team details:

Team Name: Forty is the New 30
Members: 360
Location: Anywhere 00000


Profile: A team for people in or around their 40's ...

Last posted: Monday, June 9, 2014, 3:49 AM

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Members profiles:
COO of software company

WAHM doing part-time consulting with small loyal client base. I aim for simple, frugal living. My highest weight last year was 200. Lowest was before my last pregnancy (five years ago) at 135 lbs.

I am 39 years old with 3 young kids (7,5,2). I teach 5th grade and have lost "me" somewhere in the last ten years. I love to bike, walk, and in hang out outside. I have gained an average of 20 pounds per kid and have not dedicated the time to take care of myself like I should.

I am 56 years old with a desire to be in the best health I can be in. I enjoy golf and being outside,

40+ and married for 20 with no kids. I am a consultant that sits all day in an office and likes reading and writing - not the most calorie expanding activities. I would like to lose 40lbs. using the core plan. I lost 20lbs on WW but gained it all back when an MV accident put a stop to being active last year. I am recovering well and am starting to be active again. Would love to find a few people interested in embarking on a road to better physical health, healthy weight and along the way expand our minds with some reading and try our hand at some writing – fiction, poetry and non-fiction.

39 y/o Mom of 3 boys, happily married. Am an aide to a special ed child in Kindergarten. Also an eternal college student eventually hoping to attain my goal of being a teacher.

I live in Alaska, where I work as an ecologist for a federal agency. I am 41, fairly fit and athletic, but lately seem to have done nothing but gain weight! Having a job where I spend a lot of time at the computer has been a killer for me.

I am 39 and female. Have completely given up on exercising since I moved to Boston about 5 years ago and the effect shows in my girth and in my general health (mental acuity, concentration, etc.). My job as a researcher means that I have a very unstructured work life - which is good for the time flexibility it offers but bad because it "never ends". There is ALWAYS something hanging over my head (research deadlines, grading etc.), so I always have an excuse for not working out. I bring work home, I stay at work till late, etc.

I am a 41 year old mother of 2 and married for 15 years. As far as exercise goes, I've been pretty dormant for the past 2 years relying on my active job to stay fit. Now that I've been promoted (good thing), my job is not so active anymore and I'm noticing the 'spread'.

I work at a university- research and teaching. A perpetual student, I guess. I am pretty active, but gave up excercising regularly after graduate school. The weight has been came on after I had a kid at 40, and also after having some health issues. I would really like to fit back into my betsy johnson and other cool clothing. We'll see....

I am married to a wonderful man and have two boys that are 8 and 12. I am an Office Manager for a Project Management Company. I love to read, sing and make jewelry.



Fun, adventurous, Love country music & anytown's STATE FAIR!! The serious side loves the opera & CBS Sunday morning w/ a cup of soy coffee. I have a goal to lose 60 lbs(10 a month over the next six

I had maintained a weight loss of 56 pounds and was very healthy and happy, however, my husband became gravely ill and my two kitties (friends of 17 and 18 years) died all within a year. I was very sad and ate my sadness. After two years, I have finally come out of the fog and I am actively working to annihilate the remaining 16 pounds I still have from my 20 pound weight gain.

I am 47 mother of 2 great kids (Nicole 22, Christopher 17) Happily married to a great guy (Mike) for 24 years. I have always battled with my weight, and finding it harder and harder to keep the weight off. I refuse to be a mid-life couch potato. I am the executive director of our local food bank. I am focused on turning back the needle on the scale.

I am a mother and a wife. I work 40 hrs a week. I love to jog and lift weight some time but not enough hrs in a day to do it My age is 41 years old

I am a 42 year old wife and mother of two boys.(Ages 23 yrs. & 7yrs). I work as a nurse in the operating room. 2 years ago I lost 50lbs. w/Atkins, but I've regained all. I have a VERY long way to go to lose the weight I want to and to begin a work-out routine.

I'm a 44 year old wife and mother. I have 2 military sons. 1 is 22 in Baghdad right now and the other is 20 and in Italy. My husband and I just relocated from TN to WA and I love it here. My husband works shift work which is definitely an adjustment because I find myself alone and lonely alot. I wondered when the boys left home after being a mother for so long where that left me and now that the shiftwork came into play I'm more confused than ever. I need to find out exactly who I am. I work from home which is great but not very good for social life and support.

I am a 45 year old professional with three youngish children. I've had success with weight watchers in the past but it isn't working so well for me now that I'm over 40.

I have been married for 20 years. I am a mom with three boys 16, 14, and 12. I worked as a nurse for 14 years and then decided to become a teacher. I worked to maintain my weight at 140 lbs for most of my adult life. (This is actually my goal weight.) To become a teacher I went to grad school and worked too. Needless to say exercise fell by the wayside and I spent alot of time eating in the car or in front of the computer. I went back to grad school a few more times for additional degrees and endorsements. Each time back I gained a few more pounds. Now when I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror I am shocked. I like to travel, fish, garden, and watch my kids play sports.

I'm 42, been married 21 years, and have 2 children (1 in college and 1 graduating this year. I own and run a successful janitorial business with my husband, which you would think would give me plenty of excerise but it doesn't. I have been thin most of my life until I hit about 35. I was one of those people that could eat anything and it never stuck. All that has changed. In my late 30's I just battled the annoying 10 extra pounds and would go back and forth. Then at 40 it was 15 pounds. Now its 20. For a long time I could hide it and if I mentioned I was on a diet most of my friends would say, "You look great. You don't need to diet." This didn't help. I'm now 20 lbs, sometimes 22 or 23 lbs over weight and I can't seem to get it under control. I've done a variety of diets that work for a little while but nothing sticks. I've also learned I'm not very consistant. Since I've hit 20 lbs over nothing is working for me. I need help.

I am currently a high school teacher, I am a mother of two and I am working towards my Ph.D. My life is very sedantary at home, I want more energy so I can spend time playing with my husband and children enjoying life.

I just turned 37 and am feeling it everywhere. This has been a good but difficult year. Getting into graduate school, being in a good relationship, making good friends but the weight gain has brought me much stress, strain, depression and physical limitations.

I am a 42 year old wife and mother of two boys. I am a Christian, and I feel in order to do the will that God has for my life I must be in good health.

39 year old married mama to 2 boys! Lifelong vegetarian, gained a lot of weight with my first pregnancy and have never been able to get back in shape. Have tried many different "programs" and read a million books and am so tired of never seeming to get anywhere. I need realistic goals and motivation from regular contact with others and peer support!!

I am a 45 year old professional, husband & father. I weighed 178 (1989), 209 (1993) and have since reached 250. I can gain/lose 10-20 in a month and frequently fluctuate between 230 and 240. I tend to over-analyze. In every aspect of my life I am a sprinter not a marathoner. I can work on a project for 16 hours straight, two or three days in a row but then I won't go back to it for months. I have a wealth of knowledge and coach/support others well but I can't seem to do the same for myself. I know that there is only a 1% difference between when things are working for me and when they are not but I cannot tap into that 1% with any regularity.

42 with a 3 year old. Gained weight with and after the baby and now I'm just disgusted with myself

I am a Child Abuse Investigator. It is a very stressful job. Lot's of times I eat junk food from being stressed. I also don't know where I am going to be, from 1 minute to the next, and it is hard to plan my meals. ***I will be 40 in November***

I'm 39 years young, married, with 3 teens. I have been trying to lose some excess poundage for the last year, and still have a ways to go. I would love to be a health food junkie, but my sweet tooth gets in the way! I am striving to be the healthiest me I can be!

I'm a 47 year old female. I've been married for 24 years. I have 3 children ages 22, 16 and 15. I work for the Post Office. I love the beach especially York Maine.

I have no problem exercising - My problem is i am an emotional eater... :-(

I am 44 years old and sick of being tired all the time. I keep gaining weight and getting more and more depressed about it all the time. I have 4 preteens and I work full time with a flexible schedule. ALL my interests are "non-moving" type hobbies. I want to lose this weight soooo badly and feel better about myself!!!

I am 48 years old, I work form home have 2 kids and a husband - I work form home but also travel a lot --I have gained about 50 pounds in the last 4 years since I took this job. I am now ready to get rid of the weight and start using my schedule as a benefit -- planning exercisisng, etc.

up 20 lbs, elementary music teacher

I am 41. I have been married for 21 years. I have 3 children 18, 17 and 15

I am a 43 year-old male, father of three boys. I was slim until my mid-20's when the pounds began to pile on. I lost 40 pounds on a low-fat diet before my middle son was born. I went back to poor eating habits and back the weight came.

Full time student, working on BA in Special Needs Education. Me and my husband have 6 children. I am ready to feel better and look better, by sticking with a work out routine and eating healthy.

I am a chef/owner of a small restaurant. Buttery croutons, biscuits, warm toffee tarts surround me all day long. The weight is slowly creeping on and since I turned 40 I can't lose it as fast.

I'm soon to be 42. I own my own business and am a work-a-holic.

Turning 50 soon, Tall, 5'9, but gained weight while beginning into memopause. Grown children, live at the beach, not looking forward to the pool season. Ashamed of the way I look now - used to look great. Own my own business.


I am 49 years old. My husband is in the military and we have 4 great kids. Our oldest son is out on his own. Our daughter is going off to college next year which leaves our 16 yo and 12 yo sons at home. I love spending time outdoors. I am starting a new home business which is keeping me busy.

I am the 44 yr. old mother of 2 s 11 and 13 yrs old and have been married for 20 yrs. I was slim until my first pregnancy and it's been a struggle ever since. I have been up and down, but have never been able to come close to where I want to be. I love to exercise, but can never seem to eat right and be active at the same time. I am very good at taking care of everyone but myself.

I'm a 48 year old college professor (music). I've struggled with weight for about 25 years now, I was a runner in college and in pretty good shape but have been overweight all of the time since then. I can't seem to stick to a plan for longer than about a month or so-then I seem to get discouraged and quick-then I get mad at myself for quitting and after a few more months I try again. It's getting to be an annoying pattern. I really want to change-I want to have that feeling of having succeeded at this so that I don't feel so weak. I'm so disciplined in other areas of my life-I don't know why this is so hard!

43-year old single mother of three, ages 19, 16 and 11. Work as court reporter.

I am 43 years old and have been married for 24 years. I have two sons who are 19 and 16. I lost 50 pounds 5 years ago and was walking 4 miles a day. Since that time I have quit walking and want to start this back up and I have gained 16 pounds. I want to take off 50 lbs and get my diet back to being healthy like before.

How did I get this big? That's what I say when I look at my photo from a recent vacation.

38, married with two kids, 5 and 8 year old girls.

Full-time working Mom of two (5 and 8yrs.), married to a man who loves food as much as I do! I turned 40 this year and it is feeling increasingly diffucult to lose weight. I love activity but this desk job is kiilling me!

I am a 42 year old, stay at home mom with 3 kids. I have struggled with maintaining a healthy weight for years but this past year and a half I have gained over 30 pounds. My family is fairly active especially in the summer but I love food way to much. My portions are too big. I find myself eating when I am not hungry.

I am a 41 year old mother of 5, separated for a year from my husband of 20+ years and gained about 30 pounds in that year.

I am 45 and have always been able to maintain my wait until recently. I would like to not only be fit, but also healthy. I am hoping to improve my lower back problems with exercise. I am here not only for encouragement, but also to support and encourage others. We Can Do It! I am sunnijean's mom and I am here for her.

I am going to turn 40 this year. I am a Realtor, have been for 15 years. I am also a mom to my 3 year old son, Ty. I am engaged to Rick and we eat pretty much what we want. I have always been able to eat whatever and it doesn't effect my weight but slowly in my 30's the weight has creeped up to 165 lbs. I know the key for me is to EXERCISE everyday in some way.

I've had a gradual wt gain since turning 30 with an all time high this January. I've since lost a little but want to loose 20-30 more. I have been on a diet my whole life and have exercised inconsistantly. I have however been consistant with exercise the last 4-5 months. I also want to help my 11yo daughter loose weight although I would never say that to her. I'd love any tips on helping her live a healthier life.

47 adoptive mother of a 2.10 yr old and a 10 mo old. Sitting around taking care of babiess, and particularly no sleep are not condusive to good eating or exercise habits

I am a 37 year old married mom of three wonderful young boys. 2 of my kids have special needs and have required a lot of extra attention. Between my kids and taking care of my husband and ailing father, there hasn't been any time for me. I have been heavy for several years, but recently started taking medication that caused a drastic increase in my weight. I would like to get all the excess weight off and be healthy!!

Just turned 45 and I'm fed up with being overweight. I'm active but the weight is making that more difficult. I have 4 boys between the ages of 14 and 21 and I currently work an overnight shift in the television industry.

I am an almost 40 year old stay at home mom. I have 3 kids. A 12 year old son, a 3 year old daughter and a 1 year old son. I am going back to school beginning this summer, with a goal of becoming an RN and being ready to go to work in about 5 years. My husband is an electrician. We lived in Alaska about 4 years ago and loved it. Hope to move back someday. My goal is to get fit and lose at least 30 pounds, I would really like to be down 15 by the end of June.

I have two teenage kids (boy & girl), that keep me running. Between work, helping with my husbands business and all my kids school activities, I have let myself go. I want to get back into shape and @ 42 I have found that it is harder then it used to be.

I am a 43 yr old Mom of 5 children. The youngest almost 2 yrs old. After working as a nurse for many years, I decided to stay at home after this one was born as not to miss out on a single precious thing as I did with my older children. Since, I am more FAT than I ever thought I could get! I dont even recognize myself anymore! Not to mention all the physical problems I have as a result! I am ready to get back my health and just feel good all around...

41 year old married mom of a 14 year old teenage girl, two grown stepchildren and an 8 year old yellow lab. I am an product manager for a large technology company and my work is very demanding. When I am not travelling I work from home, which has been a large contributor to the weight gain over the past few years. I feel that after many years of focusing on my job and family, I am at a place in my life that I want to focus on myself and getting healthy. I am very motivated, but know that I will need support to stay on track!

I'm a 39 year-old, married mother of 2 boys, 14 & 7. I'm turning 40 this year and will fight to reach my goal weight on or before my birthday. I am also training to finish a half-marathon in December here in Singapore.

Married mom of 2 girls aged 16 and 12 I work for a Dr. and on my feet all day.

43 years old - owner of three German Short Haired Pointers; they keep me on my toes

I just turned 46 years old and have been married for 23 years with 2 wonderful kids (15 yr old boy & 19 yr old girl in college). We do lots of boating and I'm in a bathing suit for the majority of the summer, god help me. I want to feel better and not so out of breath. I think if I am able to talk with or chat with people I don't know personally (yet anyways) I will be able to be truthful in how I'm doing on WW. I just want support from a new friend.

39 yrs old and soon to be 40. I work long and irregular hours in an urban Emer Dept. lots of stress. lots of fatigue. I have a teeenage child in highschool. I have a long term partner who is fantastic. I have great friends

College Professor, Age 46, female

Married, 42 year old mother of soon to be 3 year old twins. I'm running out of excuses by saying I "just" had twins!

I am a 47 year old female who weighs 237. I have been up and down on a roller coaster ride all my life. I am trying to stay focus and cater to me for a change. I have been focusing on others needs and wants and not attending to myself. i was reading in a magazine about peertrainerand I figure I would join it as a support system.

41 year old divorced mother of two. I am a binger (been in treatment for Binge Eating Disorder). Was very fit and healthy before I had kids and wasn't properly diagnosed with Post Partum Depression. Been going through the motions the last several years of my life. Want to get back to living, being healthy and loving myself. Maybe have another great relationship and be the mother that my kids deserve.

48 married , 3 children , I'm a new diabetic

I am 41 yo, and have worked as an RN for 17 years. Prior to that I was an LPN for 5 years. I currently work 28 hrs and work mostly around my husband's schedule which avoids using sitters a lot, and gives him lots of time with our kids. We have a 7 yo son and a 4 yo daughter. My schedule is flexible and I genuinely enjoy my work.

45 years old. mother of 4 all out of the nest. I have been married for 26 yrs. Not sure what I need to lose as don't have a scale yet will by end of week. I am a stress eater. I have a job that has me tied to the desk. I did switch positions a the bank a couple of months ago that helped my blood pressure has dropped frm 160 to 120. My colestral is out of kilter. The last time I lost weight I was 24 and I worked out 2+ hrs a day and did arobics 3x a week, and ate 800 clories a day. That is not something I feel I should do again.

Turning 50 in Feb '09. Need to make a change to better myself for this journey. Married 9 years. One son (28) that is my world. I want to be around for a very long time.

I am 42 years old and have a 22 year old daughter and 17 year old son. I divorced a few years ago and that's when I finally motivated myself to lose weight. I met a great man last summer, but have gotten too comfortable and have gained 17 lbs since I met him. He says he doesn't mind, but I sure do.

I am am married mother of 3 ages 12, 10, and 6. I work as a social worker in the schools and work psrt time doing other things as well. I also am the chauffer of the family since my husband works 12 hour days.

43 years old, working mom with two children 6 & 9. Need to lose 50lbs - seems like a mountain at present. Used to enjoy a active lifestyle, Have lots of national travel for work...makes eating healthy, excercise and life complicated.

I am 44 years old and married... no kids, but I would love to have some. Because of this, I need to get healthier! I have walked in 5 Breast Cancer 3-Day (60 miles each over 3 days!) walks in Michigan in 2005 & 2006 & 2009, in Atlanta in 2007 and in Chicago in 2008 and have been on the 3-Day crew for 1 event in MIchigan in 2010. I have raised over $16,000 so far over the past 6 years for Breast Cancer Research. I enjoy doing something for a good cause while increasing my fitness. I will be participating for my 7th year in Michigan in August, 2011 and I hope to raise at least $3,500 this year. I need help keeping myself on track towards my long range goal of becoming more physically fit and healthy.

46 years old. Married for 22 years, Mom of three wonderful kids, one of which has autism, full time job and crazy/busy life.

Married, Mother of two....boy 7 and girl 10. I work part-time at a fitness club.

I am a 44 year old female. I've managed an elementary school cafeteria for the past 12 years. I'm happily married for the last 19 years and we have one son - who has just completed his first year of college. Obese since early childhood, I started my current lifestyle change on 1/01/06. I simply started eating healthier, counting calories, and aiming for daily exercise - or at least 4-5 times per week. Weight loss was consistent at .5 to 2 pounds per week. I reached my original goal on 8/11/07 of 135 pounds. Still not satisfied, I revised my goal to 120. Weighed in this morning at 137 - oops, looks like I found 2 pounds back again. Time to kick it back up a notch.

I am the mother of 2 - 18 and 10, and have been over 200 pounds since just after I was married. I lost a lot of weight, before I got pregnant the first time but have had dificulties getting below the 200 mark. I am in charge of a computer department in a chain store. Other than walking the dog I do not get much exercise. I am a type 2 diabetic on Metformin 2 times a day. I really hope this gives me the strength to carry on.

I'm In my early 40's. I am five feet tall and weigh a little over 150 lbs.

I'm finally ready to tackle this challenge. I asked myself this weekend "if you spend so much time fretting about your weight, why don't you just DO what you need to do to reach your goal? Time to take REAL action! (And looking forward to help from ya'll!)

I'm a forester who is too good at desk jobs, spent too much time in university, and have 2 young children. I also live in an extremely rural area, with little daycare and no gyms.

I am almost 40 have a 4.5yr old daughter and a 2.5 year old son. I am an ex lawyer turned documentary filmmaker who works part time from home and out of an office. I am an "apple." I love my job, I love my kids, I love (mostly) my husband, I love my life -- except I'm not crazy about my floppy tummy, my back bulges under my bra and my arms in a tank top. I look "fine" but I want to look great. I'm coming up on forty and if not now, when?

I'm a 43 year old wife of 17 years (to a saint-of-a-man). We have 3 children: 12, 14 & 16. I've worked in the TV industry for 22 years. I want to feel sexy and desirable again! I feel like my 40's could be my greatest decade, if I just take charge of my life again, instead of letting life happen to me.

I am a stay at home mom with 3 kids. An almost 5 year old daughter, a 9 year old son, and a 17 year old daughter. We always have company over so I cook for a houseful! My husband and I recently celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary and I turn 40 in a little over a month. We live in Central California. I enjoy spending time at the park with the kids, reading, Starbucks coffee, and Friday night date nights with my husband.

I am a 40 year old married to a wonderful man and mother to 2 wonderful children (12, 9). Every since graduating from college I have steadily gained weight and with the death of my step-mother (I consider her my mother) my weight went to pot. It has been just under 2 years that I have finally come out of the blue funk I had been in and am looking for support to finally lose the weight.

38 years old and mother of 7 year old and a one year old. Had a hysterectomy and now on hormone replacement. Really hard to lose ....

Married for 20 years, 39 years old, 2 kids. After being a stay at home mom forever, I have now been working full time for 2 years....

42 recently remarried new grandma but still raising 3 younger full-time at a desk so I've packed on the office spread over the past 5 years

I am a mom of 3. Always seem to be trying to lose 20 pounds. Start out well but don't have much staying power.

Recently turned 39 and want a very different body by 40. I'm a teacher with 2 young children.

39-year-old working mom & wife. I am only 5'2" and weigh 147 - approx. what I weighed the day I had my daughter 14 years ago! I have not been motivatd to exercise and I tend to relax with mindless eating. I would like to get fit and reduce my size from a 10/12 to a size 6/8.

I will be 40 on Nov 5 2007. I have two beautiful children, 12 and 6. I have been married for 16 years.

I am a 41 year old entrepreneur and mom of two teenagers (19 & 15). My life has changed a lot over the last several years including having a home-based business which limits my movement quite a bit. I've noticed I move less and eat more resulting in me being about 30 pounds overweight. arrgghh! The weight gain has definitely impacted my self esteem. It is time to make a change!

I just turned 48, I have never had a weight problem in my life. I've always been at the other end of the spectum ... having trouble gainging weight. I never weighed enough to give blood until I turned 40! Somewhere between 40 and 47 I gained 20 lbs. One year ago, I weighed 130 lbs and I was comfortable with that. Since Jan of this year I have gained a total of 25 lbs and it all seemed to landed in my belly, butt and thighs! I'm not sure why, but it has to stop! I think my metabolism has slowed down a great deal mainly because of skipping meals and then pigging out!

I am a 36 yr old married Mom of 4 daughters, 23 yr old step daughter, 15, 11 and 9 yr old. I have been married for 16 yrs. I work full time which has left me pack on 12 extra pounds because I don't get enough exercise. I started online classes this summer to become a Registered Dietition - something I've always wanted to do. I'm finding it hard to focus on my family, my job and my goals all at the same time and actually MOVE off the couch after a long day.

I am a 45 year old mother of two teen age boys. I live on a horse farm in Ohio. I teach people to ride and show their horses in show jumping competitions. I also use to ride and show, but since I hurt my back a few years ago, I don't ride anymore. You have to be very fit and have stamina, which I don't have. I have gained weight and have been miserable since my back problem. I did lose weight on the South Beach diet, but really missed fruits and veggies.

I've battled with weight since adolesence. I did WW 20 years ago and got to goal weight and kept it off for a good 5+ years. Then health issues followed by 3 children added pounds I'd like to shed. I've "yoyo'd" a bit in the past few years, but I would like to settle into a flexible plan that can work around my busy schedule and with a family, so I'm trying WW Flex Points.

43 used to be fit now on the bench too often. Need to focus on healthy life style and impart those habits onto my children. Lost 80 lbs on southbeach while working out like a fiend in order to go back to work. Find it really difficult to work out when traveling and to not overeat in all those great restaurants.

42 mom - work part time, married w/ 2 kids (14 & 11) 2 cats, 1 dog. Busy life, busy family.

Single mom of 2 boys. Work a full time job that requires me to sit at a desk all day. I also am a small business owner. I love to laugh, and spend time with my family, friends and neighbors.

54, married, 3 children and 3 grandchildren work full time in a retail business

I am single and I enjoy flea marketing, jazz and interior design.

I live in Dubai, mum to 3. Got fed up with being fat, frumpy and forty something and signed up with a personal trainer. 2 months in and no dramatic weight loss (4kgs down and 6kg to go) but big change in shape. I will get there!

Career: Elem.School Teacher / Reading Specialist = Age: 41 years old = Stats: married for 15 years = Children: Blessed with 2 beautiful girls 9 and 7 years old.

I'm inspired by muscles and health and I am devoted to toning up and feeling better about myself than ever before. I would like to drop 40 lbs.

I'm a 42 year old divorced mother of two teens. I've been a 112 pound size 2 my entire until I hit 41. Now, I weigh 135 and its all in my thighs and ass. I want it off! I'm trying to eat smaller, healthier meals 4-6 times a day to boost my metabolism, but haven’t had much luck. Any advice would be much appreciated.

I am a full-time nursing student, mother of three and have been married for 17 years.

My current weight is 240 lbs at 5'11. My BMI is withiin the danger zone. I workout Monday through Friday for two and a half hours each day. Sometime I get very discouraged because I don't see the results fast enough. I don't have many friends that share the same lifestyle that I am trying to adapt. So, I am looking for a group of people who shares the same fitness lifestyle that I do.

I'm a 42 yo mom of a teenager. I need the most help just sticking to a diet and exercise plan. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. These last 4 years, due to medications and inactivity, I have steadily climbed the scales. I would like to eventually lose 100 lb., however, I realize this is a long-term goal and I need to set smaller goals at first. So I've decided to start trying to eat healthier and STICK TO IT!!

46-year old mom of 2 (14 and 7 - boy and girl), married 17 years. Haven't seen 130 since 1st year of marriage. Husband and I are addicted to good food, our whole socializing revolves around food. Have tried losing weight on WW, Fat Flush ... read books on emotional eating. I work out consistently 5+ days a week, but don't look like it. I find it much harder now I am in my mid-40's to lose. Have been yo-yo dieting for quiet awhile. Same 15 lbs. Want to lose it for good, but I am an impatient person when it comes to this. Get discouraged easily when the scale shows a gain. Have decided to look only once a week. I am 5'4" and 153 lbs. Would love to get down to the 130's.

Will be 43 next month, married for 15 years with two boys 9 & 7. Work 3 days a week

I am in my early 40s; since October 2003 I have lost 142 pounds. I had gastric by-pass surgery. The first 100 lbs lost was mostly due to the surgery. The remainder lost is my own effort with portion control, better food choices, and exercising. I have suffered from depression, especially after my son passed away from brain cancer. In honor of my son and in honor of myself, I will constantly improve my health in all spheres of life. I've been able to get off anti-depressants by increasing the amount of exercise, positive thinking, better nutrition, and getting better sleep. I love to do volunteer work, crafts, gardening, and outdoorsy things like hiking and camping. I'm very social and I want to surround myself with friends who are striving for optimal health.

I'm 39, married, with 3 step-children & 2 grandchildren. I'm a Human Resources Manager full-time and part-time writer. My weight yo-yoed for years, but over the past 10 years has increased by over 100 lbs. I quit smoking 6 years ago and most of the gain has been since then. I doubt I will ever be thin, but I'd like to weigh less and be healthy.

I am 46 years old and single. I teach French at a small high school in rural VA. Several years ago, I lost a significant amount of weight (somewhere around 200 lbs.), but, much to my dismay, some of it has crept back. I was never super-thin, but when I weighed about 180, I felt good and was fairly happy with how I looked. My goal now is to get back to that, which entails losing a little more than 60 lbs.

I'm 43 with about 100 pounds to lose. I need alot of support and motivation

I am a single 48 year old mother of a thirteen year old daughter. My weight has fluctuated recently and my daily diet has consisted of junk food. I have not exercised in many months. I am a stay at home mom and I want to get into some good habits now that my daughter is back in school.


I workout often and usually watch what I eat but have been struggling to lose weight. I'm not 40 yet but it's right arounfd the corner. I try to run a 1/2 marathon each year for the last few years and would like to run the NY Marathon once in my life.

I'm a widowed mother of three and 41 years old. My children and I have met some traumatic life blows as of late and it has triggered some rather yo-yo ways of eating. I've always had issues with food and would like to finally put it in its place.

I'm a 46 year old woman who became a wannabe athlete at the age of 30. I've done several long distance bike rides in Arizona, Boston and all over NY. I've married 24 years, have two boys (ages 20 and 13) and work a full-time job 10-12 hrs a day. I want to lose 15-20 lbs and run a 1/2 marathon in early May.

46 year old, single mother of an awesome daughter, graphic designer (uggh on my butt all day long)!

I am a divorced 40 yr old with 13 yr old twins.I want to be around for them - and I know that if I don't get back to eating right and exercising - I won't be around for a whole heck of a lot longer.It's time to get back to it!!

I'm 42, recently divorced and raising two awesome boys ages 11 and 16. I have battled with my weight all my life and at this point, if I don't lose it, I know I'll never be truly happy. It's not about my appearance per say, it's how I feel about myself. I'm addicted to food, so the longer the weight stays on or creeps higher, the further into my addiction I'll get. Need to make a change in my lifestyle - it's the last thing in my life to drastically change.

38 years old. Single male. Software Engineer

I'm married with 2 kids - ages 14 and 12, I have a beautiful black retriever, and I teach high school. Being a great mom is my #1 priority. I enjoy playing in a classical music group, and playing tennis once a week. I've gained 30 pounds since 2001 (after reaching my goal weight on WeightWatchers!) and need to "de-flab" my 143-pound self!

Married 25 years next month, Mom of four sons 23, 21, 19, 16. The youngest lives at home. I'm a sign language interpreter. Love Jesus, and pray for my family's salvation.

I am a stay at home mom. I have a 3yr old daughter and a 1 year old daughter. I only gained 25 lbs during the pregnancy. My pre-baby weight was normal weight is about 130. Shortly after her birth I went down to 130, but in the last year I have gone back up to 140! Ouch. Never had to watch my weight before. Now I find it a struggle...especially portion control and post pregnancy cravings. This has never a problem in the past. I need to get back on track with my weight.

I'm 43 and work in public relations for a state university. I bought my first house a couple of years ago and am still working on decorating and landscaping -- probably a never-ending project.

SAHM (stay at home mom) of 2 boys. Both kids are in school full time now. I spend my time playing on the computer too much, and volunteering at the boys' school or at my church. For a while there I'd been doing great--I was down to the 180s, going to the gym 2-3 days a week. I LOVE food, but that's not the reason I gain--I gain because a)I'm too lazy to properly exercise REGULARLY b)I like my starches and meats a lot c) I eat when I'm bored, lonely, unhappy, d)I have no good hobbies that keep my mind off eating e) I'm home all day alone. f) I know how to eat properly--I've been to a nutritionist TWICE. I just hate being tied down to eating a certain way. g) I tire of cooking so I eat out too much. OK those are a lot of reasons. LOL.

I'm a 43 y.o single woman and have struggled off and on with weight all my life. I love my job as a Clinical Social Worker with our local Health Department. I spend my free time with a great group of friends and love boating, gardening and training my new adorable puppy.

I am 48 yrs old, married and have 2 children, 19 and 16 years of age. I work fulltime and I have a part=time picture framing business. I like to stay busy and I am goal oriented. The goal of losing weight however is one that has been so difficult to achieve but I will not give up.

Mother of 2, 3yr old and 9 yr old. Age 42. I am a freelance designer and owner of a coffee shop. Yes, donuts muffins and pasteries. I see it daily. After hitting the big 40 I was sick of the yo-yo dieting cycle I went through every winter. Gaining all the weight back every year. The older I got the harder it was to get the weight off. I was miserable and taking it out on my husband and kids. So finally my husband found an online trainer who is amazing. I gave myself a goal to stay focused and to have no excuse trying to get out of training. So I signed up for a NPC figure competition. (You don't have to get big like the body builders do!) And after 6 months I got to this point, from a size 10 to 2-4, with a six pack (not bad after 2 c-sections!) I want all the women who are 40 and over to know that you CAN DO THIS, IT WILL HAPPEN. You just have to want it badly.

I am an almost 43 yr old mother of 7 living near Jerusalem Israel. I work fulltime in a hightech company with too much sitting. I lost tons of weight on Atkins, but got depressed and put it all plus a more back on. In March is my son's Bar Mitzvah and I'd really like to look better.

I'm exploring America, living full-time on a motorcoach (like John Madden). I write books, give lectures and take photographs while I travel. I also get on a plane a few times a month to shoot or speak at events. There are way too many opportunities for parties, huge dinners and alcohol in my daily life, which means it's very easy to gain weight if you're not thinking about it.

45 yo, successful WW loser - originally of 60 lbs., but now 30 lbs. has crept back on. Some mobility issues cause me to do less than in my past, but I still have the ability to do quite alot. Ankle arthritis which runs from mild to moderately severe depending on my activity in the last 12-24 hours can mess my activity up a bit, but I can still do something - including eating healthfully and some exercise that isn't dependent upon my feet for 1-3 days. An active gardener, reader, explorer, dog companion of an old and dignified lab mix, and a grant manager for urban natural area restoration and enhancement from 9-5 that is very interesting and fulfilling for me.

44 years old and turning into my mother! I get a shock every time I look in the mirror!.... Happily married mother of 3 (15, 13 & 10), Primary school substitute teacher, 5'8" tall (though I think I'm shrinking...) Always been the skinny chick with no curves but now I have curves but only because I seem to be melting into a pile of flabby flesh...

I am 41, have two young sons (2 and 5), and have been married for 19 years. I live in northern California and work full time as a landscape architect for an engineering firm. I love to garden, walk, cook, write and read. My older son has high functioning autism and the time I used to spend on myself (pre-kids) is spent with my boys, especially the oldest, who has special needs. It is slowly dawning on me that time spent making myself healthier is healthier for the entire family...

Work full-time, part-time student, mother of two, step-mother to 8, 5 step-grandkids. Happily married! 39 years old, 5'5".

42 year old family law paralegal. Mother of very troubled 17 year old daughter, 16 year old step-son and 8 eight year old son. Cub Scout Den Leader and no time for myself. Trying to figure out how to fit in a workout.

I love to read, hike, and scrapbook. I am married with two adult children, and three granddaughters.

I am a mother of five children. ranging from ages 19 to 3 and I also wok part time outside the house as a waitress.

I am going to be 38 in February and have my 20th high school reunion this summer. I am at a comfortable weight, but would like to lose an extra 8 lbs and get in overall better physical shape and focus on strength training a bit more.

I am a 43-year-old stay-at-home mom of a boy, 9, and a girl, 5. My husband, to whom I've been married for almost 15 years, is a newspaper journalist. I have struggled with my weight all of my life, usually hovering at about 20 lbs above my ideal weight. I have only reached my goal weight (about 135) a few times, and for what seemed like about five minutes, before I started gaining again. I love my life, except for the ongoing daily struggle I have with self-control. I don't eat right, I don't get enough sleep, and I can be extremely inconsistent with other goals I have set for myself. I need help and am committed to logging and keeping up with posting in PeerTrainer!

I am from the US but have taught overseas for the last 7 years. I find it increasingly difficult to lose weight, especially this year because I am taking the year off to finish up my masters degree. It is so hard to get motivated or on any kind of schedule. I'm disappointed with myself to say the least.

I am 45 years old. I have been married for 19 years and have two daughters, ages 14 and 11. My family moved from Dallas to Chicagoland last year and since then I have gained around 22 pounds. I feel tired all the time, and all I seem to want to eat is junk food. I work full-time and my schedule is often my excuse for not eating right and not exercising regularly.

I am a self-employed photographer/designer.

I am turning 44 on Valentine's day. I have a wonderful husband and best friend. My husband is very active and I used to be until a major illness. I have it under controll however; I am affraid that with my weight and inactivity this illness will rear its ugly head again.

Actor in New York City. 39yrs old. Always struggled with 15 or 20 pounds of extra weight. My immediate family all obese w. the usual litany of health problems. Recently have gone from about 190 up to 200lbs and 27% body fat due to sedintary job and binging on junk food and I want to turn that around.

48 yr old, 5'6". Happily married/Mother of Two teenagers and One Loving Lab.

40 year old mother of active 2 boys (2y and 5.5y). Part-time graphic designer (self employed) and full time mom. Grew up as an athlete, looking to reclaim my body and more time for myself. Need support to keep motivated and away from the snacking.

42 year old mother of 2. Intuitive Consultant and Fine Artist. English. Living in the USA with my Husband of 2+ years.

I'm a 39yo, WAHM with a 15 month old daughter and a great hubby (who unfortunately doesn't need to lose weight!). I have started working on my weight loss and am down about 10 pounds (the easier 10 because it's kind of my setpoint) and now I'm starting to work on the harder, haven't been moved since college pounds! It's more important to me that I set a good example for my girl and that I have more energy to play with her, than it is to lose weight, but I would really love to see that scale move down!

I am in my early 40's and live with my man and my 2 kids (13 and 15) and my super fat cat. I have 3 adult children. I have always been pretty thin up until about 5 years ago. I took on a desk job and drive an hour to and an hour from work, so the only real exercise I get is on my elliptical machine.

I had knee surgery back in 1984 from a football injury. Both my miniscuss and ACL were taken out, and now that I've turned 40 it seems as though my knee is on its last leg. I have been told that I must get the weight off to releive some of the pressure on my knee. I have children that are 5 and 17 months, and I want to be able to keep up with them for as long as I can.

I'm 42 and a mother to 2 college girls and their 2 yr old brother. I'm a SAHM that also cares for to others 4 days a week.

I'm going to turn 44 this year (April) and my weight is slowly creeping up. I refuse to give in to the "menopot" <---- what is that???? I'm single- again and looking for a new attitude about life, love, and what it means to be healthy, happy, and joyous!

I'm a 39 year old mother of 2 daughters and 2 step sons.

Just turned 40, married, have a 6 year old daughter, want to lose 40 pounds & run a marathon within the next year.

Gained waaayy too much weight last pregnancy (45 pounds). Lots of the weight stuck around after the kids arrived. My youngest is 4 1/2, its getting to be a stretch to call this 'post-baby' weight, hmmm, could overeating be the real cause??

Will be turning 40 in May. Found that it is harder to keep the weight now than it used to be.

I am 39, have two grown boys ages 24 and 18. I am currently a pre-nursing student working part-time at a gas station up the road from where I live. I really need to lose weight because I am feeling very self-conscious about the way I look, and I just want to feel good about myself again. I recently quit smoking (using Chantix) and I feel a lot better that way, now I just want to lose the weight so I can get my groove back. I have a very outgoing personality, but find that lately I pull back from people because I don't want them to examine me too closely because they might be as disgusted by me as I am.

I am 41, living in Europe. I am expecting my second child, due March 26. My goal is to limit my weight gain to no more than 6 more kilos before I give birth. I ahve already put on 9. I eat pretty healthily, but as I work from home, I'm having trouble with snacking. Healthy snacking it is, but too much of a good thing. I used to run and swim a lot, now I walk, swim and do yoga.

I am a stay-at-home mom of two girls, ages 5 and 8. Since I will be turning 30-10 (okay, 40!) in July, I would like to lose the excess weight that has been creeping up over the past few years. I'm beginning to feel and look older, and I want to do all I can to have a healthy body, mind, and spirit.

I'm a single mom of 3 (ages 12, 10 and 7). Been doing better with food. I entertain at kids' birthday parties for my job and often tempted with pizza and cake (offered it up to 4 times a day!). Now I bring lunch to work... sometimes. Lazy with exercise and need a kick in the pants.

I am 40 yr old mother of two beautiful girls (8 and 5 1/2 ). I have recently finished school for Dental Assisting and looking for employment. I recently went through a divorce after almost 19 yrs of marriage. Lots of stress but I want this extra weight gone for good so I can feel good on the inside.

male. sick & tired of being overweight, out of shape, and with chronic (but improving) physical pain. i like to walk, cycle, ski. i've always been attracted to martial arts + eastern philosophical systems and have practiced both karate + tai chi. middle age, a desk job, and new stress of a management role have added 15 pounds to my upper body during the last year. although i was previously overweight by about 15-20 pounds, i'm now overweight by about 30-35. my goal is to lose the extra weight through a combination of exercise, and healthy, conscious eating.

I'm 41 years old, married and mother of two. I work part-time as a special education teacher's assistant. I recently went back to college part time to earn my degree in Communication Disorders.

I am a 40ish mother of 2 beautiful girls (24 and 16) I have been married to a wonderful Husband for 19 years and have been yo yo dieting for a while now.

I am turning 40 in May 2008. I am a mother of 3 (26 y/o step-son just got married, 15 y/o son turning 16 in June, 14 y/o daughter). I have been happily married to my best friend for 17years. I work at Elsinore High School as a Para Educator, working with special needs kids.

I am a 38 year old working mom to 2 children-- 3 if you want to count my DH. I've always been one of those people that didn't have to do alot to lose weight-- a little exercise and no diet. This worked until I had my first son. He turns 7 in July. It took me 2 years to get motivated and back to the gym. I'd been back into my regular clothes for a couple of years, and suprise! I got pregnant with my second. He just turned 2 and I'm back to the gym again.

I am a mom of 2 (elementary school Yikes!) and run a small publishing company over my garage. I might have to start a group called 50 is the new 30 soon as I am heading toward 48 this year. I like to read, plant stuff, hug my kids, watch them ride horses, spend to much time on my computer, drink lots of coffee, and munch potato chips.

I am 40, married to a wonderful man and a mother of 3 dear children. I work full time with a long commute. Early in 2006, I lost 10 pounds pretty easily with exercise. I've been struggling to change my diet to lose more weight since then. I've found some success by changing my eating habits described below.

Turned 40 in January, 2008 - married with one son, 7 years old. Have lost 44 pounds on Jenny Craig.

I am 38 going on 39. Married 14 years and have an 10 year old son. I am a commercial insurance broker and live in Montreal Canada.

I turned 40 in May. I am married and have a 6 yo son. I work part-time.

i'm old but fun and i want my body to match; it's going to have to keep up with me as we enter the 3rd Score, y'know? i want to be fit, flexible, fast and fearless.

Educator for 11 years, 2 children ages 14 and 11, trying to be more active

Starting wt. 249 lbs Current wt. 204 lbs Goal wt. 175 lbs (high end of normal wt according to charts is actually 169 but this is a bit light for my frame).

I am a mom of 1 active and wonderful 3 year old, I have also raised helped raise my wonderful niece (along with my husband and her grandparents) who just turned 18 and is graduating soon (God willing, lol). I am a high school teacher, love the outdoors and try to stay active. I seem to have always struggled with my weight, and I have never been this heavy, stressed or busy in my life and I am looking for help in support to accomplish my goals.

I turned 40 this past December. I currently weigh 127 lbs.

44 years old and need motivation to exercise and limit the "goodies". I'm in early menopause and hate to exercise but also am disgusted with my big tummy. I love food and wine, eating out and preparing food for friends and family.

I am 41 years old and the mother of 1 energetic 10 year old. I will be celebrating my 20th anniversary this year. I am a veterinary nurse and supervisor at a local animal hospital which I’ve been employed since 1990. I enjoy spending time with my niece, nephews and their friends; I also love spending time with my 2 Boston Terriers.

I am a single mother of a 6 year old son. After his birth I lost all of my weigh however over the years it has been slowly creeping up on me. At this point I can almost no longer fit my formely lose fitting clothing.

I'm a 44-year old, and 5'8". My weight can fluctuate from 160 - 180. I haven't been 145 since high school. I love activity and do a variety of very fun things (cycling, adventure racing, triathlons, kayaking, mountain biking, trail running) but I also LOVE LOVE LOVE good food and wine - and my socializing also involves food.

38 years old married 2 children - 13 and 6 work from home

i am separated from husband, 41, recently discharged as a bariatric surgery patient when insurance wouldn't pay... Started at 280 - down to 235 but very depressed now.

born in iowa ,moved to algona iowa in 1985. becme employed with good samaritan as a cna. i have been married for 19 years. 20 th wedding anniversy coming up in june. we hve a son he is 15 and stands 6 foot 2 inches shoe sze 14


I am a 47 y/o guy living in Maryland. I sought the supportive environment of Peer Trainer to help me get in shape and get my diet under control. And maybe get a chance to give to others anything I might have to share. Although I am educated in health and diet I have major issues eating right. I am not substancially over weight but I have too much a percentage of body mass from fat, I am one of those thin, fat perople...bummer,

I am a single, African American woman, in her late 30s interested in achieving and maintaining adult fitness. Currently, I have taken time off of the professional world, to pursue a graduate degree full-time. I had not been overweight until my mid to late 20's where I gained 30 pounds in five years. I successfully dieted and lost nearly 30 pounds in '98. My weight slowly creept back up from 2001 until now where I am now at a new alltime high, and the biggest size I have ever been.

Im a self-employed, married, mother of two active boys. Who up until recently would have described myself as a hardcore gymn enthusiast. A few months ago I felt the urge to stop, put all on hold (or as much as one can) and take stock of my whole life. I made alot of changes. One of the things I realized was that I was no longer working out for the sheer joy of it. I stopped going to the gymn. I decided that I needed to take authentic steps that really represented me and fed my soul and spirit. So after months of much soul searching ( which continues) I decided that I would do activities that I love and it would not be about killin myself on a treadmill. So I have taken up salsa, tennis, and yoga, returned to running and have just returned to the gymn but not with the same verasity I had in the past. Feels different.. we'll see.

In Jan 2008 I weighed in at 230 pounds (I am 5'5"). Since then, I have dropped 65 pounds and currently weigh in at 165. I have about 35 left to go. I hope to hit goal by early/mid November. I've lost the weight (and will continue to lose it) through a combo of Weight Watchers and a ton of hours at the gym! I run/walk 5-6 hours per week, and do strength training 3x per week (one of those is with a trainer). Beyond the weight, I want to start running competitively ... I'm goign to start with a 5k in early November. Long term (next Spring) I am considering spring triathalons. I am a different person now!

I am a SAH mom with 4 kids ranging in age from 3 - 19. I would like to lose 10 - 20 lbs in the next 6 months and need daily motivation.

I'm 45 and have two daughters 22 & 18. I'm a Production Manager for an Eventa Planning Company. I've been married for 26 years. In March of 2007, I started taking my weight and health seriously and lost 60 pounds by December or should I say Christmas...where I fell off the wagon and have been trying to get back on ever since. Needless to say I have gained 10 pounds back.

I'm 38 years old. I'm married with 3 beautiful girls, ages 14, 8 and 10 months. I keep a very hectic schedule between work and family. My goal is to be in the best shape of my life by my 40th birthday.

5'5, 137lb, 37 years old female , married 16 years, 2 teenage kids stay at home mom

Single mom, 38, singer/songwriter, love tats.

I'm a college professor and a writer. I'm married and have six adopted daughters, ages 11-22. Some are already out on their own. I love reading, writing, hiking.

I am 44, married, no children, one cat and I'm a vegetarian. Just finished grad school. Had a very stressful couple of months at work were I packed on the pounds (three months on the road-eating out three times a day - it was fun at first). Need to get rid of the excess baggage around my middle.

42 yrs old, mother of two (7&9). For the last year I have been working from home. The frig and snack box are too close to my desk!

I am married with two kids, am a SAH wife, mom, Christian and homeschool. I feel that now is a great opportunity to really focus on me. I am the type that back seats my own needs for others, or give in too easily because someone else is pushing their needs. I want to be more assertive with my needs. I also feel like it is high time to focus on me so I can be the best I can be personally for me, and therefore be the best I can be for my husband and my kids.

I'm 45 y/o working mom of 2 boys, 18 and 9. Use family/work as excuse not to exercise or find time. Hate to wake up early but my best success has been when I do to fit in the exercise and I feel better for it....when I do it!

45 Year-old guy with a history of bad eating choices and some emotional eating. Lost 80 poinds a couple of years ago on a modified South Beach diet, and have kept that off except for a 10 poind fluxuation now and then.

Back again.: ) Fell off the wagon gained all the weight back. Gonna try again. Mom of a 20 year old son Will, 3rd year Rochester Institute of Technology college student. Middle daughter Caitlin who is a Junior in high school. Annie who is in eighth grade at M.S. Married 20 years to my honey Robert. Caregiver to my mom-in law. Very overweight on and off forever.

I'm a freelance writer and author of a food blog (now you know how I got to be this weigh. I am also a huge cat lover . Never married no kids, was published inmajor newspapers and magazines in the US and the UK. Hobbies - online shopping , walks, running on the ebeach

I will be 40 next month. I am married and have 2 children, 5 and 9. I work as a School to Career Coordinator and recently changed jobs. I love to exercise, I do most of it at home with videos and weights, my husband is a good example of physical fitness. I love to eat, especially snacks and desserts. I am 145 and plan to get down to 130.

Hi everyone! I was on here quite a few months ago, and got busy so I stopped logging on. So glad to see so many members in this group now! So to give new info...I'm now 43, and gave up Herbal Magic this week for the 3rd and final time. The program does work, but I'm a stress eater, and have been under huge amounts of stress lately. I thought I would try this again, and get to my goal.

I'm a 38 year old single Mom of a 16 year old son. I'm also an Interior designer in Chicago.

Single, female in San Diego. I recently turned 40 and am increasingly concerned about how being overweight may affect my health now and in the future. I weigh 240 and want to lose 80-100 lbs. Managing my weight has been a life-long struggle. I went on my first diet at age 10 and have been on and off diets since. I used to lose the weight really quickly and easily, I just couldn't ever maintain the weight loss and would end up gaining it back. In recent years, I haven't been able to even lose any weight or stay on a diet. I just keep gaining. I'm ready to give up dieting and adopt healthy eating habits instead. However, I know there's an emotional component to my overeating that I need to get to the root of and need support for. That's what's brought me to the Beck Diet Solution and PeerTrainer in July 2008.

I am 41 years old, married, with four teenage children. I am a teacher. I am 5' 0" tall, my ideal weight is probably around 115-120.

I turn 39 (...EEEK!) tomorrow, July 20th. I have worked as an educator for 14 years, as a classroom teacher and now a program coordinator. I really like my job (the most I've ever liked one) but I have gained about 30 lbs. in the past year and cannot get rid of the belly. I feel like I just look at food and gain 10 lbs! I'm single and have the obligatory "cat" but do have a boyfriend who has been in rehab for the past 7 mos (that's another story altogether....)

I will be 45 soon, I have a 9 year old daughter. I work, go to school and recently had surgery which has left me unable to work out for about 8 weeks. I have a wonderful husband who is a fantastic cook. We both love to eat. We love to entertain and travel.

I am mother of two, who is homeschooling. I am in the middle of opening a new business.

Married male with toddler!

Office worker tethered to a desk for 8 hours that likes to train hard, eat good and drink beer.

I am a 38 yr old mother of three that gets little rest and sets behind a desk for 10 hours a day. My meals consist of whatever restaurant will deliver to the office. Over the last five years I have gradually gained 30 pounds. I kept saying oh its only 5 pounds I can get that off easy (not). I had a full hystorectomy about 8 years ago and my metab has went to nothing since. I can diet and loose small amounts of weight but I have been gaining back double what I loose. I am in dire need of help.

I like to be outdoors as much as possible but living in Arizona makes that hard during the summer months.

6 years ago, I was a certified personal fitness trainer at a local gym. It is where I met my husband Carleton. I just don't know what happened...I stopped working at the gym, I stopped training with the owner of the gym...and I put on 40 lbs. Having a trainer for me was key - but it's no excuse. I KNOW what I have to do. I just lack the motivation to do it.

41, married, trying to get back into shape through squash, cycling, swimming and working out at the gym.

I am a 44 year old single male. I was told last year that I was a total fox by a woman. She said it like three times, I got a little embarrassed. I know I can do this.I am 6'1" 260lbs as of 8-28-08

I am a stay-at-home mom.

I am going to be 45 yrs old and have one 14 yr old daughter and have been married 15 years. I am happy in my life except for my weight. I put on this weight due to stress and family problems and moving. Time to move on!

I am a stay at home mum with 2 children - 8 and 4, I have put on weight gradually since they are born and feel really down about how I look now.

Married with 2 dogs and 2 cats.

Married with two kids (6th and 3rd graders). Work 10+ hour days. Husband works even more so I am often in role of "single Mom". Used to be a triathlete. Now I can't hardly move without getting winded. Have been having many hard times in my marriage lately and I have dealt with it by stuffing myself. Had knee surgery a year ago and find it painful to walk. However, I still get out walking every now and then because I also have 3 dogs!

I am 40, happily married, and have a toddler, and two lovely stepdaughters 16 and 23. Work full time in a fairly stressful industry. Enjoy being home, working in the yard, swimming in the pool (when weather allows!) and unfortunately, enjoy food. All kinds of food. I want to be energetic enough to keep up with my toddler, especially since I am an "older" mom. I want to be a good example.

I work for a big mortgage company near washington, dc. I am forty years old, married with two little ones. I am looking to exercise more and eat less. Looking for support from others who are trying to do the same.

I am a divorced dad of 3 wonderful children I have been single for 3 years now. I travel eastern NC for the company I work for, so I have a pretty crazy schedule as far as trying to stick to a plan. Always hard to eat right on the road etc. I hope this helps stay focused.

I'm 38 years old and married. I've been overweight most of my life and developed high-blood sugar and other problems. I'm trying to get healthy and also get pregnant (yes, even at my age)!

SAHM, 40, 2 kids (8 & 10). Have severe allergies so have a difficult time exercising outside.

Going through many changes in life and need to start taking charge again! I don't look my age and am tired of feeling my age because of the weight I have gained.

I love God to the utmost. I have have a great family. I enjoy my job as an RN. It is just time to do this.

i am 38 years old, which means that my 39th year of being alive has already began, consequently i will be 40 soon. funny, don't feel a lick over 30, although my body tends to disagree with me. the truth is, i bet him, mostly to encourage me to get off my butt and get my heart pumping. have a 2 year old daughter and another one on the way, and they need me to be around for a while, so need to take care of this body!

Here's the full backstory. 5 months ago (right before Thanksgiving) I woke up on a Monday morning having a hard time breathing. After a trip to the doctor I found out that I had acute bronchitis. I was then informed that if I didn't stop smoking (yeah I was a smoker) I should expect the bronchitis to become chronic and in about another 1 - 2 years I could expect to be on oxygen. Yeah, that was quite a wake up call. At the same time They took my weight, blood pressure etc. I remember thinking "how did I end up being a 38 year old divorced overweight smoker with high cholesterol, relatively high blood pressure, weighing 265 pounds?" I never EVER wanted to feel as low as I did right then again. I quit smoking, joined a gym and have not looked back since. Now over the past 5 months things have gotten better (no cigarettes, better diet, my weight down to 230), but I still have a way to go, and I am finally setting some goals for myself. I have just started some relatively intense personal interval training and I am hoping to see some serious results, but need help with my eating habits especially.

I work and travel quite a bit. It makes it hard to stay focused on taking care of myself. I love sports.

married with children

I am a mom of 2 boys, a wife, and a full time social worker. I love my job but find that it takes all my energy. By the time I get home each day, have dinner, do homework, etc. all I can manage is to sit in front of the tv (sometimes sitting in the chair next to the treadmill).

I am a42 yr old mother of 3, (24,15,12) looking to get back to that look i used to have .been married to my husband for 19.5 years. I am an Educational Assistant in our public school system at a high school gr.9-12. My kids eat more than i do and at the moment i am very frustratesd. I see a naturpathic on a monthly regualr basis.

I have a great job in DC; wonderful husband, great friends, but I just can't seem to take myself seriously when it comes to focusing on myself and losing weight.

I turned 40 in July, one week after I graduated with my Master's degree in Business (MBA). I'm not married and have no kids, but have been in a long term relationship with a great (but younger) guy. I'm 5'8" and my current weight hovers around 168 - 170. Growing up, I was very thin until I turned 21 - then I gained about 10 pounds, but it put me at a good weight. I have since gained an additional 40 pounds, 25 in the past 4 years due to stress (from school and work) and emotional eating. My goal is to lose the 25 pounds that I have recently put on and maintain around 145 lbs.

Just turned forty ! WOW ..... divorced mother of 3 almost grown boys !

I am almost 44 years old. I have had 3 children. I am pear shaped so most of my weight is in my hips and thighs but also extra belly fat. I lost 40 about 4 years ago. Going from 178 to 138, even getting down to about 133 briefly. I have since gained back 10 lbs. My goal is to lose that 10 lbs I gained and firm up.

I am 41 and in the past 4 years, packed on too much extra weight. Contributing factors: A chronic illness that keeps me from as much exercise as I would like, got sober just under 4 years ago and bottom line, I eat too much!! I've decided it's time to get serious.

I'm a 46 yr. old female mother of three grown children(24, 23 & 21). I divorced 5 years ago and since then my weight has slowly crept up. I had been athletic all my life, growing up swimming competively and then playing tennis alot when married. Working full time and planning on going back to school now. I miss the feelings of energy, fitness and strength I once had. I have always enjoyed good health and I don't want to lose that now. Eating right usually isn't the problem but trying to get motivated to work out regularly is the big challenge.

I'm a SAHM, Mary Kay Beauty Consultant, mother of 2 (one with autism), and training to walk the Portland Marathon.

I am 43 and trying to BALANCE work, family and weight loss back to health.

hard working , i like to go out and have fun with my pals i have known for ages and also be a mother to my boys 21yr old and 3yr old and my two grand children

I am 41 years old, married and the mother of 3 busy kids. They are 13, 11 and 5. I also teach 4 days a week. I try to find time for myself and exercising. I love to eat, drink and be merry and so I need to work on portion control and not making weekends a free for all.

I am 5'3, early 40's, and have struggled with my weight for most of my life. I was doing great until a year ago (April '09) I was inbetween jobs for 1 year, and gained 17 pounds, yea. Now, I am determined to lose the weight and reach my goal, and maintain it. Need help, big emotional eater, enjoy food and also used it as an escape. Need to learn new habits and modify behavior.

I just turned 40 and I definitely don't feel like it.... I feel at least ten years younger! Mentally that Physically I feel very uncomfortable and I want to change that. We are going to be moving to Houston in about a month and I am super excited! New place, new experiences, new life!! :) Otherwise, I'm a caring, goofy girl who loves to cook. I'm definitely a girly I'm so glad I found this site to help keep me on track :)

Well, I'm officially in my 40's... 41 on December 30. Last year I lost and kept off 30 pounds. This was a good start but I still have 70 pounds to go. Since I'm a workaholic, I need to make sure I don't lose my focus on my health. Eating late at night is one of my worst habits.

I am a foodie that loves to cook and eat. Happy or sad food was my drug of choice but I am working to SHIFT my focus to eat to sustain my bodies needs and work out my feelings by exercise and other activities.

I am 38 and was always slim until I had my third child. I am now 20 pounds over weight. I am pretty healthy except that I have been drinking every night (which doesn't help with weight loss) So I would like to give up for 60 days and see if this helps my weight loss.


I am a Mom of an Energetic almost 4 year old that keeps me very active! My husband and I have been blessed with a beautiful family!

I am a 42 year old mother of 2. I am an IT professional, so I sit at a desk all day long. I would love to love around 20 pounds. I have been exercising consistently for the last 3 months. I have toned up a little, but the weight is not budging.

I'm a soon to be 39yr old working full time with an 18yr old daughter at home. Have been overweight for coming up 20 years.

I am a 48 year old wife and mother of three grown children ages 24, 22 and 19. I am in pharmacy school so life is a little crazy and certainly challenges my eating habits.

Since my late 20's I've been gaining a comfortable 5 pounds per year. 30 pounds later, I am having so much trouble losing just 1 pound and keeping it off! I think about food or look at it and I gain weight!

I'm in my forties, very happily married and have two great daughters. I love reading, jazz, coffee (!) and I'm still making peace with my new treadmill. After seven years of over the road truck driving, I'm fat, out of shape and tire far too easily. It stops today.

Single mom of two girls. One is and adult one is a preteen.

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