team details:

Team Name: New To PEERtrainer August, 2009
Members: 1492



Last posted: Sunday, June 20, 2010, 2:11 AM

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Members profiles:

I am a 35 year old stay at home mom of 4 wonderful, very active children. I have 3 handsome sons that are 10, 8, and 5. And 1 beautiful sweet daughter that is 17 months old. I have issues with food and have probably ever since I was a kid. I have struggled with keeping a normal healthy weight all my adult life. I lost about 35 pounds several years ago and kept it off for quite along time only to gain it back about 3.5 years ago. I wasn't thin before I gained it but much healthier than I am now. I let my weight hold me back from things like enjoying a day at the river with my family. Just don't feel like putting on a tank top and short, shorts. Tired of spending my time thinking about food, my weight and how and when am I ever going to lose it. Other than that, I have a great life with a wonderful family and friends. I just want to live life to the fullest and never to be a diabetic or die of cancer. I feel this is where I am headed if I don't start taking care of myself.

I'm a stay at home mom with 2 boys (3 and 6). Our schedule is crazy because they will be going to different schools. I run/walk 4 times a week with our Great Dane Eva.

My fiance and I are planning a fall wedding next year. We have four children and have been together for nine years. I work 3rd shift full time and go to college full time during the week. I find it hard to stay it accountable to myself and easier to stay accountable to friends. I tend to focus on my family instead of myself (which isn't always a bad thing) but have finally realized I need to work on myself.

50 years old, professional, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, clogged arteries

I am in the UK, I am 41 (nearly 42) and have a 2 year old daughter. I begin teacher training in September.

I'm a stay at home mom with 4 kids. 8 year old and 22mos. old triplets. I have been sitting at about 210 for a while. Got to 200lbs. a few months ago but I just can't seem to get below the 200 level.

I am almost 34 years old who loves Jesus more than anything but I struggle with real problems, one being my weight. I just got remarried in June 2008 to the love of my life. Together, we have 6 kids (3 each)- 5 girls and 1 boy. My kids are all girls, 13, 11, and 4. His are 9 (girl), 5 (girl) and 3 (boy). They all live with us, so life is pretty chaotic. My mother in law lives with us as well to help out. I teach full-time, 9th grade Science and Forensics in a public school. Overall, I feel very blessed in my life but need to take care of myself a lot more.

I am 27 years old and have struggled with my weight now for three years. I have tried everything and tried of not seeing results! I have mastered several things in my life, but weight loss is not one of them. I am seeking daily motivation and the encouragement to finally get this weight off!!!

I am recently remarried with 2 children. I hate my job so I tend to stress eat. I have started other avenues to take care of the job part now I want to get started on the heath part.

I have a charmed life with lots of great food and drink available. I am 60 years old. I want to live more thoughtfully. Years of being unhappy with my appearance have taken a toll on me. At my age it is time to accept who I am. I have eaten to escape feelings of unhappiness and insecurity. At times my eating out of control has been a serious problem. I weight 150 lbs and am 5'6". I don't like going to bed full and waking up in the night feeling uncomfortable from what I have eaten and drank. When I pay attention to my actions, I am happier and can let go of the worries. Worrying is presently out of control.

I am between 195 and 200 pounds. Its really hard for me to get motivated. If i do get motivated, i work out for like 2 weeks and then stop completely. I joined weightwatchers in march and lost 13 pounds in 3 weeks. i just recently gained the rest of it back. i cant seem to get back into the swing of weight watchers. i am a member of a gym that i pay for and dont go to. Im sick of the coments that my family and boyfriend give me. I want to eat better and get in shape, im concerned for my health because i have an addiction to food and cant seem to make the right choices. I want to get to the point of being able to go for a run everyday.

I am an 82 year old male who has spent altogether too much time on cruises, where the food is appetitizing and the eating is unavoidable, The results are predictable. I return home bloated, breathless, with an expanded appetite and a shortened lifespan. No more. I intend to live forever. I know I can do this because 1) I did it before, about 15 years ago and I still remember the feeling, and 2) I gave up smoking 25 years ago and have not relapsed.

I work at a pizza place :(

Iv been tormented by food since i was....about 9 years old, I was a chubby kid, not as chubby as the kids from now a days, but for my families standards I was chubby. My family is full of old ugly people that used to be basically super models in their youth. There is always this constat preassure that I follow in theri steps somehow: be thin, be pretty, be stylish, be smart, be successful. You know, the usual movie script. But around the age of 14 one day I said to myself wow you are an ugly pig look at what your eating, and poof, somehow, bulimia, with a splash of temporary anorexia once in a while, I managed go from weight 61 kilos to 46 in 2 months. I was estatic on my success but I also looked like shit. since then I have gained weight on and off, trying to lean towards the be healthy side rather than the be thin side, iv tried to conjure up role models, to brain wash my self, to love my self, a million diets formt he yoghurt to the apple diet to the 3 hour diets and wat not, they work...for a while. about a year ago i managed ot get in the best shape of my life, I was so proud, i was eating healthly, and excercising regularly, i had portion crontrol and timing perfected for me. Then I went on the pill because my boyfriend kept nagging and nagging, and somehow, little by little my portions got bigger i got bigger but still looked good, then the end of the year came, time to say good bye and go off on internships, i came to the other side of the world, where the food is totally diffrent, and i have no control on what i eat as all my meals are dictacted by the staff canteen, all curries and argh well you can imagine, the first time i saw croissant after being here for a month i went insane, i ate like 10 in one go, people were looking at me like i was a famished beast. i became friends with the cooks so i would be able to get better food, i broke up with my boyfirend because of the distance and his increasing paranoia, although i was going to the gym i was eat voraciously, and i say the kilos pack on, i saw the jeans getting smaller, i had to swtich to skirts, then to wrap skirts nothing fit, i looked like an over stuff sausage in my own clothes, the men at work would just come up to me and say "your fat now" as bluntly as that. and yet my ex boyfriend continued to stay in touch with me. and we were close, i managed to begin following a diet when i thought there was hope for us to meet for new years and be happy together again, then he stopped writting emails, at least not any interesting ones, just sends me forwards, never calls, tells me friends he hasent heard from me in ages that i deleted him from my life, and its all lies and i dont know why, but now im back to eating peanutbutter from the jar along with nesquick every time i hear something about him or about the guys here who have no respect for interns (but thats antoehr story). there an old gym ont he premises, but nowhere to actually walk, im living on a tiny island, thats 15 minutes walk around!!! even if i ate and trying to walk the weight off its impossible. hence. close to rock bottom but no quite there yet, its scary.

I am married and have a 9 year old son. I lost my job a year ago, and and working to develop a web design business. I have maintained a vegan diet (at home) since January. I have more energy and have come to prefer an animal free diet.

I'm 20 years old and I weight 220. I want to lose weight really bad but I never stick with my diets or workouts. I'm abut 5'9 and I really wanna lose my belly fat. that is where most of my weight is.

Menopausal maniac and reinvented citizen of Earth. Editor. Nurserywoman. Newbie knitter and cat constable.

I'm 21 years old. I used to be thin but 3 years ago I started to gain weigth and never could get rid of it.

I have a beautiful four year old son.. and have been married for five years..

I'm a 29 year old mother of three, 2 girls and 1 boy. I had my son 10 months ago and I cant lose the lingering 20 pounds. Please help!

I am a 29 year old female with a husband and four kids that require alot of attention. Together we have three girls and one boy. I love to cook but it seems like my enemy. I love to go outdoors and fish and camp. I'm also currently going back to school to finish my BSN in Nursing. I'm looking forward to a change. Bring on the challenge!

I am a retired music teacher I taught for 35 yrs. and am enjoying retirement immensly. Peertrainer has been a great help and I appreciate all the help I can get. I have been married for 39 yrs. I have been retired for 13 yrs. I have just hit 70 yrs. Don't let the age scare you.

I'm 5'5 and 130 lbs. I got up to 145 and felt terrible about it. I'm a little over half-way to my goal of 120 lbs, but it's taking longer than I'd like.


I'm seventeen years young. I love to go out and just have fun. I'm super random and giggly. (it can get exhausting sometimes, so i have my days:) I want to go to school for nursing and hair design. I've got plans too big for this small town. Anyhow, my favorite things in the world are animals, people, music, and writing! I think that's about it. mmhhmm.

I'm 19 years old, a student studying to go into the medical field. I love the beach and being with friends. I'm not exactly a social butterfly, but once I warm up to people I become the life of the party. I've had weight problems all my life, and I would love to finally get it under control.

I am a 22 year old female senior in college, weight 145 lbs but always fluctuating. because I live in vt for most of the year, I definitely want to find as many ways to exercise outdoors as possible (although for me, that will be harder in the winter!).

I am a high school special education teacher, married and have a beautiful 21 month old son named Jackson.

In highschool I was very active and maintained a healthy eating and exercize regiment at the beginning college. The past year however, My life has spiraled into a disaster in terms of health, exercize, and making good choices for my body. I want to regain focus, work hard, and get back to the weight/body that I felt MOST comfortable, confident and healthy at... 125 pounds!

Mom of 2 - 5 year old and 9 month old

I am 42 yrs old, 2nd marriage, with DS age 10 and DD age 6. DH says I am fine the way I am but yet makes smart remarks about my eating. He's not been supportive of any weight loss regimine I've tried and has plenty to say about it when I go off plan...

Over 40 mom, liberal, Bi, Lacto-Ovo vegetarian. Live in a household of mostly males, people and pets. Confession time - I currently (3/15/2013) weigh 190-194 pounds. This is not healthy. This will shorten my live span. I am worthy of a LONG life. Pulling myself out of various situations makes me realize that I can totally do this. I can be a healthy weight without stress or worry. I choose every bite I put into my mouth. I choose to eat healthy, before that choice is removed from me.

38 years old, married with 3 children (7,4 & 2)

I am a teenager whom to this day has lost 44 pounds. I got up to 194 pounds in April, and realized that something needed to change. So, I changed pretty much everything in my life. I now weigh 150 pounds (the lowest i have been in 2 years!) but to be and feel very healthy I would like to weigh 125 pounds. In my family of 7 I am the only one who has changed their life style and it's really hard to feel support from them since they eat so poorly, and so often.

In my 50's and mostly happy with my life. I just need to fix this one area so I can move forward in other areas.

I am 24 years old graduate. Married. Working. All normal stuff. Except for my love for food and sweeties. I used to be 115lb...but gained 41lb. Managed to lose 19 two years ago. But I cannot lose anymore, every time I start a diet I stop after 2 weeks....everytime the same...I lose few pounds then as fast I put them back on.....typical yoyo... I cannot join weight watchers as my bmi is 24 which is considered to be healthy average...which I don't look like....So I really hope that this time I will be able lose those 30lbs and keep them off. Progress: During one month all I lost is 2lb O.O As ususally I started pigging out after 2 weeks of normal eating and excercising.... Getting back on track)))))Slowly.....

I am 21 years old. Im from a very small town in Michigan. I recently had my first child. Her name is Jaiden and shes 3 months old. Shes my life.

I'm 30 years old I have been overweight for as long as I can remember...When I was 22 I had my daugter.. I gained 70 lbs while pregnant and never lost any of it...I have been miserable for along time, always saying tomorrow I'll start a diet... or I've stuck to a diet for a few months and lost 20 or 30 lbs and then gained it back plus some... this time has to be different... I have to change my life, im sick of being miserable

If I could get a makeover I would look like a cross between Catherine Zeta-Jones and Beyonce.... I also want to look like the Mom that all the teenage boys fantasize about. Certified MILF

My name is Jenna. I'm 20yrs old, ginger girl with blue eyes, 5'0". Never exercised, until I went to the doctor and found I had high blood pressure as a result of my anxiety disorder and was told that regular exercise would help.

I am a 55 year old Mother of 3 Nana to 3 angels I am an Event Coordinator and Salesperson for Gymnastic, Cheer and Dance Equipment

28 year old fulltime working wife and mother of two trying to fit a healthy diet and exercise into my very hectic day

i am 5"7 ish and currently weigh around 118 pounds

Student at Brown University planning to go into clinical psychology; I love soccer, running, viola, and anything French.

I am a husband to my perfect wife Heather (or Lynn), father to Sebastian and a sweet maintenance guy. Yeah!

?"Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character." Albert Einstein

I own and operate an in-home preschool where I'm constantly busy! I have 2 kids ages 2 & 6.

I am a stay at home wife and aunt. My husband and I don't want children ourselves but adore our niece and nephews. My nephew on my side is with me alot during the day while his parents work. I love playing with him but as he is now almost 3 I am noticing alot that my weight hinders that. My husband and I love to travel. Which is another reason why I want to lose the weight, I have getting on a plane and having people stare to see if I am going to be able to buckle the seat belt. In addition to all of this my mother has been recently diagnosed with a severe heart condition, that while it was present at birth for her and thought to have been repaired, was worsened by as her doctor gently put it "poor body habits" meaning her weight. I don't want to put myself or my husband through health scares like that, that may be prevented if I lose the weight.

I'm 27 years old. I have a wonderful husband who was my high school sweetheart. We have been together going on 13 years, but married just over 5. We have a 3 1/2 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. They are my big motivation in life. They fill me with joy every day. I want to make sure I stay healthy for them.

I'm a 47 year old female ~ 60 over weight. Average height. Over all good healty. Have 2 boys. One married with a son and one just out of school. All live with me.

29 years old. I'm a doula, an actor, a comedian, and an awesome aunt. Not making much money at any of them so also work in a restaurant. Also I'm a vegetarian (a chunky vegetarian!).

I am in my 50s' and ready to start dating again.

I never thought I was thin even when I weighed 130, oh how I long for those days. At my age, 45, I don't expect to get down to that again, but I would love to see 145. I weighed 243 this morning....don't throw me out of the group, I know it is bad.

I'm a 44 year old, married father of two. In my 20s I was in very good shape - worked out regularly, but have been inconsistent since my early 30s. Currently weigh about 198-200 - I'm 6 feet tall. Not horrible, but want to be at a more healthy weight. Would love to get 6-pack abs again.

I am a self employed personal chef. I work hard, and tend to be sort of lazy beyond that. I belong to a gym in town, but my attendance is sporadic. I struggle with emotional eating and some hefty self esteem issues related to that behavior.

well just a little about me....well im a procrastnator, i have been putting off losing weight for a long time and its time for me to stop. because im only 21 yrs old and i dont wnat to be this way anymore.All i now it takes a little motivation and support and hopefully i will get that here:)

57 yo, divorced, no kids at home just my SO and me. Work crazy hours with many away from home. Hate to excercise but love overcoming that hate to just "do it'.

I'm a psychology major at Bradley University. I enjoy reading, yoga, music, singing, baking and crocheting.

I'm 22 and physically fit but I have one bad eating habit that needs to stop!

I am a 44 yr old mother of 3 grown daughters and grandmother to 4 grandsons. I have a wonderful husband and he has 3 grown sons and 2 granddaughters and 1 grandson. Yes, when we got married they call us the Brady Bunch plus 2 because at the time we only had 2 grandchildren.

I am an average 37 yr old male. I am extremely interested in portion control, wish I could run, but can't because of 2 back surgeries. Usually active or at least I used to be before I bought a 2nd house that is new. Remodel/renovated my other house, so it kept me relatively busy. I have a problem with salt, I like it too much. Don’t really crave sweets, so I don’t eat enough fruits.

I work in an industry that requires extensive travel. As a result, my eating and exercise has gotten extremely poor. I can't say that I've gained a lot, but I'm definitely out of my comfort zone.

I am 27yrs old, I have a 2 1/2 yr old son, Jackson...I have been married going on 4yrs now, and have two step-daughters, Lyric (6) & Lilly (5)...I work full time, and am also an aspiring photographer which I take at home classes for, so technically I am a full time mom, wife, employee, & life is HECTIC to say the least!!

Well, I am a 26yr old vegan and so should find eat to live a breeze...but I tired and failed once already....I guess i am as addicted to salt and sugar as most others. I am not overweight but carry about 10lbs of unessecary fat on my body. I just want to feel lean and strong.

I am a happily married new mom that works full time as an elementary art teacher. My daughter was born in February and she is my motivation right now. I have ALWAYS struggled with weight but have been generally very happy otherwise. When I started college I was doing a lot of walking to class and somehow made it to about 175 - I would love to get back there. That leaves me with about 125 lbs to lose. Yikes.

49 YR OLD 3 grown daughters 6 grandchildren whom i adore. not social at all just work and stay at home spend time with my daughters and grandkids. i work for a couple of great docs that support me on my weight lose and give me great advice

I'm 33, married, and the mom of two little ones under 3. Between taking care of the kids, the pets and the house, plus working part time, my schedule is pretty tight!

Well, I have three adorable children...ages 6, 4, and 2. I graduated from Western Michigan University with my teaching degree last April, but because of the bad economy in Michigan, haven't found my dream full time job yet. Hopefully it will come soon.

I've been an Oncology Med/Surg nurse for 12 years, and am struggling with the fact that I'm heading down the same path of ill- health, as many of the patients I take care of. I dread the idea of being hospitalized and have "obese" as one of my identified medical problems. I'm a person that can accomplish major goals quickly, but have a hard time maintaining a behavior change for the long run. I totally know what I need to do, but I'm full of excuses and postponed start dates.

I just turned 57 in July and my husband and I move to Kim City in Oct 08. I'm having trouble adjusting.

Married with 9 children (ages 31 to 7) Five are still at home. Self employed farming & trucking business. Enjoy horses, fishing , gardening,Quit smoking 6 months ago, gained 20+ pounds. Started walking & free weights.

I am 51 and I guess this is suppose to be the new 31, but I feel like 71 most of the time. I have COPD and I want to live again! I quit smoling in Feb 09 so that is one marked off the list. Now the weight!

I have three boys.. 4, 2, and three months. I'm holding on to 20 lbs of post partum chub. I've lost it before, I can do it again.

I am 31 years old. I am in love with working out I never want to get tired of it and so far so good. I recently started

I'm 40-ish and am married, with no kids yet, waiting to adopt. I was pretty healthy until I met my husband and it seems once I got married that we just partied, ate and drank, until I found myself over 200lbs. I know tons about nutrition, don't eat red meat, pork, veal, lamb, any other exotic meats, and stay away from a lot of strange fish.

I'm 18, 5'9", with blue eyes and brown hair (at the moment). I started college this fall, and gained about 7 or 8 pounds in the first two months, and that's my reason for joining! I'm a Christian, I am studying to become a registered nurse, I love reading, and I love my family, friends, and boyfriend :)

60 yr old female, heart surgery in May 2009. Need to lose 60 pounds. Work full-time at stressful job.

I am a single professional 35 year old female, living with 4 little dogs, and in a long-distance relationship, so I am on my own and have my own schedule most of the time. Which is not a bad thing when it comes to training. I used to be a runner, have done a lot of marathons and half marathons. Fell off the wagon about two years ago, and here I am today: completely out of (marathon running) shape, 18 pounds heavier, and completely depleted of energy in my day to day life.

I'm a 36 year old mother of a two and a half year old. I work at my desk at home writing so it's sedentary. I live with my husband and we are both quite social and swap nights out/ getting up in morns as heworks from home as a webcreative and runs his own business, so I end up drinking more than is healthy for me ;-) I'm happy with my life and things ahead and family life but my weight and body shape causes me great distress sometimes to the point of panic attacks. As a social, bubbly type I keep this hidden.

I'm a mother of 5 and 7 year old girls, married 9 years. Been a SAHMom but now volunteer at our library while the girls are at school. Would like to go to library school and am studying for my GRE. I'm a military brat and married to a military man. Love Jesus and want to grow in self-discipline in my life.

I am a 65 year old grandmother to Sebastian and mother of 2 kids, Jason and Jennifer.

I'm 15 and overweight. Im a sophmore with CMT, bad ankles, knees that dislocate. Needs to lose 100+ lbs. I'm 268 and 5'7''

I have tried all diets and everything and I can't seem to get anything to work. I have even jouned Jenny Criag. It helped for a while, but it got too expensive to continue. I want to lose weight and always have since Elementary school. I hope this works.

mom of a 14 year old and an 8 month old.

I'm 25 yrs old, married and have one child. We are both Marines so life is busy. Were contemplating a second baby but I want to get in the best shape as possible first. Cause coming back from our daughter was rough.

I am a 27 year old teacher who has a 1 year old Germain Shepherd. My husband is a cop who works midnights so dinners are often quick and convienent.

I am a junior in college. I take very difficult courses and spend most of my time in class, studying, meetings, or hanging with my friends. I did a lot of athletics in high school so I never had to be motivated because I had to run/exercise at practice. Now with freedom I lack motivation to exercise. I sometimes really get in the mood to work out but most of the time I have to force myself to go running.

male 35. i try to make it to the gym everyday. plays basketball. spends 10 mins in sauna. lift sometimes. swims sometimes. self directed workout. i don't log what i do. hardly measure stats (i.e weight)... maybe now i should.

Love to read. Body Pump is fun. Hate spinning, but at least I always come out of that class sweating.... Love to cook.

I'm a 19-year old student at Ohio State University, looking to shed about 10-20 pounds. I'm 5'6, 150 lbs, former competitive martial artist. I'd like to have the beautiful, lean sculpted body that I had before I stopped working out. I'd also like to start eating better.

I'm 44, work full time and have three kids 14,16,18. I'm recovering from a mini stroke and heart surgery to repair a whole. I gained about 20 pounds during the time that i couldn't work out, but now the weight has been very hard to get off.

teacher, wife, friend, dog mom, scrapbooker, soccer player, lover-not a fighter, fun, happy, weird, hiker, nature lover, Jesus freak, open minded,reality tv addict (so ashamed:), and so many others....

38 years old wife of 5 years mom of toddler domestic goddess

I am 23, single mom of my beautiful son Hunter who is 2, live in Minneapolis, work at Wells Fargo and have a busy busy life!

I'm a freshman in college going for my degree in psychology with a minor in film. 5'10, 179 pounds.

really busy nursing student and having a hard time balancing my time and maintaining a healthy diet with my outrageous schedule. i just completed my first half marathon but i honestly gained more weight. i now have fat and a combination of muscle making me look big and bulky for a really small girl. Im really short so i want a longer leaner, less bulky figure

Im 18 years old I lost 25 ibs this year. I was not overweight but I wanted to eat healthier and work out! But now that I have become an excersize 'feen' I want to loose even more weight.

Terribly overweight for about 20 years. 78 years young. I love decorative painting, my computer, reading, and crafts. Unfortunately all of those things require me to sit, sit, sit.

up and down forever--but interested in the slow way now, and I get lots of exercise

I have been overweight since high school. I have had periods where I have lost quite a bit of weight only to put it all back on. I would like to lose enough to feel healthy again.

I'm 49, have 2 grown girls and have been married for 8 yrs. I work as an RN for a company that does home infusion. I love dogs; I have 2, both rescue dogs.

I have been married for 16 years, have two sons ages 7 and 8. We have two (active) dogs. I work from home as a medical transcriptionist and am a homeschool mom. This is our fifth year homeschooling, and I truly do enjoy it. I am active in my church as the commander for our AWANA club and also am on the praise team and sing in the choir. In the summer, I enjoy spending time outdoors and camping with my family.

21 year old recent college grad, now working 9-5 in an office, sitting on her bum, and looking to amp up her out-of-work activity to maintain a toned body.

I am a 28 year old mother of a 4 year old boy and wife of 5 years to my husband Matthew.

I am 28 and I have 3 wonderful kids and a very loving husband. I can get lazy and not want to do it, but then I think of how lucky I will be if I can loose this weight and be able to run around WITH my kids outside rather than just watching them run around. I'm not doing it cause I want to I'm doing it cause I HAVE to. No major health problems at this point but my family is riddled with weight related health complications including diabetes.

I am overweight and out of shape. BUT I am here to make improvements in my life!

diagnosed with high blood pressure

I am a 24 year MPhil student in the process of upgrading to my Phd. I love to party and I have an active social life, but my current job is very high octane and requires a lot from me. So I am always on the go, always travelling and I have not developed good eating habits as yet. Last year I lost 20lbs in 4 months, but I have gradually put it back on. I knowwhat it takes to loose the weight, but I need your support please.

Lifelong yo-yo dieter. Started running at the age of 43. Currently running a 10 minute mile for 3.5 miles 3-4 times a week.

I am 22 years old, living in beautiful North Carolina. I come from a big italian family and grew up eating pasta and chichken parm frequently! I decide I was overweight four years ago, and have accomplished one of my goals by keeping the 25 pounds off. I try to stay as active as possible now, but I cant seem to get rid of belly fat! I want to include more ab exercises into my workout. I will be student teaching in the fall, and I love working with children.

Yo-yo dieter since I hit my teenage years... herbalife, atkins, weight-watchers, south beach. All have helped me at one point in my life lose a significant amount of weight, but I always gain it back.

I'm 27 years old. I have been overweight for some time, actually since i started to study. No time to exercise, a lot of junk while studying all adds up. Married about 6 years ago., have no kids yet but want to strt my family next year. However i want to do that healthy

Had half my thyroid removed in 2005. Was 130 pounds. Since then my body just hasn't recovered and currently weigh about 150. Still trying to get the synthroid dosage right so that I can feel good. I am furstrated that I have not been able to take any weight off at all even after the use of a trainer and with loads of exersize. I ride my bike 40-60 miles a week and walk for 30 minutes at least 3-5 days a week. I have seen people drop 10 pounds by just changing the cereal they eat. It is infuriating. My body just can't seem to do that anymore. Perhaps it has something to do with being in my mid 30's too.

I am 58 years old and and have been in the teaching profession for 15 years. I am about 80 pounds over weight and during the school year a work-a-holic. Stress and lack of sleep are my biggest challenges.

I'm 48 and recently married. I'm an engineer, a painter and a ballroom dancer. Dancing is something my husband & I enjoy doing together so that makes it even more fun.

im 13, luv sports. im the vice president of my school's Builder's Club. i love to volunteer in my mom's speciel ed class. im going into 8th grade this year.

I am 44 and a teacher. I have 2 children, 6 and 9. I started gaining weight in my 30s and it spiraled after the kids came. I am pretty much out of control!

I am 25 years old and in the Navy. I am currently stationed in Naples, Italy. I have been to several different countries in my 8 years of service and have also steadily gained 30lbs that I cannot seem to lose EVER! I am unable to meet the weight/body fat standards of the Navy and will not be given too many more chances before Uncle Sam gives me the boot. I NEED HELP!

I am a 43 old mother of two boys ages 20 and 16. I have married for 22 years to my highschool sweet heart. I have struggled with my weight all my life and have some success only to eventually yoyo back to end being even larger. I want to be this thing once and for all and reach a goal weight that I can maintain.

I am a single mother of 3 beautiful kids--8, 6, and 3 1/2. I am a shocking 70 lbs heavier than I was when I got married 11 years ago..........50 lbs heavier than when I got pregnant with my 8yo.

13. Almost 14. Going to be in 9th grade.

I am new to this website & not exactly sure how everything works. I am a single 25 year old female. Hoping to some day find the love of my life and start a family.


Recently widowed, pet sitter, cat lover, Virginian, and a Kindle lover.

I do diets on and off., but it always comes out to the same loose a few pounds and gain the twice what I lost.

I'm a high school teacher with two daughters, 6 and 9.

I am 38 years old, single, professional accountant and completely frustrated. I weight 180 lbs and am a successful yo-yo dieter. I go through waves every month where I can eat properly and healthy for 2 weeks and the other two weeks I'm bingeing and eating chocolate, thus gaining the weight I lost and trying to lose it again. I'm sure it's hormonal but I need it to stop. I have tried almost every name it and I've probably tried it. I also have PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) which means that I carry most of my weight around my waist and I have found that eating low carbohydrates seems to do it for me. Is that method fast, it sustaining, no. So not only am I trying to lose this weight, I'm trying to find the right eating/exercise pattern that works for me and that I can sustain. Once those dreaded 2 weeks are upon me, the diet goes out the window because it's just too tough to maintain and sooooo much easier to give into the temptation. I'm trying to exercise more right now, doing some running with the goal of running a 5K race in October. I will also be attempting to bike to work tomorrow and hopefully for the rest of the Summer and I have a membership at the gym where I go swimming. As long as my eating is okay (for the moment) my exercise follows suit. Hopefully I can make it through one month without dropping out of the diet (ahem...or should I say lifestyle)

I'm a 24 year old who's just finished grad school. I'm studying to take my boards for physical therapy. You would think as a physical therapist, I should be thin and a good example for my patients, but i'm not, hence why I think it's important to be losing weight now, before I start. I'm just pretty much tired of being overweight, and not being happy with who I am. I'm so paranoid about my health and other possible health conditions I might have. I've always attempted to go on diets, but never went through on anything. I honestly don't mind working out, but for me I feel like the only way I can lose weight is if I get a personal trainer at a gym, and have my food made for me so I can lose weight, but I have no money for that stuff. So i have to really find motivation and support.. It's just really hard.. blah =(

I am just starting pharmacy school at a new university.

I'm 5'3 and 122lbs, which I know is a healthy weight but I feel much better at around 115lbs. I love eating healthy and exercising, but I have a big sweet tooth :( I always end up having these crazy sugar binges, which is what I need to stop!

Recent college grad, 22; looking for a full-time job! Was very thin/active before college and gained weight because of stress eating/sugar cravings/partying. I was also a food writer, so I'm going to really concentrate on eating smaller portions, more fruits/vegetables, and fewer processed foods while still enjoying food.

I live in Australia, I'm studying law and psychology at the University of Western Australia. I'm 20 and have been working on shedding the extra weight that has been ruining my life since I was about 9. It wasn't much, but it had a huge impact on my confidence, not to mention my health/fitness. Since 2008 I have lost about 10kg (more than 20lbs). Half of that weight has been lost through Peertrainer. Since shifting that tiny amount of puppy fat, my confidence has improved enormously. My self esteem and happiness has gone through the roof, and I am truly loving life for the first time. I still have another 10 lbs to lose, but feel like it is practically taken care of and I'm already setting my sights on further goals, like becoming a runner. (Running is something I have always been terrified of, at this point I actually couldn't run 500 metres, no joke.) I love the weight loss process, for the first time in my life, it is fun, and exciting. Thanks to Peertrainer :)

I'm 18 and from the UK. I start college again next month and I am terrified! I'd love to be able to continue to lose over the next 2 years of college, so I'm fit, healthy and confident enough to start university as a student nurse :) I'm a vegetarian, and a horribly fussy eater. I'd like to be able to maybe get some new ideas to try!

I am 35. I am a sahm until I finsh my degree. Which may be forever! I have 2 boys, ages 4 & 1. I have been married to a wonderful man for almost 8 years.

I got married just over a month ago and have gained 10 pounds. I'm 36 and have never been this heavy in my life. I work a desk job that is boring and unrewarding but I'm thankful to have a job and a nice boss.

I'm a full-time mom and aspiring writer in my early 40s. My favorite hobbies are reading, making handmade cards and working on scrapbooks. I'm a Jane Austen fan and enjoy the world of Harry Potter. My favorite book is Tam Lin by Pamela Dean.

I'm about to turn 26 and begin my last semester as an undergrad. After that, I hope to start grad school next fall. I love being outdoors but find that time and lack of motivation sometimes are my two biggest enemies.

I have been very thin before but I wouldn't say I was healthy or fit. I am much heavier after my first pregnancy, but well on my way to accomplishing my goals!

I am 60 and have put on 10 -12 lbs every decade. I am spiritually based and have seriously started my transformational process. Major changes in my life occured 18 months ago, that forced me to reevaluate everything about everything I had experienced. I surrendered to Spirit and want a change of Heart and Head. I intend to change from the inside out. All change is good and all relationships reveal more about ourselves. I am sick of making excuses for my misuse of food, addiction to sweets and lack of exercise. What comes out of me is indicative of what I put in me...and i am aware change is essential and support is crucial at this point. I have taken care of the spiritual part and I am reaching out for assistence in physical atunement. Thank you for your interest in my wellbeing. We do for another what we sometimes cannot do for ourselves. I want to gain what cannot be measure and loose what can be measured and do both in joy and gratitude. :)

Im 19 years old in College, studing BioChemistry. I used to run cross country and track in highschool, but since then I have been trying to stay in shape by working-out. In highschool I had a horrible diet where I wouldn't eat anything all week and then right before a race I would splurge. I don't competitively race anymore, but my eating habits have stayed the same.

I am 25 years old, and am looking to lose the 20 Lbs of excess weight I have accumulated over the last five years or so. I work in the outdoor education field which requires me to be fairly fit, active and healthy, so that is my main motivation for losing this extra weight. My starting weight is 134 and I would like to be down to 114 by December.

I am a married mother of one in a physically demanding career.

I am 26 years old and looking for a healthy lifestyle change.

I am 54, and have yo-yo dieted most of my adult life. I have lost 80 - 100 lbs 3 times before and I want to find a way to loss weight and keep it off. Today I weigh 268. I have lost 10 punds in the last five weeks.

I'm like most out there when it comes to weight loss: I make a detailed, super-healthy weight loss plan, stick to it for a week or two, lose a couple of pounds, but then for whatever reason, start "cheating", and then eventually my progress and lifestyle changes go up in smoke. No more. No fad diets for me. Do it the hard way: Exercise more, Eat less, Eat healthier, Be healthier.

I'm a 5'4" 25 year old woman in good health. I am a music therapist who works out of car most of the time. I spend my time in the car, traveling from home to home, and I don't have a set 'lunch time.' It's whenever I can fit it in. I basically snack throughout the day, but I keep healthy options in my lunch box, like ready to eat fruits and veggies, low salt/fat crackers, dried fruit, etc. I like to think I'm pretty active, but need some extra help to lose the extra pounds. I've started this goal at the beginning of the year, but due to a neck injury a few months in, my time in the gym was limited. After trying different methods and pills, I think I've grasped onto something that is working for me. I've already lost 12 lbs, and am about 8-9 lbs away from my goal. I need the extra support to get me through.

I've always been the "fat" kid of my social groups, but I've never felt that reflected who I truly am. On the inside I'm ambitious and energetic, but I keep allowing my weight to hold me back. Well, NO MORE!

Office Assistant I was at my goal 4-5 years ago. Always wonder what happened

I just graduated from college but gained weight since I started working! I definitely had no room to put on some extra pounds... I am a dancer (ballet, jaz, hip hop, contemporary, etc), but have always been the big girl in the studio. I work harder than everyone else but the pounds don't come off for one reason or another. I'm actually in pretty good shape and I'm also very muscular, so I don't look like I weight as much as I do, but knowing what the scale says motivates me to work that much harder. I know I'm in control and I'm going to work hard to shed these lbs!

Just had my second baby 2 months ago. I really feel like I am a funk right now, and I can't get motivated. I am a teacher and I go back to work on Oct 1st, so I would like to have a solid workout/diet in place before then.

I have lived in Denver most of my life, it is so beautiful I want to truly be able to enjoy it.

A person who knows she needs to make changes, but needs the right tools

I am 26 y/o mother and wife. My husband is my support right now and has been since the day we met!!! My son will be a year old this christmas eve. I have been on a lot of diets and failed at almost all of them. When I was in highschool I thought I was fat but truely I wasn't. I have been over weight since I was about 18 years old and have steadily put on weight every year. occationally I will lose but than I just put it right back on... I want this time to be the last though

I am a college student leaving to study abroad in Sweden this next year. I have always done sports all through school and upto this past year, I could eat whatever because I burned so many calories and I was a thrower in college now that I'm not working out as much it is hard to change my eating habits and get the motivation to workout as much as I use to. I hope going away will be a fresh start to healthy eating and a more balanced routine.

I am 24 years old. My weight has gone up and down for the past three years. I am hoping to finally get it under control and be a healthier me.

I am 19 and want to feel comfy in my own skin. I have battled with bulemia for a while and need to stop that and start living the healthy weight.

I heart Jesus :) I don't eat red meat, I'm giving up for a year as a fasting exercise. I do love red meat tho lol. I don't drink soda (by personal choice, not for dieting reasons) I don't eat fried foods because they make me feel fat lol. I love music. I don't feel I'm overweight, I just want to take care of my body before I end up overweight.

I'm a 47 yr old ex carpenter , now supervisor( no excersise,lotsa stress) I have a fit wife who can eat anything and still look good( I cannot)I love to be active but I'm finding I can't, out of shape, everything hurts , feels like I'm dyin' ( I know boo hoo) but I'm confident that with calorie counting and weight lifting I can turn things around! Help!

53 years old, male, engaged to a marathoner.

I've slowly gone from wanting to lose 10-15 lbs to wanting to lose more like 30-40 . . . and my goal weight hasn't changed! I've totally fallen off the wagon since I started going back to school, and I need some help staying focused & motivated!

I'm a 19 year old thats 5 foot 4 inches and i'm 60 pounds overweight.

I am new to peer trainer and to being part of a on-going chat group. I am excited about meeting people who are trying to reach the same goals I am and I like the idea of being held accountable. I am 5'11 and want to loose 20-25 lbs. I have a lot of muscle and a large frame so I think between 160-165 lbs would be my ideal weight. I would like to reach this goal by Christmas 2009.

I am a 23 year old "professional" (I suppose, if you can call it that...). 5'4", 150 pounds.

I am a 29 yr old at home daycare provider. Along with that I go to church a few times a week and therefore I don't have much time for a real work out plan. I do however, endeavor to work out at home during the children's naps. It seems to work for a bit, but then I tend to get distracted with life and end up putting it off until before I know it, weeks have gone by. I want my 30's to be my best and that day is coming in June. So, I have 8 more months to reach my goal.

I am turning 40 next month and enough is enough - I need to do something and stick with it!

Ready to get started

Hi. Im 16 years old and weight 207 pounds. My weight has been out of control over the past few years which is very disturbing to me because i am a very good athlete. But over the past 3 years i have had some bad injuries which enabled me to engage in actives and were stressful.(duh) so im finally cracking down now and i just wnated some support thats not my friends or family or anything so just give me advice and help me please! thank you.

Single black female 31 years of age

I'm 64, retired, have three grown children and eight grandchildren. Live alone and do my own cooking, for the most part, so I'm in control and responsible for what I eat. Have been slowed down by arthritis and MS, and have little oomph for exercise, but I do need to move more.


I'm a 33 y/o married Rehab Director. I love my job. I really want to make exercise a hobby and control my eating...stop eating junk.

I am 25 years old and have reached the point where enough is enough and I need to lose weight. I have some hormone and thyroid problems that slow things down but I am determined to beat it :)

Single mom, I weigh 222 lbs. I lose weigh but then gain it back. Joined for support to lose and keep it off.

My name is Julie and I have been obese since I was in the 3rd grade. I come from a family that enjoys gatherings with food. "What should I bring?" is always the first thing that is asked. Food was always a comfort and is something that is always on my is how to control my weight. My weight has pretty much stayed the same for the past 5 or 6 years give or take 10 pounds. At one point, I became so motivated that I lost 47 pounds and have been able to keep more than half of it off in 8 years. Sometimes I wonder if I sabotage myself because my weight has become my security blanket. If I lose that, what else will people expect from me? I found this site when I was looking for calories for canteloupe. Strange I know, but after looking at it, I thought it might be a good idea. I need help. I want to do this. But I need constant motivation...and feeling great in the past from diet and excercise just doesn't seem to be motivation enough. I tend to forget how good it feels to get out there and get active, have more confidence, more stamina, less joint pain. I was a smoker for about 12 years. I quit about two months ago as a promise to myself that I would be smoke free by age 35. I want to make the same promise to myself about my weight. I want to lose 30 pounds by my 35th birthday. I need to get on the right path. And maybe by year 36, I will be at my lifetime goal. Thank you for being here!

30-something photographer with a few cats and my hubby. We live simply, and work hard. Nothing much else to tell really.

21 yr old mother of a 2 yr odl little boy medical assistant busy never seems to have the time to work out now i need to

48 yr. old. man, married, one daughter 10 years old, project/contract manager, former competitive tennis player, have let myself go over the last 15 years. I want to get my toned, athletic body back and feel better.

I'm 27yrs old 4ft 11inches and live in San Antonio Texas. I have pretty much always been heavy, even as a child...which was hard. I had reached my heaviest about 2 months ago at 202lbs which I was completely horrified to know. I knew I had gained a lot of weight, but not that much. I have a large love for food of course...and was lazy. My biggest exercise was walking from the couch to the refrigerator. I've tried some diets throughout the years and have lost 20 or 30 lbs here and there, but shortly gave up on them and gained all or more of the weight I lost back. But this time I want to loose the weight so bad I believe I will keep it up and not give up. I have a really good support system from my boyfriend and family so its good. I'm currently doing the south beach diet and have had good success so far. Ive lost 28lbs since I started the diet and exercise plan I'm doing about 2 months ago.

I am a 20 year old girl. I live with my boyfriend of two years in our own apartment, we support ourselves, he's a culinary professional at our local Red Lobster and i work 5pm to close as a alley coordinator at Olive Garden. I have lost 40 pounds two summers ago but i gained all my weight back and more. My weight depresses me and makes me dislike myself. I have never been thin or in a healthy form, the smallest i weighed that i can remember is 160 in 7th grade. My man helps me but at the same time wont physically workout with me, he works hard and is tired when at home. I sing and play guitar, and love going to open mics i am not shy. I have two kittens and love them to death. I have kinda 2 friends, one my sister i see once in a while and then casey who is in college and work or hanging with her friends she has more in common with, i had friends in highschool but since graduated i dont see them anymore and it sucks. I need suport from people like me. I have a gym membership but i never go anymore i like places with a convenience. Its hard to make new friends because everyone my age seems like they want to party and do drugs and that is not me i dont do anything like that and i am proud because that keeps me healthy, my man doesnt either. I see my dad somtimes and i dont talk to my mother.

I am 28 years old, married, and have 3 children. 11, 4, & 2. They are my world, and keep me entertained throughout my day when I'm not on the computer. :o)

I work as a Receptionist. I'm married with 1 son. I have 3 grandchildren.I love to bowl and play tennis.

I am 35. Mother of 2 boys, 4 and 3 weeks. I am a teacher. I am a runner. I am married for 10 years this September. I mountain bike, hike, and love to be active with my kids!

I am a young mother of four, lost twenty pounds and gained it right back. I feel so bad about my self need help!!!! Just stop smoking now I have worse habit eating.....

age: 22 Height: 5"7 weight: 225 sex: female

I am a student at the University of Chicago. I was class of 2009, but because of several difficult problems (insane depression), I had to take some time off and did very badly other times in my college career. I now only need one more quarter of classes (four) plus write my A.B. thesis paper. I am anxious about that and have been for the majority of this year, but because I only recently (one month ago or so) began to seriously diet and exercise, I have not been able to concentrate on almost anything not diet and exercise and weight-related.

I am a nursing student, a single mother, and a part time retail employee. I have 1 son and try to give him all that I have. I rarely have time for myself and I need to start putting myself first at times. I have to quit giving into easy fast food options and start getting healthy.

After I moved down to Texas I gained about 80 to 90lbs. It was pretty easy considering I drank Coke all day long, ate whatever I wanted whether if it was good or bad and did not exercise. I hated how I looked, but wouldn't really do anything about it. I would start to exercise, but would stop as soon as I started. At the beginning of last year I decided I was ready to start eating healthier and maintain a workout regimine. I have lost 30lbs since then. I have started to lose motivation. I haven't worked out in a month now.

I have a hot butt! JK We'll my name is Dayna aka diana aka demeris!! HEEEEEEEEYYYY farina!! hey flashdrive!! hey new girl! ok lets do this girls!!!!

Hello, my name is DeAndra and I live and work in South Florida. I recently gained over 20 lbs and cannot fit into ANYTHING in my closet. Over the last 5-months I have found myself purchasing bigger clothes and losing the motivation to maintain my weight, while improving my health. I eat more candy, cake, and cookies than I need to and drink more coffee, filled with cream and sugar than anybody needs! I joined this community for support, to make new friends that identify with what I am going through (and also be supportive) and accountability - so that I can LOSE the extra weight!

i'm 13 years old, im turning 14 on august 19. :) i wanna lose 10 kgs in like 3 or 4 months! i've tried before but i only managed to get rid of 6 kgs and maintained it out of my body. :) i like art, algebra and sports but i'm too shy to join some summer classes or clinics. WHY? i get so conscious about what i wear around people! aahh.. i wanna wear shorts around town and actually feel good! i don't even tie my hair to help hide my fat. I'm very moody and after that "break-up" incident, i just became so optimistic in life and eager to look pretty. Reasons: I wanna buy new clothes! The kind i like! LOL. haha. like.. skinny jeans and more! To gain more confidence in myself. To be healthier! ;) To attract the opposite gender. ;) haha.. the last one was just a benefit. haha, tell me, who doesn't want to be liked by the opposite gender.. right? i think most would! and i really want the clothes too and the self-confidence, sometimes i can get so conscious, i can't perform well in things i wanna do! :(

Working mom of two--trying to lose the last of my baby weight and get back in shape. I've already lost 30 lbs and have 20 lbs to go and have hit a wall so I'm trying this to see if this will help motivate me. I'm starting to train for a 5K and would love to do a sprint triathlon again in the future. My biggest problem is time!

I am 15 soon to be 16 and I have been overweight for about 5 or 6 years, I am ready for a change.

I am new to this group. I am 26 and I am 131 pounds and I want to lose 10-15 pounds before next summer or Christmas. Let me tell you a little about myself. I am Canadian and I grew up in Cambrige Bay, Nunavut. I was born in Regina. I have always been on the heaver side. It wasn't until I gained 160 pounds, which was a bit of a shock that I had let myself go that much and I decided I wanted to change. I started to lose weight a few years ago. I have lost up to 30 pounds. It has been a battle going up and down but for the past year I have been doing really good at keep the weight off.

i'm 27, i live at the beach, i have the most wonderful boyfriend in the world. i'm JUST finally finishing my BA and it just seems that this yaer is going to be a big one for i would like to make as many positive and hopefully permanent changes as possible.

I am a 20 year old waitress planning on going to cosmetology school sometime next year. I do not have many active interests, mostly because I do not know a lot of people who would be interested in working out or playing sports.

62 years young. Feisty with lots of moxie. Life time of struggle with morbid obesity. Current weight 169. This reflects a 75 lb. loss over the past 3 years

well my name is felicia a.k.a. farina and im 19 i like 2 swim and play basketball but i am not in shape 4 basketball. so i barely get 2 enjoy playin cuz im always 0ut of breath lol but yea what i like 2 do 4 fun is chill with my friends ! they always make me happy lol im a funny person . idk how but i make ppl laugh when i have a weird face on lolol idk s0 yeah no more info bout me =)

24 yrs old, just graduated from a Creative Advertising program, looking for work, moving to new place with mom (who is divorcing my dad) depressed, lazy, and unmotivated to do anything. Single, after 4 yr relationship, and lonely. Getting into a new phase in my life --- so i want a new me, new body, new career, new love life, new home!

37 yrs old, married mom of a preschooler. I want more than anything to take care of myself to feel better and to have more energy. I also want to set a good example for my daughter. I was also diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease 2 years ago and NEED to lose weight to maintain my kidney function.

I am 49 and have struggled with my weight since I was 13. I became anorectic in my late teens and early twenties, then went on to develop bulimia. I am currently about 40 pounds over weight.

I am 39 years old and am recenly divorced after 16 years of marriage. I am excited about starting this new journey in my life, not only as a newly single female, but as a healthy one as well. I am currently 120 pounds and my goal is to reach 110 pounds. I am 5``3`.

Live outside of Altanta, 37 years old, Married. I enjoy spending time with my husband and family. Traveling is a favorite thing for me to do.

My name is Jenifer... if you'd like to know more ask...

I am 21 year old mother of a 18 month old son. I work part time at a veterans hospital and am working on getting my nursing degree.

I'm a 19 year old sophomore in college who is looking for a change to bring up my self esteem and be more confident in the person I am.

Busy vegetarian single mom with a good commitment to working out.

I'm a 35 year old working mother and part-time student. I've read the Beck Diet Solution and am following Weight Watchers, which I've had success with in the past. I suffer from food allergies to wheat, gluten, dairy, peanuts, mushrooms, soy and almonds which really adds a new dimension to dieting! In one way, it makes it a little easier - eating fast food that usually contains at least 2 allergens makes me very sick, so I've already cut that out of my life.

I am a 22 year old college sophmore. I was so small as a teenager, but when I gave birth, I blew up like a balloon. I love to walk, dance, and play alot of sports, however, I do not have enough time to do all ofthat since I work and go to school fulkl time for both. I am trying to stop making excuses, andtake care of my health like I should.

I have been obese my entire life. In high school, I was a size 18 and weighed 210 pounds. I met my husband in Feb of 2000 and have since gained 115 pounds. I no longer recognize the woman in the pictures and have decided to make a life long committment to good health. I have recently began Fat Smash Diet by Dr. Ian Smith and have lost 12 pounds in 6 days. I have recruited my husband and 2 friends at work to join in this process. We have lost a combined 34 pounds this week!!!! I truly believe if I can do this diet than anyone can!

I'm a fun loving 22 year old. I just graduated college, and have recently moved back home. I have found that it's much easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle when I was living on my own, but unfortunately, it's just not possible right now. I've always been overweight, but I used to be a lot more active than I am now. Some of my hobbies include playing sports, surfing, the beach, and spending time with my family and friends. I want to learn how to maintain a health lifestyle so that I can continue to enjoy these activities.

I'm a 27 year old mother of two adorable boys (3yrs old and 5yrs old). I'm getting married July 17th 2010 to the love of my life. My fiance and I have been dating for nearly 8 yrs. I'm also a stay-at-home-mom and have been for almost 6 years.

I'm 14, just moved to a new town and i am going into grade 9.

Hi! My name is Lucia and I am 22 yrs old from San Diego, CA. I am in my last year of college at SDSU. My boyfriend is SUPER fit (its ridiculous) and his motivation/confidence along with my motivation to be healthy is my driving force.

eighteen years old just graduated work full time and about to start college.

I work A LOT. I am 27 years old and I have always fluctuated in weight. Right now I am at my heaviest which is 30lbs over my "normal" weight and 40lbs over my "ideal" weight.

I just turned 18 and want to lose the weight to reach a healthy weight. My main problem is maintaining weight loss as i find it return to my initial weight

About five months ago I bought Wii Fit, this is how my own personal quest to look better and feel better not only physically but mentally as well began. My character on the game was listed as obese....he was actually fat!!! I never really looked at myself that way. Needless to say I went into overdrive and now I'am at a normal weight!! So far I have lost sixty pounds. I'am currently running 3 miles a day and walking 1. I ditched wii fit and started P90X and I love, love, love it!!! So thats where I'am currently.

I'm a mom of a six year old boy, married work full-time, love to travel and spend time with family and friends.

What can I say but that i am unhealthy. I find myself SOB with leg swollen. I am in my mid 40's and have want to see my kids graduated from high school and college. I want to be healthy to be able to get around when older. If I can quite smoking I can do this too and now.

Two years ago I weighed 205. I am at 174 now. I have plateaued at 174 for the past year. I exercise 4 times a week. I bike ride and do Qigong. I have changed a lot of my eating habits. I still crave sweets and I night eat to relieve unncomfortable emotions, distract leg pain and to get to sleep. I am 55 years old, married with two grown dughters and I work in the hospital as a respiratory therapist.

At the moment I weight about 204 lb's or 14.8 stone. I am 34 years old and I have never been slim as such so I don't want to suddenly become 8 stone! The slimest I have ever been was 11st and even then because of my height I was still a size 16/18 (I am 5' 4"). All my weight goes to my stomach which is the worst shape to be in my opinion - an apple. 11st to me (or even 10) is what I am aiming for.

51 years old. Mother of two, ages 27 and 21. Grandmother of a 3-year-old boy.

Name: Nique Age: 21 Staus: Boyfirend and 1st baby 3 mnths old as of aug 2nd 2009 , working as a Customer serivce Rep for Sprint Motivated and Deicated cant wait to look sexy in a size 9 curent pant size is probably about a size 15


I am a 32 year old mother of 2. After my second child I gained all my weight and that was 4 years ago now. I am desperate to get back into my skinny jeans!

I love the gym...I love how working out makes you feel & once I get into a routine I'm addicted. My diet isn't so great... I love swimming, photography, family and friends.

I have already lost 100 pounds of which took me about 1.5 years to do.

I am knocking on 40's door and I plan on leaving the rest of my life as a Fit and Fabulous Women

middle aged. unhappy with body that ive got right now. and i'd get a whole new wardrobe if i can shrink back into my old clothes again. it would be nice to have my clothes fit better. i think i would feel a lot better if i lost 10 %of my weight

I am 43 yrs old, I always thought I was overweight my whole life by going by the weight on the scale, not by my inches and the fact that I was physically fit. I am a pear shaped and will always have a big bottom and thighs, but now I have accepted that and thank goodness for all the models and actresses that have the same body shape. :-). Also, though when I got married I gained over 200 lbs. Not so much fun. I now only have 87 to go. woo hoo. I have 2 boys, a 19 yr old and an 8 yr old. And my 8 yr old broke his arm this weekend. So.....we shall see what the next 4 to 6 weeks have in store for us.

I'm a nutrition major and thanks to my new healthy lifestyle I'm beginning (slowly) to look like one, I began my journey on May 25th of this year, weighing 172 lbs, I am now 156 so I have a good start going for me! I love yoga and pilates and I am just a happy go lucky girl in general.

I am a working mom.

I like!

im a college student major is Literature, and teacher certification; Over the course of one year i had lost 15 lbs for my wedding, but since our vows, i have put all the weight and then some on(so now im 23, 5'5', 163)...really depressing because i had worked so hard to get it off, but i need to do better this time and stick with it! thats why i would like to run a 5k, so that i still have a reason

I am a 26 year old, newly married, office manager for a doctor's office. In my spare time I enjoy gardening, reading, art, photography, and walking my 2 dogs. I have recently started doing pilates and walking/running around my neighborhood.

I am 51, married for 28 years and have two daughters ages 27 and 23. I have struggled with weight issues all of my life and I am so tired of the up and downs. I am 4'11 and and am about 25 lbs. overweight. It seems so overwhelming to me, but I am going to try. I joined Weight Watchers in hopes of learning more about portion control and being accountable for my food choices. I really wish that I can be one of those people that doesn't have to think about what I eat, since I basically eat healthy... but obviously too much and too many dinners out and desserts! I want this to be fun and not a chore and I find that counting points is challenging yet really teaches about portion control. I hope by joining this group that I can be motivated and that I can help others as well!

I am a 19 year old college student looking for some extra support in acheiving my weightloss goals

I like to be physically active, but I have a job that keeps me chained to the computer. Also, I have to be more concerned with my choice of physical activities as age (1955) comes with lsome limitations.

I homeschool my 15 year old son and 12 year old daughter.

I am a 31 year old mother of one wonderful little boy and a very busy business owner. 6 years ago, I was fit, trim, and would run 5 miles 4 or 5 days a week and 8 miles every Sunday. I am 5'9" and weighed 133 lbs.... fast forward to now.. pushing 190lbs, am constantly lethargic, and have a serious emotional connection to food, not to mention a horrible sweet tooth! : ) It takes everything that I have just to do an walk/jog interval for 3 miles on the treadmill.

I am 45 yrs old, Married to a wonderful man, I have 2 daughters ages 9 and 4. I work 30 hrs a week and take care of the home.

I'm 50 years old, and have been self-employed w/ a shop for 20 years, in which I sold in Feb. 09. I've been a fitness instructor for 8 years and dance instructor for going on 3. So I get a lot of excercise every week. Last year I gained about 50 pounds. It was an extremely stressful year, until I sold my shop, and have been in a huge transition since. Food is always what I run to for comfort. I've had a full fledged eating disorder since I was about 15. I've "done it all" to compensate for my binging.... until those tactics have had a serious affect on my health. I no longer do the radical things to lose the weight, and as I'm getting older, I find it harder to lose it. I also think I could be on the verge of diabetes, and see my body changing how it stores fat. I know stress affects that, due to cortisone levels, but I really think it's more than that. I became very ill almost 2 years ago due to my bad habits and I hope I can get my health program started and stick to it before futher consequences arise.

I love music, dancing, writing poetry short storys, Horseback riding ect...

I'm a 47 year old, stay at home mom of four... Ages 22, 19 , 12 (boys) and 9 year old girl.

I'm 23, a University student, who over-indulges in most aspects of life. I love good food, I love cocktails, I love junk food. At 6ft I'm always gonna be bigger than the tiny girls I used to hate at school, but over the years I've not stopped eating and gained more and more weight, to the point where its making me very unhappy so I'm doing something about it.

I am 28, married, mother of 2. I have a "desk job" and have for the last 10 years and its taking a toll on me.

I'm turning 49 this year and sick of carrying all this extra weight around. I started the new year off right by giving up drinking (used to drink wine everyday) and abstained for 2 mths. I now only drink on the weekend and even then I try to control how much I consume. I would say I'm good 80% of the time, just need help staying focused the other 20% of the time as I feel this sometimes sabbotages all the hard work I've put in.

I am a married 36 year old Naval officer with a 7 month old daughter. I gained 50 pounds when pregnant, and I am struggling to lose the last 15 pounds of it. I can't get myself to work out or eat the way I should. I was already a little overweight before the pregnancy, so I am really unhappy with my body now.

im 5'5' and 198 pounds. i have recently packed on a few pounds due to my change in homes&my lack of excersise. i need to get back on track because my doctors are tellng me being this over weight is bad for my knees and my heart at such a young age.

I'm 25 and a nanny. The hardest thing for me has been that I'm around food for the entire 10 hrs a day that I am at work. And, I've been in a horrible rut and haven't gone to the gym in 3 months+ I'm tired of making excuses and ready for a change.

I am 53 years old, and am learning to take care of myself - mind, body, soul. My weight has gradually gone down over the years, and at times a bit back up when I comfort ate during health challenges and other life lessons. More often now, I respond to stress and emotions in a more healthy way, thank goodness! My highest weight was 165, my lowest 131. I am now 143.0 and am focused on attaining a weight of 125, along with gaining good lean muscle and cardiovascular health.

I am a mom of three boys 10,7,1. They are the light of my life. I have always been athletic playing volleyball in high school and I've always enjoyed jogging, hiking. I love the beach and it always gets me in a good mood. I love my husband and we have built a sweet life and a happy home. I want to be my best for my family because I really believe as mom and wife I set the tone in the home often. I want to be a fun person that isn't tripped up by food or always focused on myself because I can't beat this. I believe in God and love Him. i am way better in business than i am in my home, but i am trying to get better at this domestic thing. i do special projects for owners of small businesses. in my previous life i worked in advertising in LA

Newly single mom. Husband took off, left me and son in Iowa in our big old falling apart house. My son is 5 and sad.

I'm a 21 year old college student with just a few semesters left. I'll be getting married soon after graduation! I also started playing soccer again this summer after a 4 year absence. I hope that by losing the 30 pounds I need to reach my goal weight of 135 I can improve my soccer performance, feel better generally, and be super cute when wedding day rolls around! **I'm also a vegetarian**

I am an expat with limited time, no gym buddy.... since I have moved here my social life mostly involves drinking or eating out, no actual sports....

I'm an expat living in Bahrain and trying to stay busy. Life here is restrictive in the sense that it's Islamic yet leisurely because I have so much extra time. Over-eating is definitely a pastime.

Full-time working Mom of two (5 and 8yrs.), married to a man who loves food as much as I do! I turned 40 this year and it is feeling increasingly diffucult to lose weight. I love activity but this desk job is kiilling me!

I am a girl from Ohio

I am a 40 year old nurse. I just finished working as a travel nurse. Tis the reason i picked up so much weight:) I am really spiritual. However, its not helping me with this weight lost thing.

I work in a residential program for emotionally disturbed children and it isw physically demanding. I have been married for 33 years; my husband says he doesn't care that I am fat but does say he thinks I would be happier if I lost weight. I love to read and bike.

I am 61 yrs old with 2 sons, one married with 6 children and one in the Army, who has been to Iraq and Afganistan. I have been overweight/obese most of my life. I want to change that.

Had major foot surgery and couldnt walk for 9 months without a boot and crutches. All I could do was lay on the couch and eat, which I did really well as you can see from my before picture.

I'm tired of being overweight.

I am 23 years old. I do reception at a hot yoga studio but I don't look or feel the part.

My name is Sarah, I'm going into my freshman year of college and I've been heavy all my life. I am now 215 and have already lost 10 lbs this summer. But the weight loss needs to continue, I want confidence.

I'm a 23 year old female. Recently graduated with my Bachelors in English and just entering the "real world". I come from a big family and hope to have one of my own in a few years. I am here to gain support in my weight loss journey.

Loves to cook, eat, and exercise. My motto: You can do it if you want to. Never give up!

Im a 21 year old girl from the beach, I moved to this dry flat land when I met the best thing that ever happened to me, unfortunately as I gained the most handsome man i have ever met, I also gained an average sized 10 year old...

I'm 27, married with a 7 month baby boy.

I'm 32 and am already feeling the effect of age and weight loss. Although I have never made it to my goal weight, I had a much easier time taking off the pounds for a while. I have been going to WW for over a year and have lost 10 whole pounds ;-) So I am maintaining my current weight very well. I need to lose a lot more to get the weight off my back and my knees.

Married with 3 children, work full-time, love physical activity, active in church, 38 years old.

24 years old, single mom, full time student.

I am a wife and a mother of a preteen girl. I am turning 40 this year and I want to be the best 40 I can be. I also want to set a good example for my daughter by showing her how to manage weight without obsessing over it.

You help me, I help you!! 23 Year old freshly graduated from college, wanting to lose weight again! Year Ago: went from 225lbs to 145! One-Two Months Ago: 185. Present: Slowly down to 175. I need buddies to help me in losing weight! Future:goal is 145-150. I can do it again with help!

I am 30 years old and have been married for 4 years. I love my life, I just want to firm up. I have been surrounded by dieters my whole life. The first time I was told to lose weight was when I was twelve years old. I was told that I couldn't gain anymore weight...

I am 53 and stay at home to care for my aging mom. I quit smoking On January 31st 2009 and have gained ANOTHER 22 pounds since then. I need to lose at LEAST 2 pounds a week - which will take me thru June of 2010 to accomplish.

I am 33 years old. I am happily married with 3 step-children who are 26, 21, and 19. I have a 4 year old granddaughter. I have a wonderful, supportive family. I am a Medical Social Worker who works with home care and hospice patients. I am Christian woman with a strong faith life.

44 year old, married, mom of two wonderful kids ages 9 and 6.


born and raised in pensacola florida . im 13 lbs(14 next month) , 34dd boobs ughh , 141 lbs , 5'7 .

My name is Drew and I am a student at the University of Minnesota majoring in Psychology. I want to get to a healthy weight for my height (5'7"). This is the heaviest I have ever been, and I struggle with self esteem issues due to my weight. In the past couple of years I have made great strides in other areas, but the weight issue is still there.

I'm 40 yrs old with 2 kids out of college.

i like to look good with little effort, but the older i get the harder i try to look cute, i try a diet @least 4 days out the week, then i start chillin with friends and let go that day, then the next day i regret everything.

Mother of 3 girls, I want to be a good example for them and keep them from struggling with the weight issues i have had to deal with my whole life.

I am 43 yrs old and tired of trying to lose weight and falling off of the diet Since i started working swing shift i have gained some weight and can't seem to lose it.

retired teacher

Im the Queen of Dieting, name it ive probably done it.... which is bad i know... IM 23 years old and determined to maintatin a healthy weight...... trying to find something that works for me was hard, but ive almost got it down packed.... ive lost the weight, put it back on , lost it again, (you get the idea) so now my goal is maintenance once i reach my goal..i got to work on my mental aspects of a diet. (to me thats the hardest part)..

I am a 42-year-old wife and mom of 2 boys, aged 4 and 2. Being an older mother has its challenges--I don't want my weight to be one of them! I want to be healthy and fit so I can enjoy every minute with my family. I am a writer and editor, and I spend a lot of time sitting. I was married in a size 4 wedding gown 14 yrs ago; today, I am in a size 12. Lost 20+ lbs last year on a protein shake diet and put it all back on, and then some, in less than a year. This time, I'm determined to learn to make healthy changes for life.

I'm a senior in high school, applying for colleges, studying for the SAT, and trying to lose weight to gain confidence.

I have always been active but in the past year and a half as a single mom, I find it so easy to make excuses to not go to the gym and to not eat healthy.

gaining weight because I like to eat what I cook...which is not exactly lo-cal

I just turned 33 years old in July, I have been maried for 6 years to my soul mate. I have had personal emotionas struggles after giving birth to my first child I have over come hurddels and it's time to take charge of me weight and quit having my pitty party!

I am 27 years old. I have had Type 1 diabetes for 15years and controling my blood sugars with an insulin pump. I love my family and prefer to spend my time outdoors with the people I love.

I've struggled my whole life with my weight. Jeers and put downs are commonly thrown my away but I've had enough of all of them so that's why I made a promise to slim down and make myself healthy.

I am a nurse and moved to south Louisiana 3 years ago. After moving to LA I gained 80 pounds. While living in Texas I had worked very hard to loose the weight and am so disappointed that I have allowed myself to regain this weight. I work in a stressful job but also create additional stress for myself by trying to be so perfect and keep everyone else happy.

I am married and we have 3 girls. All of which are 4yrs and under. I am trying to get healthy and get my family on a healthier way of life while they are still young so they don't have the ridicule that I did growing up.

I'm 27 and tall, so the extra 10 kilos don't look TOO bad. but i seem to have lost all interest in the world around me and in my body itself, which makes me sad. i just want to feel lighter.

I am about to be 32 years old. I have been married for the last five years. Me and my husband have been together for the last ten years. I want my husband to feel about me the way that he used to.

I'm a Mum to two gorgeous little girls. I also work as a nurse part time in emergency department. am a wife and love Jesus too!!

20 year old living in queens. want to lose weight because I am an actress/writer and weight is a big issue in the entertainment business. I've been struggling with weight off and on since I was in elementary school.

I'm 44-years-old, married, and mother to two (Brandon: 23; Jillian: 14). I'm really a Louisville, KY girl, but my husband, Jillian and I moved to Georgia three years ago. (I really hope my son will join us - visits a lot). I'm not a career woman - having mostly stayed at home with no income, worked from the home part-time or worked out of the home part-time since my husband and I have been together. In Georgia, I worked as a substitute teacher for two years, but this year I'm taking a break (also have that upcoming surgery). I've been overweight basically since Jillian was born. When she was a baby, I managed to wear Jr. size 9 for a while. Then, I wore a size 10, then went to size 12, and finally hit size 14. ( I am now in a size 12.) Of course, I would drop 10 pounds here and there. Of course, since I've gotten older, those pounds don't shed very easily. For most of my adult life, I have exercised, hitting a couple of dry patches here and there, but mostly active. I was doing great on Weight Watchers. In July, I went to Louisville for 16 days (annual trip - a blast) and even managed not to gain weight. Once back in Georgia, Louisville friends and family began visiting and motivation was slipping. Also, once summer is over and I'm away from all of my loved ones, I think it plays on my emotions. Last year, I weighed what I do now but gained it back and then some by January.Yo-yoing must be terrible on a person's metabolism.

I am a 30 year old , mother of 2 who works full-time and is married so there is very little time for diet & exercise but I feel this time is different because I REALLY want it. my youngest daughter is 3 so no more post baby excuses. I am 5"6' and am currently at 145, starting weight was 150 on 8-11-09.

I am a nurse who is working towards my master's degree in health and wellness promotion. In order to be sucessful, I must practice what I will be preaching. It is hard for me to work out everyday since I do a great deal of traveling with my husband for his job. Additionally, it is hard to eat healthy when I am on the road so often. When I am home, I do devote a fair amount of time to exercise as well as eating nutritious food.

I lost 70 lbs between Jan-July 2008. I worked out like crazy and LOVED it. I loved working out, I loved how my body was shaping up, I loved the energy I had. Somehow since then I have lost my way. I have only gained 2-3 of the 70 lbs back thankfully, but I still need to lose 30 more. I have not been working out regularly either. On one hand, I desperately miss the energy and fun and feeling from working out ... but on the other, I cant seem to find the motivation. Help! A lot of the fitness stuff stems from several injuries I had over the summer. I broke my hand biking and had to have surgery. Then I got a stress fracture in my shin from running hills too aggressively. My hand is fine now, but my leg is still tender. I love running, but am forced to swim and bike for now.

I'm a fairly active lady who will be 50 this year and really would like to be fit and healthy. I have an inactive spouse who I hope will start traveling this road with me but I am not waiting for him and am doing what I can for myself.

23 year old city girl dealing with post college realities

I work full time at a desk job. I am a mother of 3 grown children, one still at home.

I'm a stay at home mom with 2 little boys. 4 years and 6 months old. I'm tired of going up and down in weight and want a permanent change in my life for me and my family. I have a very sedentary lifestyle currently but that's going to change.

I am part of a weight loss support group for women called Lionesse Pride on facebook. 33 year old mother of 2. Really into my kids' sports, softball and football. Love to watch football and play fantasy football. Avid bingo player too!

It's hard to find the right amount of time to train. I am working on this and hopefully god willing I will reach my weight goal.

25 y/o college student...currently working on a masters degree (1 year to go!) Entered college at age 19 at 135 lbs and have slowly gained weight. I've been hovering around my current weight for about a year now. I've decided enough is enough, I need to get healthy and fit!

Ready to get back in shape. I used to be fairly active and didn't have to worry about what I ate in a day. I work in education from 9-5 and after work I am a full time student in an MBA program. My goal is to be 30 puonds lighter by Graduation in the spring.

I am an state licensed eshetician and owner of Face Reality Acne Clinic. I love making jewelry and salsa dancing. I have a wonderful partner that I just bought a house with, who is also my business partner. I do Crossfit three times a week and LOVE it. I also mountain bike one to three times a week.

I just made 26 and it's time to get my life in order starting with my weight.

I used to be in a comfortably average shape in high school. Little definition but enough to keep me confident. After my first bit of college I gained some weight and immediately lost a lot of my self esteem. Still confident, just internally embarrassed. I was a big hockey player back in high school and now I spend a lot of my time studying, playing bass, and just having fun with friends.

I moved to the US in 2005 from Europe and instantly became overwhelmed with the US style of eating. I loved all the sweet, salty foods and portion control became a thing of the past. Over a period of three years I had gained around 60lbs and lost all self confidence. I started this journey in July 08 when I weighed in at 245lbs. That was my heaviest and lowest point. A year later I weigh in at 167lbs which is great but not quite where I want to be. I am 5ft 8in and would like to weigh in at 150lbs.

Ever since I was 15, I've been trying to lose weight. Four years later and here I am repeating the cycle. Everyone has those days where they'll look in the mirror and be disgusted. I thought those days were over, but I gained 10 of those ugly pounds back. So here I am. Trying to lose the weight again. All of your support in needed and greatly appreciated so please just help me out.

I'm 32 years old, 5'6" and weigh 175 pounds. I live in Nova Scotia, Canada.

I am 47 years-old, and in the process of launching my new career.. I have been married for 19 years.

I'm 49. I live in Santa Monica. Married, two dogs (a young Jack Russell terrier mix and a beagle, age 8), no children. We lost our two border collies in December 2009 and July 2010 which was very hard. I still miss them every day. I work in the Finance department of the City of Santa Monica.

I am 22 and a recent college graduate. I am vegan and love love love to bake. My dream is to someday have my own vegan bakery. I have quite the sweettooth and I would like to learn how to balance my passion for baking with a healthy weight. I love to road bike and am getting into kayaking. Someday I would like to bike from Maine to Argentina!

I'm 5'2 and I'm overweight

I"ve been overweight for way too long.I'm tired of lugging this fat around. I want to be normal and feel normal again.I now realize that i'm slowly killing myself and submitting myself to a series of ailments.

I'm 56, have yo-yo gained and lost weight many times. Am 5'7" was down to 142 and felt great. Lots of stress in my life, I started to eat and now up to 172, WAS 230 and need to stop the GAIN.

I am in construction and I sit allot in machines so in the passed year since I have turned 40 I have gained about 15 pounds and I would love to lose it

I am married stay at home mom, i have 2 children 7 and 8 , and i am 5 feet 1 inch tall and weigh 148 pounds , i have really put the extra weight on since having my youngest child , i am taking phentermine a very low dose from my dr. just to get boost have been walking drinking lots of water.

40-something "work in progress" who wants to live her life according to the following Chinese proverb: "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

I recently had a tonsillectomy, and decided that the recovery from the procedure will motivate me to live a healthier lifestyle. I decided I would eat smaller portions, and when I was done, not get back into the habit of eating bad foods. I'm almost through with recovery, and find myself not wanting to follow what I said :). I weighed myself and lost 13 pounds just from recovery, which was expected. I decided this is the closest I've been to a healthy weight, so I need to start from here. I'm 24, finishing an undergraduate degree in Math, and planning on going to graduate school. My life has been filled with bad habits, and I need to change these, one-by-one, so that I can live a fulfilled life.

I am 28, married and have 2 children. Before having my second child, I had never been overweight and now, with my daughter 2 years old am at the heaviest I've been in my life, including the pregnancies. I have had a lot of health issues this last year and want to get back to my old self. If I don't do this now, I worry that my children will pick up my habits and end up being overweight as well. My health and my children are my main motivation for losing weight. I have 60 lbs to lose.

i'm 49 years old, single, a registered nurse. i have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life - a chronic yo-yo-er. i am hoping to get a real grip this time around, lose the weight and keep it off.

I am 56 years old, married, two children, and a beautiful granddaughter.

25 year old young professional living in Boston, work 9-5 job outside of the city and am always home on weeknights by 6:30PM. I live in Brighton, near the BSC where I am a member.


43yr old male. Office worker. Love to eat. Hobbies include photography, autocrossing my mustang, entering car shows.

I'm a 44 year old single professional, working in health care.

I'm 56 years old and a freelance writer and editor. I was much more fit 18 months ago, working out regularly with a personal trainer, until I slipped on ice and fractured my left shoulder. I gained about 25 pounds and fell out of the exercise habit. My arthritis (lower back) has gotten worse and I've become sedentary. Help!!!

I'm 37, married to a wonderful man and mother to a wonderful 14 month old girl. I'm sick of not feeling confident in my own skin. I want to be able to buy the clothes I like and feel good in them. I want to get to the point where I don't avoid the camera. As it is now, there are hardly and pictures of me and my daughter because I hate the way I look so much.

I'm very positive that I can achieve my goal of losing weight this year. I just know it ;) If I fail I'll send my fat butt off to the North Pole as punishment. Ha..Ha..Kidding! Right now I'm working as a Financial Aid Director at a community college and aside from that I also extend help to our students by providing coaching particularly in writing college essays. It makes me feel good to extend essay writing help to these kids because I become instrumental in them achieving their academic dreams.

I am a 30 yr old mother of 3 children. I am engaged and the wedding is coming up soon. I need the motivation to get up and lose the weight and start eating healthy. I know that I won't be able to lose 60-70 lbs within a month, but I have to start. I am also working on my B.S. and have a full time job, so time is my issue! I am looking for people that are supportive and that will help keep me on track.

Professional that continues to exercise, lose weight, gain weight...can't get off the roller coaster/yoyo dieting.

34yo male, married to my beautiful wife, have 3 gorgeous kids, living in Sydney Australia, and loving life. Slightly overweight and would love to lose 10kg's and stay there forever.

My youngest child is starting kindergarten next month. I'm hoping to get off the weight loss plateau I'm on and lose more weight. My BMI is teetering between the lower limit of 'overweight' and the upper limit of 'normal weight.' I'm a solid 'chubby' at 40. I ran cross country in high school, so I used to be very fit--a long time ago.

I just to be a medium size girl , until i got hurt and stopped excercise , now i am obese and sad , trying to be healthy again , but sometimes i feel so lonely that its hard to stick to a diet , . I love to sing , i like aerobics and walk in the treadmill .

basically a doc

I first really got into excersizing daily about three years ago after putting on quite a few pounds when I got my first desk job.

I'm 5'1" and I'm 34 years old. I have struggled with my weight for the past 13 years. I have a stronger motivation now and I'm focused. So far I've lost 20 lbs and have approxmately 110 lbs left to lose.

I'm a 40 yo husband and dad that loves to be active but needs more motivation.

After loosing and gaining back the same 10 pounds i'm taking a different approach. I'm erasing the word diet from my vocabulary and trying to create a healthy lifestyle with healthy foods and fittness choices.

I am historically a pretty fit and athletic person. I spent all of my college years working in the fitness industry and I fell in love with it. I definitely consider myself a gym rat, however, since graduating college and finding myself in a hectic pattern career-wise and financially, I have fallen out of my typical workout/diet routine. I pretty much know exactly what I need to do to get where I want to be, it's just a matter of figuring out how to do that without a gym until I can afford a membership again.

Not much to say until you actually talk and get to know me. I am and what most call an Adventure Junkie . I want to go everywhere and do it all from Traveling, snowboarding, fencing, skydiving, bungee jumping, parasailing, horseback riding, paintball… you name it I’m there.I would like to go on one of thrill camps with Incredible Adventures . I can be a dark writer and I am also a major gamer and am obsessed with the Zelda series!!!!

I am 23 years old, 5'2", and i weight about 225lbs. I am also a nurse. working in the health care industry you quite often feel like a bit of a rube telling people that they have to live healthier lifestyles, when they can clearly see you aren't living what you preach. I have struggled with weight loss my entire life. My whole family is large, even my friends are large. So i didn't really have the motivation there to do anything. But i do now, not only do i want to get in shape because of the profession i'm in, but also just to feel better about myself

My names Lucii i am 19 year old and i am 230lbs. It is scary to know that i am so young and i am at risk for being severly overweight when i am 21. I want to change my life because i need this not only for me but for my mom and for my family.

I am 23 years old and 140 lbs. I have gained a little more weight then I would like and have been struggling to lose the last 10-15 lbs. I don't like diets and don't want to be one!! Over the years I have done everything from weight watchers to calorie counting (which at the time have worked.) However, I would like to make an overall lifestyle change. Eat better and learn to make substitutions when I cook. I would like to make lasting results. I recently gave up Diet Coke and switched to water and unsweetened ice tea (have not had a Diet C. for almost 2 weeks). I never thought it made a difference...but I feel much wise!! Ultimately, I would like to loose the weight... but I would also like to become more aware of what im putting into my body and how I'm treating myself.

I love to dance and play tennis.

50 years old. Enjoy sedentary activities like sitting at the computer, reading books, and watching TV.

i am 45 yrs old/married/ need to lose 50 lbs/ have lost 30 since january 1. i am exercising. need to get my eating under control

I'm a 19 year old female. 5 foot 3, 125 pounds and more interested in maintaining my weight and getting a flat stomach than overall weightloss.

I am a 54 yr old widow who is trying to get back into the workforce after 10yrs of being a stay at home mom.

im 24 and a mother of 2 little girls working on starting college and i work full time a wally- world so i am trying to better all areas of my life including my size i weigh 245

My name Is Shaun, im 22 years old from cleveland, Oh. I weigh 270 lbs. And im 5'9". I love to play basketball and football, but find it harder now to play for long periods of time due to my weight putting pressure on my knees and ankles.

I am a 36 year old mother of two. I had never had a problem with my weight up until I got married and had my two daughters. I have been steadily gaining weight from 2001 and to date i have gained 47 kilograms. I have also developed deep vein thrombosis of which the doctor said I can reverse by losing weight and eating healthily. I have been yoyo dieting for the past eight years and I am tired. I want to deal with this weight issue once and for all.

33 years old.

65 and retired 3 years now. First two years lost 85 pounds. gained ten back and have maintained this for one year.

Software developer (pretty dang sedentary) Craft beer aficionado (that doesn't help either! : )

I would rather read a book than walk or exercise. Mental challenges intrigue me and physical challengs require me to call my husband.

37 & single

50 y.o. that has lost and re-gained the weight so many times I have lost count. I was always my ideal weight until my 40's. After numerous surgeries, my exercise routine fell by the wayside and my eating habits are much less than ideal.....hence the weight gain. I have found that a support system is a very positive influence!

im a 17 year old male about 5'9" and weigh about 180 to 190 pounds i believe

I am 50+ wife, mother (2)girls and grandmother(2) boys, school teacher for 33+ yrs. 2011 is retirement date.

I am a very active person who loves being outdoors. My main problem is I'm a junk food addict and am a meal skipper. I suffered a back injury in college which gave me chronic back pain when I exercised or did any of my favorite activities. When i work out now, I pay with back pain.

I'm a 25 year old female and an Education grad student. I gained weight over the past few years, and I would love to just get back to being healthy and fit.

I'm an elementary school teacher in British Columbia. Over the past few years I've lost about 20 pounds (50 total if you go back ten years) but these last few pounds are just hanging on! School is starting in two weeks and I need to approach losing this weight differently.

I'm 15, almost 16, and I've always been heavyish. I just really want my last high-school summer to be the best summer of my life and i know it would be alot easier at 140 :)

Im 26 and married to a military man. He is currently deployed in Afghanistan, so my stress level is higher than normal. I will be going back to school in September, after being out for the last 4 years ... adding to my stress... My sister in law is getting married in November, so I need to kick start this new "lifestyle change"

I have lost 30 kg in about a year and it kill my belief that I am born big and cannot lose weight. I would like to help people who are overweight or obese and I even took a Diploma in Clinical Weight Management. I have a new blog set up:

I have struggled with weight since about grade 10...I was around 200 and then started yo yoing from 200 to 250 to 200 the last eight years....I seriously gain 50, lose 50.

i am a 20 something mom of a beautiful son who is my life. my husband and i just got married july 4th of this year and bought a new house. i wokr for a world wide bank in my home town and my husband is a farmer.

I am 20 years old. I live with my boyfriend of two years in our own apartment. He doesn't believe i can do it because i have started and stopped so many times. He say's he doesnt care anymore what i look like. He eats unhealthy everyday, which makes it hard for me to eat healthy. I have two cats i love to death butter, and sheva. I have a gym membership but dont really have the money to pay for it anymore and they wont let me cancel it. I work at a restaurant from 5 to close and its hard for me not to eat there extremely bad food. I have no self control and i am doing this on my own. I need someone to get me through this.

Married, 3 children, 2 dogs and a guinea pig I want to loose 100 pounds. I want to get healthy so I can enjoy my kids more. I have three boys ranging in age from 6 to 9 and I feel like I cant keep up with them. They have become active in cub scouts and I want to be able to camp and hike with them.

I am a 25 year old married female. I have struggled with weight since I was a teenager losing and regaining the same 20 - 30 lbs. I have had some health problems for the last 2 years that has made losing even more difficult. I am married to a wonderfully supportive man who lets me go to the gym when I need to, encourages me all the time, and tells me that I look beautiful no matter what (and he means it.) I work long hours as the Director of Social Services in a nursing home. I have no children. I enjoy working out once I get started it's just hard to get into a routine.

i've been gaining weight steadily since the end of high school and in the last three years have put on another 40lbs i'm currently 208lbs. wow the first time i've actually told anyone else how much i weigh. i'm currently 26 and getting married next summer and starting school jan. 2010 to become an RN.

I'm 25 years old finish my last semester of Grad School, work 2 jobs and I am very active in community service. I like to stay busy, so I'm usually always on the GO! I like trying new things, reading, cooking and singing!

I am a young mother and i am trying to find a way to stick with my weight loss plan.

I have maintained the same weight for the last 3 years and am approaching my mid 30's. I realize it isn't healthy to go on like this and want to lose but need the will power.

Hey there. I'm a 15 year old girl struggling with my weight. I'm 5'5 and usually in between 155-160. Some of you may think that would be a good weight to be at, but I disagree. All I'm asking for is for support and love from all my peers. :)

I love spending time with my family. I play music in a band when I can, I'm a preschool teacher, I do enjoy the kids. You just never know what they are going to say!

Silvia, 19 years old, German, starting university this year

I work in the wine industry (selling at the wholesale level) and am around customers all day, every day who want to feed me (and it's never low cal stuff!). Am also around wine every day too, obviously! Ha, tempations abound!

I am a 33 year old mom of a 5 year old. I would like to have more children and I am constantly thinking about having more kids. For the last two years I have been obese and sick as a result with anovulatory cycles, irregular cycles, and heavy bleeding. I hope to get out of the obese range and start feeling healthy again. Ideally I would like to lose 100 pounds but for starters I will be happy if I lose 40 pounds! I know my body will feel better and my cycles might improve with a 30 lbs wieght loss.

Currently, I work two jobs. I'll be attending college in January. And I spend a lot of time with my boyfriend and my friends.

I am 46. A wife, mother, and grandmother. My life is happy although I am homeless right now. I know my GOD is going to bless me with an apartment soon. I have a wonderful husband. My children and family are in another state. They know not of our homelessness.

I am a 21. I live in Dayton, OH. As far back as I can remember I have been self conscious about my body. When I was in highschool I weighed in at 173 lbs. I became vegetarian and lost 13 lbs. That's when I became obsessed with losing weight. I then did a juice fast and lost another 10 lbs weighing between 145-150 depending on what I ate or drank. I weighed myself everyday and was obsessed with losing more and more. It didn't help that I got alot of compliments about how great I looked. Well that's when I met my boyfriend. We have been dating for a year and a half now and I have gained 10 lbs since then. He is alot smaller than me weighing in at 135. I weigh 160. It makes me extremely self concious but I love him and obviously that's not a very good reason for breaking up with someone. I am just ready to lose weight the healthy way and keep it off and get my confidence back up.

I'm 16 and have never been at peace with my weight. This year, I've decided to make the change I have wanted for so long and stop complaining about it. I"m finding that it's not as hard as I always thought it would be.

35, British, a scientist, living in Zurich and was working in Basel until recently. I gained 35 pounds during my pregnancy. My baby is 7 weeks old and I have 14 pounds at least to lose. I'm breast feeding so cant cut down too much but I need to break my sugar addiction and eat healthy foods. I am addicted to sugar and have gotten into some very bad habits. I was planning to be a working mum originally but have decided to give up work for a while . I need to break my Starbucks habit and get more exercise.

About to completely redefine my work structure _ become independent again. Have been working as an employee for 1 year - it sucks.

I am a mom. I just had my son in July, and it is the best ever! I work full time as a sales manager. I find it really hard to work out. Mostly hard to find the motivation. I just had to get my gallbladder taken out and I took it as a wake up call that I need to get in shape and change my eating habits.

I an a very active woman who travels quite a bit, and is going to Hawaii in February, I am looking for help in keeping my motivated and on track. I am in a somewhat bizarre relationship at the moment and to be honest that is not helping much.

I am 52 years old, just started peertraining/coaching. I really want to do this right and in a healthy way. I have a 14 year old daughter who I would like to be a good example to.

Christian mom of six.

I am 19 years old. I am in my freshmen year of college. I have been chubby al of my life but now I want to get fit. I am very health conscious, very, but I have trouble sticking to diet plans.

I walk 3 miles ever day in any where from45 to 50 min plus do exercises like deep knee bends toe touches twist lunges cross knee touches leg lifts and I work out with weights bench press incline press military press biceps with big bar and dumbbells pull downs rows leg curls leg lifts with weights squats . I am 58 yo male with diabetes ( class 2) also have high blood pressure and heart problems what else can I do to loose weight

I'm a 22 year old college student from Ireland. I am trying to lose 20 pounds. I'm vegetarian and need to incorporate more veg into my diet. I constantly yo-yo from 125-143 pounds it seems to be a yearly cycle. I have a really bad habit of eating in front of the tv as there is no where else to eat in my tiny apartment! I find exercise dull and time consuming- yet I sit and watch tv for hours.... go figure! I haven't eaten any form of sugar since the 12th of January, and i used to eat 2 chocolate bars a day and crisps etc. so I'm really proud of myself for having such willpower :)


I am a mother to a beautiful 4 year old red head named Pebblina Weina

sherwood dungeon club marian moonbase 3d online games

I go from school in the morning, to work in the afternoon, to classes in the evening. I take the dog on a quick walk before bed and that is my whole day almost every day! I usually eat in my car and am always on the run! I feel like crap because I don't exercise but don't know how to find the time!

I've been going to Lindora since Aug & I have lost 37 pds

I am a 27 year old child development student I lost 150 pounds without surgery two years ago. Due to a medication I gained 40 pounds back. So far I have lost 25 of those pounds .

I just turned 44 and would like to change my body.

I am 5I. Had a tough last two years and gained about 50 mostly from being much less active. I am getting back to me now and ready to lose more weight. (I have already lost 20)

I have been obese my entire life. I emotionally eat sometimes, but I have gotten away from that. My inspiration would be a better me. I dont want to see myself in the mirror with chubby cheeks, flabby arms, flab on the tummy and dinted, jiggly thigh anymore. I am changing for me. I can see myself doing more than I am doing now and I would like to start running again. I dont see this as DIETING... I see this as a LIFE READJUSTMENT.

I'm a 37 (almost 38) successful business-owner with an adopted 16-year old pregnant daughter and two fabulous dogs. I'm very creative and love music. I love outdoor venues and events. And I have significant aspirations to be a bicyclist and runner. In the meantime, when it's summer I swim in my pool a great deal. But fall is coming and so I have to find some other ways to begin to move my body. And I hate that because of the chronic pain in my spine. The only time I'm truly pain free (and I take absolutely no medications) is when I'm in my pool. So not only is the weight loss going to be hard, but combining that with my physical difficulties and the daily stresses of owning a business and assisting my daughter with becoming independent, I'm already feeling a bit burned out!

Time is my worst enemy. Short sharp challenges make me stronger, more determined. Long hard slogs are where I struggle.

I am 33 year old single female living in SC. I am looking to lose around 70 pounds but taking it slow this time. I 've lost weight in the past but gained it all back. I weigh about 212 and would like to get down to 140. I'm working on eating healthier. I work for an awesome company but sit down most of the day and do not get much exercise. I do take walking breaks from time to time. I am planning to join the YMCA and also taking some cooking classes on healthier eating.

Currently retired Electrical Engineer enjoying the time off.

I have never been the skinny girl. All through my life I have always been the atheletic one. I am that girl whose dad had her at a ball field when she could barely walk. I always stayed active and was always playing some sport all the way up to college. Well as I got older my eating habits didnt change much but my activity level which tada: leads me to where I am now. It didnt help that about 4 years ago I was on my way to losing and getting back on track and after about 45lbs I fell ill and the doctors put me on medication that caused me to gain all the weight back with in a matter of months. This time its not a diet its a life change!

Do I have to? You know me, I don't think I need to put anything here! I'll put some pictures up soon.

Piled the weight on in the past 4/5 months. Feeling very unhappy with my appearance, since I am an Ex Gymnast, who trained long hours, 5 days a week. I viciously comfort eat and tend to have a weakness for high carb/fat foods.

I'm 23, and a vegetarian so it's VERY hard to find a diet that's right for me. I'm a carb and sweet JUNKIE so that's my biggest problem. What I need most, is friends telling me "you can do it!"

I am a married 26 year old and have struggled with "a few extra pounds" all my life. I like to eat! But one day I realized the "few extra" is 10 to 20 pounds too much. If I don't lose and maintain that loss now, I'm just going to keep gaining for the rest of my life. I want to be healthy and feel good about myself and not be constantly afraid of being fat.

Am a little over 50 (!!) and just last week became a first time Granma. (Live in NZ) Teacher of English (to 15-18 year olds). Love my job but fall into the trap of blobbing out when I get home and evening eating. I love beautiful clothes and fabric. Have travelled lots especially to France. I love all things French ( except the fatty food) .

I'm 36 years old. I have been very happily married for 14 years. My husband and I have four kids, who keep me very busy. I also teach third grade.

Facing 40 and wanting to get in better shape to do that! I love to run and do pretty much any sort of outdoor activity. I have a fierce sweet tooth and love to indulge it. Hoping the shame factor of having to report all that I eat will help keep me in check!

A finance

Wife - Mother of two wonderful boys - Teacher (Special Education)

My name is Christi. I am single mom of 2 from Grand Prairie. In the past 6 months, I have gained about 25lbs.

31, single, have two cats and a dog. Not a whole lot to tell really.

Married, working Mom of 3 kids. I am an emotional eater and have been struggling fitting exercise in my daily schedule. I love to exercise, but I put this off as a priority for my family, I need to start thinking of me more! I have gained 30 lbs and am not happy with my body and the way I feel.

I started this journey at 339 pounds.. I am down to 293 and would like to get to 200. I'm doing well and feeling great.

I like to read, write , and do crossword puzzles

I am a military spouse and a stay at home mom of 3 kids. Ages 3, 19 months and 5 months. I gained most of my weight when I started having children. I was already about 40 pounds overweight when I got pregnant with my first child. I gained about 75 pounds during my first two pregnancies and I actually started losing weight with my third. I was 266 and I am now 225, I still have a long way to go but I already feel much healthier. Most of my weight is in the belly though because my stomach got so stretched out with my pregnancies.

I am currently an EMT student with aspirations to become a fire fighter. As the field is currently swamped with physically fit individuals, I don't want to be at the back of the pack.

I'm 22 with a 3 year old daughter whom I love to pieces. I work full time for Sears and attend classes at both ACC and TX State in San Marcos. I am working on my Bachelors in Excersise Sports Science. I then want to continue my education by obtaining a Teachers Cert. Very busy let me tell you.

I am 18 years old, born in Colorado, moved to Florida when I was nine. If you have never been to Florida then you wouldn't understand how hot it got and how bad the bugs were, so I went from an active child to a couch potato. I am an emotional eater which never helped because I was anti social. I became depressed in middle school, but things got better when I entered high school. I met the love of my life, who I can not wait to marry, and had a new inspiration to lose the weight I gained. He is in the Army, litterly coming home from is year long tour on 8/26/09, and he is fit. I do not want him to have a chubby wife. Durning high school I tried many ways to lose weight, but my family didn't ever really support me, so nothing really happened. Along with that I have the begining signs of carpal tunnel, so weight training was out of the question. So I rode my bike, alot, and worked out every morning doing cardio before school and I lost a bit of weight. When Josh came down for his midtour, I was in the middle of moving back to Colorado, and didn't want to messy my clean kitchen, so we ate out, ALOT. Welcoming back the unwanted weight. Well, now my man is back, and I think because of the altitude, I am in no pain and am ready to start over with my weight loss.

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