Group details

Group Name: Intuitive Eating 26
Members: 4
Location: anywhere, WA 98001


Profile: Based on the book Intuitive Eating- try and honor the hunger discovery scale and fullness discovery scale. Treat no food as evil or as a "guilty pleasure." Trust ourselves with food, knowing that our bodies will tell us and guide us to what we should eat. If we truly let ourselves eat what we want and pay attention to the discovery scale our weight will naturally fall to what it should be in time for life.

Last posted: Saturday, May 29, 2010, 8:09 PM

Other Info:

Members profiles:
I'm 32 and a SAHM of 3 great kids, 2 boys and a girl. I've tried everything to lose the weight, but my motivation aways lags after a few days, and then it's back to the old bad habits. I really enjoy cooking, and baking...which is part of my problem. I'm hoping with the help of this site, I can get on track and stay there once and for all!

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