Walkaholic who walks 3 times per week but can't seem to lose the last 10.


Owner of commercial real estate brokerage, more than full-time worker at age 69, former academic in urban planning and health care management, even a stint in my 20's as rocket scientist in LA area..
About a year ago made a regular gym habit, . part of my life again after a 9 year hiatus while I ramped up a new career in my professional life. Gym habit tough to groove in, but got it done Always physically active despite teen age polio and two hip replacements, as walker/ previous runner,
After second hip replacement , got worried post polio syndrome was starting. It wasn't as I found out when I built up in gym again back to strength on all muscles except the ones originally impacted by polio but at least as good as former best.
Weight gains/loss all my life, never obese, but a range up and down now about 20 pounds, W\hen I was younger about 40 pounds.

I am 31 years old and have two wonderful children - ages 1 year and 2.5 years. I am learning to balance life with children, my spouse and family. It is a bit challenging, but worth the effort.

I'm 54 years old, living in CA. I'm married and I have two grown kids- ages 23 and 20. I work part time. I lost a fair bit of weight four years ago and the weight has been slowly creeping back, despite my ongoing efforts to keep it off. I would like to lose 10 to 14 pounds and learn to maintain my weight loss.

I'm 29, working at a law firm in New York City. I'm happy with my life and with my job (especially now that I've found a job that lets me have a life), but ready to make another improvement - finding my way back to some good, healthy habits.


i want to be lighter so that acrobatics (my job and passion) will be easier for me. when i started with PT at the beginning of 09, another of my goals was to be the kind of person who cares for herself by eating well. i have ACHIEVED this and feel good about the way i feed myself. i have become slim and lean in a way that's very exciting. but, i still want to shake 10 more pounds of fat.
i lost ten pounds in january with PT, which was the most successful bout of weight loss in my life. i'm determined to get rid of this last ten pounds and looking forward to doing in with PT again.
i eat gluten-free, and i have a chronic illness. usually neither of these things feels like a big deal, because i'm so used to them, but i realize they cause me to lead my life in a different way from lots of people out there.

I am 32 y.o., 5'7", starting weight 323lbs and starting BMI 50.1.
I am a strong vibrant woman. I am happily married to a man that I could never have dreamed of. He is wonderful and is my support and guiding light. I have 4 amazing. I have chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia but have been coping. I recently had some major life changing experiences that have finally spurred me to live a healthier lifestyle for the first time in my life.


I am 38, have a PhD in social work, am queer (and married -- yay Canada), and work as a faculty developer. I've always been slightly overweight, or at the top end of 'healthy', and about 10 years ago I realized how unhealthy I had become. I started working out at Curves 3x/week (despite my reluctance to support Curves because of the founder's conservative politics and financial support to Repub. party), and stopped eating refined sugar (including corn syrup), wheat, dairy and partially hydrogenated oils. I went from 181 to 131 pounds in a year and a half! I wasn't trying to lose weight as much as I was thinking about being fit and healthy as I get older... I've had an awful yoyo-ing period lately and am currently just over 170 -- the most I've weighed since I lost all that weight. Ack!

38 yr old nurse, two girls 5 and 14. Recently divorced 3/06. Gained a lot of weight just a year after being married in 1997 and still am carrying that same weight even after a stressful divorce. Currently 218#, 5'7" tall. I feel my diet isn't sabotaging me as much as my lack of activity is! I need motivation and support. If one more person asks me if I m pregnant.... lord have mercy!!


I'm a 46 year old mom of 3 girls, married 26 years in June 2009. I work from home, I am an artist. I paint on anything and everything. I love antiquing and painting on vintage pieces, giving them new life. We live in the country on a fairly large piece of property and have horses. I've been overweight pretty much my whole life and at different times have lost large amounts of weight, but never go on and get those last 40 lbs off. I plan on getting it off this year!

I'm 36, work full time, married no kids in Seattle. 5'6", medium frame. I am VERY good at working out (hard, 5-6 days a week) but am not so great at moderating what goes in my mouth. Portion sizes are a particular weakness.

I am an active Californian...I run, play soccer, do yoga, and hike.,..love soaking in the fresh air. Even though I'm active, I've still got an excess of 20 lbs that I'm going to shed! I work in television as a Post Producer, so lots of time sitting at a desk.

I'm 40-something years old and married to a wonderful man. We don't have any kids, just lots of nieces and nephews I adore. I quit drinking and quit smoking and you'd think that losing weight would be a peice of cake after all that, but it isn't! This is the hardest thing yet and I've been struggling with my weight for most of a decade now.

I am an Operations Director of a small IT recruitment company,
I'm single and currently at a cross roads with my life. I am looking to put to bed the decades of failure and inadequacey I have felt and powerlessness that has surrounded me due to the fact I haven't been able to loose weight.

40 year old working mom of 3 ages 17, 12, and 15 Married 16 years. I have been fat for most of my life, after my last child 12 years ago I decided to make some major lifestyle changes and it worked. I used to weigh 230 pounds, I got down to around 119. I lost most of it the first year and half and kept most off. Due to some health issues cropping up end of last August and numerous medications, lack of exercise, and lack of caring I gained over 12 lbs! Well NOW I care- I feel horrible and need to feel like the athletic, confident, person I know I am!

I'm a teacher. I play jazz violin for fun. I'm extremely busy with my job and family. I've done weight watchers on and off for years. I tend to slack off when my schedule gets too busy. I struggle to make time for myself.

I am a teacher, I have three kids and a husband. I love books and hiking in the woods. I feel at home at the beach.

I am 56 and ready to get to work again on weight loss for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Personal info includes: Happily married, 2 grown children 30 and 33 , work in education, love to dance, read, garden, and learn.

I've used/tried just about everything under the sun. I've come to realize that no 'program' or 'pill' or anything like that is going to lose weight for me. I'm going to have to do the 'work' to see the results and that means changing my habits and attitudes about food.


i'm 30, from scotland.
my highest weight was 224lb 6 years ago, i lost 35lb and gradually creeped back up to 203, i realised i had to take control and joined peertrainer. the extra accountability and support has definitely helped.
i enjoy exercising, socialising, music, reading. i'm a big comfort eater which is my downfall. i work offshore which means i disappear for a few weeks at a time. and sometimes struggle to get back into a routine when i'm home.
i'm also getting fed up of being the fat single friend, i want to buy nice clothes and look good in them, to feel confident and know that i don't look ridiculous

I am a mother to a six month old baby. I have struggled with binging for years. It's tough.

I am a 33 year old mom and a teacher. I am a blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do. I have struggled with my weight since my teens. I love camping and flyfishing. My son is diabetic, so eating healthy is extremely important in my home.


I'm healthy, happy, pretty consistent with exercising, 57, and a lifetime WW member. I have struggled with food and weight issues my whole life but kept off 75 pounds for a long time. I'd like to find others who are using the Beck Diet Solution techniques because this struggle is never over and I'd like to give and receive support. ----------------
Updated-9-09------I joined PT one year ago at 147 lbs. when I was feeling out of control regarding food. I lost about 10 pounds and maintained the loss over the year—and I am really proud of myself for doing that. (Giving myself credit, as Judith Beck recommends) I am now a few pounds under my (high) Weight Watchers goal so I never have to worry about my monthly weigh-in there.



I'm a British academic living in the US. In my late 30s. Lost 60lbs this year and fitter than ever but have relapsed a bit over the summer. Getting back on track now.

My name is Julie. I'm 30 years old and live in the Chicago suburbs with my wonderful husband and adorable dog. I work in an office, and sitting on my butt all day has not done wonders for any part of me! I love to exercise, it's finding the time that is the trouble. I'm excited for this journey to health!!

44, committed to Beck Diet Solution. With change in age came dramatic change in metabolism and I need a systemic approach to change my relationship with food--not the types of food I eat, but when and how much. Mom to pre-teen son, moderately active.

I am 24 and determined to win the weight battle once and for all. I work full-time at a university, helping students enhance their time management and gain confidence in their approaches to academics. In my spare time, I try to keep up with learning Spanish and self-teaching guitar. I also enjoy reading. I love to sing and have been doing so since 2nd grade. I am a soprano on my church's worship team, and I love it. I have been married for 2 1/2 years.

I am a 29 year old mother of three (five and three year old girls and a 7 week old baby boy). Work outside the home as an occupational therapist. Feel a little like a hypocrite encouraging others to live a healthy lifestyle ad then watching myself live my not so healthy one. I want to be fit and strong and a good example for my kids.

HEY!!! I'm melissa :) I'm a p90x ADDICT! I love it! I'm currently on my 3rd round, can't get enough! With p90x and clean eating I AM IN THE BEST SHAPE OF MY LIFE! WANT ADVICE OR HELP? Message me! I'd LoVE to help you GET YOUR LIFE IN ORDER! ;) u can also email me @ [email protected]!
My name is Melissa and I am very unhappy with my appearance! I am currently at my heaviest (i have ALWAYS been super skinny ..until college hit) I go into phases..i'll want to be thin and lose weight but I go about it wrong. I over-do it and excercise like a crazy person. then i end up getting sore and burnt out. I went from wanting to lose 10 pounds, to gaining 20! All because I hate working out and I have no motivation to work out because I think it's painful. REALLY painful. I want to start over and begin a NEW healthier LIFESTYLE....not diet.

I am 48, happily married with one lovely daughter, 4 dogs and a cat ! We live on a mountain in the NC Smokies. I am a teacher of exceptional children. I was a Therapist in my pre-mom life. I am a total bookworm and a research geek. I love yoga and have practiced for over 25 years and taught off and on as well. I am committed to getting healthy and fit! I live in a beautiful area with many great places to walk and hike!

I am 50 yo. In between jobs.
Isolated in the woody suburbs of Boston. Happily married, no children.
I started to practice Vipassana meditation as a way to be happy and get to be in the moment. I. I study Buddhism as well.


I'm a 52 y/o female high school teacher. I teach foods classes, so being around food so much makes it hard. My habit has been to get to my goal and start gaining again, so I'm always struggling with food. I am married, 26 years, and have one son away at college. I help with the Christian student club at school and am a member of Moms In Touch International.


I've struggled with food and body stuff forEVER. I just got a wakeup call with a borderline diabetes diagnosis. I already have high blood pressure.


I am 50 years old , I am a nurse who counsels patients all of the time about how they should eat! I am 75 lbs overweight! I am 5ft 2in and weigh approximately 200 lbs. I am the only obese member of my busy family. I have to get my body in shape to live the life I want to live.






35, 5'6'', 151 lb





I am a divorced christian woman 45 years old i have 3 children 2 adult sons ages 22 & 20 and one teenage daughter that is 16

I am 22years old and just moved to the big smoke from the country, a big change for me. I struggle with stress/ comfort eating a lot.
I study online and spend a lot of time alone at home in front of the computer which is bad for me.
My biggest problem though is a minor but lingering knee injury that kept me from jogging for 9 months now, which really demotivates me.

43 year old stay at home wife/mom of an 8 year old boy. Every time I think about going back to work, I find it doesn't fit in with all the stuff I have going on...I'm one on those women who always has something going on! I like having quality time with my family at the end of the day and on weekends since I've finished all my "chores" while my guys are at school and work! I lost both of my parents, so I live by the motto that life is too short!
That is another reason I want to stop the cycle of yo-yo dieting...I want to fight that early grave and stop wasting time feeling bad about my body.




I'm 33 years old, married, living in Philadelphia. I was always thin and athletic until about 4 or so years ago when I just stopped really paying attention to what I ate and stopped working out regularly (for no real reason--I wasn't injured, sick, etc). I need motivation.


I currently am in my third year of my clinical psychology doctoral program. I love what I am doing but needless to say I get stressed frequently between class work, externship, and research. Since joining Peertrainer 2 years ago I have gone through some ups and downs but I feel like I am in a really good place. I was off peertrainer for the most part of this past year. I love that exercising has become an enjoyable activity and I enjoy cooking healthier food options. However, I was at my heaviest after the holidays this year (139lbs at 5'3") and have been working on getting down to my goal weight of 120lbs.

43 yearold Mum from New Zealand. Struggled with weight issues all my adult life. I have PCOS and pre diabetes. The battle with the bulge starts with the mind!

I've always been able to eat whatever I want - huge quantities, until the past year or so. Happily married with 3 terrific kids. Basically a SAHM, work here and there but nothing regular or steady.




39 (almost 40) year old mom to two (son 5, and daughter 1.5). Tired of being overweight and ready to get this weight off for good!



I'm a 47 year old Scottish woman living in France and loving it. I'm a Therapist, Writer and Teacher now but struggled as a young woman with an addiction to everything including disfunctional relationships! I can honestly say that I've never been happier since I've adopted a healthy lifestyle. I live in a rural area so like to keep in touch with likeminded people.




I'm 32 stay at home mom to 5 children




I will soon be celebrating me for my 50 years of existence.
I am a seeker of life and a passionate soul who loves to connect with other souls!

I'm a 38 year old SAHM to a 3 year old daughter. I've been married for four years to a crazy entepreneur. :-) My interests include healthy cooking, weight training, yoga, mindifulness meditation, happiness, brain research, good fiction (esp. sci fi), hiking, biking, music, and I'd really like to get into quilting.
I've been on and off of weight loss programs since I was in college. I'm currently trying to lose the baby weight and would like to eventually get down to somewhere between 110 - 120 lbs, which would be good for my petite frame.

Married for 35 years. We have two grown daughters. Our youngest duaghter is mother to our four grandsons.
Now we have fur babies, three dogs and one cat.







I am a mother of 4 sons I have a full time job and am Married. I do not get much excerise but know i need to start. Today I walked 4000 steps which is a lot for me. I am going to get in 1000 more before bed. I am looking for partners I can support love and be successful with.





I am a 46 years old, married, no kids, 2 dogs, 2cats. I work crazy hours as a lawyer. I need to take back control of my life and health.




I'm a 52 year old (very busy!) middle school teacher. I've just put on 30 lbs in the last few years-I got up to 170, but I recently lost 2 lbs. I want to get down to 138.

Hi, I'm 56 years old
wife & mother (13 year old daughter)
very busy, self employed career consultant
want to stay healthy and get fit so i can stay excited about life






A busy professional with an active social life. I love good food and wine and want to balance my love of the good things in life with a long healthy fit existence :)

CBT has been a godsend--I've been telling myself self-defeating messages for all my years of dieting. So having positive and constructive messages and a plan for putting them in place is a real turnaround. Now--just the hard work of doing it hour by hour, day by day.


I am between 195 and 200 pounds. Its really hard for me to get motivated. If i do get motivated, i work out for like 2 weeks and then stop completely. I joined weightwatchers in march and lost 13 pounds in 3 weeks. i just recently gained the rest of it back. i cant seem to get back into the swing of weight watchers. i am a member of a gym that i pay for and dont go to. Im sick of the coments that my family and boyfriend give me. I want to eat better and get in shape, im concerned for my health because i have an addiction to food and cant seem to make the right choices. I want to get to the point of being able to go for a run everyday.



I'm a 35 year old working mother and part-time student. I've read the Beck Diet Solution and am following Weight Watchers, which I've had success with in the past. I suffer from food allergies to wheat, gluten, dairy, peanuts, mushrooms, soy and almonds which really adds a new dimension to dieting! In one way, it makes it a little easier - eating fast food that usually contains at least 2 allergens makes me very sick, so I've already cut that out of my life.

48 yr, happy to be me, single-mom, teenage son (adore him), FT office job, love how food tastes (butter!), time-challenged, formerly slim w/o trying, trying to face reality, wanting to turn this + 50 lbs boat around before I hit 50 in 2010.


I'm new to PeerTrainer but not new to dieting. I've already lost 20lbs and am looking to take this to the end now. I've gained so much confidence already and can't wait to get to my first goal of under 200lbs.


I've been gone for a while. I had some diet success around Feb-March-April, but I've gained almost all of it back. I want to be successful again!

I am 52, a social worker, psychotherapist and bariatric mental health specialist. I have lived with a wonderful man, Dan, for the last 5 years and we co-parent his young adult children whom no longer live with us. I had a gastric bypass in 2003 which saved my life, but am getting extremely unhappy with my out of control eating and drinking and weight increase. My joints are beginning to hurt again and I am craving a return to that ultimate place of health and vitality I experienced a few years ago.

age 51....own a photography studio....3 children - grown - 2 married - 3 grandchildren - married - have elderly mother.....love what I do but life is crazy....perfectionist.

I am married and I have one child. I have always struggled with my weight.



5 ft nothing spectacled 35 year old with time on her hands and not enough hobbies :)


I've joined PEERtrainer because I would like to be in a supportive atmosphere in regards to releasing weight. I've successfully released over 30 lbs in the last 3 years, and have kept it off. Over time, I've gradually changed what and how I eat. I've also increased my physical activity in the last 3 years.
I'm a single lady who is 33 years young, living in Southern California. I'm a creative type (graphic designer, illustrator) who also engages in a number of social activities.

I am a 31 y/o professional with lots of interests, such as reading, music, dancing, jewelry making, scrapbooking....and my favorite, collecting action figures! I joined because I need to lose 40lbs and know with this wonderful site I can do it!

imagine how it would feel to be 30lbs lighter. I want to feel that lightness. I am embarking on this program with some doubt - I hope that can be turned around and I can reach my goal and live the best life I can.

I have lost weight before....100 pounds actually and managed to keep it off all through my 20's. At the age of 28, I even had surgery to get rid of some excess skin on my stomach. I would never have guessed that I would get out of control like I am now. I have gained back 60 pounds since I turned 30 and I am like a crazed food addict.

turned 50 this year. would like to get down from 160 to 140 or so. I'm a very active woman, but the joints are groaning and I feel a 20 pound loss, though giving me more wrinkles, would allow more mileage on my bones. Nurse, married 3 yrs. Walk a big dog daily.


I am a working mother of 5. I have a very stressful job, both at home and in the workplace. I have tried every diet under the sun. Right now I believe the Beck Diet offers some new ideas that really may help me.

i am 57yrs young. Married 32yrs. 3 grown children, 5 grandchildren. work in grocery store





I am 27 year old and live in Northern New Jersey with my husband of 1 year. I am originally from NY (just north of NYC). I am a School Psychologist and work with elementary and middle school students. I love to do anything outdoors and travel. I am currently training for a marathon, and ran my second half marathon a few weeks ago. However, this has become more difficult since gaining weight over the past year since my wedding. I lost almost 20 pounds using a very low carb diet, which essentially made me very sick. That put my medium framed 5"6 athletic built body at the thinnest it ever was, 130 lbs. Although most family/friends said I looked too thin, inside I felt wonderful. Since coming back from our honeymoon, I put on about 15 lbs last year very quickly, and an additional 15 pounds at this point. I now weigh 160 and fee terrible. None of my work clothes fit, and I feel embarrassed to see people, for fear of what they will think of my body since my wedding. I wish I could just lose this weight already.

I´m 33 and live in Brazil.
Work with computers and have a daughter of 10 years old.

I am the mother of a beautiful 3 year old girl. I am struggling in my marriage but want to make it work for us and our child. I am a medical school grad who took off time for family and now am studying for the licensing exam. I am 80 lbs overweight and I want to change that.






I am 31 years old with four children. I am into bodybuilding and lifting weights. And some cardio. I eat a bodybuilders diet of veggies and protein. However I am in need of more accountability and stress relief. For at night I tend to go off program sometimes.



Working on PhD full time, working in private practice full time, dating (as much as time will allow), involved with professional groups and church, and trying to still invest in family/friends. Oh yeah, and what should be closer to the top of the list, trying to work on investing in myself!




Happily Married 42 years, 2 children and 3 grandchildren. Have 2 rescued greyhounds, Elvis and Happy. Customer Service Rep for 13 years.

43 years old, married, no children. Work in an office and get home somewhat late at night - usually 8-8:30 p.m.



I'm 52 yrs. old, at the heaviest weight I've ever been and am determined to change! I have been exercising regularly but need to change my eating habits. I want PERMANENT change. My daughter is getting married next July and I plan to wear a cute dress!





I am back to being healthy and running after about a year and a half of total debauchery.




I am in my fifties and a recent empty nester. My husband and I have gone off the deep end enjoying ourselves, eating out not exercising since we have our new found freedom. I own my own business and it is booming but that brings certain stresses and long hours which are not conducive to a healthy lifestyle.

I am a female 17 year old high school student, very busy with studying and with extracurricular activities but still looking to fit in workouts. My family and my friends all have quite unhealthy eating habits, so I am constantly surrounded by tempting, detrimental food. Hopefully I can overcome this obstacle with the help of the support I will find here.



NY transplant in the SF East Bay area for over 4 years. Love the sun and am depressed in the winter without it (SAD), so it is much better out here than in the EAST. I have a MS in Nutrition and counsel others, but the head stuff is such a challenge for me.



37 years old, married with a toddler, fifteen months old.









I am 53 years old and have a eating problem.



I am 28 and I've struggled with my weight for the past 10 years. 117-123 is the 5 lb range that I've always felt the most healthy as those were times when I was eating 5-6 small healthy meals/day and being active. Since then I have put on "happy relationship weight" as a result of eating out, lounging around and snacking during movies. My main area of difficulty is not overeating - I love eating out and I work in healthcare, which ironically, is a Mecca for junk food in the office!


53, female, married, one son, 30 lbs. overweight, German, in the US since 1994, teacher for French and PE, but not working right now.

49 years old, mother of two daughters, love vegan eating, yoga and walking / jogging. Problem with night time binge eating

I am 51, married and live in the country with
our cat and numerous wild plants and animals.



I'm 40 something, two young kids, have tried lots of "fad" diets and if it has a name, I've probably tried it. I'm not a fan of exercise unfortunately, but I'm liking my Wii Fit Plus so far. Have a lot of weight to lose, and I'm hoping to become healthier.





35, engineer, female, married, tired of the high blood pressure and lower back pain.

I am 28 years old, married, and have a son who was born in June 2008. I am in my seventh year of teaching. I currently teach 8th grade Reading and English. I acompleted my MA in Educational Leadership in May 2011--looking to become a principal. I want to look the way I feel. I feel happy and enjoy life, but my body is overweight and slows me down. I also feel I can't wear the clothes I want to wear because I don't look good in many things. I am just tired of being overweight and want to feel like I look good more regularly. I have been overweight since I was in third grade. My mother's side of the family is all overweight. My father's side is not. I just don't know where to start and what to do.


I am a 34 year old almost divorced single mom to a 5 year old little boy. I am also a substitute teacher looking to get a permanent position.


39 years old, trying to conceive second child, striving to move toward a healthier life

I'm 40, mom of 3, happily married for 20 years. Never thin but not overweight till after college.

I'm a Mom of two, married with several happy pets. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis which sometimes makes moving and exercising difficult.



I am a teacher during the week and am working on my thesis on the weekends. I enjoy working out, but could benefit from varying my workouts.

I'm a 40 yr. old mom of two. I recently had my second child, but never really lost all the weight from the first. I want to be healthier, have lots of energy and finally lose the extra weight I've been carrying all these years! I work PT.

I'm 19 and have only felt comfortable with my body intermittently throughout the years. I was chubby in middle school, but went on to outgrow it in high school. Right now I feel like there are fifteen or so pounds between my current discomfort and future body and lifestyle. To reach that goal I Iook forward to adjusting my eating habits and mentality, maintaining a sustainable healthy diet, and getting back into an engaging exercise routine.

I am 58 years old and exercise quite a bit. My problem is my relationship with food. Two years ago I read the Beck Diet solution and lost 40+ pounds. I have put about half of it back on.

Mum to 2 children, married, I study psychology, hope to graduate in 2 yrs
My 40th is in 9 months

Would likely be diabetic if eating sugars and starches.
Approx. 1 1/2 years ago eliminated all significant sugars and starches and have done so very consistently since.
Need to lose 8 lbs. regained slowly, likely from overeating nuts.




I'm 28, a newlywed, no children.


I'm 60, but look and act MUCH younger! Think that I got trapped around the adolescent stage somehow!@#! ;) I live in Cranford, NJ with my boyfriend and two beautiful cats. I have two grown daughters living far away. I am aware of turning to the wrong foods for comfort and "looking for energy".

I am a 37 year old male, self-employed in a sedentary job.
I have been overweight much of my life. I have lost significant weight 3 times , but was never able to keep it off. The first time I was working a highly physical full time job, the other two were from regimens that would be very difficult for the average person to maintain long-term, let alone someone who has food issues like me.
I want to reach 40 in good shape, but with the good habits to back it up!







I am a single mother of three children, ages 30, 16, and 14. My youngest son still lives at home. I am 53 and in pretty good shape. I am running and lifting light weights 3-4 times a week. I am shooting for 4-5 times a week.



I am a 51 year old wife, mother, and teacher. I enjoy gardening, reading, and antiquing.

I eat fairly healthy but have been gaining weight due to some "comfort eating". I overeat specially on desserts.
I love running, but I find it hard to motivate myself to do it regularly.

Female, 44 y.o., married. Been overweight my entire life, even as a child. Best diet success was Weight Watchers, when I got down to <110 lbs. Hard to maintain; went to bed hungry a lot. Probably lost a lot muscle, making this round even more difficult. Clash of wanting to lose weight vs my hobby: gourmet cooking, wine tasting.

I'm 46, no kids, live in the city of roses, I'm a writer and a fund raiser.

My name is Lizzy...I've been struggling with my weight for a long time, but I recently put on an extra 10lbs while moving and travelling around. I'm using the Beck Diet Solution to lose it!
I started a blog about it here: http://lizzy-beckdietsolution.blogspot.com/


I'm a married Christian home schooling mom. I have a lot of baggage related to food and eating that I'm hoping to overcome.

I am a 35 year old mother of three boys 13, 6, 4. I have struggled with my weight for the past 13 years. I lost 35 lbs. 2 years ago and i eventually gained the weight back. I am determined to lose 60lbs., but i need help because i struggle with emotional eating.

I am really glad to have the extra support from people struggling with the same things I am. I am 28 and have been married for almost three years. We have no kids but we do have a dog. She is a Pug/Sharpei mix and she has more wrinkles than I do (good thing!). In my spare time, I like computers and singing, especially karaoke. I lost about 40 pounds two and a half years ago on Weight Watchers for my wedding... and then didn't keep up with it. I gained it all back and then some. I started Weight Watchers again and have lost 12 pounds so far. I am about 50 pounds away from my wedding weight, but I am not focusing on a goal number. I would like to get back to my WW lifetime goal weight though. I've started exercising again (3 - 5 times a week) and I'm back on track.
I am also doing the Couch to 5k program (www.c25k.com) and I find the podcasts really helpful. I would love to find more people who are doing the program.
Any advice you can give would of course be greatly appreciated!!!

I am 54 years old and have a problem with emotional eating, night time eating.

Ten years ago I lost 40 pounds on WW but was 10 pounds shy of lifetime goal. During the last year I've been using myfooddiary and find it a very helpful journal but it doesn't seem to motivate me. Two weeks ago I discovered Beck's Diet Solution and realized I've been sabotaging myself.


I'm a 23-yr-old in her last year of college. Had always been pretty active (grew up as a dancer, worked out religiously & ate like a health nazi) up until I went through some crazy stuff this last year that resulted in a manic episode, and now experiencing some depression and bulimia (which resulted in some major weight gain 20+lbs). Basically, I went from a free-spirited crazy happy go-go dancer / sorority college girl with a fit body to a sad self-loathing average BMI girl. Determined to recover and gain my health and happiness back! Let's do this! :D

58 years old. I've always had a weight issue but I mostly managed it with exercise. Now I have a hip problem and can't exercise the way I used to, even walking bothers it. So I've gained weight and it's a vicious cycle because the more I weight, the more the hip gets inflamed. I'm trying the Beck Solution to help get my brain in the right place.

Work full time at a demanding job. I can be good all day, but after 4 and when I get home I loose my will. I enjoy eating good healthy food, but over enjoy!



I am a married 44 year old self employed bookkeeper and tax preparer. My children are grown, and I have one granddaughter, who is almost 3. We are in the planning stages of building a new home, and we are the GC's so I'll be pretty busy with that project.



32 F living in San Jose, CA. I recently got married in May 2010 and immediately began re-gaining weight by abandoning my diet/exercise (I got into the dress and got out!) I'm looking for the support and motivation to finally lose weight for good. =)

I am married, work long hours in front of a computer, & am stepmom to two teenagers.





I'm 51, moved to the Boulder area 4 years ago from Los Angeles. I work at home, designing web sites and e-learning. I am single, have two cats, and a huge desire to be healthy as I begin the second half of my life.








Fun loving, rock chick, who’s a hard working and busy psychiatric nurse. Loving life and always improving myself. I'm a single, independent 24 year old woman living in a small Welsh seaside town called Aberystwyth in the UK.


I am an addictions therapist - MSW, currently gaining clinical supervision to become an LCSW. I am in love with the man of my dreams at 47! I have a three daughters, 22 year old identical twins and a 25 year old. I have a grandbaby named River who is 18 months old and a grandson on the way- His name is Eli. He is due to arrive here in February! I am the happiest I have ever been in my life!


Hi! My name is Cassandra and I need to lose a lot of weight. my goal weight is about 150 and my current weight is 227. I have been following the no sugar and no flour diet, and it is working.




Mom of 4, inflammatory markers - diet related, beginning a bootcamp

I'm a 29 year old female, who has been overweight since age 6. I've dieted a bit in the past, but only gained more weight than I've lost over time. I'm tired of all the weight yo-yoing, and would love to reclaim my life. I want to be the person I was meant to be, rather than allowing the weight to hold me back from my confidence and life goals.

I am a 38 yr. old teacher married to my best friend. Together we have 3 boys; 8, 4 and 2. I love social activities and hanging out with family and friends.


I'm 50, married to a great man for 21 yrs and have a 16 yr old son. I play tennis every day and lift weights, but have trouble with stress eating!!


I will turn 60 in March...I have 4 married children and 4 grandchildren...I am a teacher



I'm 38 and live alone -- in a good relationship and live with 2 cats and a dog. I lost 57 lbs doing WW followed by calorie counting, but always gain immediately after reaching my goal weight. At this point, I'm working on developing a way of eating I can maintain and enjoy -- and working on my mental hangups via the Beck Diet Solution.

I'm 60 and concerned about muffin top and undertoned muscles.

I'm 46 years old, married with two children still at home. I work at home while coaching my daughter in online school. I also have a son who is a senior in high school.




41 with happy little family of hubby, 2 year old and lab.


Uni student who needs to stop crash dieting and just develop normal eating habits. I rely on food to lessen the pain of my emotions. I have put on SO much weight in the past 2 years or so, I was always quite fit but now I always feel tired and bloated.






Just looked down at the scale at my mom's a month or more ago, and saw I was 205lbs. That was scary.



28 year old gal who is sick and tired of yo-yo dieting.

35 yrs old. Mother of 1 with 1 on the way. Married. Work 4 days a week.








I'm a 38 year old mom, wife, and student living in Belgium. I don't want to be a size 4 (although I wouldn't complain about that :)), I just want to be healthy and comfortable in my own skin.

I'm 66, married, mother of one son and two lovely grandchildren. I've had multiple careers but the latest, caregiver, has caused me to lose myself. I've decided that collecting two pounds a week on my fat body is NOT the way to go! My clothes are too tight, I have no energy and I want to get back to myself again.

I'm 38 years old. I'm married, and we have an 8 month old baby.







I am a first time mom to almost 2yr old. I quit full time workong when he was 11 mo old and love my new life. I do plan to go back one day. Always struggled with weight but won the battle majority of adult lfe. But with pregnancy and now being at home, finding it difficult to be disciplined enough.





48 yo, 6 ft, at 225 pounds. Married for 21 years and have 3 wonderful children (14, 8 and 6), College educated business owner.



busy professional who slid into some emotional and stress eating habits and lost my groove on exercise. weight has creot up as a result and i feel less comfortable in my body.



Almost 45 year old, married with 3 teens (17 yr DD, 16 yr DS, 12 yr DS). Have been on Atkins with a primal leaning for over a year. Have binging issues big time. I sort of sabbotage my diet every few weeks and get very frustrated.
Love to exercise and try to do so at least 5 days a week. Can stay for weeks off "bad" foods but then go and eat 10000 cals without hesitation of all the foods that make me sick.



35 y.o. Female; I've been overweight my entire life and on a diet since 11. A self admitted emotional eater with an addictive personality. When can this girl catch a break? Ha! I'm looking to free myself from the issues that have prevented me from being successful before.



My name peperutka means butterfly. I am one soft and gentle butterfly captured in this fat body for 30 years. I need finally to spread my wings and start being me, being free, being happy, and not just fat version of me.



Constantly struggling with the ups and downs of my weight. My bingeing and food addiction has gotten out of control.
Want to get involved in PT again to keep up my motivation and work on logging every single bite.
Recently discovered a sugar allergy and have taken it out of my diet 100% (besides fruit).
Wanting to eliminate flour as well to get rid of the urge to eat chips, bread, etc.


NYC'er, recently married, have lost the same 15-20 numerous times. seeking to get off the yo-yo diet rollercoaster once and for all.

I am a single parent of 2 teenagers. Additionally, I work as a teacher in VA. My life has been chaotic in the last 5 years, so I put myself last. That has got to change as I want to start to live again. I realize life is very short and if not now, then when. So I read Beck's book on cognitive behaviorism applied to weight loss and it really made sense. I am hoping to follow her methods.

I am a 57 year old woman who works in the mental health field. Love to travel, read, and quilt. I have been married 36 years.


I'm a 49 year old wife and mother who needs to lose some weight.

I love all sports but basketball is my life. I am still in high school and I love being outdoors.






Married, father of four, who enjoys photography, coaching youth sports, and teaching 14 year olds. I've lost 80 pounds, gained back 40, and know the best way to get it off is to be held accountable. Looking toward to the journey.


I am 44 years old. 3 of my 4 children have moved away from home. I am an educator. I have been married for almost 25 years!



I am a slightly crazy artist :P

I am 35 years old, stay-at-home mother/part time religious educator/volunteer. I have 3 children, ages 9, 7 and 3.



I have 2 kiddos that are 14 months apart. Our daughter is 2 and our son is 1. Saying they keep me busy is an understatement. I used pregnancy as an excuse to deny myself all the foods I denied myself to stay around 115 lbs. The result has been catastrophic and I have struggled with weight and self worth for the past 2 years. My husband and I are from AR originally. We were married in 2004. We moved to MN in 2007. Our daughter was born in MN and we loved living there. We moved to IL in 2011, two weeks before our son was born. It had been a challenging transition being a mother of 2 little one, making new friends, and settling into the area.


Two time Ironman triathlete, long distance open water swimmer (12 miles last Oct), mom of two (born 6/12 and 2/10), wife and full-time IT Consultant. Always been a little large, so need to implement better food habits.








I've come dangerously close a few times to that goal weight since baby #1 :) ... when I did the Beck Diet Solution faithfully, along with Weight Watchers Core Plan, I had great results. That was about four years ago and life took on a whole new level of stress. So now I need to find a way back.












I am a 46 year old. I am a mom to a 14 year old boy and 12 year old girl. Happily my whole family loves to run. I get encouragement from my husband and kids. I've always stuggled with losing that 15 to 20 lbs. I just joined peer trainer and am excited to make some changes once and for all.

I stepped on the scale this morning and scared myself. I have been a dieter since I was a teen and have tried almost everything. Diets don't work! I have gained almost 60 pounds in the last five years, most of it on some diet or another. Now, 42, it's time to make a lifestyle change that will last!



Enjoy reading, movies, baseball, shopping, family time, love the beach











I'm 67. Retired. I want a happy, healthy, fit retirement





I'm a soon to be 39yr old working full time with an 18yr old daughter at home. Have been overweight for coming up 20 years.


I work in a busy office. I am trying to leave the office lifestyle and start my own business from my home.

48 year old rural mom of four kids.

I'm a 40-year old single professional, juggling the demands of work, relationships and beating a lifelong cycle of yo-yo dieting. I have 40 - 60 pounds that I have gained, lost and re-gained about 4 times now. I want to lose the weight and develop the tools to keep it off!






I am in my early 40's, married, have 3 children and work part time for a Christian nonprofit organization. I have struggled with my weight since puberty.

I am a full time student, part-time worker. I need a lot of motivation!

I am a mother of two very active little boys. One is 7 and the other is 2. I am a nurse and work full time. Time is of the essence. There just is not enough of it. I wish I could do it all: Raise the family, work the job, excercise and cook healthy good tasting meals. Those last two suffer a lot.


I am a married 41year old mother of 2 daughters-ages 6 and 9. I work 2 days a week as a medical secretary.

I am 32 and the mother of 2 girls, ages 3 and 1. I was a stay-at-home mom for 3 years but in Sept 2007 went back to work full-time in my old career.

I'm a 45 year old single woman. I work as a licensed mental health counselor for an agency. I grew up in a family that was all about diets. Therefore, my siblings and I are broken into two groups: those who control food and do not eat; and those who do eat and try to diet it off at different times. I've liked to exercise at different points in my life. However, right now I'm really having a hard time getting motivated. I never seem to have the time, the energy, . . . all kinds of excuses. I think I'm just afraid to have people notice what I'm doing and then make comments about how I look. There is a whole lot of psychological stuff that goes along with my weight gain/loss that I really need to work on. I think I'll buy Judy Becks Book.

I'm an at home mom to an 11 yr old who is ADHD and has learning challenges, so I have stress and frustration. I have a great husband, thank God, and want to get help & motivation here as well as any tips/tricks I know. To boost each other up and celebrate each other victories!!

My trainer is awesome but I love my starbucks muffins. Help!

I just turned 56 which put me closer to 60 than to 50 -- pretty scary since I feel like I'm 30! I'm single again, and ready to re-enter the dating world and to prepare for a healthy retirement. (Dating soon, retirement in 10 years.)




Recently turned 39 and want a very different body by 40. I'm a teacher with 2 young children.

I'm a Christian homeschool mom who just turned 50! My weight is creeping up and up, and I know that in a few years I will be like my obese aunts and mother, with all sorts of health problems to boot. I'm an emotional eater, and struggle with cravings, even though I have a lot of "head" knowledge. Currently reading The Beck Diet Solution and am very excited about cognitively thinking properly and thus behaving properly when it comes to food.

26, Single Male, Lawyer, Highest Weight 100kg, Goal Weight 60 kgs.

30 something mom.



I am 33 years old and work as designer. I just finished up my Master's last year and am finally taking the time to get back in shape. I have been trying to lose the same 30 pounds for about 15 years now. I'm ready to reach this goal once and for all and have peace of mind.


I am a 40 yo health professional with three children (16,12, 3). I have a history of weight gain and weight loss. I have tried many diets and lost a lot of weight, but always gained everything back after a couple of years.

I am 37 year old woman living by the ocean I live with my boyfreind who is a very fit body builder. who works out almost everyday..and i have been hoping it would rub off on me! I have lots of oppoortunity to be fit and live healthy so now is te ime to do it!
I am strong but not active enough to help me lose wieght also i need to control portions sizes and reduce wheat and sugar.

I'm 37 and am a stay at home mom to a very energetic toddler.

I am 20 years old, I attend university majoring in psychology and I enjoy shopping.


I am 30 years old, engaged, with no children. I want to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. I have suffered from depression, and am a very emotional eater. If I have a bad day, the first place I go is McDonalds.

I am divorced with 2 adult children. I just turned 50 in march,




I am a 41 year old stay-at-home-mom with 3 boys starting a photography business with my sister-in-law.


Ten years ago, when I turned 40, I began running marathons. Since that time I've completed 21 of them.
In 2005 I lost my job and retreated to the couch (with lots of ice cream). I gained 30 pounds, which I've been lugging around ever since.
Fast forward to 2007, I have a great job and life is good. Unfortunately, I am still carrying around these extra 30 pounds.
It's time to ditch this "couch" weight and move on.


I'm a 48 year old network administrator. About 5 years ago, I realized my life was probably more than 1/2 over, and I was still sitting on the couch waiting for it to start! Since then, I've been trying (with some success!) to be more active and try new things.

I am 63yrs and don't know what happened to the time. We live in an isolated but very dramatic coastal area. Both my husband and I are retired special ed teachers. We both do some part time work and a lot of volunteer work, This is our second marriage and we have 4 delightful adult children and 7 grandchildren who live in Northern Ca.

I am 34, single, currently unemployed, and I've always been fat. I'm finally at a place in my life where I'm really, truly ready to change that. I've lost 30 pounds already, and now I'm doing the Beck Diet Solution program to help me through another 70 pounds.



33 years old, married, no kids. I have been yo-yo dieter my entire life. I found out about the Beck Diet Solution in Oprah's magazine. I My goal is to lose 80lbs. I have lost 18 since the end of March 2007. I blog about my efforts at:



I have 5 children. I will lose weight and get fit so I can be more active with them. I am going slow this time so that I can be more balanced about maintaining when I hit my as yet undefined goal weight.

I am 39 and have two children, ages 7 and 5. I was a SAHM for 7 years and have recently returned to teaching fifth grade. I have a supportive, loving husband. I want to lose 10 pounds.

I've been fat since I was a toddler, was obese by elementary school, and hit morbid obesity at puberty. Now in my mid-40s, with full-blown metabolic syndrome, I love my family too much not to put my energy into changing my life so I can survive and be there for them. I'm coming out of a grieving time and am working hard to reinvent myself.

I'm 50. I've been overweight since I was 10 (except for a couple of years in my 20s). I know why I'm overweight - I eat emotionally - not when I'm hungry (I rarely let myself get hungry). I've been to several counselors who wanted to help me identify why I eat (I already know why) but did not offer any practical guidance as to how to overcome the emotional eating wo that I could be successful. I've tried almost every diet out there and always have given up when it became difficult or when I hit a plateau.


I lost about 130 lbs. over 4 yrs. ago on Atkins, and felt great! After having my 3rd child a year ago, I am up about 25 lbs. from my "Lowest Maintainable Weight". I feel uncomfortable in clothes and have spent this past year or two "Strengthening my Giving in Muscles".
I am a Christian homeschooling mom of 3 young boys, and my husband and I are now on a journey to adopt a baby girl from the Fl foster care system. We believe children are a blessing from God.

IHi!!! I'm a stay at home mom to a 14 month old. I'm looking to give and receive support to work out and keep a healthy diet for a long period of time.I think getting fit and making changes in my diet habits will only happen in a period of time longer than 8 months .5.4'' tall, 124 pounds,27%fat GOAL:To be 19% fat in 12 months,august 1 2008!

I am a 28yr old female. I have been married for just over a year now and very happy. I am a creative soul and a teacher. Need to practise balanced and 'normal' eating patterns.

Mother of six, grandma of 20, busy business woman in the financial and estate business.


Basic stats--single, age 58, a college teacher who deeply but deeply wants to be a novelist and is absolutely dedicated to writing and publlshing wonderful historical fiction,

I am 23 years, work fulltime, married. I am loving the Beck Diet Solution. It seems to make so much sense to me, and to be the "missing piece" in finallly learning how to eat the way I wish I did, for the rest of my life.
I am amazed about how much I have learned so quickly by following the program.

21. Full-time job. Interested in nutrition. Love being in the water. Determined to get fit.


I'm a 27 year old resident in pediatrics, married for 3 years and have gained 25 pounds in those 3 years

I am 51 and searching for help. A while ago I was inpatient using CT, but haven't seen Dr. Beck's book. I'm buying it tomorrow !

I'm 35, a white collar professional. I'm single and live alone. I do have a cat. I love music, movies, literature and traveling. I love spending time alone and would consider myself a borderline hermit.

i was successful on jenny craig several years ago but that was because i didn't have to think. i just ate their meals. i am a WW member but totally unmotivated. i am not quite sure why. there could be several reasons from changin my habits to accepting a new body size and the attention i will receive. i am used to hiding. i will feel exposed when all of my fat is gone. at the same time, i want to be healthier and build my self esteem. it is a internal battle.

I'm 42, married with 2 small kids, finishing up requirements for a doctoral degree in psychology. I haven't used much CBT in my practice, but I know that for some problems, it works beautifully. I know Dr. Beck is a highly respected researcher and clinician, and I'm eager to learn this technique through experiencing it first-hand.

College.....they really weren't kidding about that freshman 15 (or 25). I've got a year left of college and I'm going to spend it in a body I love!

I am a 40 year old female, and I have been struggling with weight issues ever since my early 30's.

I am 42 SAHM, will graduate in July with a BA and will continue in Sept to receive my MA and credential to become a High School English teacher. I have two sons and have been married 21 years. I love to garden, write, decorate, create anyway I can. I have a ton of animals, including chickens and have a garden in progress that I hope will provide me with fresh vegies all summer long.

Married and a 33 year old mother of two girls. Vegetarian family (we do eat fish). I eat grilled chicken once a week.

Emigrated from England in 1954 with my family, but both parents are now deceased. My dad was a lively Scotsman, and my mother a true Cockney. Lived in So.Calif. for 20 years, then moved to way No.Calif for the next 35 yrs working as a nurse all the way along. I have 2 sons, both married, and with whom I have a wonderful relationships. Fortunately, two of the worlds cutest little girls are my granddaughters. Just moved to a 55plus community, and am getting used to freeways and congestion again. I have put on weight with many excuses. Worked the night shift, sore back, torn tendons in my arm, too hot to exercise, love good food--the list goes on. I have found it impossible to stay with any 'program', though have tried many.


I am 40 years old and am a great student of Abraham/Hicks and truly believe I attracted this today. I have 3 boys and a husband and live in Australia in Noosa on the Sunshine Coast which I am so grateful after living all around the world.

Older stay- at- home Mom with 2 young sons. Have battle weight issues most of adult life - want to get fit and healthy.

Up until about a month ago, I was a very active student athlete. Since then, I've left my team due to differences with the team and coach. I've just seen my weight go up and up from 140 to almost 150. I am an emotional eater and have trouble sometimes exercising control. Now, I want to find that balance with food, exercise, school, life!

I'm a professional copywriter/former English teacher whose husband had gastric bypass 3 years ago and looks great. Suddenly, I've become an emotional eater and have gained 30 lbs. after being at the same weight for years. Obviously, I'm having some trouble adjusting to his new lifestyle and looks. . . and the expectations for ME.

I'm a teacher and a mom, looking to strike that balance between work and play, family and self, proteins and carbs, etc. I really like the Beck book because it is so rational but takes into account all the ways food is so much more than just food, but also provides a doable way to make peace with eating (well). I've had long stretches where I did "think like a thin person" and know that with enough planning and support, it's possible and hugely rewarding.

I'm 52, female, professional, live alone and work at home (telecommute). I was thin but never athletic as a youngster. I developed a binge eating problem in college, and my weight just kept going up until about age 35, when I weighed 235. In the past 15 yrs I've slowly improved many of my eating habits, quit drinking, and learned the joy of exercise, but I struggle constantly with emotional eating and I still occasionally binge eat. I was at 180 lbs during most of my 40s but when menopause hit I gained 10 lbs overnight (almost true) and now I can't believe I'm at 200 lbs. I'm 5'10".



43 y/o, 5'11", and currently (3 Sept 07) 210 lbs.





49-year-old mother of a 7-year-old boy.


Geographer, teacher, writer--67 years old, struggled with weight all my life, but at this age am unable to lose anything.

I'm 58. I live in Phoenix after having lived most of my life in the SF Bay area. I am semi-retired, working a part-time job doing business proocess documentation. I used to be in the SW development business which seemed to go hand in hand with an unhealthy life style, now that I look back on it. I have been consistently overweight since my mid 30's. When I was younger I would gain weight and then lose it easily. My husband and I are both vegetarians. No children. Love to read. Love to cook and I have thousands of cookbooks (mostly in boxes right now).


I am happily married to my husband of 20 years and happily mommied to my boys ages 12 and 9. I have been carrying around 10 -20 lbs. of excess weight for 4 years and I have got to get rid of it so I feel like "me" again!

I am a 68 year old grandmother and I babysit for my 2 and a half year old grandson and my 5 month old granddaughter. I am married and my husband is about 10 years older than I am. I taught first grade for 30 years before I retired. My hobbies are yard sales and finding thrift stores.


58 (how strange!) and married. Two cats; no kids. Work part time as a professional counselor. Garden, play bridge. I've never been very active or energetic but I'd like to change that as much as I can. Always struggled with weight. I;m now a size 18 (or so) and have had brief periods where I dropped into a size 10.



30 years old, married, no kids, property manager by day, grad student by night.

16. 5'7. 125 lbs.want to shed 20 pounds overall. im counting calories and hitting the gym, babyyy.

I'm turning 50 in 3 weeks and I've never weighed as much as I do. I am married, two kids, and I work in high pressure job. I am looking for weight loss advice and support.


In 2000 I retired from teaching, and can't imagine how I kept up with my previous schedule. I have 2 sons, 2 DILs, 4 grandkids, 4 x's, 4 former live-in's, a wide variety of friends and former students that keep in touch. I enjoy listening to my brother play in local bands, own my own home, and am wondering what 'life after 60' is supposed to be about.





I'm a 35 y.o. wife of a Marine & mother of a beautiful teenaged daughter. We live on a small farm, and have a pregnant cow, due Oct '07. We also have a horse that's boarded at a beautiful ranch, as well as 2 dogs and 2 cats.

I am a 23 year old female who is motivated and definitely dedicated. I love all aspects of health/nutrition and am possibly thinking about making it a career in the future. Right now I am working a great government job in DC and I am hoping to flourish from there.

I am a 19 yr. old college student. Recently I have noticed that I have started to gain some weigtht mainly due to bad eating habits, and no exercise. My favorite thing to do is sit around and and eat popcorn and watch movies all day lol. I had a personal trainer before and that worked really well but it got to be to expensive. Since I work at a nightclub, becoming out of shape is not an option.


I am 49 (or soon will be) years old. I work 35-40 hours per week and take care of my elderly mother who lives with us. I have a grown daughter. I feel like I am constantly on the go with too many #1 priorities. I love my mother, however, it is stressful at times. She is in failing health.




Been on diets my whole life. Since I deprived myself of certain foods for so long, I've become obsessive with the "bad" foods and find myself bingeing on them. In August of last year (2006), I decided I wasn't going to hate myself anymore. No more dieting and binging and hating myself...enough. Hey, I'm a nice person, I deserve better. So, I stopped dieting...ate whatever I wanted...gained 15 pounds. By March of 2007, I realized that I was still more worried about my weight and not totally focused on relaxing around food. So I stopped weighing myself. Even at the doctor's office I tell the nurse not to say my weight out loud. Yes, I gained even more weight, but I ate what I wanted. Now I feel much more at ease with food. I've even realized that just because it's fattening doesn't mean I like it. Imagine...I don't like chocolate ice cream. I never even thought of that possiblity. I just ate it cause it was forbidden.

25 years old, female. Working at a desk job. Lactose Intolerant. Lost a lot of weight in 2005 before getting married, have put most of it back on! It's time to get serious about getting healthy for good.

I'm a 54 year old single mom. Yet again trying to lose some weight.

i lack discpline, my weight fluctuates like the stock market. need to be more consistent. I work mostly a sedentary research position and preparing to go back to school to get my MBA in the fall.

I'm a mum - I have one son aged 17. I'm a palliative care nurse turned academic; married (since 1976) to another academic. I have 2 dogs - Billy is a jack russell. Murphy (a pup) is a jack russell/border collie cross. The dogs are active and love to accompany me on walks.



I am 27/F year old living in San Diego,California. I have two wonderful little pugs named Ziggy & Tizoc. I have recently (in the last year) started running. It was a little tough at first but I love it now. Im still kinda new at this so sometimes I lose motivation. I also enjoy taking Ziggy & Tizoc for a walk after work whenever I can.
I work full-time where I stand all day with little movement. After that I have an hour long commute everyday. I've been having a really difficult time with my weight for the past several years. Even though I have been running, i have one slight disadvantage- I love food! I really have to work on cutting my portions. Also my goal is to take my own lunch to work everyday.

Can't seem to lose that last 25 lbs. of baby weight. An underactive thyroid & stressful last few years hasn't helped! I'm an at-home mom of a five year old.


I am a 40 year old Mother of 2 boys, 11 and 7. I work part-time and volunteer with my younger son's Cub Scout den. I have tried many diets off and on since I was 15 years old. I am 4'11" so weight on me looks maginified 20 times. Working out in the morning is the only time that has worked for me to stick with it.

26 years old....needs new motivation in life....

64 years old. Married, kids, active, still working.
Started my new lifestyle 2 years ago. Lost 80 pounds. Am satisfied with my current weight. Want to stay here.

I am 47 years old and married with no kids. My wife and I work at home and belong to a gym. I have got down to this weight twice as an adult and come back up. The most recent weight loss was about three years ago and I have regained the weight. I would like to get there and stay there.

I'm 48 years old, married with one child. I've tried every single diet that ever existed under the sun, and I had great success with many...for a short time. Now that I'm getting older is not only keeping the weight off that's difficult, it's also loosing it. I'm a school counselor, work long hours, and never seem to make the time to excercise or relax as much as I need or like.

I was diagnosed with Fibromyagia over a decade ago. I gained over 70 lbs and haven’t really worked out since due to pain. My biggest problem is my difficulty with organizational skills and remembers to work out after work.


Hi. I'm a 53 year old school nurse here in Las Vegas. I have my Masters degree in Nursing, have been divorced for 11 years and have recently experienced the "empty nest" as my daughter and best friend (also a nurse) just got married 6 months ago. This is a new phase of life for me! Not sure what to make of it, but I'm sensing that it might be pretty COOL!
I have great health so far (take meds for blood pressure, but feel great and no limitations on exercise). I have a lot of background in coronary care and heart disease- vegetarian fare is the best for me, but I'm not a religious zealot- if someone comes to dinner or asks me to dinner I don't make a big deal out of it- I'll prepare or eat some chicken or fish! :-) I stumbled across this site a few minutes ago and I'm glad I did!




43 yr old mother of 2 girls, married 28 years, new grandmother.

I'm 39 years old, my highest weight was 186lbs. My current weight is 163lbs I lost my weight on Weight Watchers... I have not yet started the beck workbook. I'm still thinking about it.

I am a 63 year old who lives in a rural small town. I walk 2 miles every day and attend Curves for additional workouts 3 days a week. Other than that I am sedentary. I like to read and write computer programs. I am a very slow loser; usually less than a pound a month. I Get easily frustrated.


I am 40, have a great husband, and 2 kids. 1 boy and 1 girl. I work part time selling Pure Romance. I love my job and I feel that my whole life would be better if I could lose weight.




Self employed professional.




I started beck diet solution on 1/1/2009 and lost 17 lbs. After a couple of months, I slid back into my old bad habits and gained most of it back. As of 6/22/09 I am back on track and hoping to stay on top of things this time around. Altogether, I want to lose around 50 pounds. I have a nasty habit of getting started on something and not seeing it through (hence the recent weight gain). Still trying to figure out how I can change that for good.

I am a 44 year old happily married mother of two kids, ages 14 and 10. In my spare time, I teach high school English. :-) I love to read, shop, travel, and spend time with my family.

I am 54 years old. Three grown up children and four grandchildren. I live most of the time on the island of Crete in Greece. Interests are many; gardening, photography, astrology, painting, arts, music.... and the unusual.



I'm 26, newly married (Oct., 2006). I work full time, and am trying to find things to fill my time outside of work with good, positive things. I have just finished school and haven't really done anything but school and work for so long I can't even remember my hobbies :o). My husband and I just bought a house and got a puppy so that is what our lives have been filled with recently




I never knew that I would end up on this road
least of all running on it.
I am a 35 year-old mother of a medical miracle. My son Alexander was born prematurely at 26 weeks weighing only 1 pound 2 ounces on June 27th 2006. Nothing in my life could have prepared me for his birth or for the journey his prematurity would take us on. Everyday for 149 days (1 day shy of 5 months) I sat beside his isolete in the NICU crying, praying, and simply willing him to good health. Few even dared in the beginning to congratulate me on becoming a mother. Instead I received thoughtful condolence cards. But something deep inside of me told me that in spite of the tremendous odds my son faced that he would be just fine. Even when his doctors came to me with long faces and scary statistics I refused to stop believing in him. Eventually Alexander would prove me right and came home the day before Thanksgiving of 2006. Today he is a thriving almost 3 year-old walking around as if nothing ever happened. His will to live ignited a desire within me to fight for my own life and to deal with my post pregnancy weight.
I made small changes at first. I stopped the emotional eating I was doing to console myself during my son's long ordeal and began exercising regularly. Eventually with the support of a good friend I began running with the goal of entering my first 5k which I completed on November 17th of 2007. I have since then completed many races including a Half Marathon on May 3rd of 2009. I have lost about 30 pounds now and although I still have around 60 pounds more to lose I already feel stronger and fitter than I have felt in years. And after having flirted with exercise my entire life I can finally call myself a runner. Next to the words mother and wife, nothing sounds more satisfying to me.
Freeze Your Gizzard Cross Country 5k, Nov 2007
St. Patty's Day 8K, March 2008
March for Babies 5 mile walk, April 26th 2008
Cascades Firechase 10k, May 2008
Van Metre 5 Miler, March 28th 2009
March for Babies 5 Mile Walk, April 26th 2009
Frederick MD Half Marathon, May 3rd 2009
Cascades Firechase 10k, May 23rd 2009
and more to come!

I am a SAHM of 4 children 6 and under. I am determined to get this post-baby weight off. I have lost 40 lbs after the birth of my seconed and third children, but have scince gained back. I need encouragement and to get rid of all my Sabataging thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts so I can lose. I have PCOS and was diagnosed July 10 2007. I am hoping that wieght loss will make my periods come back



I am married, and live in Maine with my husband, a dog and a cat.

I am 42 years old. I live with my family in west Michigan. I am an RN and the facility adminstratrator of a dialysis unit. I am a very active person but am always on the diet rollercoaster. I become motivated, loose weight and then 'fall off the wagon" and end up gaining it back. I am a good motivator, but with myself I play a lot of mind games. The Beck book is perfect for me!

I work in a high school, which means very early morning starts and running around without a chance to catch my breath all day. The idea of sitting to eat and remembering to eat what I planned can be a challenge to say the least.


I am a married 40 years old, I am the mother of 2 children, girl 14 and boy 8, and two step children 22 and 21.
I am 5'6" and weight 168.
I am currently in counseling for binge eating.

i'm married and have 3 kids, 24 boy, 21 boy, and 19 girl and i am a teacher. we are presently in the process of moving to new mexico from new jersey and it's crazy around here! i also love DOGS and have a yellow lab that is not the nicest of dogs, i did have a golden retriever who was wonderful but passed on. i love to read and dance and go out with women in their 20's from work and they seem to keep me young!

Mom of 3, 48 years old,


I am a soon to be married 32-year-old who struggles with sabotaging myself while dieting. I tend to eat out of stress and am working very hard to overcome this. I have some hard to break habits -- eating to comfort myself -- that I am hoping to improve upon.

I've been retired since Jan 2007 and since relocating in June have been slowly putting on some of the weight I lost in the first six months of the year.


I just turned 36. I have been married just over 5 years & have a 7 y/o DD and a 3 y/o DS. I love doing things with my family most of all, but I also love animals, beaches, professional football, As the World Turns and EATING. I work part-time at my own small accounting business (payroll, taxes & the like), manage a storage unit facility and have recently delved into rental property ownership.


My first "diet" ever was probably around age 12. My family praised and encouraged overeating, soothed hurt feelings with overeating, competed to see who could overeat the best. We all succeeded in becoming overweight. What a surprise!? I'm the single mom of a teenaged son. I'm pre-emptively preparing for the empty nest. I bought a brand new motorcycle a few months ago and cringed at the picture of me on it. I am so past due on caring for me more than others.

Single mom of a wonderful 5 yr old girl (and 120 lb. old english sheepdog). Teacher. I love home decorating, walking and the Internet.



I am a 49 year old Lifetime Member of Weight Watchers. My husband and I joined WW in Oct. 2005 and reached Lifetime status in May 2006. I have continued to struggle to remain at or below my goal weight but have faithfully weighed in each month to maintain my lifetime status. My issues are the long-term mental struggles over the food. While reading my December "Real Simple" magazine I came across Judith Beck's book, ordered it from Amazon and received it today. I am excited about mastering the concepts outlined in the book and especially being a part of an online community devoted to this topic.

I am a 35 year old Special Education teacher

Im a working mom who spends way too much time in a chair in front of a computer. Sedentary is an understatement. I work most days from home so dont even have the benefit of walking a few blocks as part of a commute. And of course living in suburbia = drive everywhere.

I am coming up on my first wedding anniversary with my awesome hubby. Together we have 3 kids, ranging in age from 5-13. I work full time as a collection coordinator at Childrens Medical Center in Dallas. My family is very active in our church.

I am a professional with a very stressful job.


34; Just got married on 9/12.
I am a computer support specialist for the State which means I sit at my desk all day. Hobbies include scrapbooking/crafting, photography and reading everything and anything.
I was diagnosed hypothyroid at age 20. Its been a constant struggle since then to lose weight.

I am 45 years old.
I live in northern Michigan, just returned this year; I spent 2 1/2 years in Salt Lake City Utah and 13 years on Whidbey Island in Washington.
Interests: partner dance (waltz, contra, zydeco, swing, tango), music (play guitar and sing) and being outdoors (beach, lakes, hiking, cross country skiing ).
5'7" My goal is to weigh between 135 and 150. I am a single mom and taking charge of my life to return to my natural healthy, physically active life and body. Truthfully, I love being active!

Married 20 years next July. One biological child (boy) and 4 step children. 21 grandchildren, 5 great grands. Love spending time w/family, reading, love the beach, theater, movies, TV, Music, Dancing. Enjoy interacting w/people. I had a mild heart attack in June 07 (no surgery or stents). Became a vegetarian afterwards. Lost 10 pounds pretty quickly. Went on vacation in Oct. and back habits came back. I've put back the 10 pounds and gained more. I need lots of motivation. I work as an executive secretary for a real property attorney. Love my boss. Job could be more challenging. Studying meditation to reduce stress. I'm an "anytime" eater. If it's there, let's eat. When I worry or am under a lot of stress, I just keep eating. Nothing seems to satisfy my taste buds. I'm looking for support and hope to be to offer support.

I am just finished with school so I am looking to get back to my pre-college weight. I don't have a lot of money being a new grad and I think it is hard to eat healthy and workout with very little extra cash


Friends have called me a shape shifter. I have lost 100 pounds on two occasions ( 35 & 46), maintaining for years, now I need to do it again. I thought my last time was the last, but this must be the last time and I must find the strength to do this. I am 55 and healthy except for the weight, but I have a young child and I do not want to die on her early.
The excess weight has to go! We are on a multi year , open ended trip around the world, so I have some unique challenges with losing weight:
We are on the road now until fall 2008, so I will not be able to check in too much, but you can always reach me through our website soultravelers3. I did great this winter and hope to at least maintain as we travel and hopefully lose some more .I will be working hard again and completing the loss next winter when we are in one place for a while.




I'm a 49 year old, mom of a 19 and 21 year old, wife of 28 years. I work at a college as an admin assistant.

30, Married, 4 Children. Food Addict For 10+ Years. LOVE THE BECK DIET SOLUTION!

Running a company and being a family man hasn't left a lot of time for me to dedicate to fitness. I live in New York City and walk to work everyday but that's about all the exercise I get besides carrying around my 9 month old baby boy. But exercise is critical for physical and mental health and I am ready to get back into it!

I'm 54, married and the mother of a great 24 year old son. I was a professor and ran an opera program in Georgia for almost 20 yrs. before moving to NY five years ago. I've been auditioned for stuff while there. (I was on Law & Order, SVU!) Now living in SF and a professor again, teaching loads of voice lessons. Great weather for walking!


I am 47 have a teenager and teach

23, USAF member. Growing up I have always been active in sports. When I hit high school I was pressured into being thin so I achieved this through ways that weren't healthy. Since I have been in the military I have slowly been putting on weight because of my lack of motivation and my constant drinking. After my second deployment to Iraq I began to fall into a depression and lost all motivation I had left. Now that I have quit drinking and I'm slowly learning to accept myself I am ready to put my life back together. I want to be free spirited and energetic like I used to be.


I'm 35-years old, married and mom to Lyla (18-mo) . I work full-time+ at a techie desk job and am in recovery.

I work a lot and I can be lazy, currently I weight train 3 times a week with my friend/trainer and try and do 45 min of cardio 3 to 5 times a week.

I'm 32 years old and am keen to look as good on the outside as I feel on the inside. I'm single, and would love to meet a great guy. I'm a self-confessed workoholic in a demanding job that I love. I have a few health issues caused by some benign tumours in my abdomen, which causes chronic pain and is controlled by a few medications, most with "gaining weight" as a side effect.

30's, married, 2 kids, run a business. I am really starting to get in shape and it took me a long time to get back.

28. 5'4". 148.6#.
Heaviest = 192# at age 25.
Healthiest = 125# at age 20.
Work in preventive health care, studying public health.
Love world travel. (Favorite place to date: Krakow, Poland)
Love to read. (Favorite book: The Stranger, Albert Camus)
Have a nasty tv/movie habit that didn't go away with getting rid of the tv (the computer works wonders for DVDs and televisions shows). (Favorite Show: Freaks and Geeks. Favorite Movie: Grosse Pointe Blank or Empire of the Sun or Purely Belter)
Enjoy wide variety of music, sans country. Particularly like modern rock (80-99), punk/ska/indie, mash-ups, just about anything recorded in the 60's (rock, soul, folk, jazz), foreign language covers.
Very liberally minded.
Born and raised in Maine, lived in the UK for several years, back in Maine, but not sure for how long.
Recently married.
Detest cigarettes, but enjoy the occassional alcohol-bender (0-1/month)
Love almost all animals (exceptions- things with >4 legs or <2 legs, i.e. snakes, spiders)
Have 3 cats. (2 enormous 25#, 1 average 8#)
Intend on being DINK for life.
Relates more to existenialism than god-based religions.
Like snow, rate seasons as: winter, spring, summer then fall.
Enjoy playing and watching baseball, hocket, football, soccer.

Im a 43 year old mom with two teenage children. I am currently a stay at home mom with a small business I run out of my home (~15 hours a week). I am engaged with one of my children who has learning issues....but feel a need to go back to work....meanwhile im gaining weight and my body is changing daily. Its scary and I dont feel comfortable. HELP. I really need accountability and objective feedback. Im looking forward to this group. THanks in advance.

I am an attorney in Texas. I like running and walking, reading novels, playing with my dogs and cats and sometimes my husband. :) I am trying to get better about eating natural whole foods both for my own health and that of the environment.

I have been up and down on the scale for over 15 years. I want to lose the 40+ pounds I've put on over the years. My highest weight was 194 in Feb. 2007, and I got down to 170 by Oct. 07. I stopped keeping track of my food and 10 lbs crept back so now, I am 180 lbs on Dec 28, 07. The goal is to lose some of this weight before I hit my 40th birthday - Feb 2nd, and to continue to lose to get to my ideal weight of 140 by June 1, 2008. I also want to feel more fit and energetic now that my career is really taking off, I could use the energy. I hope that PEERTRAINER can help keep my food and training in check. I know it has helped so many others and I really want this more than ever!

I am married with a 4-year old daughter. I struggle with depression and emotional eating. I want to eat healthier and exercise to be the best me I can be, for myself and my family.


I am a political consultant with some health and knee problems. I am more concerned with consumption than losing weight. but I have difficulty sticking to what I know works. Sounds like this Beck book is exactly what I need.

I am 36 and have been up and down the scale from 130-180 many times. I would like to settle on a healthy weight around 150 and maintain it. I work full time and have two kids - one home and one in college.

I'm a mom of three. I work full time and my job requires me to travel



50-something, professional. Former chef and dreadful foodie. Quit smoking & gained 30 pounds over the next two years. Have wrestled with weight off and on through the years, but not for a decade or so. I want to get it off and recapture my active lifestyle.

40 years old. I work full-time as a fund raiser at a university and I'm also in graduate school part-time. Married 17 years, no kids.



I've lost almost 30 pounds. ******UPDATE - I've lost almost 40 pounds! 165 to 126. Took almost 3 years. *** Feel free to read my daily notes for tips on using this site, and for other helpful ideas to help you with your weightloss and fitness journey. Let me know your thoughts!

I am 23 years old... I love making handmade jewelry. Still discovering who I am and what I want.. as things change I will update. =)


I am a 29 y.o. female, soon to be married. I am desperate to lose the weight and keep it off permanently.

I am 28 and just had my first child. WE moved to the Boston Area for My hubby's job.




College prof. 50, Using Beck cognitive behavior therapy techniques. I started the day after Christmas, 2007, when I weighed 230 lbs. Six months later I was down to 175 lbs. I am still hoping to lose a bit more fat, but trying to make it up in muscle. I hope my weight does not significantly change but wouldn't mind if my body composition did.

I'm a psychologist, age 49, divorced with two older teens. My main weight gain occurred as three factors created the perfect storm: the end of my marriage, early menopause, three foot surgeries. I'm ready to take action and get this weight off, and become a healthier, more active person like I used to be.


I am a 51 year old business executive

A 50+ professional with a demanding career. Have recently put on weight and slacked-off on exercising. Need re-energizing.




I am 42 and married with 2 grown sons. My mother passed away 11/2/07 and my sis was diagnosed w/terminal cancer 7/08. I have gained almost 20 pounds since 9/07. I have struggled with eating issues (binge/emotional eating/boredom) for years. I lost 21 pounds with Weight Watchers and have kept it off but have struggled for the past 3 years to get the reamining 15-20 pounds off. Bad back issues flared up this year also, making exercise difficult at best.

I am 46 and live in NJ . I have a wonderfull husand and 2 wonderfull cats . I have a REAL hard time not binging and I am really like to stop .

38 year old mother of 3, working full time from home with weekly travel, need to loose 40 plus pounds but feel ambivalent after so many previous attempts, trying "Eat for Health" with Beck solution


I work full time, sitting in front of a computer and have a long commute each day. Married, 40's, no kids, lots of pets (dogs, cats, chickens and geese) :o)

35 year old working mother of a one-year-old trying to shed those first child baby pounds before trying to another child


38 yrs. old stay at home mom of four boys aged between 10 and 4 (two of them twins).

I'm a 31 y/o, happily married mother of two.



I am married with 2 boys 14 and 18 yrs old, 3 step daughters 24, 21 and 7 yrs. old, 1 2 yr. old golden retriever (with a big mouth) 2 cats 5 and 3 yrs. old a family full of love!!!!! well most of the time. I love crafts and gardening but I am a big procastinator which is bad, I need to make some life changes along with my life eating habits.

I'm a single, busy professional. I ran a marathon when I turned 30, then I quit running for about 6 months. In that time I gained 20 pounds and have not shed any of it over the last few years.




I am 33 years old, 5'10", from Philadelphia, and used to be a certified personal trainer through NASM. I know what I should be doing, I just have issues with follow through. My highest weight is 184 lbs, which is where i'm currently at (Nov 2009) I really need to get back on track. I've put on almost 35 lbs since last August. I don't really know what happened. I struggle over how I should eat to decrease my weight. I feel like the best way to do this is to eat clean but I have a problem eating totally clean because it is too restrictive and then I end up falling off the diet bandwagon for about a week!. I also know that to decrease body fat I have to weight train...which I absolutely hate!!! I guess for me it's all about finding a healthy balance to meet my goals.

i am a recently married, 32, working mom with a 6 year old son from a previous marriage. in addition to working full time as a teacher, i am also a part-time undergrad student in a nutrition and dietetics program. i love to be fit, i love nutrition. health circumstances have kept me from this opportunity for 3 years and i have finally been able to get back on track. i read some of the member profiles and really feel that i am in the same boat with what i read and felt like this group could really work for me.

Grateful, happy, laugh easily, Montessori trained teacher. I work in public school with Special Ed chidren. Happily married, 3 children 3 children-in-law, 1 grandson and all of them are wonderful. :) Christian. Irish descent and love analogies and funny storiies; always need to discipline my mouth to wait to speak because I am a quick reactor.

I am 24 married for 4 years and a mother of a 2 1/2 yr. old little girl and a 8 month old little boy

I am a military spouse with 2 beautiful liittle girls.I am 24 and 5''0 and I would love to lose the weight so I could feel better about myself. I would do anything!


I am 52, married, employed full-time, working on my masters to transition into a second career. Very full schedule, lots of stress, but want to find a way to deal with life other than food.

I am a mid-50's woman, married with no children (but always a dog). I work full time at a stressful job and hope to retire in the next few years. I have been overweight and struggling with my eating since age 8. Desperately want to overcome this eating disorder and enjoy life at a healthy weight. Have come to the realization that I can't do it alone and need the support of others in my same situation.

I'm 45, married with no children. Recently quit my high-stress, high tech job to go back to school to get a master's degree in psychology. I've had some wonderful experiences in the past 15 years, expect for the 50 lbs I've gained. My immediate goal is to lose 5 lbs, just so I know I can do this.

I'm 50, 2 daughters (18 and 21).
Graduated in architecture and psychology, not much work these days, just sleeping, internet, tv and food.
I'm 1, 63m and 112kg.
No thyreoid (carcinoma) for 10 years.
And a husband that is not a great partner.

I'm 52, work as an ER nurse and share my life with 2 golden retrievers. I enjoy the outdoors...everything from gardening to hiking to backcountry yurts.


I am a 43-year-old stay-at-home mom of a boy, 9, and a girl, 5. My husband, to whom I've been married for almost 15 years, is a newspaper journalist. I have struggled with my weight all of my life, usually hovering at about 20 lbs above my ideal weight. I have only reached my goal weight (about 135) a few times, and for what seemed like about five minutes, before I started gaining again. I love my life, except for the ongoing daily struggle I have with self-control. I don't eat right, I don't get enough sleep, and I can be extremely inconsistent with other goals I have set for myself. I need help and am committed to logging and keeping up with posting in PeerTrainer!

5'5", 35, happily married, 7 yr daughter, 12 yr stepson, manager at a large corporation, body pump and aerobics instructor at a local gym - teaching 2 classes a week.



I am 51, happily married to my husband for almost 22 years, mother of three sons (college, high school, and elementary school) and a poodle. I am a social worker in a women's homeless shelter and teach debate. I love Bible study, the YMCA, my church, peace and quiet, and good books. I am on medications for low thyroid - and have gained 30 pounds since then!! I thought it worked the other way...anyhow, I have to work really hard to lose weight.

I am 44 years old. Live in Berkeley, CA with my husband and 2 cats.

I'm 47, married with two kids in their early teens.



i am 45, married to an incredible man, have 2 sons (ages 17 & 14) and 2 stepsons (17 & 14) who live with us 50% plus
i have my own training/coaching/performance company
i sing soprano in both my church's vocal team and for our community chorale group
i'm involved in a local theatre group called word of mouth productions and I'd really like to have a body that can be versatile enough to play more than the old fat lady parts. ;)

26 year old female. I am not quite overweight, but I would really like to look a little more slim and toned, and be more comfortable with my body. I haven't been wearing a bikini to the beach for probably twelve years, and I think it's time I do it this summer.


I am recovering from a cycling accident that threw all my good exercising intentions out of the window, and has knocked my confidence. I am still limited in the types of exercise I can do and need to make better choices about food - I *know* what healthy is!

I'm a 21 year old university student, travel-lover, ready to reach my goal weight for life!
I am a law student from Australia, currently study in Copenhagen. I live a pretty busy life and travel a lot. I love running and the buzz afterwards, fashion, art, film festivals, cooking and a fun night out dancing!
- Height: 175cm (5'9")
- Starting weight: 74.6kg (164.4lbs)
I am looking forward getting back to my old weight of 61.2kg (134.9lbs), but have a goal of reaching 64.2kg (141.5lbs) first and maintaining it for a few months. I have been struggling with this for 4 years, and I know the time is now to loose weight and make the changes so for the rest of my life I'm happier, more confident, invigorated and alive!

I have struggled with weight most of my life. At my highest weight, I was 260 pounds. I had a modified version of standard weight loss surgery. The modification is that the surgery only changed my stomach size and nothing to do with my digestive track. I have lost a great deal of weight, but I am still not at goal and won't get there without addressing food and fitness.


I'm a 41 year old first time mum with a 5 month baby. He's lovely... I've done quite well in losing most of my baby weight, but there are a few pounds left and it is starting to creep up a bit. I'm finding it hard to motivate myself to exercise and I'm eating a lot when bored or stressed.

I am a 28 year old single mother of tow little girls, ages 9 and 3. My start weight was 260lbs, I got down to 197lbs and now I am up at 230lbs. How depressing is that? Today (7/13/09) my brealfast consisted of a cinnamon roll and 3 little pieces of fried chicken.I NEED HELP! I stublmed upon this website looking/crying out for help so here I am.....

I am a petite, 5'2", 34 year old, married mom of 2 little ones. I work as an Adjunct Professor of Business in NYC part-time, aside from my parenting duties & running a business with my husband. I love good food and it is beginning to catch up with me.


I'm married with 2 kids - ages 14 and 12, I have a beautiful black retriever, and I teach high school. Being a great mom is my #1 priority. I enjoy playing in a classical music group, and playing tennis once a week. I've gained 30 pounds since 2001 (after reaching my goal weight on WeightWatchers!) and need to "de-flab" my 143-pound self!



I'm nearly 60, living in the Netherlands. I'm married and mother of 4 children. I'm a social worker, and want to lose weight.
I love patchwork, quilting and stitchery.

CPT (Certified Personal Trainer and Health Specialist) showing the community that we are all human. Share yourl ife experiences and get to the bottom of why you are not reaching your goals to a healthy body. The door is open. Stop by and chat with us. No special attire needed and we have plenty of motivation, tips, and guidance from a professional. We have a team because we all believe in team work. You are welcome to join us and it is FREE.
A great place to know you will reach your goals by just learning our many specialized tips. Helping you and helping me too!
See you soon.

Married, mother of teen, 36 years old, 3 furry kids.


I'm 54 years old, recently divorced, two children 26yo and 16yo. I've struggled with my weight all my life. I lost 100 pounds about 10 years ago and perpetually fluctuate 10 pounds, up and down. Currently, I am up 20 and I would like to take it off and stay there for good. I'm hoping to develop more healthy thinking with this program and I'm really hoping to meet like-minded people on this website.


I have managed to make it to 35 years old without dieting. I am a diet virgin. Two years ago I fell in love - and fell in fat. 25 pounds gained since the first kiss. I don't know what happened. In the past weight has come on and come off and I haven't had to worry to much about it all. I got through to 80's without taking a single aerobics class, that's how new all this is to me.

I'm Italian and living in London. I've been slightly overweight most of my adult life, but last year I made it into the clinically obese category, which spurred me to do something drastic and that I had never tried before - "If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got".

I am 55 years old and still going up and down with weight.

I'm 59, have been overweight for many years, but in the last couple of years have gained about 40 lbs. I felt terrible. Have arthritis in both knees, and it's painful to walk. Read some research that says for every pound I lose, I take 4 lbs of pressure off those knees!



My name is Gloria, I’m a 60 yr divorced African American woman, 5’3 and 213 lbs with grown children. I need too lose at least 80 lbs. I tried to attack this problem in everyway I could, first with get all the issues that kept me from reaching my weight loss goals. I was surprised that there were so many, from my friends who didn’t want to work on eating healthy for it was easier to eat out or pop something in the microwave than the old fashion, of cooking a meal. I work in a department that has catering luncheon/meeting almost every day, so there are plenty of leftovers, not necessary what I need, since pasta and rice with chicken and pastries are the norm. I found that my activities where limited to going to work and going home, once at home I watched TV for a minute then went to sleep shortly after eating dinner.
I haven’t any medical problems except my weight; my sister is diabetic and overweight. I don’t want to experience the disease if I don’t have too. That is why I need to get it under control. I should be ashamed to say that I coordinated a Biggest Loser Group here in my department with 20 people, some nurses, mostly administrative support. The up front dues are $40.00 and the person who loses the largest percent of weight loss after 12 weeks get the money that is $800 which is a nice sum.
I belong to the university gym and have started to go more frequently in the early morning before I go to work out on the elliptical 20 to 25 minutes and then try using some of the other circuit weight loss equipment. My favorite weight loss problem is Hilton Head Over 35 Metabolic Diet, which the book is hard to find but really gives you a lot of good food to eat, but requires that you do a lot of preparation or cooking and a 30 minute walk after two of your meals. I have a co-worker who has loss 100 lbs. on Weight Watchers but I’m not a Point/Flex Person. So, going with what I know has worked for me.
I’m a talker as you can see; need to be a walker/loser, so help me with any and all the support I can

I'm 41 years old, married and mother of two. I work part-time as a special education teacher's assistant. I recently went back to college part time to earn my degree in Communication Disorders.




I'm a 48 yr old mom to 2 of the most wonderful kids a person could ask for. Have been on my own for as long as I was married but have only dated 2 guys since divorce. Working full time and learning to be a single parent took all my time. I need to get into the "zone" (mentall) to loose the weight. I work out at Curves 6 days a week and although I'm toned up, the weight is sticking around. LIke the saying goes-"I've got abs-they're just hidden!" lol Have had the extra weight for about a year and a half now but have yoyo'd with them over my lifetime.

I am 5 "2 and used to weigh 118 without dieting and 115 with watching myself. Now, at 36 and three kids, I find myself with so much less discipline and at 124 and the scale will not budge an inch. I workout on average four times or more a week while my kids are in school but I much prefer cardio to strength training. I love yoga but did not see a difference in my body at all while practicing. I love to eat healthy and always have- my problem is not what I eat but how much! I need to learn portion control and enforce it! I love carbs over protein and have a sweet tooth that I need to keep in check. I have always had a negative body image and wish that I could see myself through my husband's eyes who loves my body and the way I look.



I turned 40 in May. I am married and have a 6 yo son. I work part-time.




I'm knocking at 50 and have a young child. I used to be fit and active and things have slid downhill lately. I'm getting back on the wagon!



I got married in Apri of '07 and it was beautiful, except for one thing. I looked HUGE. I work midnights so it is kind of hard to find stuff that is catered to the third shift schedule. Ask any night worker, we are all a little odd and it takes a lot to keep going at times.

58, long divorced, live alone.
Involved in the local music scene as a volunteer DJ, occasional freelance writer, and supporter of live music.
I enjoy reading ANYTHING!
Have a BAD couch-potato habit that I'd like to LOSE FOREVER .....




I work in home have 3 kids , Im latina from Peru, married with a farmer , investor and pilot, who love travel and fly, my life its interesting I do accounting , sewing, gardening, meditate, , farming and this change from city to rural can be stressfull and rewarding at the same time. Will love to achieve my goals of a healthy and long life.

I am married with two sons, ages 12 and 16
I work 3/4 time at an office
I do a lot of volunteer work and don't often have time for me

I'm a college student, heading into my senior year. I love writing, reading, hiking, politics, coffee, and anything that makes me laugh.

26 year old medical student. Always seem to be hovering around 140 pounds. Would be much happier and healthier at 125-130.
5'6" 140 pounds




I am 62, happily married, work part time at the local hospital. I have one grown son and an 8-month-old grandson. I have been fighting my weight since I was a teen, and I'm tired of it. I have some serious health problems that require me to do something about my weight and eating problems NOW.

35 year old female, married with 2 kids. Still trying to lose the last 25 pounds of post baby weight. I enjoy running and weight training. I love to read too.

I am a 39 year old, full time student about to graduate in June (Criminal Justice). I work part-time/on call for a juvenile detention facility. I have been married for 14 years and have a wonderful 9 year old son.



I am a 28 year old primary school teacher from Ireland. I have struggled with my weight for about 10 years. I have just purchased the Beck Diet Solution and hoping to use the cognitive methods in this book to make changes in my eating and weight.

I am 46, married, daughter a junior as of a week ago in college. I enjoy garderning (flowers), reading books on CD, tape as I d not want to take the time to sit and read. I was a girl scout leader for my daughter's troop for 12 years, that ended 2 years ago and now I have to find myself again. I also enjoy playing Texas Hold-Em poker, live or on line. I have been heavier than I am currently, but my goal is do lose more of my excess baggage. I am looking forward to sharing my experience with all of you here.

Married, Mom, Musician, Music Teacher. I weigh 188 and am 5' 9".



I've been dieting for as long as I can remember. My problem is I give up too easily and give in to cravings.

I am a 38 year old woman looking to develop overall health and balance. I am very into bodybuilding and biking, always looking to find new healthy activities. Lately I've been enjoying bowling and I want to take up hiking as soon as my tendonitis gets better. I'm single, no kids but I do have a dog :) I am also a gratefully recovering alcoholic and addict, on top of the eating disorder type problems that I have had all of my life.


57 yr old mom

I am a 45 years old working mom to two beautiful boys, 9 and 24, happily married for 26 years. I work full time outside of home as an IT Manager in a highly demanding environment. Between my job responsibilities and being a mom to a 9-year old responsibilities, I struggle with making my eating habbits, fitness and apperance as a priority. I gained 25 lbs. over the last two years and went from size 4 to size 8. First I attribute my weight gain to having a neck surgery in September of 2006 and not being able to exercise for a while, being at home for a while wearing pj's with elastic waist and eating non-stop to comfort myself and fight the boredome while recovering from the surgery. Then after returning to work I got a new boss and situation turned to hell, I was pretty miserable, so I ate and ate and ate, and got very depressed and coudn't find the drive to return to exercising. Now I started a new job 2 months ago which I love and I am trying to get back to my old self, energetic, fit, active, and yes thin, and yes to fit back to all my cute clothes size 4 I still have in my closet. I have been on a pretty good exercise schedule for 6 weeks now, however I struggle to get control of my eating. I am being "good" while at work, then I come home and grab whatever I see that's eatable and after finishing eating it I don;t even know what it tasted like. This is where I think the Beck's approach will help me most.




I'm 52 years old, with 3 fantastic daughters. Married 27 years to a good man, but we're not a good fit anymore. Maybe we never were and it's just becoming more apparent. I'm in the typical siuation of many married people...wanting to stay, yet wanting the freedom to be me and start a new life...and be happy.
I joined PeerTrainer last year, with the goal of maintaining a 30-lb weightloss. I was unsuccessful and have gained the 30 lbs back, using food for all the wrong reasons.
I work 4 days/week -- very long days and tend to snack at desk when stressed and overwhelmed.
I'm back and wanting to try again. I am challenged in that I've hurt my knees and need some minor surgery to repair torn meniscus, so my usual workouts are severely curtailed.

young professional, weight has always fluctuated, want to get control over my eating


Analyst by day, student, mom, wife, and skincare consultant at all other times.

I am in my mid 40s, professional, and just moved to Seattle. I'll be getting married on September 20th of this year.

I'm 56 retired with three grown children. An empty nester who uses food to deal with lots of different emotions. I need to learn to stop this habit and lose weight.





Mid-forties, day job=desk sloth.

I'm 42 years old with a husband and 5 children. I look forward to eating healthier and losing weight and reaching my goals.

I am 54, single, sober and have a crazy history with weight and recovery.

52. Married, two teens.


Late 50's
I have 3 kids and 4 grandkids
I love to decorate homes, garden. Love to live by the water, walk on the beach.


I'm 51. I have an 8 year old son, and my husband also has older children, so I'm also a new grandmother. Just had the grandson over for 4 nights as his parents went to a wedding out of town. I'm a researcher working on children's health as related to environmental exposures.

I;m a happily married mom of 4 children

I'm a 30y female from NZ. Have been seperated for a year and share custody of my 2.5 year old son. I am planning to go back to work in April 2012 so really want to be focused on losing 40lbs by the end of 2012. My job is CBT, but it's so hard to apply this to myself.....I am going to do it


I will be 35 next month and am ready to get my weight under control. The last 2 years were an extremly difficult time in my life, and the emotional eating has lead to not only a 60 pound weight gain, but high blood pressure. It's time to take back control!
I love traveling, reading and trying new things.

Retired 5-9-08 at age 66.
"Married with (grown) children.
Improv student. Amateur Standup Comic. Toastmaster, Tennis Player. 3.0 to 3.5 but really into it.


I am a 55 year old female. Zen Buddhism is my spritual path. I am kind, thoughtful and experience much spontaneous joy. I am married and recently moved to Bend Oregon.

Mom of 3 incredible kids, married

I'm a 40 year old happily married working mom of a preschooler. I work from home in front of a computer all day. I've struggled with weight most of my life and was never into fitness/exercise until recently. I have made lots of positive changes this year with the exercise but I've only just begun to focus on nutrition and remove some pounds. I expect it to be a long journey because I have around 50+ pounds to lose.



46 year old computer programmer, gained 40 pounds when I had two babies. I sit about all day at my job so I really have to exercise. It seems like I start losing weight then the bad habits slip back in.


I love to work out. I started running when I was 16 and haven't really stopped. I've had great successes and not so great moments w/ it. I've been in amazing shape & not so proud shape. I love what training does for me. Makes me feel great, proud & accomplished!
On a whole other note, I love to bake, a good cup of Joe and shopping.


I live in Vermont with my partner. I love the outdoors, birding, gardening, riding my bike, and camping. I have been overweight to obese most of my life. In the past 15 months I've lost 80 lbs with another 13 lost a few years ago. I do not want to yo yo anymore and am focused on keeping the weight off and increasing my fitness level.

Age:66, wt. 186, diagnosed as diabetic in Jan. I got my weight down a little, had a A1c of 5.8 and the doc just doubled the metformin! I was so bummed I quit trying but I realize that I need to do this for me. I'm married to a wonderful man for the last 49 years and I retired from dental Hygiene.


I'm a professional over 50 who works too many hours and spends too much time at a computer and not enough time moving around! I love to garage sale, fish and travel but my cat and spouse prefer to stay home.

42 year old guy, always been "chubby", finally the past few years I've gotten down into striking distance of my "goal" weight, but I keep yo-yo'ing. I seem to lose and re-gain the same 30 pounds every year. I need help and motivation to stick with a healthy eating and exercise plan long term.

I have been outta shape for a long time. I have plenty of time to work out, eat right but have not taken advantage of my time.



I'm a 46 year old teacher, (special ed) during the school year, and a stay at home Mom during the summer to two beautiful teen age girls. My all time high was 215. I'm 5/8 and now am at 200. I have high cholestrol and triglycirides, so I want to lower those as well so I don't end up with a heart attack or a stroke.




Was a fitness junkie; I got married. I gained weight and now I am miserable. My new hubby hates to workout and orders take out almost every night for dinner. I have to focus on myself and avoid the dinner temptations.

I'm a happily married woman.



I am a 34 yr old mommy, who decided to do it on her own, of a 4.5 yr old little girl. I feel at this time, I am finally coming into my own, and opening myself up to new options in life. I have gone through some hardships that have taught me a lot, and makes me more appreciative of the smaller thing is life.
Weight issues, have been a part of my life since I was a teenager. I am coming to realize that this will be something I will need to deal with on a daily basis, just as someone who has any other type of addiction.


5'5", 137lbs (goal:135), 44, happily married with 2 daughters and 2 step kids.

I am a 35, married mother of 3. I strive to be a wonderful mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. I enjoy reading, cooking and socializing. I am 5' 9" and weight 240 lbs. My first goal weight is 190.

49, will be 50 in December 2008. Married to a wonderful guy, have 2 beautiful kids: son who is 19, daughter who is 14.
Also, 2 jack russell terriers: Zoe (7) and her daughter Lulu (3).

I'm a 42 year old mother of a beautiful, energetic 2 year old girl.

40 y.o. mother of 3 month baby boy and married for a year and a half. I'm a New Yorker who moved to London to be with my husband.
Profession: Journalist
Currently not working and staying home with baby.

Im 27 years old and am currently unemployed due to ill health. I do volunteer at MIND once a week as i have an appreciation for people with varying degrees of mental health issues. I have completed partial training to become a counsellor.
Over the last few years i have put my body through so much and i feel i owe it back and want to repay with kindness, good food and exercise.



I'm about to turn 40, have gained 10 pounds since having my children and want to have my old body back. I live in Austin, TX and practice yoga for fitness and emotional sanity. However, I yo-yo diet up and down 5 pounds every month or two and it's driving me and my family crazy!

30 years old, working full-time. I enjoy working out, so exercise isn't a problem. I'm looking to kick my eating habits into shape and lose 28 pounds

I am a 36 year old wife and SAHM of a 2-year old and a 10 year old. I am also, and foremost, a Christian who loves Christ Jesus and seeks to glorify Him in spirit and in body. Visit my blog at: http://pro31woman.blogspot.com



20 year old female college student-athlete (swimmer) trying to have a healthy relationship with food.

34 y.o. social worker, recently married

I am 44 years old, married with two grown sons. I play online games a lot and work part time.


I am 62 y.o., happily married to a man who has much more self control around food than I do. I gained 50 pounds when I quit smoking, then immediately had a hysterectomy, in 1991. I have been seesawing with my weight ever since. I am absolutely committed to the Beck Diet Solution!



I am a 45 year old single woman living in the UK. with her dog called Pickle. I eat emotionaly, overeat and binge eat... am exploring various methods of dealing with food issues etc.... eg CBT, Becks......I am a survivor of abuse and have a couple of mental heatlh challenges. I only bite food!

I am a nurse with a hectic schedule and an ungodly sweet tooth. I am easily influenced by my super fit husband's desire to eat "bad foods." I want to get rid of about 15 -20 pounds of VERY stubborn fat. I love to run and work out. I am committed to doing this.




I am 62, married, live with my husband and numerous dogs and cats. I am self employed and love my work but it takes a lot of hours and energy. I use my job as an excuse not to exercise.
I have have always had weight and food issues, but I ballooned in my 20's. I joined OA when I was about 30 and lost the weight and was able to control it for several years. But in the last 15 years, I just gave up. I had surgery (a vertical sleeve gastrectomy) on 6/8/09. My top weight (5/15/09?) was 263. Pre-op weight (6/8/09): 252

I work as a fitness instructor and you would think I should have no trouble with loosing weight but the true is I really struggle with dieting. Imagine you exercise 4-5 hours per day at high intensity, cycling, running, kick boxing. If you don't eat proper food you not gonna have energy to contiue with your treining and by the end of the day you'll feel half dead. True, no matter how much I eat I don't put on weight that easly but still have to be carfull. However I can't loose pounds neither :(


I'm a 30 year old mother of two boys - one is almost 5 and a 2 year old. I'm happily married and live in Texas.


Mid-forties mother of 2, struggled with weight most of my life.
Lost 35 pounds in the past 2 years, and was doing well at maintaining that loss, but not able to lose the last 20 pounds. Have recently added back 10 pounds, stopped exercising, and know that I have to have a major mental shift to succeed at my goal. I am also a sugar addict, if not a full-fledged carbaholic.





I love to ride my horses, lately it is a little harder getting on now that I have gained weight but have always been chubby starting when I was in my 20's.

Well I'm Dutch. I'm pretty much selfmade, I have a good job and am trying to start a business with my big sister. I am a very salesdriven person, very confident, almost boyish bravoure and nothing scares me, accept the scale! I can pretend that I dont have a weightproblem very well and used to lie to people saying that it is effortless to lose weight. Well its not. I struggle every day. Fell guilty about what I eat every day. Fear the scale every day. Avoid certain clothing items so that I dont have to be reminded that I am gaining again. Today I just ate two bags of cookies and feel horribly fat. So I really would like some support.




I'm a 43 year old woman, wife and just started working again mom. I have a total of 5 children- 2 stepsons (28,20), son (10) and twin girls (7). I just started working full-time again after being home with my 3 younger children since they were born. So, I am going through a bit of a transition. My husband and I have been married almost 20 years and he is my best friend. When I am not busy with my kids or working, I enjoy music, movies and dancing.

I am a 29 year old newly wed who has trouble with emotional eating. I need help staying motivated and sticking to exercise regimes.

I am a 41-year-old single mother of 3 children, ages 3, 8 and 12. I was married for 13 years but finally left. The mental and emotional abuse I endured during my marriage helped me pack on 65 lbs. I am full time student majoring in Business at a local university. I have decided that it's time to take charge of my health, but I can't seem to find the motivation, I am very tired by the end of the day. I am hoping to find and give support to move forward with my good intentions.


I turn 60 in less than a month. I want to look good. I don't want my friends saying "she's eating for two, she's pregnant"



I'm a tv reporter and I'm 32 years old. I started binge eating 4 years ago for various reasons. I've just begun to get serious about losing weight. I've lost 18 pounds in the past 3 months, the most I've lost in a long, long time. No secret, just cutting down food and lots of working out.

Male, 57, 5' 11", weight 182, would like to lose 12 pounds in 12 weeks and keep it off. Currently taking meds for blood preasure & cholesterol and would like to eleminate or decrease them. Don't like "official" exercise, but park where I have to walk a block to work and I always take stairs to the third floor where I work. I avoid deserts, and eat lots of apples, plain oats, banans. I do not want to be hungry or sweaty, and I think portion control is my main problem. I used to be skinny skinny, but weight gain has been a struggle, especially for the last 10 years.



I am a 50 year old mother of 2 sons, ages 14 and 17 I work in a bank. I have been happily married for 21 years. My hobbies are knitting, reading and beginning quilting - as you can see, all sedintary activities. My preferred excercise is Walking, although I am not consistant with the amount of walking I do throughout the year. Have been a life time member of Weight Watchers, joining in 1980 and reaching my goal in 1982. Then life happened and now I am 50 lbs overweight. Currently, I am of average health. Good cholesteral and blood pressure. But I notice my knees give me trouble now and then - probably due to the extra weight and inconsistant exercising.

I spend too much time working, which means sitting in front of the computer (well, at least my fingers are getting a great workout). I'm very disciplined during the day, eating healthy foods and snacks (protein shake for b'fast, salad/veggies/hummus for lunch, small portion of almonds/sunflower seeds, nonfat yogurt or orange for snack) and generally try to stay away from sugar and white flour. But after 7 p.m. sometimes... anything goes! It might be a 7-11 muffin, a pint of low-fat ice cream - whatever it is, it stokes the fire for more. So I know night time eating is a real problem area for me that I need to work on. Also, I used to exercise religiously - didn't we all? Want to get back to a minimum of 4x a week.





I am 51, married, have 4 kids, 4 grandkids, and work full time. I have always been overweight. I did manage to make peace w/food some years ago and I lost 70lbs., and kept it off for a couple of years, but then I had my thyroid removed and gained 25 of it back! All in all, I still need to lose 70lbs more. It's been an "odyssey".



I'm 42 and fabulous and ready to lose a lot of weight. I am hoping to meet like-minded people who are READY to lose their weight.
Work has always been really satisfying to me, and has had a sneaky way of taking over my play -- as well as a convenient excuse for not eating well or exercising.

I am 52...have been married for 33 years. I am a school bus driver for 11 years. We have 2 dds. One died in 2002 and the other lives in MI and is married. We have our furbaby and dh and I are vey close.


I have been married for 20 years, I am 41. Last semester I quit my full time job and started going to college fulltime this past semester. I now work part time, in behavioral health and with children who are aging out of state custody by teaching them life skills. All my children are grown my youngest joined the military last January.


I just turned 34, and I believe I finally have the motivation to lose my excess poundage before I hit 35. Losing weight is not getting any easier, so it's important to me that I get down to my goal weight soon. Maintenance is so much easier than weight loss!


I am middle aged, live outside Portland.. I got diabetes a few years ago and almost one year ago had to go on insulin...l gained weight faster than I have ever gained in my life...I have gained around 30 lbs in less than a year..I am an emotional eater.


40 years old mother of 3

36 SWF with full-time (stressful) job and until recently, a HUGE energy problem. For several years, I have had trouble with being tired most of the time, even if I kept a regular sleep schedule and got 8 or 9 hours of sleep.
This constant fatigue has made my job even more stressful than it needs to be and has definitely been an easy excuse for why I "need" to snack all day and don't have the time/energy/desire to make healthy meals "just" for me when I get home.
I am now being treated for Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and FINALLY feel like I can do better than "get by" at work AND even have enough energy to start taking care of ME.

