How To Lose Weight: The Basics
Online Weight Loss Support
How To Lose The Last Ten
Weight Loss Support Groups
What Is The Fat Smash Diet?
Weight Watchers Points System
The Beck Diet Solution
The Eat To Live Diet
How To Motivate To Lose Weight
How To Get Started on PEERtrainer
Ending The Hunger Cycle
Turning Knowledge Into Action
Online Weight Loss Support
How To Lose The Last Ten
Weight Loss Support Groups
What Is The Fat Smash Diet?
Weight Watchers Points System
The Beck Diet Solution
The Eat To Live Diet
How To Motivate To Lose Weight
How To Get Started on PEERtrainer
Ending The Hunger Cycle
Turning Knowledge Into Action
PEERtrainer's "Tip Of The Day"
Free Daily Email To Help Boost Your Energy and Reach Your Goals
Depending on what you want in life, most often there are ways to get it. Usually this involves doing things the right way, and almost always involves doing things that are new or different.
The idea behind the (free) PEERtrainer "Pursuit Of Excellence" is that when you start to accumulate things in your life that you are doing well or effectively, you set in motion a process that will end up carrying you to the places you want to be.
Many of you who are reading this have been part of our "Tip Of The Day" program. Most likely you have made specific changes that have helped you lose weight. Ideally, you now feel like these changes have taken you to a place where for the first time there is no going back.
That was our intent. We describe the Tip Of The Day to new members in a very easy, innocuous manner. "Just simple tips, to keep you on track." Obviously, it is so much more than that. In the course of the emails we sort of force you to dig deep and identify ways to sometimes radically alter your behavior. And we know this has worked because we read all your emails.
We have bored some people and overwhelmed others. Yet the vast majority of people (19,302 are currently part of the program) love the program. Over time the frequency of the emails tails off, and we still add things we think are important. But many people want a lot more, and have goals beyond a primary focus on weight loss. So we are creating a separate program, because this is really a different mission.
The Pursuit Of Excellence is based on the assumption that you are truly on track with what you eat and how it effects you. Of course nutrition is an endlessly complex and deeply personal thing, and we will be exploring lots of NEW ideas in this area. But the idea here is that you are ready to accumulate more skills.
The first areas of focus will be on pursing specific changes that will boost your energy, your endurance, and how you feel. We are observing that increasing the amount of energy people have available to them during the day is a top priority. Getting that energy in place provides the fuel to make life more enjoyable almost immediately. Our intent is that in the first stages of this program we are going to focus on specific ways to help you meet this goal. And we go from there.
Final Notes On The PEERtrainer Pursuit Of Excellence:
-This will not be a daily email. More like a couple times a week. This will give us some flexibility and allow us to slowly adapt to your specific needs.
-There will be a lot more multimedia. Big focus on video and audio.
-The program is also in part an "advanced weight loss program" because there is a focus on fat burning. We figured people were pretty tired of the "get the rocking body you always wanted" rhetoric. If we help you actually do that, that would be very cool. You never know....
-We are going to encourage you to tell us what you want in your life. The idea here is that this program will evolve around the needs and desires of the participants. We want to know where you want to be led. And we will work as hard as we can to guide you in those directions.
-We are going to be introducing you to a lot of different people. There are amazing people to learn from, and at PEERtrainer we often have the privilege of getting to know these people personally. Being able to facilitate an introduction to great people and great ideas is such a wonderful opportunity for us all. That is really our "mission" at PEERtrainer. This is a business, and we succeed as a business in helping people in ways they have not been helped before.
We truly hope that has been your experience so far. So, if this is a direction that you think you are ready to go in, just drop your email in the box below and click submit. You will be sent a confirmation email, which you will have to open.
(If you have any problems signing up, please email us at customercare at peertrainer dot com. We love hearing from you!!)
Thank You So Much,
Jackie, Habib and the rest of the PEERtrainer Team