Group details

Group Name: Real people who support the REAL you!
Members: 0
Location: Haverhill and surrounding, MA 01832

Goals: My goal is to keeep trying. I have alyas done yo-yo dieting and given up on myself. I will not give up- my new goal is to eat healthy, indulge a bit and find exercise that i will stick too:) I WILL not allow my self to give up. I may stumble, fall, and trip up but i will not GIVE UP!

Profile: Real life and fun workout partners !

Last posted: Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 3:32 PM

Other Info: Im 25, married (going on 3 yrs), a new home owner, and have no human kids but a cat (Named Freya) and a dog (named Odin)...oh , and hubby constitites as a kid...........of sorts!

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