Group details

Group Name: Elle's team23
Members: 4
Location: omaha, NE 10023

Goals: swim suit fit

Profile: i'm trying to do this an di hope it works

Last posted: Saturday, March 26, 2011, 10:56 PM

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Members profiles:
I am a 40 something single lady and my biggest challenge is sweets at social events or work. I'm pretty good about not buying them when grocery shopping....except for ice cream. But I even pass on that a lot.

I'm 44 years old, stay at home mom. My son joined the Army National Guard and is getting serious about his girl, I'd like to be fit and trim by the summer, but will allow myself a year. My metabolism is awful and has been checked, the doctors just don't know.

I am 61 years old.widowed for three years.need to lose some extrea weight that I put on thru the past couple of years.

I'm mostly a SAHM homeschooling my 8 (really 7 but almost 8)year old daughter. I'm also a sign language interpreter and work outside the home a day or so per week. I love my family. I love to homeschool and think of creative lessons and units. I love being an interpreter and using and honing my skills. I love to read. I am a devoted Catholic and love the fullness of the Church. Um . . . Oh, I'm 38. I had been very fit and healthy all my life util my daughter was about 2 years old. I was a runner (I even ran lightly during labor) and was able to get back to running immediately after my daughter was born and the baby wieght came right off. However, when she reached about 1.5 to 2 yrs, she despised sitting in her stroller. DESPISED IT! That was the end of running for me. I have NEVER been the kind to get up in the wee dark hours of the morning to run and the next thing I knew . . . it was 5 years later and I don't like my figure.

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