"I am a physician who was overweight my entire adult life until 4.5 years ago when I made a major lifestyle change following a big birthday. I lost
35 lbs using PEERtrainer. I recommend the programs to patients...."
-Stacy Smith-Foley, M.D.
Peertrainer featured on NBC's TechNow
Jackie Wicks, Author of The Cheat System Diet explains how it works on CBS Los Angeles
"I joined PT four months ago and have lost a total of 16 pounds. PT helped to keep me on track and get back into the swing of things." -Member: BUFFMAMA
"I am a physician who was overweight my entire adult life until 4.5 years ago when I made a major lifestyle change following a big birthday. I lost 35 pounds..." -STACY SMITH-FOLEY, M.D.
"Thank you Peertrainer for helping me, and others to reach their goal in our journey to lose weight, and an environment to communicate, encourage others, and I personally thank my team "Over 50!" for encouraging me in my journey to lose weight." -Member: VOYAGER3
"I love the intimacy of groups and getting to know a select group of people. I love the publicity of my log and the community forums knowing that my information is out there for others to see."
-Member: Sunpatch, Omaha, NE
PEERtrainer weight loss is simply a path that we put you on that takes you to a place where losing weight, getting fit and staying healthy is less of a struggle than it ever was before.
If you are like most people coming to PEERtrainer for the first time, you main efforts in losing weight have focused on the quantity of food eaten, rather than the quality of the food.
From our perspective and experience, the types of food that you eat matter tremendously when determining whether weight loss will be easy or hard, or achievable at all.
If you are new to PEERtrainer, the very first thing we'd like you to do is download a copy of our free Cheat System. You can get your copy here. After you download it, we would like you to read it. It won't take long, but it will give you a very simple way of making better decisions.
Most importantly, you can't fail at the Cheat System. You do as much or as little as you like. It has two lists of foods. One list contains foods to eat as much of as you like, which will help you in your weight loss efforts. The other list contains foods that you want to move away from over time or minimize more than you currently are.