person, but on this issue even I am conservative. Its a shock walking into a room full of 6th graders who are wearing thongs and short skirts -- some of these kids haven't hit puberty.
There is something direly wrong with our country as it is -- all this "sex sells" capitalism is setting up a poor image for anyone impressionable. It's never, ever "self control and respect will make you happy", it's "beauty and money will make you happy."

Sunday, February 3, 2008, 4:36 PM

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I am too a very liberal person, but on this, I am "conservative" as well. Well, more like a feminist. I am just into my early 20s and it digusts me when I see girls my age or dressing up and acting like sluts. It's like geez, have some respect for yourself! Personally, I admire fit, strong women, such as athletes or fit celebs like Jessica Biel. I hate it when women are just seen as sexual objects for men. I guess that's why I do certain things-- I cover myself up, I lift weights not for the purpose of being "toned and sexy"...rather to have muscle and have strength, I watch sports, etc. I refuse to be the stereotypical female/fit society's norm!

Sunday, February 3, 2008, 5:03 PM

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I wouldn't call it's disturbing watching 11 year olds grinding up against each other, not even really understanding what they're doing. I hope that the trend swings the other way. When we were little, we were wearing gunnie sax and sweaters buttoned all the way too the top! I wish moms put more pressure on their girls to dress their age.

Sunday, February 3, 2008, 8:07 PM

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5:03, try not to say "the stereo typical norm" in an insulting manner. Lots of women are happy being that stereotypical norm, and putting them down doesn't support or respect their choice, as women to be that stereotype. It's bad enough when men consider the "stereo typical woman" to be an insult, we don't need women supporting that position.

I'm part stereotypical norm- keep my hair long, wear lots of skirts, giggle, make-up acrylic nails, total girly girl etc. etc., however, I'm also a military lawyer so I can kick anyone's a** in a courtroom, and love when I get to take the assault rifle out to the range.

Sunday, February 3, 2008, 11:17 PM

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