team details:

Team Name: Spring Challenge For Change
Members: 13
Location: 01010


Profile: There are only 10 weeks left in 2009 - let's make the most of them! Don't start 2010 with more weight to lose thanks to an indulgent and sedentary holiday season. Let's get through the next 10 weeks focused on our goals so we can begin 2010 in a better place!

Last posted: Sunday, October 24, 2010, 10:52 AM

Other Info:

Members profiles:
I am 31 years old and I am an exercise physiologist. I love what i do and each day I get to share in others struggles. So, I just live my own struggle right along side them.

I am 23 years young and I am officially a college graduate now!!!! I enjoy dancing, signing, listing to new music, avoiding school work by surfing the Internet and crafts of all sorts.

I am 34 years old, married to my college sweetheart, and the mother of three children - two daughters (8,6) and a son (3). I have always had a decent metabolism and relatively athletic frame considering I was not an avid athlete for most of my life. After having my second child, I really felt the need to take it up a notch and started running more regularly. I joined a marathon training group and ran my first half marathon in 2006. I now have 6 half marathons under my belt and have dropped my time over 25 minutes!

33 year old, fairly newly wed South African. Lost 12 pounds before wedding...then picked up 16 pounds in 9 months. I know that it's a lifestyle thing, and I am determined to loose the weight!

I'm a 21 year old junior in college, so I eat most of my meals in the dining hall. This makes it a bit of a struggle to be a good nutritarian, but I'm doing the best I can, and though I slip up from time to time, I've been good about getting back on track.

I'm 30 and married, recently moved to SoCal a year ago. I'm 5'4", and I've gained and lost the same 20-30 pounds since I was 18. I lost 20 pounds and gained it back. I want to get to a healthy weight and MAINTAIN it! It's embarassing really but the only thing that seems to work for me is monitoring my progress each and every day. Every time I stop doing this I gain the weight back.

I WILL succeed.

58 years old, live in the Denver area. Married almost 35 years - have battled the bulge my entire life. Trying to become a more active person.

I am married stay home mom. I am up for just about anything. Love Football, Sports in general all but golf unless I am playing then it's fun. I enjoy the beach, people watching, swimming, camping, fishing, hunting, watching the sun set, looking at the stars and constellations, Reading the Bible and other religious books, Dancing, laughing with friends, drinking a cold one, Traveling cross country and all over the world Guam, Europe, Australia. Eating food all kinds even those I can't pronounce

I am 28 years old. Like most, I have good days and bad days. My dad is terminally ill and in the hospital a lot, during the weeks he goes in for treatment, it's hard to find the time to workout, but I am going to work on finding a better life balance.

I'm 28 years old and recently recovering from a kidney transplant that took place on March 16, 2009. My younger brother donated to me and we have both recovered extremely well!!! =) Now that I have a new outlook on life, I am ready to lose this weight and make a healthy lifestyle change.

I am a 23 year old student graduating in December. I love to read, play games, snowboard, and work.

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