Group details

Group Name: Elle's team16
Members: 4
Location: omaha, NE 10023

Goals: swim suit fit

Profile: i'm trying to do this an di hope it works

Last posted: Saturday, March 26, 2011, 10:56 PM

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Members profiles:
I'm 58 yrs old and have been an athlete wanna-be my whole life. Have tried many sports, currently hiking and climbing. I'm active enough with hiking and gym workouts, but stuck in a lifelong pattern of over eating, esp at meal time. I need to start leaving the table before my stomach hurts.

I just turned 40, am single and have a career that I enjoy but that brings its share of stress to my life. My lifestyle is quite active - I run, cycle, lift weights, and whatever else strikes my fancy. I also really love food! I've gradually gained a total of 15 pounds over the last 5 years and am looking to lose them. I'm looking forward to working with others on PT towards our common goals.

I am 5'3" and weigh around 230lbs. I have a wonderful 15 month old son. I gained most of my weight during my pregnancy. I am really ready to get back in shape, especially since I am planning to go see my family for Easter.

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