I've lost almost 30 pounds. ******UPDATE - I've lost almost 40 pounds! 165 to 126. Took almost 3 years. *** Feel free to read my daily notes for tips on using this site, and for other helpful ideas to help you with your weightloss and fitness journey. Let me know your thoughts!

i lack discpline, my weight fluctuates like the stock market. need to be more consistent. I work mostly a sedentary research position and preparing to go back to school to get my MBA in the fall.

I'm (still) 51, have two lovely teenage daughters, a goldendoodle, an interesting job working from home writing grants for non-profits. Life is good. I need to take care of my health and make that a priority after a year or two of slacking off.
I'd be up for some female exercise partners in the area, if anyone is around northern MA or southern NH and would like to walk or perhaps go to a gym.

I am a 45 y.o. mom of three. We have a LOT of stress in our lives, and that's how I have packed on the weight. I use food as a comfort, stress-reliever. Our oldest son is bipolar/Borderline Personality Disorder, we have a 17 y.o. daughter going on 35, and a 13 y.o. daughter who is a breeze!
I work for my husband who purchased a manufacturing company 4 years ago. The company is struggling to keep afloat (Will the last person out of Michigan, please turn out the lights?).
Three years ago I had to have 12 inches of my colon removed due to diverticulitis infection. I lived for 9 months with a colostomy before having it reversed. I am desperate to not suffer with that disease again. So I REALLY need to be eating healthy.



Student, age 20. I want to lose 10 pounds by New Years. I'm 5/2 125 pounds, which might not sound like a lot but looks pretty bad on me because it is mostly arm and stomach flab. i'm pretty active - work out about 4 times per week for an hour - which makes it more frustrating that i cant seem to drop these pounds. i gained the weight over the summer, and really want to lose it before a special visit to some friends on Jan 4. I need your encouragement and advice!


I am a 23 year old 'professional' who moved from Boston to Washington, DC in Sep 2006. I viewed this change in location as a fresh start on some aspects of my life, and therefore began my quest to get healthy. I have been really enjoying the benefits of working out because even if the scale hasn't moved very much, I feel better. I am currently just temping and looking for work, which I haven't had much luck in doing, but I'm not letting it get me down!

I was athletic but have just got lazy and fat over the years. I am now the heavest i have ever been and seem to loose focus like very easily.

I started to run last summer but since january, it's more serious. Doing 25-30 K per week (3 times 5 to 8k and one long run started at 10k and adding 1 k each week).

I graduated from college in Boston in 2005--I am living and working now in NJ where I am originally from...

I'm a working professional, married with no kids and about to turn 30.

I am a 30 year old mother with one son and one daughter (in the process of adopting my neice who I already refer to as my daughter). I am happily married. I am a stay at home mom who loves to read non-fiction. I enjoy hiking and being with my family. I have struggled with my weight most of my teenage and adult life. I have a huge weakness when it comes to food. It is very difficult for me to say no to foods that I enjoy (I am embarassed to admit this). I think I am friendly and try to be kind to everyone I encounter. I hope to meet some folks who understand my weakness when it comes to food.





I am a full time college student working two jobs. I have lost about 80 pounds a few years ago, but put about half back one when I moved here to Louisville, Kentucky near family and good home cooking. I hope to lose this weight for good and keep it off.

I am a 36 year old mother of a 6 year old boy. I am recently separated because I have made many wrong decisions in my life food and fitness included. I want to be happy with me and hopefully if I succeed with that I can find happiness with someone else so we can both enjoy life together.

married, mother of 4 grown kids. 5 grandkids
taking care of mother with dementia.

Going thru a very difficult time After losing my husband of 27 years, 3 years ago, I finally got out and decided to date. Met an awesome man approx 10 months ago and he was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and in a very advanced stage. Life seems extremely out of control n I feel as if I can watch what I eat and eat healthy, thats one thing I do have control over!

33 y.o. professional, married-no kids. Gained 35 pounds after getting married. Would like to get back into good eating and exercise habits.

I'm 47 with two boys in college and I am married to a very active athlete. I work full-time (all the time). I was very active when I was younger. I have allowed my job to take over my life and my health and fitness are paying the price. I like all kinds of activities but my excess weight discourages me from participating.

I am 27 and interested in fixing some bad eating habits that I have fallen into for the past few years. It is unrealistic to exercise each day so I will be mostly adjusting calories.

I'm 46 years young, full of life -- my body is another story...

hi im a 45 year old single mother of a 10 year old son hes my world and i have put on so much weight since my back surgery i need to loose it for my son now i have diabetes and feet problems

I am passionate about animal rescue, and I work as an adoption counselor at a local no-kill shelter. Part of the reason I don't want to join a gym is because I don't want to leave my dog alone at home any more than I have to. Now if only I could get him to help with the accountability thing! We do walk twice a day, no matter what the weather is, but I need to keep up with my cardio on a more intense level. Especially in the winter...one must walk slowly on this ice!
I will not "diet". I have worked very hard to come to terms with a very serious eating disorder, and after years of therapy, I have determined that "dieting" is something which I simply can not do. Not to say that y eating is out of controll I do eat healthy foods, and I love to cook. It is just not emotionally healthy or safe for me to keep food journals or to trade tricks and tips about food. I would like to loose weight, but being able to stick to my cardio and weight training is most important. I always seem to get distracted and then it is time to leave for work.


I am 53 years old and have a 30 year old daughter and a 12 year old granddaughter. I have been emotionally and physically un-well for almost 30 years. I am in very poor health due to being only 5"3' tall and 240 pounds. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, GERD, sleep apnea, low back pain, knee and foot pain, and suffer from severe depression. I take a lot of medication. I feel defeated.


52 year old father of 2 and enjoying running again now I have lost a few kilos
A few more to go but really enjoying my fitness challenges

I am 56 years old with a desire to be in the best health I can be in. I enjoy golf and being outside,

I am a 21 year old Irish student, Journalism major, studying in Sacremento, CA until Christmas.
Love reading, writing and the general outdoors :)
I have a passion for outdoor running which I am slowly redeveloping. I am a feisty person, determined and ambitious, but I can be a little scattered. I am hoping that stability in my new healthy lifestyle and an eventual stable weight maintenance will redirect me in other areas of my life.

I finally got sick of not being completely happy with who I am. And now all that talk about losing weight beore, I guess I'm finally doing it. I gained over 70lbs about 4-5 years ago, and I'm finally ready emotionally to lose the weight. I can feel that this time, I'm really going to do it. That's part of the reason I joined this site. I realize now that trying to lose weight, is like trying to stop an addiction. You NEED a support system just like an alcoholic would.
***UPDATE*** So true....why did i leave?

I have always been active with exercise: hiking, biking, play ing tennis, playing golf , going to the gym, until the last 4 months. My motivation is just not there and I need to get back on track.


Since I'm pretty tall at 5'9", it's easy to gain weight before realizing. I need to stay motivated and focused and not be afraid to get on the scale every morning.

I'm 24 years old, about 5ft 6 and as a result of illness recently gained a lot of weight. I've managed to lose about half of it now but am really struggling with this last little bit. I'm fairly active but find it hard not to eat the same food as my (skinny) partner which probably doesn't do me any favours.
Oh, I live in the UK :)

I'm 25 yrs old and a high school teacher in North Carolina.

I am 17 and have always been slightly overweight. However, over the past 2 years my weight has skyrocketed. I don't know if it is the stress at school or what, but I do know that I need to take back control of my life. I am not one of those stupid teenage girls who is not serious about this. I take this weight loss of mine very serious and am determined to be fit for college next year. I have a gym membership and I just need accountability, which my overweight mother does not seem to have for me. So, here I am looking for support and motivation.

I am 52, married with 3 children. My youngest is a junior in high school. I am an engineer in the IT business. I reside in Silver Spring, MD.

I have just transitioned from a teenager to an adult and I realized that I want to make a change. I lost weight and kept it off for four years, but recently gained it back. It is time to go back and take control of my life

I am 42, a long distance hiker (30 km on average) and generally physically active , but in the past three years I gained 20 lbs due to unmanaged stress at work.
I changed the job and my life is now more balanced but I find it difficult to lose all the extra weight. I am 42, single, in professional job I enjoy.

28 yr old female. Tech Support desk position does not lead to active lifestyle. Will turn 30 next year and want to do it looking and feeling great. Want to make cardio and resistance training workouts a part of everyday life

Female, 50 yrs old in three weeks, married to a great guy for 26 yrs. Paralegal in Michigan. Have lost 65 lbs so far but now stuck. Need to motivate myself to start pushing harder to get over the slump.

I am a 43year old mother of two beautiful girls (5 & 8) from Canada. I have been married for 10 years. I have always struggled with weight loss. I start exercising, then after a couple months, it is not a priority anymore. Especially if I dont see any changes on the scale.

I am 24 living her in MT single


Right now I'm a 6' 176.5 lb 20 y.o guy and not heavy but have undesirable fat around a lot of areas especially midsection. Three years ago I weighed a big 220 lbs (it sucked) and decided to diet and finally got down to a healthy 176. Now I am left over with two lovehandles that need to get the hell out for good.. and they will :)

I'm 42, married 13 years, two sons ages 12 and 7, extremely busy schedule with 2 jobs and kid stuff, and I'm addicted to comfort eating. I eat whenever I get stressed or down or worried, and that's a lot. I'm 5'7 and 198 lbs. Have yo-yoed for years and gained about 20 lbs just this last year. Can't stand the thought of it reaching 200, so I'm going to try to take it back down.


37 year old married female who works as an at-home medical transcriptionist. I enjoy digital photography, digital scrapbooking and rubberstamping.

F/25 I'm an accountant in the south east of England


I am starting to work out again.

I'm a 30 yo German female, looking to lose weight and get fit. During the winter, it's hard to get motivated to run...

28 years old, living in sunny Southern California! Work in radio - not as a DJ, but in administration, which means a lot of sitting on my behind at my desk! I love to eat Mexican food, although I'm a bit picky.

I'm 58 yrs old and have been an athlete wanna-be my whole life. Have tried many sports, currently hiking and climbing. I'm active enough with hiking and gym workouts, but stuck in a lifelong pattern of over eating, esp at meal time. I need to start leaving the table before my stomach hurts.

I just turned 40, am single and have a career that I enjoy but that brings its share of stress to my life. My lifestyle is quite active - I run, cycle, lift weights, and whatever else strikes my fancy. I also really love food! I've gradually gained a total of 15 pounds over the last 5 years and am looking to lose them. I'm looking forward to working with others on PT towards our common goals.


I am 5'3" and weigh around 230lbs. I have a wonderful 15 month old son. I gained most of my weight during my pregnancy. I am really ready to get back in shape, especially since I am planning to go see my family for Easter.

Married, 2 children: my son is 11 and my daughter is 8. I'm the co-founder of PT and I rarely have a free moment with being a wife, mother, running a business and everything that comes with it. I am focused on energy and health at this point after losing over 60 pounds; it's everything!



I'm a 45 yo mother of one, married for 12 yrs or so (I'm the one who forgets our anniversary...). I've struggled with compulsive overeating since about age 10 (or at least that's when I started looking overweight in photos). Have been normal weight at times but it takes enormous amounts of exercise (e.g. daily run + 3x/wk wtlift + 4 nites/wk team volleyball + 2 afternoons/wk doubles volleyball). As a mom I don't have time for that now so I guess I've finally got to change my eating habits! I'm about 85 lbs overweight.


50Years old
weight 225lbs
5'2" tall
mother of 1 son who is 13years old
married will be 25 years

i'm 4'11" and an actress




31 year old who is fed up of wanting to lose weight her entire life! 20lbs is the reality of what I have to lose. Heading to a new country in April and want to leave the excess behind. Need support on keeping momentum, not giving up, and truly loving the body I have.


i have always been fat. I was the heavest child out of 3 when we were born. My sister, 5 1/2 years older than me, was only 2 lbs. when she was born. My brother, 1 year longer than me, was 4 lbs. I was 6 lbs. 13 oz. I always liked to eat cookies, cake, candy, chips, anything I could get my hands onto when i was upset over anything. For the last several years I have been on Weight Watchers and have lost over 180 lbs. i still have to lose 10 more lbs. for my personal goal. i reached WW goal in 2000. I am married and have my 34 year old daughter and 3 year old granddaughter living with us. I have a son living in florida. I was a single mom for 15 years so I took my frustrations out on food. Tried many diets,La weight loss included. Like WW the best.


Mother, wife and friend. I work in a high school library part time at the moment, and am thinking about re-training as a teacher. I am 43 and have struggled with my weight for years.

Just turned 37. I'm an university professor, father of two children, in the middle of a divorce that I did not want. I want intense exercise to be part of what keeps me afloat through the many trials that this transition is bringing into my life.

I am a 58 year old mother and grandmother


38 years old, live in Las Vegas. Mother of two boys, Andrew 18 and Zach 2. Have struggled with my weight since birth of my first child 18 years ago. Have been married for 8 years, husband is retiring from air force after 20 years of service next year.

I'm 17 years old and a vegetarian, going vegan after I turn 18 in June 2007. I've never been "athletic," but since I went vegetarian I have developed a new interest in such things, as well as nutrition. I'm within a healthy range of weight but I could stand to lose some, and my main goals are to be able to do 100 sit-ups and 100 push-ups, and to have abs. Good luck to everyone.

Work with my husband on a Dairy Farm near Red Deer AB Canada
I have 4 children
I still have one at home who is 15

I am a 40 something single lady and my biggest challenge is sweets at social events or work. I'm pretty good about not buying them when grocery shopping....except for ice cream. But I even pass on that a lot.

I'm 44 years old, stay at home mom. My son joined the Army National Guard and is getting serious about his girl, I'd like to be fit and trim by the summer, but will allow myself a year.
My metabolism is awful and has been checked, the doctors just don't know.

I am 61 years old.widowed for three years.need to lose some extrea weight that I put on thru the past couple of years.

I'm mostly a SAHM homeschooling my 8 (really 7 but almost 8)year old daughter. I'm also a sign language interpreter and work outside the home a day or so per week.
I love my family. I love to homeschool and think of creative lessons and units. I love being an interpreter and using and honing my skills. I love to read. I am a devoted Catholic and love the fullness of the Church. Um . . . Oh, I'm 38.
I had been very fit and healthy all my life util my daughter was about 2 years old. I was a runner (I even ran lightly during labor) and was able to get back to running immediately after my daughter was born and the baby wieght came right off. However, when she reached about 1.5 to 2 yrs, she despised sitting in her stroller. DESPISED IT! That was the end of running for me. I have NEVER been the kind to get up in the wee dark hours of the morning to run and the next thing I knew . . . it was 5 years later and I don't like my figure.

I'm a 31 yr single female trying to get rid of at least 40lbs.

I am 41 years old and in a cushy desk job. These together have helped me add an extra 15 - 20 pounds of fat. I work a rotating shift going from nights to days every other week which makes it hard to stay on any eating routine.

Current Wt: 140
I'm a med student with killer-crazy and stressful schedule. I love running, tae kwon do, yoga, spinning, anything that involves moving and sweating.

Start - 6'4 277 Pounds. Very active but i have a problem with portion sizes. Realized that this would be the best time in my life to lose the weight.


I am a 36 yo mom and wife. I have a nursing degree but I currently stay at home with my two boys, ages 6 and 3. Almost two years ago I was diagnosed with diabetes and it has been a hard thing to accept. I need help with motivation and encouragement.


34 years old, 3 kids. I have been pretty aware of my health and fitness my whole life but after my divorce last year and moving in with my parents (with my kids) I have isolated, abandoned diet and fitness goals and gained 20 pounds! I am ready to pull myself out of this downward spiral and feel good about myself again!


I'm a homemaker, mother of autistic twin boys, a doula at a local hospital and I have really got to lose some weight. Heart issues, binge eating issues, depression issues, walking up steps without everyone hearing me huff issues, and not having a butt that looks like an elephant from the back and actually moves on its own. I hate to catch a glance of myself walking in a window or God forbid I see a picture of myself from the back.

I'm a 46 yr old single female working as a clinical lab spvr. I am a scuba diver, kayaker, and crafter.

Im a 38 year old male based out of Toronto working as a professional in the Corporate world. Im 5ft 11 in. I desperate to lose weight. I weigh 284 lbs. I dont have a very active lifestyle, but am trying to spend time at the gym and control my eating habits.

I am 39 years old. Mother of one 14 year old son. Happily married for 21 years. Work full time for a therapy group and go to school part time. I would like to lose ANY weight I can and do not want to focus on my long term goal right now but set a short term goal of 15 lbs. I love to write, read, decorate and spend time with friends and family. Last year was a tough year on many levels but I am looking forward to embracing the new year and all the wonderful things that are waitng to be discovered.

I am 40 yrs old, Single mom of 2 daughters. One is 18 and in her first year of college, the other is 13 and in 8th grade. I never had a weight problem until after my second daughter was born. Now I am OVER WEIGHT, I want to get back to 128 which is where I was after I had my first daughter.
Now that I am getting closer to my goal I need to find ways to tighten the flab in my abs... If anyone has suggestions please comment me or email me at:
[email protected]

20-something gal who has been too busy to do anything lately (excuses excuses)... I am working towards getting back into shape and staying that way. I resumed working out at NYSC in December...

I recently moved to California and love it! I love sports and anything outdoors. I also like to party and go out, and that is what probably has led me down this road of weight gain. Too many nights of drinking and late night Denny's and Taco Bell! I had fun doing it but now its time to get back in shape. I also like to read, write, go to movies and hang out with my roommate on the couch!

I am 32 years the mother of 10 month old baby. I have always been fat. Did not gain any weight after pregnancy was able to keep the same weight. However I am tired of being heavy and I want to be healthy for my daughter.
I currently weight 236 pounds. I have been able to loose 4 pounds in the last couple of days, eating healthy and walking and jogging.

I am 44 have two boys 10 and 8. Past two years I have gained about 30lbs. Eating,drinking and not exercising.
I used to walk and not drink, I used to take care of myself and I have not for a long time. I don't know how to get started,
I am 5"9 so I stilled looked good at 170 but now at around 200
I feel horrible.My perfect weight was 155-160. I weighed that befrore my 10 year old was born, I then thought I was fat. How sad is that.

Hey Everyone! My name is Penny and I'll be 49 on January 16. I'm co-owner of a house-flipping business. I do "some" of the work on the houses (which I enjoy!). I get the fun part...picking out paint, carpet, new lighting, tile, faucets...all the fun stuff! I also do the bulk of the finer tile work. I do some floors but my specialty is kitchens and baths. Love it!
For the most part, though my job is to find great deals on "fixer-uppers". It's almost a full-time job! I do lots of marketing and research and this is where I still get to use my 'skills' as a former freelance writer. It's exciting scouting for houses and negotiating deals. I work with people from all walks of life - from first-time home buyers to real estate developers. I feel very fortunate to love my work and not have a boss (other than Uncle Sam who makes me do things I'd rather not just to save on taxes!)
Friends would call me ambitous and driven but always laid back and a good listener. I was a late bloomer....didn't go to college until I was 30. It was a proud day to graduate on Mother's Day as a single mom, 34 years old with my 13 year old daugther in the audience.


I'm 5'6" and have a stent in my heart, plus high B/P and Type 2 diabetes which is diet controlled. I have always been atheletic all my life, and walked at least two miles a day plus aerobics and even kick boxing. Then I quit smoking and gained 50 pounds that I just can't get to budge. I started cardiac rehab last week, and that's the only exercise I'm getting right now as the doctors have had me taking it slow for so long. Because I'm frustrated which causes me to be stressed ,I over eat. I have bought every diet book there is, but they haven't helped much. By the way did I say I'm 70 years old. Yes, I weigh 215, but am very solid. You see I have always been active and didn't even get a drivers license til I was 50, because I love to walk so much. And I am also a widow now, and that doesn't help, because I don't cook healthy meals as I should, because I don't like to cook for one or eat alone. So It's easier to eat out or grab an unhealthy sandwich and some chips with a couple of cookies for dessert. I need some help and motivation to stick to the low fat, low calorie, and low sugar diet I'm supposed to be on. So that is why I want to join your group. I've tried everything else, but I just can't stop eating when I've had my share of portions. So, I am also an overeater. So I ask: HELP PLEASE!!!!


45 Year old proud Mother of two wonderful young adults.

I'm a 36 y.o. real estate attorney w/2 kids, a dog & a cat. My husband has lost alot of weight recently, and I want to get skinny like him.

I'm 39 and am owned by 3 dogs. I hurt my back 2 and a half years ago and have put on some weight due to my not being able to do as much. After a lot of physio and chiropractic visits, I have been given the go ahead to try out some of my former activities

nearing 50, problems with depression, moving to a new neighborhood very soon.

I'm 41 and 3 years ago gave up full-time work to go back to uni to study psychology. Long hours of study combined with a drastic decrease in income has helped me to become inactive and lazy when it comes to my health. I used to exercise regularly when I had an income which could support gym membership, regular horse riding or personal training. I enjoy my studies but I want to feel healthy and fit again. I am avoiding dating until I feel happy with the way I look.

I am 64 years old. I don't think I eat all that much, but I don't excercise enough.


I'm 5'3". Approximately 7 years ago, I hit my highest weight at 170lbs. I have since learned not to eat everything on my plate, and that food does not cure how I'm feeling (well, not all the time anyway).
I lost the weight really slowly and I plateued for a while. I hit my lowest weight just before my wedding in June 2007, at 126lbs but it has creeped back up to 134 because, I'm just, to put it plainly - lazy.
Trying to get back in the swing of things and back to the world of exercising and healthful eating.

Iam 25 years old and currently at 230 pounds. I want to go back to being fit. I was very much into sports when I was a teenager. Im 5'5 my final goal is 130pds.

Married; two kids; 37 years old; I teach 5th grade

I'm a single 25 year old that just moved to California. I'm a theatrical technician that travels the US hopping from job to job. My job right now can be high stress and little time off. And I'm pretty poor, so all these things add up to bad eating habits. I love to cook, but with only one day off a week, I'm usually exhausted. I've joined the gym in September and was going 3 times a week, and then Thanksgiving and Christmas happened. So back on the bandwagon with 2007.

im 17 and still at college. i want to lose about 50lbs and get fitter, happier and healthier.

I am a 64 year old female diabetic retired school administrator, I am insulin dependent. My biggest problem is stress binge eating. I never met a carb I didn't like. Love reading and my husband and I travel a lot . No children and very little family so I count on my friends as a support system.

I am 29, almost 30, and I have been overweight all my life. I am single and have two fantastic dogs. I am a librarian. Yeah.

38 years old, have already lost over 7 stone (about 105lbs), exercise most days, struggling with my motivation around healthy eating at the moment

I'm 27 years old, married, and I'm a teacher. I've always been very active and I'm in pretty good shape. However... I've always been a little heavy. I recently had a baby (in Nov.) and now I'm heavier than ever. I ended my pregnancy at 180 and have only lost 5 pds. since then. I expected it to be easier especially since I'm breastfeeding. I enjoy going to the gym.. but my eating habits are not that great. I'm working on changing that.

I'm 29, a PR exec, married with one kitten but no kids, a new homeowner, and a California native inexplicably (but happily) now living in the Midwest...

I'm 37, female, recently engaged to my sweetie. I was a chef for 10+ years before becoming a nurse. I currently work in the ICU of a community hospital. I have 3 dogs, a cat a few farm animals & overall, a very nice life.

Animal lover. I have a horse, 3 dogs, 2 cats and a man. He's the hardest to maintain. He doesn's show love like they do and his love is conditional. Oh well, I am a free spirited loving person so I keep him too. I am a spiritual thinker, I love music and writing, so I do that too. I think it's age that has slowly added weight to me, it first started in New York state when I was 35, a car accident left me with severe back problems. I am better now but not as active as I use to be. I want to incorporate yoga in my life again. I did yoga in my early teens and in my 20's. It's good stuff. Nightbird


I am a Hospice nurse;married 27 yrs. with 2 daughters 22 and 20;grandaughter who is 8 months and goes non-stop. Love to travel but too much going on now for much of that.

I'm 40, a husband and father of 2 great kids. I'm in the final stages of a Ph.D. in historical theology.

Soon to be 55 but still feel like I'm in my twenties (that look in the mirror is quite shocking at times!). I'm responsible for acquisitions for an academic/public library and while I love the job of buying books, I'm much more sedentary in this job than I have been in others. My husband and I spend many hours working outside on our 5 acres and constantly scheme of ways to use the gardens for retirement income. I have 2 grown children and 5 grandchildren. I love being active and learning new things and hope to meet some like-minded women to help me commit to some healthy life style changes.

Have been fat since I can remember. Highest weight was 235. I lost 35 pounds over a 4 year period, gained back about 7, and lost the last 10 over the past 6 months.
44 year old (aspiring) writer living in Manhattan. Gay, single, (I thought I was) Caucasian, (but my friends tell me I'm) Latino/Hispanic. Left my career to become a writer. Studying writing and journalism at The New School.

I am 50 plus and really struggling with weight loss just now.

Full time college student and working. i am a stress and emotional eater...

HI! I am a teacher and a single mom of 3, and am now an empty nester! I have spent most of my adult life running around taking care of the kids, working full-time and running a household. I have not done a good job of taking care of myself, though. I have a lot of weight to lose, but am committed to succeeding this time.

I am a 49 year old female, I work as a RN and work in home health care. I have been married to the same man for almost 27 years. I have 4 great kids and 1 fabulously 2 entertaining grandsons who are the loves of my life! My life is great, but I have a huge problem with weight. I was a stay at home mom for 18 yrs and needless to say I got fat. I am 5'10" and i weigh 295lbs. I would like to get down to 170-175lbs which is a good weight for my frame. I have high blood pressure and and joint aches and pains.

I am a 45-year-old mother of two kids, ages 14 and 11. I work part time and try to work out about 5 days a week--running, weights, exercise classes. I have been slim for several years and this year have begun to see the pounds creep up--I want to stop it from getting worse!

I'm a 43 yo sahm of 3 (17, 14, 4). I am a former classroom teacher who now home educates our kids. One is all ready to head off to college in the fall. I'm an avid knitter.

I am an active mom with three children. I love to play tennis.

I am 49 with two kids in college. My weight has been up and down my entire adult life. I'm ready to change to be more healthy.

in college

I am married and a stepmom of 3. I love to walk outside and on treadmilll, but i also love to eat when i get home from my second shift jobl



I am a 38 year old married Atlantan. I've really never had weight problems before, however as my metabolism changed my eating habits didn't. After the age of 33 I noticed that my weight continued to increase, in spite of my being active in tennis and softball. 5 years later and 20 lbs heavier, I know I need to lose weight, and I know I need accountability.

My son is two this april, and I'm starting work full-time again then. I want to feel better about myself, especially in public. I've always had a poor body image and it's a drag. I've been walking an hour a day 3 times a week since January and feel good about that. This is the next step!

I'm 24 years old. I work at a preschool Love little kids. I am going to be going to Massage Therapy School in September. Excited about that.

Three years ago I was a healthy weight (150), exercised at a gym 3 times a week and walked about 25 miles a week. I felt and looked terrific. Then came divorce, an accident (I fell down a steep set of stairs breaking my collar bone, leg and rib), and the death of my son. I gained 75 pounds through that. Now, I've re-married and I want to get back to where I was and how I felt. My grandchildren need me and I want my life with my new husband to be great.

I'm a 23 year old college student. Have been running once a week about 3-4 k followed by some static. I want to progress to do workouts 3 x a week cos I heard its more effective. I want to run 2.4k under 12 mins.

22 year old female Aussie, Personal Assistant from Australia. Emotional eater - unhappy with body - wanting to increase self-esteem!


i'm 16 and live in sydney, australia. i go to school like any regular girl and, also, like any regular girl, i worry about my weight and how i look. my biggest goal is to tone up my legs and stomach and butt more, and maybe lose some weight around my hips. my main motivation is to look good for my formal at the end of this year :)

I'm 27 and weigh 172lbs. Up until the past 8 months, I've been pretty active but recently moved and have to travel for work and have put on ~12 pounds just in that time frame and need to get back on track.

I am a 32 year old woman. I am a teacher.

I am 28. I have hovered near the 200lb mark for a couple of years and would like to slim down to my pre-beer drinking weight of 175 or so. The thing is, I am not willing to give up beer and have a hard time finding the motivation to excercise.


I am a Dietitian, I know I know, this should be easy, but it's not. I know what to do, and I teach people about healthy eating, in particular for Diabetics, as my job. I'm here because I need to find a way to stick to it. I need support, and I know I can give it, so my hope is that an online community is just the answer because I don't have the time or money to go to Weight watchers.

I'm 57 and just completed my Doctorate in Psych. Gained a pants size in the process. Want to get back up and exercise more, lose weight, feel more energetic. Glad to be here!

I am a single mother and a police officer, two very stressful job that I sometimes take too seriously. When I started my job in Nov 05 I wieghted 255 lbs and lost about 40 in my first 6 months of working here. Then slowly lost another 10 over the last year. I finally decided that I am going to loose all the wieght before my 30th bday, and get down to my normal wieght of 155 lbs again. I had a baby in April of 2005 had a hard pregnacy and gained alot of wieght too.

I started this journey because the doctor put my on blood pressure medicine at the age of 45. I thought I was too young to be taking medicine for the rest of my life! I was only about 30 pounds overweight at the time. It took me 2 years, but I finally got off the medicine (SEE! IT CAN BE DONE!!!), but the weight has been creeping back on. Need to work on that IMMEDIATELY!!!!


I will be 29 soon and have struggled with my weight for years, i want to shop at regular stores, and where all the jeans that are wasting away in my closet from previous weights. I have recently joined ww but haven't found much in common with other members yet, so I hope that here I can develop a motivational environment in my everyday life.

I am a 26 year old school teacher from CT. I like knitting, reading, listening to music, traveling, spending time with friends, my cat Dylan and my hubby Quentin. I am ready to become accountable for my successes and failures, especially those in maintaining a healthy weight and an active lifestyle.

29, F, 5'9", 236 lbs starting weight. Gym: Equinox. Sports: Cycling, tennis, golf. Hobbies: Dog activities, cooking, hanging out with friends, art.

I travel for work, being away from home about 80% of the time. Eating out constantly (sigh) and trying to fit in some time for exercise is tricky for me. I find that my motivation drops off the moment a setback arises, so perhaps being part of a team with common goals will help.


I am a 47 year old woman, married with a 5 year old daughter. I work part time as a psychotherapist. I am a gourmet cook, and used to bake professionally. I have lost and gained hundreds of pounds since I started dieting at age 14. Now, my biggest challenge is putting myself and my needs before those of my family and clients.

I'm married for 7 years (2nd marriage). No kids, 2 cats. Two stepchildren (married with two children each). I work full time in an office job. My husband started a new job where he travels a lot. I miss him and I think I'm eating to fulfill some type of need.

45, gay male, socially aware, working towards putting my money where my mouth is instead of food. I love creative, active living, with as much playfullness and laughter as possible!

I am a 28 y-old mothers of a 3 y-old son and 1 y-old daugther and expecting to be pregnant again this year. i am married since 5 years. i live in Japan, but i am Canadian. I am a stay-at-home mother and love to be with my children and we go out everyday to the park, zoo, or other places like that.

I am a university student, currently in Christchurch, New Zealand, but I'm going back home to the Detroit area in early July. I love to travel and be active, but I have been letting my asthma hold me back more than it should. I've been steadily gaining weight since high school and I want to turn it around and get back into my karate uniform & show everyone what this black belt is really capable of. Oh and I wouldn't mind fitting into smaller jeans too.

I have been in sales for almost 15 years and have gained significant weight due to the lack of activity. I also have sleep apnea and torn cartilage in my knee's which make it difficult to exercise too much.

I am 34 yrs old. No kids yet. I work in sales for an internet/search engine company.


36 years old, married, two cats, no kids.
Frustrated with a lot of things at the moment, and have deiced on tackling two things I should have some control over: me and my weight.

I love yoga and walking/ running or things that are going to feed my body and soul. I am loooking to explore this more. I just moved from Texas to Toronto and have just been through a very difficult time losing a strong support in my life and I gained a few pounds in the trauma of it. I really want to be fit and even run in a marathon. I am generally pretty active yoga/ swimming/ walking/ gym but have been less active in the last few months.

I am almost 55 years old. I don't eat right or exercise. Last year I battled breast cancer and am now in remission. One silver lining is that I lost 25 lbs. Recently I have gained back 6 lbs. I want to put a halt to it immediately and get back on track to a healthy lifestyle.

I am 40 years ol and work full time. I have a 12 year old daughter and a 18 year old son. I have seen my weight creep up and I want to finally get into shape. I want to live a healthier lifestyle.

I lack motivation and have a serious sugar addiction.

I am a 28 year old special education teacher now living just south of Richmond, VA in Chesterfield county. I enjoy eating and make mostly healthy choices though I have a long history of food love and binging. I'm currently 127, which is great, but I'd like to get down maybe 10 pounds to see me skinny!


26y/o recent College Grad. Working behind a computer is a big contrast from before when I was in college! I earned my Freshman 15.. Not going to follow it up with a Graduated 15...

I am 33 stay at home mom of 3 ages 11,8 & 3. I have been married to an amazing man for 12 yrs. I need the accountability to loose weight. I am a stress eater. I also have gained more weight since being a stay at home mom out of boredom and stress and that I can cook more and more time to munch on junk food I am fairly new to the area and don't have a lot of friends so l also think I eat of loneliness.
I need the PUSH to make it happen and loose 50 lbs and look good for my lil sis wedding in april of 08.

I'm an athletic 24-year-old who lives in the Rocky Mountains and developed a penchant for cycling after completing the Iron Horse Bicycle Classic.
Sept. 1
Weight: 162
April 4
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 165
Body fat: 33 (tanita scale)
Resting heart rate: 65
Bust: 35"
Waist: 29"
Hips: 40.5"
Thighs: 25"
Calves: 16.5"

I am a 31 year old happily married and mother of 4. I am a stay at home mom, with a family that LOVES to eat. Losing weight is so important to me, for my health and my happiness.

Have a Ph.D, not currently using it due to a long, long illness. Trying to get back in shape, and then back to my life.

I am 5'9" and I weigh alot!!! I am 37 years old and married with two grown kids, ages 18 and 20!! I love walking and can stick to a diet if I put my mind to it. I like being around people and need some guidence through this whole process!!

I'm 16 years old
I'm not overweight, but I have a lot of unwanted fat on me and I tend to eat too much haha.
All of the girls in my family are the same size-short and small-although I'm probably the least active of the group, therefore the least in shape. plus, I'm starting to gain weight, which isn't too great :/
I'd like to lose that extra fat and tone up!

I have just gone back to school to become a teacher after 10 years of working in an office. Over the past year and a half I have managed to gain over 30 pounds. I am tired of feeling overweight and tired and am determined to feel better about myself and my health.

I am 20 yrs old. I am a university student, who has always been slightly overweight. In high school i was in the 160's, but was physically active (especially volleyball) now just wrapping up 2nd year in uni, and am pushing 195 pds. I need to lose weight now.


23, moved back to NYC from California after college. Went from Sunshine and outside activity to a lifestyle of work, food, lazy...

I'm a 38 year old in Southern CA. I have been "chubby" my whole life and never really had a problem with it. I was always comfortable with ME. But my doctor told me I need to lose weight, so that's my biggest motivation. I need to be healthy. No one ever told me it was harder to lose weight as one aged! Yikes! Also, my daughter is pre-diabetic, so I want to be a good example for her and support her too.

I am a 46yo single mom of a very active 11yo daughter. I clean houses to pay my bills, so i dont sit at a desk all day . I have spent the last fews years dealing with a catastrophic health issue(not mine) and therefore haven't had any time for me... to eat right or get any exercise. Now its time for me to change my life and eat and live more healthy.


I am 25 and have been over weight almost all my life. I have already lost approx 45 pounds but could still lose 60 more. I don't want to waste anymore of my youth feeling uncomfortable about my body. 2007 is the year i will take control! :)

I'm 37, with lots of kids, and I work full time. I have not been excessively overweight (highest non-preg weight was 170lbs) but I struggle to eat healthy and maintain a healthy weight. I have pre-teen and teenage daughters that I want to teach about healthy living, and I'm worried about that.

I'm a mother of 3 teenagers who works at home and spends long hours at the computer with too much access to food. I'm in the habit of snacking all day

I live in NYC. I work a full time and part time job and am in school working on my undergrad in Communication and Culture. I am enrolled in the Institute of Integrated Nutrition as well and would like to be a health counselor part time, maybe full time if I can get enough clients. I am determined to make sure I am healthy and living my life the way I will be teaching my future clients. It's hard, because I LOVE chocolate and sugar. Being a pastry chef part time doesn't help matters.

I am 40 years old, with a full time teaching job and 4 kids ages 16 - 10. I lost the 20 pounds about 6 years ago when I was a full time mom and could go to the gym every day, but I've slowly put the weight back on and nothing I've done on my own has worked.

I am realtively young, but have been a life long largely unsuccessful dieter - always trying to lose the last 10-15 pounds. Recently I gained even more weight and now would like to lose 30lbs. I want to finally get on track and stay that way!

I raise quarter horses on a small ranch in the Bitterroot Valley.
I have cats and dogs also. I love to cook and bake and stay active. I read, do yoga, hiking and work out with my 23 year old daughter. I am a double Capricorn and usually achive my goals once they are set!



I am a 25 year old school teacher from Arkansas. I have been married almost two years, and I have a 10 year old step-son. My husband and I are wanting to start trying for a child in about a month. I am so excited!

I'm a 28 years old, currently a resident (like those guys on Scrubs when they first started out). My training partner moved to California 2 years ago and since then, I haven't had the motivation to work out. I'm looking for a way to get back in shape.



I have a degree in elementary education, but I don't enjoy teaching. I am also a pastry chef--which I LOVE!!!!! I plan on opening my own bakery. It's funny, when I worked full-time as a pastry chef, I was skinny as a rail. When I went back to college and was teaching, I gained weight.



44 yr old male approaching my 45th birthday, and got tired of my waistline expanding!


I am a single mom of two beautiful children. I work with children with special needs but right now I am on a leave of absence to complete a university degree (the one that I started in1988!)


I am a Southern Girl who loves good ole' southern cooking. I really enjoy cooking it more than eating it. You know, lots of BUTTER! That stuff can really get you into trouble. I am a proud mother of an 11 year old girl, who definately keeps me motivated and extremely busy. I have been married for 13 years to a wonderful man. He does iritate me sometimes how quickly he seems to lose weight, When he puts his mind to it, it just falls off. I'm extremely jealous of him. No, really I just want to drop these pounds to begin feeling better about myself and to be able to hang with my daugher because I know I'm going to need the energy when she hits those teen years.

I travel for a living, working in cafeterias during Breakfast and Lunch. All my meals are paid for in full while I'm on the road so its hard to stay disciplined.

I am a prayer missionary in Kansas City so i spend a lot of time sitting.

I'm 42, married with 2 teen stepkids and a dog. Work in the arts, and my work life tends to be very unpredicatble. Never been a morning person, but see that's the only time I can count on to exercise over the long haul. Definitely an emoto eater. Love to cook, love organic and wholesome foods.

I work in a large church with the pastoral staff that shepherds children and students. I love my job! But there is always tons of treats and snacks in the office and I can't keep my hands off them. PLus we are always getting treated to lunch or 'coffee' or special goodies from our grateful parents.
I am a singer, but have hidden this gift under a bushel, because I am embarrassed because of my weight. In fact there are a lot of things I am embarrassed about because of my weight.
I do have a great sense of humor, a bit self deprecating at times, but I am a very positive person, except for my weight.

I'm married to a great guy and have 4 children and 3 grandchildren with one on the way. I quit smoking a little over a year ago and my weight gain got the best of me!


quickly approaching 30, mother of one. Work as a program director for a non-medical home health company working with people with disabilities and the elderly.

I am a single, African American woman, in her late 30s interested in achieving and maintaining adult fitness. Currently, I have taken time off of the professional world, to pursue a graduate degree full-time.
I had not been overweight until my mid to late 20's where I gained 30 pounds in five years. I successfully dieted and lost nearly 30 pounds in '98. My weight slowly creept back up from 2001 until now where I am now at a new alltime high, and the biggest size I have ever been.



Brand new nurse, work part-time. With three daughters 7, 6, & 3. Married for 10 years. Type 1 diabetic


I am 31 and mommy to an almost 2 year old. I have been using the excuse that I just had a baby and that's why I weigh this much. This is the highest weight I have weighed prepregnancy. I do not want to go into the second pregnancy at this weight.
I currently work in the airline industry at a desk job, the food around me is your typical fast food.

38 y/o female 5'6" 180lbs - couldn't stand not feeling healthy. Joined the gym and have gone faithfully 6 - 7 times a week. lost 15lbs , turned more to muscle. but i have hit a plateau that i can;t seem to bust.

I'm 15 years old and live in Cali. I'm a hardcore dancer, but weigh waaay too much to do some of things I need to do.I am 5"7" and weigh 165 pounds, but live in a community where every girl is skinny and pretty and wears size 0 and I'm tired of feeling fat! Plus, I'm in musical theatre, and a huge part of that is image. I really want this as a career, or at least for college, and I need to look better to do it.


47 year old "middle aged man" (Mike Meyers character from SNL). Married professional, father of two kids in college, self employed.

I'm fifty and hormonal... haha...


I've always been big, but sometimes not as big as I thought (in retrospect). But this is my biggest ever, once I hit 200lbs. I felt like a deer in the headlights having a mid-20's now almost 30 life crisis. I know I want to change but I also want to maintain so I'm trying to incorporate changes I can keep, rather than drastic and dramatic as has worked for me but I have never maintained. Sometimes I feel driven and confident, and other times I feel lost and out of control.


I'm pushing 30 this year woo hoo!! I'm 5'7" and 145lbs. I relocated 12 months ago to Vancouver for my job and I think my body didn't appreciate the cold. I've generally been fairly slim without doing a lot of exercise but with staying indoors a lot over winter i've managed to put on a few too many pounds. It's time to get rid of them before summer truly hits.


I am 38 years old, single and a mom to my 5 year old labrador retriever, Zoe.

I'm a 32 year old devoted girlfriend and a busy hard working woman. I work payroll at a hospital so I'm constantly at my desk. I used to run and go to the gym every day and as previously noted, I slacked off the past few years. I'm here to regain the body I once so hard worked for. I'm trying to get back the drive I had back in my 20s and apply that same mentality to my 30s.
I'm an easy going gal. Even though I've gained weight, I still allow myself to go out and enjoy the recreational things I used to do although not quite as often. I love snowboarding, mountain biking, of course running and out on the town dancing it up with friends.
When I'm at home I can just relax with a good book. See, EASY!
I'm ready for a fresh start!

a 43-year old teacher who's returned from Europe after 4 yrs. I've been eating all the tempting foods I've missed & now trying to stop & get back to healthy & attractive weight. A long commute & work environment filled w/sweets is tough on carving time for exercise & willpower. Am at my highest weight ever -- I know what I need to do, but haven't found the motivation that sticks with me past the weekend when I have time.


51-year-old wife/mother/grandmother/Director of Human Resources. Slender all my life until my former husband left 8 1/2 years ago and suddenly I found comfort in--or is it medicinal use of--starches! I began binge eating and have slowly, slowly gotten it under control but once you get that drug...well, let's just say I am still making way too many poor food choices trying to control my nerves and anxiety that came from such a sad (for me) and sudden life change. I weigh in at about 190 - goal weight for me should be about 130. *sigh*

I'm a 20 year old college student and since starting college I've gained about 25 pounds. I used to run almost daily in high school, I did cross country and track, but I don't work out anywhere near as much as I used to. I play ultimate frisbee a few times a week and I try to run as much as possible.

I am a 23 year old girl, I have always been overweight and I want it to change. I lost 30 pounds, about a year ago and I plateaued. Things happened and I stopped working out. I hope to stay on task so I can finally get rid of those last pounds.

I'm 40 years old, am married and have 3 kids. I'm a full-time mom.

I am 18, just going into college, and have been heavy my whole life. i look at college as a time to start over, and with that, i would like to start over with a new body, and to be healthy again

40 year old mother of 2 living in California. Currently stay-at-home.

I am 43 married and work full time. Step children are all grown and have grandchildren. Have been on MANY diets and lost weight but gained it back. I am addicted to carbs and sugar. Breads, cakes and anything high in calories and low in nutrition are my downfall. I do not like vegs. or fruits but have started to force myself to take them on.

emotional eater and get distracted very easy when it comes to weight loss

I'm a 31 year old mother of 2. I recenlty joined Weight Watchers again after gaining the weight I lost (15 lbs.) a year and a half ago.


I quit smoking 80 days ago and have put on 10 lbs since then and was about 10 lbs over where I wanted to be before that.

I gained weight after finding out I had a tyroid problem

I am a 22 year old university student, and for whatever reason my fitness goals went out the window when I got married about 2 years ago. I'm tired of being out of shape and I would love to lose a couple of pounds in the process.

have lost over 120 lbs over the past 4 years. my highest weight was 316 and I have hit a plateau the last few months. I am now in the 190s and I am ready to get into the 180s. I teach full time and am in graduate school. I am ready to make the steps towards reaching my perfect weight!

I just turned 21 and I am tired of being heavy. I am a college junior and weigh 195 lbs. A few years ago I lost a bunch of weight quickly and kept it off for a while, unfortunately, one terribly stressful summer of horrible eating and no exercise, a couple years ago has me back in the position I have always struggled with. I would love to loose 40-50 lbs and feel as good about myself as I should!

Mother of 1....I never lost the baby weight! The "baby" is 8! Have had a rough few years and lost financial security as well as dear family members. Became too sick to see what i did to myself Have always had a weight problem but never so horrible until last few years as I have balloned (no pun inteneded) to 200 pounds. I believe this has affected my ability to secure a better job, it bad for my health and uncomfortable and as a result of my poor attitude toward food my son is becomig obese. I have made him aware of choices and he is doing well. Time for me to lead by example.

I'm 45, mother to a gorgeous 19-month-old daughter, whom I adopted as a single parent last year. She is the light of my life, and I want to make sure I'm always here for her. Taking care of my health is tantamount to achieving that goal.

I am 33 years old and am at my heaviest weight at 300lbs. I own my own business working on computers and am on the leadership team at a new church plant that is having it's first service next week, 5-20-07/

I am 56 years old. I have three children, 23, and 20 year old twins. I work as a law office administrator for my husband's two law offices. I am extremely stressed (who isn't?!), lazy and am always tired. I feel out of shape and out of control.

44 year old divorce'. I have always fought my weight.. ALL my family is overweight. Strangely enough I am still the smallest at 185lbs. But I am 5'2" and I am miserable. I ache all over and I am scared of what this weight will do to me.
I enjoy life and food... it seems real hard to give up the food... I need help.

I'm 58, 5'1" and either need to lose 20# or grow 3 inches! I'm thinking that growing might be easier than losing!

I am a 22-year-old. I am a stay-at-home mom of a 3-year-old. I had never been overweight before getting pregnant. I thought that I could eat everything that I wanted because I never had a weight problem. I had high blood pressure during my pregnancy and that made me gain more weight. In total I gained 70 lbs during my pregnancy. I lost 30 lbs the day that I had her and I have lost some but then gained it back. I am now ready for another baby and I do not want the same thing to happen this time so I am trying to lose some weight before.

labor and delivery nurse. My biggest challenge is controlling my eating at night (I work the night shift).



I am 30 and work in the mortgage financing field. I am not married and have no children. I have a lot of free time and need to learn how to fill it more actively. Im lucky, my job is very flexible and i dont work long hours. But, here in lies the problem. I need to find ways to spend my time that does not include tv, food or spending money.


I'm 5'4, weight 145 lbs. I look and feel my best at around 130 lbs. I'm currently a stay at home mom but will be looking to go back to work in the fall. I'm an Industrial Engineer.

I am 37 years old, 5'10", 270 lbs. I am a Trainer for a large corporation I am also married with no children. I have been a yo you dieter for the past 20 years. I know there is a skinny beautiful girl inside me just waiting to get out. I am the heaviest I have ever been. Last year this time, I was a size 18 and looking not bad, I am now back up to a size 24. No matter how hard I try or how easy it seems to be while I am on a weight loss plan, I just seem to throw all I have acheived out the window. I am so on the ball and in control in my professional life, but controlling my weight seems to be the only part I can't control.

I am a 44 yr old female. I have type 1 (juvenille) diabetes and multiple other health issues. I definitely face challenges when it comes to losing weight.


I'm 23, work as an admin in a university, and in general enjoy kicking ass and taking names. I love dancing, am a devoted gym rat, and a huge reader and incurable TV watcher. It seems the two are not often mutually exclusive. I've been heavy all my life, but have made a turn around in the last year and a half, and would like to keep that going.


I am 53 years old about 3 years ago I lost 30 pounds on Weight Watchers but have gained back 20 pounds.


I am a 4o year old mother of two. I have stayed at home with them for about 12 years. My oldest is 17 and youngest is 12. Because they are now both old enough, I am pursuing a new career as a teacher. I used to play tennis 5 to 6 days a week until my knees went bad (no cartilidge left) Now I rarely excersise. although I have always been a big girl 6'1", I have ussually been physically fit. Now I am big with no muscle tone and tons of fat. UGHH!

I am 31 years old. I will be graduating from grad school next May and will be starting my 2nd career as a Pastor. The last couple of years have been really tough on me and I'm finally at a place where I am my first priority and I need to get healthy.

I am a 28 year old graphic artist. I LOVE MY JOB. I design screen printed t-shirts for different licensed products. I love to create art. I want to expand my creative catalog and even have my own show opening. Music is my second love. I wish I could play an instrument. I am a fan of live music and John Mayer is my favorite artist hands down. I love to travel and road trip for concerts.

Stay at home mother of 3 sons ages 13, 10, and 7. I began my journey when I read about the 6 gals who lost 100lbs in People magazine. Although I really need to lose closer to 80 lbs (to get back to my before children weight), I have set a more achievable goal of 50 lbs. I usually start strong, but then lose my motivation when I don't see results that I think are reasonable given the sacrifices I am making.




I am 27 years old, married and have a four month old baby boy. I am down to my "normal" size but unfortunately that is not where I want to be! I am a stay at home mom who needs motivation to excercise!

i'm a personal trainer as well as real estate agent in miami. divorced after 23 yrs with 3 kids jason 28, ryan 25 & kristi 19

I've struggled with weight most of my life. I've been "watching my weight" as long as I can remember. I used to be able to drop a few pounds relatively easy, it seems like only a few years ago, but now as I'm getting closer to 30 its much harder. The added weight from pregnancy and this new post pardom body have really weighed down my spirits. I have to get back on track.

Just starting with PEERtrainer! Im 24 years old and im an only child. I love reading, internet, music, watching tv and celebrity gossip. Im very friendly and easy to get along with. Meeting new people is something I enjoy. My best friend is the most important person to me besides my family. I have 2 cats named Skittles and Snickers and 1 dog named Livvie. Ive dealt with my weight for the last 10 years and hope that one of these days, I can be the size that I want!

I am 5'6 weight about 270 yea thats a lot I gain so much weight with my last child.

I'm 37 years old and I recently left my job to stay at home with my 4-year old daughter.



I am 43, married, with 2 boys ages 6 and 12. I need to lose 50 to 60 pounds. I have struggled with weight since college days, when I started on the emotional eating roller coaster.

I am a 27 year old woman , mother of 3 , i use to be a dancer and also was in track and field, at the age of 21 I learned i was bipolor, I went into a deep depression for about 5 years i put on about 50 pounds , i now am out of that stage of my life and cant wait to get back to the old me!

i am and overweight child of 6 and am trying to get fit 4 summer


I grew up on a ranch and was always very athletic. Love to ride horses, ski, sail, hike, etc, but now find it all harder to do because of the weight. How do I get back there?

I turn 50 on May 21 and I am the heaviest I have ever been (191 last time I got on the scale). I have two daughters - 19 and 17 - am married for 21 years, and work full time.

The first class of baby boomers turned 60 last year. That was my class. I am a Mom of four, grandma to three, wife of a gem of a guy who thinks that I was built for comfort not for speed. Isn't that neat? But I am more comfortable with less weight. Actually, if I was 6'7" tall I would be just perfect. At 5'3" I'm a smidge "fluffy". I am a dog lover, a Packer Fan, a music teacher and an artist.

I'm 31, single, no kids, and I used to be skinny Jenny. Then I got a job about 10 years ago sitting at a desk 8-12 hours a day. Endometriosis dictates that I am on the Depo shot, which makes me gain weight. The Doc gave me phentermine to help lose weight, but I know I need to get more active to lose the fat I am gaining by sitting so long every day. I still see the skinny me when I look in the mirror... I am in denial!

college freshmen, struggled with my weight for last few years and want to be in control of it

I'm 28 and a new father. I grew up being active and want to be able to share that same lifestyle and ethic of "play" with my son. I'm currently 100+ pounds overweight.

I'm 45 and have always struggled with my weight. I recently quit smoking and I gained 15 more lbs along with the 15lbs I've wanted to take off.

i will be a junior in college in the fall. i am just wanting to get in shape and tone up for the summer.

I am 5'10 and I want to get to 150. I am currently 220.8! I am a teacher, and I love my job but I come home mentally and physically exhaused every day! I try to work out after school, and I've recently started changing into my workout clothes before I leave the school. I love watching movies with my husband, but I also love eating junk food while doing it!

43 - Female. Two boys, both in their 20's and live away from me. My husband and I live in Florida with the two dogs (yes, of course we treat them like children now). My weight problem began to really worsen several years ago when I went back to school.....online. Not only did I sit at a computer all day at work, I repeated the same sitting routine at home for school. My eating habits worsened and as the stress increased of all the deadlines for work and school, I reacted by eating more. Last year I decided enough was enough and I had to get healthy. April 12 2006 I quit a two pack a day smoking habit. I am happy to report that I have not had slipped once in over a year with cigs. EATING replaced them! Now topping the scale at 188 lbs, (the most I have even weighed in my life, even when 9 months pregnant). I am ready to make changes and regain my life.


i am a singer songwriter here in los angeles. I have always struggled with my weight but i believe in the power of change! I know that i will loose this weight for good. i have already kepy off about 30 pounds from my top weight. So i have another 30 pounds to lose

I am 45 years old. I live in Grafton NH. I have 2 grown children, and one 2 year old grandson. I am an engineering technician from 7am-3pm...
I have lived in NH most of my life. I like to garden and spend time with my family in my spare time. I also enjoy traveling.

I am 47 years old. I work full time. I've been married for 22 years.
I have 2 kids. One out of high school and working. One in middle school. I would like to lose weight so I have plenty of energy at the end of the day.

I'm a 38 year old single mother of 2 teenage girls. I'm a sister... I'm a mother... I'm a daughter... I'm a friend. I'm a Membership Consultant for an upscale dating service. And, I don't date. WHAT?????? I spend my time motivating other people change THEIR lives!

I'm 32, married, work full time at our church, VCC where my husband and I head up the outreach ministry to the poor and homeless. We are involved in missions as well and just recently returned from our 2nd trip to Nepal.

I am a stay at home mom with a 14 and 12 year old...I am involved with my family's activities, PTA, some church activities, and a little web work.

I'm a 30 1/2yr old female, Single but dating, Live in between my dad's house and my boyfriend's house on the weekends.
I'm 5'8" slender legs and arms my weight is carried in my mid section. Alot a of people think I'm pregnant. Never had any kids just always had extra fat there since I can remember.

iI am 35; 36 on at the end of this month. I am the mother of 3 boys. I have been married for 16 years. I am a recent transplant to Louisville, KY from Atlanta, GA. I just finished my last class towards my MBA in Human Resource Management. I work with as a Family Specialist in a alcohol and drug residential treatment facility for pregnant women and women with small children.


I am in Tae Kwon Do currently, I like to work out on the eliptical machine and walk my dog in addition to Tae Kwon Do. I am 31 yrs old, no children yet, and this last bit of weight is slow to come off and stay off. I work in the medical field therefore I am very active all day at work.

I am a mother of three and I love to eat out alot especially in the evening

I'm 26, newly married (Oct., 2006). I work full time, and am trying to find things to fill my time outside of work with good, positive things. I have just finished school and haven't really done anything but school and work for so long I can't even remember my hobbies :o). My husband and I just bought a house and got a puppy so that is what our lives have been filled with recently

I am a mother of two teenage boys. My cerrent weight is 180 pounds.I am only 5ft 3in. This is the biggest I have ever been.I just turned 35 and high blood pressure, heart problems run in my family.

I'm a 36 year old mother of seven, but feel like I'm still 22. I have a ton of energy and way overextend myself through work and play. The weight has gradually creeped on over the past 10 years and I hardly noticed the extra 80 lbs. untill this years at christmas. My husband bought me a 2X leather coat anf it fit (Oh my Gosh).

38 year old mom of 8 and 9 year old boys. Separated and trying to start a new business. I'm fighting depression through medication, but I also know that a lot of my depression is a result of bad food choices.

I am a 35 year old single mother of 2 (ages 16 and 11). I have been overweight since my youngest was a few years old and it's just gotten worse as time goes on. I want to nip it now so that I do not have major health issues when my kids are grown and out of the house.

50 ish, I'm not counting anymore. Mother of 3 and Grandmother of 3. Married over 30 years to the greatest guy!
I was a furniture designer for many years. I have studied the principles of the secret as long as I can remember (I don't think it's a Secret) and love to do Astrology.


Married, empty nest, currently work full time while back in grad school for a 2nd masters. Like to write on the rare days I have a free moment.

I am a 30 year old wife of 10 years. I have a 5 year old and a 20 month old. My husband is senior staff for a college ministry at Purdue. I am a part time massage therapist and he does graphic design on the side. My heart is to live as authentically as possible. I have just moved to Indiana, so I feel this is an opportunity to start over. I want to learn to listen to others more and love people with everything I am. Along the way I feel a conviction to take better care of the body he has given me.

Realtor; recently became a grandmother and I want to get back in shape to keep up with my granddaughter when she begins walking.

I just recenly got married a year ago and I'm a mom of a 6 year old Autistic child with ADHD. He is one of the reasons why I want to loose weight so I can be more active to do more and keep up with him. I also want to model too so loking great is important to me.

I'm a stay at home Mom of three great kids, I've been through tons of diets but have not had long lasting success. Seems like I loose weight, fall short of my goal and eventually gain it al back plus 5lbs. After doing that several times over the years I weighed in at 182 this morning. I would like to be between 128-135 . I work 10 hours a week at the front desk of a health club so I have free access to one of the largest clubs in the US but I have trouble finding the time to go there for anything but work or kids programs. I am making a commitment to myself to starting getting there at least 3-4 days week as I was when I started working there.

I'm 34. I have 2 teens and I've been married 16 years this month. I never seemed to be able to lose the weight from the birth of my second child and I've learned that after 14 years you can't use child birth as your excuse. I work 2 jobs and I'm hoping to go back to college in the fall.


I'm married, have 4 grandchildren. Retired and happy in Arizona. Have put off loosing this same 30 lbs for way too long. Saw this program on GMA and decided this was the time.

I am a stay at home mommy...I LOVE my job. We do a lot of playing, laughing, and dancing everyday, but hubby's favorite spot is his recliner. I think motivating him to get healthy will be my biggest challenge.

46, happily partnered to Suzie for going on 6 years in November 2007.
Love to travel, watch reality TV, ER addict, in 12 step recovery from compulsive overeating.

over 60, married with 2 grown sons, 4 grandchildren. Retired and living in the Southwest. Have Rheumatoid Arthritis for 4 years.

I am 24 and living in PA. I am getting married in October and I can't wait. I want to look great in my dress and feel healthier!
I also have type 1 diabetes and have been in terrible control for the past 6 years probably. I am hoping to get my health back on track.

I am a 29 year old mother of 3 little girls. My husband teaches school and I stay home and raise our little family. My oldest, Baylee is 7, Payge is 4, and Maggy is 1. My days are busy, but can get a little lonely.

I am a mother of 2 and a stay at home mom. I will eat for any emotion I feel

I am a RN who has seen a lot of complications from Gastric Bypass surgery to know that I NEVER want to go down that road. I am also reaching a cornerstone in that my 30th birthday is coming up. I have been fat for the first 30 years of my life, I don't want to be fat for the next 30 years.

32 year old, single female from Ontario, Canada. I have a great family, great job and generally a great life - it's just the weight part I can't seem to get a grip on...


I am 21 years old, from Ohio. No kids and no husband! Work full time, and love to dance and laugh alot!


I AM: 37 yrs old; a christian; 100+lbs overweight; active and able-bodied; an aunt; a program director at a faith-based non-profit; a kidz church teacher I LIKE TO: read; walk; listen to music; watch "reality" tv; read at the beach; walk at the beach; laugh with friends; be at the beach; pretend i'm a professional organizer/decorator, have a good discussion; and finally, but very importantly--cheer for the steelers!

looove food any food hate to workout, im a single mother of two and work full time


Motor-cycle riding Grandma.....I could light up a room once...now it would be nice just not to take up too much room in one. I want to run with my grandbaby....I can accept Mom's arms....just don't want my middle....I believe in fairytales...so I can do this....just need help.

I am currently a college student. I want to lose a decent amount of weight so that I can stop feeling so self concious and being more confident in myself. I have been overweight for some years now and would really like to get back into shape. I have a family history of diabetes and have been tested frequetly. I want to avoid that and I think that by losing weight I can feel better about staying healthy.

I'm a 34 yr old mother of 2 ages 5 and 7. My weight has always been a rollercoaster rangeing from under weight to overweight. I just want to find a happy medium. :)



I work in ad sales for a magazine. I am probably the only person at this company (which is so weight/style focused) who gained 15 lbs working there. 5 years ago I was living in SF and was in the best shape of my life. I had gotten sick and dropped 15 lbs. A few months after that I stopped working I had the time to go to the gym 5 days a week so I kept the wight off. When I moved back to NYC I moved in with my mom (temporarily while I was looking for an apt to buy). The stress of a new job and a house hunt, combined with a 2 hour a day commute started putting the lbs back on. I stayed stagnent for a couple of years but in the past year have gained 15lbs and now see a number on a scale that i never thought was possible for me.

Im one of those people that know what to do, but knowing an doing are two different things.

Over the past ten years my weight has slowly fluctuated up a few pounds every year. After changing my lifestyle from a city girl to a country girl, I've found that my physical activity has really diminished. I'm also in school again and had the hardest year that I can remember, which helped me gain 10 extra lbs that I didn't need. I have a wonderful husband who doesn't know the meaning of diet. I'm hoping that my changes will affect his life as well.


Type 2 diabetes runs in my family. I have experienced tremendous weight gain in the past few years due to hypothyroidism and pernicious anemia (both run in my family as well). Good nutrition and exercise is critical to overcoming the hypothyroidism and pa. Type 2 diabetes is inevitable if I do not make necessary changes to my lifestyle/health.

I'm 57, 153 pounds, and would like to lose 15 lbs.

I am 50 yrs old. How did that happen?! I am also 5'11" and went to art school like Howyoudoing! Graduated with an MFA in '90. Married w/ 2 boys. Very active/busy. Currently an art teacher for a small private school. Having a very hard time getting to ME. I am the last thing to do on my list.

I am seventeen years old. Playing select fastpitch softball year around kept me in great shape for someone weighing 165 pounds, but since I quit, I've put on nearly twenty pounds and lost all of my muscle. I need to get back into shape and be healthy again, because I refuse to be like this for the rest of my life.

20 years...

Love working out, but get side tracked easily if i don't see fast results.
I'm also an emotional eater.

I am 54, female, and have been battling with 20 to 30 extra pounds for several years. I am a recovering alcoholic with 7 years of sobriety and try to incorporate the program into my diet struggle.

I am a 36 year old mother of two children. I have been a stay-at-home mom for the last 6 years and am hoping to make the shift back into a career(university prof.), but am at an all time low as far as confidence and energy for taking on new challenges. I love to read and enjoy all sports.

Female, travel a lot


43 year old female. I have lot 15 pounds so far on my own and have another 25 to go.


I am 62 years old, just retired. I like being active and how good it feels when I finish a workout. I also like good food.

50-something professor mother of two and grandmother to two. About to celebrate 25th anniversary. Been on more diets in my life than Bush's verbal missteps. Know what I need to do -- start out each day with good intentions that always get sidetracked.

I was very ill in 2010 and I gained a lot of weight and stopped exercising. I have never manages to get back on track. I want to get back to a healthy weight and feel good

Im a 29 year old restaurant manager. I have been struggling with my weight since I was 18 and off to college. I am determined to get this extra weight off by the time I turn 30 (which is in Feb.)I have a wonderful boyfriend of 10 years who also struggles with his weight but tries to support me the best he can. I am looking forward to being supported by others who share my struggles and supporting them as well.


I am a married mother of 3 and stepmother to 3. Grandmother to 3 and not yet 40 (though it is coming this year). I would like to be around to enjoy watching my Grandchildren grow up.

I've struggled with my weight since my teens, losing & gaining over and over again for 27 years - and I'm fed up! I'm almost 10 weeks away from 30 and I'm determined to do it.
I've lost 11lbs over the last four months by adding cardio (3-5times per week) - but I've stopped there... desperately need to change my eating habits to continue losing. Every other time I've lost weight it's been because of a crash diet and no exercise - so I'm doing it differently this time.

I have struggled with my weight my whole life. Between anorexia, trying vegetarianism the wrong way, and intense high school track workouts, my weight yo-yoed constantly during my adolescence. When I went to college, things got worse. Instead of the scale going up and down, it just kept going up as I traded running for smoking, drinking, eating, and partying with my new found bohemian friends. However, I quit smoking about a year ago and have been steadily increasing my physical activity and nutrition. I am determined to end for once and all my unhealthy relationship with my body and settle into a lifelong pattern of good health that works for me.

I'm a 48 year old college professor (music). I've struggled with weight for about 25 years now, I was a runner in college and in pretty good shape but have been overweight all of the time since then. I can't seem to stick to a plan for longer than about a month or so-then I seem to get discouraged and quick-then I get mad at myself for quitting and after a few more months I try again. It's getting to be an annoying pattern. I really want to change-I want to have that feeling of having succeeded at this so that I don't feel so weak. I'm so disciplined in other areas of my life-I don't know why this is so hard!

love music, animals, reading, summertime


I am a 33 year old registered nurse. I have been divorced for 4 years and am a single mom to a 14 year old and 11 year old daughter. I love vacations, especially Disney World!!

I would like to look into a mirror and feel as though it is me I see again, not some stranger. Mentally I still see myself as thin, as a teen......but two kids and many pounds later I am just a middle aged Mom with a round middle. My husband loves me as I am and he tells me continuously......but sometimes I wish he wasn't so accepting. It gives me no incentive! So, the incentive must come from witihin.....Here we go!

i am about to take the last licensing exam and be a licensed psychologist. taking care of other people leaves me tired and i usually turn to food that makes me feel better. i have a good marriage and two beautiful boys. we live in a beautiful spot in central california.

I've always been a team player (volleyball, baseball, flag football, etc). Not much of a long distance runner, recently got into some hiking...but have to have a good friend to enjoy the outdoors with. There isn't anyone else on the site from Ithaca or within 100 miles of here. Lots of folks out here, but as a full time student it's hard enough to get myself to the gym let alone two of us! I'm still quite athletic and haven't gone over my edge, but I sought out peertrainer to help keep me within my limits and do better by myself!


I'm about to hit 35. I can no longer live under the guise that these 30 pounds are temporary. I was the same weight my entire 20's no matter what I ate or if I exercised. About 4 years ago the pounds went on - 10 or so a year. I've have never tried to diet. I have had a trainer but found it to be too expensive. I have a great guy who loves me just as I am. I am a confident beautiful woman as I am. I would just like to be more confident in my looks - toner and leaner. I have never had to control my weight. I was ok being 5'8" and 150lbs. Now I am 5'8" and over 180. A decade ago the father of old boyfriend said to me 'be careful, your butt will drag on the floor before you know it". I'd like to not let that happen :)

I've recently turned forty and I'm tired of being fat. I'm a librarian, pet lover, and I'm starting to get exercise into my daily routine. I've started jogging and can jog 3.5 miles right now (although it is at a 13:02 mile). I plan to run in a 5K this September.

I am a happily married 32 year old woman with 2 wonderful boys, ages 9 and 7. My husband and I are supporting eachother in losing weight, however we also sabotage eachother. We are really looking to get healthy for our kids and our marriage. We have finally found eachother and do not want our health to stand in our way.

I'm a 25 year old state employee. I'm not married and have no children...except for my dog and cat :) I go to the gym 4-5 times a week, take a kickboxing class, and weight train. I have a little cottage house along the Susquehanna River.

I am a 42 year year old librarian. I am married with 2 children a daughter, 21 and a son, 19. I have hypothyroidism which is a constant battle to control with medication, it makes getting off my butt harder than it used to be. I have been over 200 lbs for the past five years, I just can't seem to below that 200 mark.



I am an Orthopaedic Nurse

I am a 27 year old social worker and live in south FL. I need to learn to eat healthier, in smaller portions, and not so late at night. I like to be active, but I love food. It's hard to make myself eat a lot of veggies and I'm not crazy about fish. I just want to be one weight and stay there. I have yo-yo'd a lot and have pants in about 5 sizes in my closet. It doesn't help that my new boyfriend is a chef- and a good one.

I have a 22 yr old daughter in college and a 16 yr old son. I've been married 25 yrs last week!



I am a 41 year old woman with some extra weight to lose. I go up/down 5-10 pounds often. I am walk/running 3 miles 3-4 times a week but have not been very good about watching my diet. I eat too many sweets and drink too much Diet Coke.
I am traveling to Italy in August and would like to feel more comfortable in my clothes and have more energy.


I am 5'7", 19 years old. I have gained about 20-25 pounds since I went to college and I want to lose that and then some!





I am 37 and am happily married to an amazing man. I have steadily gained wieght ove the last 5-6 years, to the total of approx. 70lbs. I'm not sure WHY, but know that I am now ready to make a change in my life and become healthier. My greatest fear is that I will suffer a health crisis due to my wight gain.


I am a healthy person, but like everyone, I have weak points. I start out strong and then when life gets busy (projects, colds, holidays, etc.) I fizzle out. I want to stay motivated and achieve my goal.

37 year old single female.

I'm a working professional with 2 grown boys and an active and happy life. I'm having trouble conquering my weight issues and hope this is the place that I can find support to finally get rid of some them.

29 year old mother of 4. I need to lose about 107lbs. I weigh 247 today.

I am a mom of 2 children ages 11 and 3 and have such fun with them. I am blessed to have a girl and boy so I get to see what fun each can be and how different they are. I am married to a wonderful man and father who loves me anyway I am, but who also would love nothing more than to see me feel good about myself. I have definitely let myself go over the years and it's time to change things.

I am a 37 year old married mom of three wonderful young boys. 2 of my kids have special needs and have required a lot of extra attention. Between my kids and taking care of my husband and ailing father, there hasn't been any time for me. I have been heavy for several years, but recently started taking medication that caused a drastic increase in my weight. I would like to get all the excess weight off and be healthy!!

I am 5'1 and extra curvy....

I am a 32 yearold stay at home mother of two beautiful boys. I have dieted my whole life.(really tired of it!!). I have a very supportive husband.He loves me big or little but he knows I feel better when I am smaller.

I have three dogs and a habit of crashing on the couch at the end of the day and watching dvds until I crawl into bed. I need to be more active for me and for them.


My father's really fat.. and I'm well on my way... I used to be thin a long time back.. but gone are the days... I am 20 kg's overweight, want to lose all of the extras...

I am a 29 yr. old administrative assistant. I was born in New York, but my entire family is from Puerto Rico. I have 2 kids (5 & 11). I am a devoted Christian, love my family and love to help people. I love salsa music. In my spare time I like to draw, interior design and SHOP!!

I am a medical student from the UK. I lead quite an active lifestyle ( I walk a lot) but I don't really go to the gym even though I have a membership and really, I enjoy it once I do it! My main problem is eating junk because I am bored, tired or stressed...

I'm 58 - Christian - widow. Enjoy church - I've just accepted co-director of Awana for next year. I sing in choir. I'm also in a group called Wrinkles. We have a lot of fun performing once a year at the local city college (vaudville type) We are doing Mr Rodgers, Mr Hart, and Mr Hammerstein this year. It's a lot of fun. I had gastic bypass surgery about 5 years ago but now I'm a normal person. Lost 100# from that but have not been able to get the remaining off - I love to read - hate to exercise

I am 47 years old. I have been a Weight Watchers member since 1986 - YIKES. I am 5' 7 and have lost 30 lbs. I work full time

I am a 37 yo mother of 2, boy, 6 and girl, 2. Also, married and in the first year of a Master's PA Program, also working pt. Joined LA Weight Loss after ballooning to 237 and horrified, so started, lost a mere 12 pounds before I became disillusioned and have since gained back 4 lbs and continue to "fool" myself into thinking that I am still watching portions. Still going to weigh in, just because...have begun to focus on exercising again, FitLite mainly because I do not have much time and it feels like a great workout in a short amount of time. Anyway I need something to be different, I do not like how I feel at this weight, my joints hurt and it brings my confidence down.

45+ Software Engineer Female married for 16+ years, no kids.
Pets include 3 adopted dogs and an American Quarter horse.
Toys include his and her Harleys.
Stopped alcohol over 8 months ago. Quit smoking cigarettes over a month ago (whyquit.com). I wish to get in shape and lose weight so that I can touch my toes again easily.


Im 35 and just recently married. Would really like to get healthy and lose some weight before I get pregnant.

I am a 28 yr old mother of 2. My oldest is 3 and my baby will be a year old in June. I was very sick after the baby and was out of commission for 4 months. I am still carrying my "baby weight" and I am ready to put it all behind me.

I am married! We've been married for almost 8 years and we have 2 kids! We are missionaries in Guadalajara, Mexico, but I am originally from Marietta, GA!
I was a dancer growing up, so I tend to become bored w/ workout DVDs, hence the reason I have so many! I love the sense of accomplishment that I have when I reach a physical milestone!

I am 53 -- and generally active although this year I have been something of a couch potato, and crashed and burned from job stress, poor diet, insomnia

I am 47 and a single mother of 3 kids, 6 year old twin boys and a 10 year old girl. I also have two part time jobs. I have survived this year some significant personal losses including the death of my brother and so I'm am in a huge healing process. I want my getting in shape to be a positive element in my life.

I have slowly gained from 15 - 20 pounds in the last few years

I'm a 31 year old mom of 2. I've lost my way the past few years because of the pregnancies. I've recently gotten back into working out. But I need more help !!

I am 33. I have been married to my college sweetheart for 10 years. We have 2 beautiful boys 6 & 3 and have 2 Australian Shepards and a cat. I currently am a stay at home mom but am actaive in my sons PTA. I enjoy reading, scrapbooking and TV.

I am recently married, 1 year next week, and have always struggled with my weight and am tired of it. I work in the trades, but my husband I are planning on opening our own business next year and spend most of our free time planning that.

Im still in college at the University of Michigan. Im 21 years old. Im 5'5 about 165. I have a lot of muscle but have excess fat that I want to lose. I have been working out 5-6 days a week since January 1st and lost weight but gained it back by eating poorly so I really want to stick with it this time.

32 yr old stay-at-home mother of 3 kids ages 7,4, and 1. I used to hate running, but now I like it. I like to read, sew, and travel. I love being outside in sunny weather.


I am a stay at home mom. I have 4 children and have been married for 23 years. I gained most of my weight with each pregnancy but never ever lost it my oldest child is 21!! So it's been a long time dream to just get rid of this weight for once and for all! I have had small successes here and there but I always manage to sabotage my efforts.
