Group details

Group Name: Evil Fitness
Members: 0
Location: Rockville, MD 20851

Goals: To become Gods and Goddesses of Muscular Perfection. (or even just a little inner thigh definition would be nice...)

Profile: Are you focused, commited, dedicated and want to join with others whose personal fitness goals also border on megalomaniacal/insane? No matter what your current level, if you are ready to get serious about yourself as an athlete, are willing to post daily (or nearly) and have a sense of humor, welcome. No pansies or posers please. Our motto is "Little nancy-boy today, Muscle Machine tomorrow". (Until we can think of a better one.)

Last posted: Tuesday, April 4, 2006, 4:53 PM

Other Info: Group started: 11/11/05.

Members profiles:

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