Group details

Group Name: 101+ to lose
Members: 0
Location: anywhere, MI 77777

Goals: My goal is to loose 150 pounds. I am 26 years old and I have a 1 year old baby boy. Not only do I just want to loose the weight but I also would like to be here to watch my son grow up. I am taking a lot of medication as well for high blood pressure so I need this badly. I have just not had the motivation bad enough to make it happen. I have heard quit a few people saw that online support groups do work and I believe it will as well because I know that everyone who joins has the same goal to loose the extra weight. So I really need some support please help. And I will support you all as well I know we can all do this.

Profile: I'm looking for people who want to chat on a daily/every second day basis. I've tried everything (just got a lapband) and believe I need the support of others on a daily basis to become successful at losing weight.

Last posted: Friday, January 30, 2009, 1:05 AM

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